Within twenty breaths of her knocking on the door, the door opened again.

"Brother Zhang! I'm here."

Ah Qing said in a low voice.

"What are you doing here?"

"Learn to read!"

"Dizzy from drinking? It's all over? Haven't you sobered yet?."

Zhang Sanfeng was a little angry and funny. Smelling the lingering smell of alcohol on her body, this little girl came to learn to read in the middle of the night. How strong is the drink?

However, he wasn't annoyed, it was just a joke, and he reached out to grab Ah Qing's hand to give him a hangover.

After all, his spiritual power is the best antidote for sobering up.


As soon as Ah Qing wanted to refute, Zhang Sanfeng grabbed her wrist.

Immediately afterwards, a mysterious and mysterious feeling flowed from her body to her entire body.

After a small week, the current Ah Qing has been recirculated by Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual energy, and looks even more dazed and confused.

She is more comfortable now and can't even speak.

This made Zhang Sanfeng a little speechless.

A little spiritual energy enters the body like this, is it still good to be full of spiritual energy?

However, this also shows that Ah Qing is indeed gifted with extraordinary talents, which cannot be compared by ordinary people.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care either, and the spiritual energy circulated once a small week in her twelve seriousness, and then she drew out the spiritual energy.

Ah Qing also felt that mysterious and mysterious thing and left her body, but her body was still the same as before.

Warm, with [-] bones all over his body, none of which feels uncomfortable.

Naturally, Ah Qing's physical condition could not be hidden from Zhang Sanfeng, he already knew what she looked like.

Ah Qing's physique is not ordinary, presumably it should be a hidden physique of cultivating immortals.

Otherwise, he would have seen it at a glance, and only the hidden immortal physique can be exposed after the spiritual power is circulated.

But thinking about it, it's no wonder (is it good) that the white ape only taught her swordsmanship.

After all, although her swordsmanship talent is superb, it cannot be said to be unparalleled in the world.

It can only be said that physical fitness may also be an important factor.

Now that he knows that Ah Qing's body can contain and retain spiritual power, Zhang Sanfeng doesn't mind helping her.

After all, she has become stronger, which means that she has become stronger to kill.

Moreover, this kind of thing may be difficult for others, but for Zhang Sanfeng, it is just a matter of hands-on effort. .

Chapter 414

Thinking about it, Zhang Sanfeng did not let go of his hand, and continued to instill spiritual power into Ah Qing's body to carry out a small Zhoutian cycle.

Ah Qing was a little confused in the early stage, but later she clearly felt that it was Brother Zhang who was helping her.

"Brother Zhang..."

Ah Qing called out to the boy in white, who was only an arm's distance away, but did not want to be interrupted by Zhang Sanfeng, who was closing his eyes and transporting spiritual energy.

"Close your eyes and experience it!"

There was a hint of rebuke in the voice, which made A Qing suddenly startled, and quickly closed his eyes to feel the spiritual energy in his body.

The moonlight shone on the open space of the small courtyard.

Also sprinkled on the two motionless figures, the milky white moonlight shines on Zhang Sanfeng's white clothes, and there is a feeling of immortal air fluttering, like a sword fairy under the moon.

However, with a soft moan from a woman.

"Brother Zhang, there are too many, I feel like my body can't hold it anymore."

Ah Qing murmured, she felt that her whole body was about to be filled with the mysterious and mysterious, and her arms and arms felt three-pointed.

"Not yet at the limit, continue."

The indifferent voice came, and it was naturally the boy in white who spoke face to face.

Ah Qing, who originally planned to twist her body to try to reduce the tightness, immediately stopped and quietly accepted his spiritual infusion.

(bhag) After all, Big Brother Zhang said that the limit has not been reached, so the limit will not be reached.

Finally, with a smoky breath visible to the naked eye emanating from A Qing's green shirt, under the moonlight, there was a feeling of fairy mist.

The voice woman who had followed closely whispered.

"Brother Zhang, at that moment, I felt that the shackles around my body were all opened. That feeling is really comfortable!"

Ah Qing felt that the body had undergone earth-shaking changes, and quickly opened her eyes and said to Zhang Sanfeng.

"That's natural. The spiritual energy in your body has already helped you to open the [-] acupoints in Zhou Tian's body, purify the lead, and lay the foundation for the transformation of the world. You are no longer the Ah Qing before."

Zhang Sanfeng explained to Ah Qing, for the current Ah Qing, her every move is absorbing the spiritual energy of this world, and every move also contains spiritual power and sword breath.

"That means, I have also become an immortal like you, Brother Zhang?"

Ah Qing was a little excited, after all, this would mean that he would be able to keep up with Big Brother Zhang's pace, and would never become a burden and be thrown away by him.

"But you have just established the foundation, and you are just about to become a mortal. You still have a long way to go from me."

Zhang Sanfeng told the truth, and he was not afraid of hurting Ah Qing's self-confidence, because it would trigger her strong fighting spirit even more.

Sure enough, Ah Qing said to Zhang Sanfeng with a firm face.

"Brother Zhang, I will definitely practice hard and try not to hold you back as soon as possible!"

"You're not holding me back now."

Zhang Sanfeng's words were not comforting, after all, Ah Qing did stand up and did a lot of things, and some things were hers to take the lead.

Although it is the same even if there is her without her, some things are not behavioral problems, but attitude problems.

"Compared to Brother Zhang, I'm still too weak, but I feel that the whole world is much clearer now."

Ah Qing was a bit sluggish in front of him, obviously not confident in his own strength, he couldn't even hold a single move in Zhang Sanfeng's hands, what a master.

The complacent victory over Xie Xiaofeng was long gone.

All that remains now is to face Zhang Sanfeng's humility and studiousness. .

Chapter 415

Chapter [-] Teaching, Melting Spirit

"But I feel like the world is a lot clearer now.

The latter sentence is to show Zhang Sanfeng the changes in her body excitedly.

"I can see that far away, and the night at night is like day, and the voices outside the courtyard can be heard clearly."

"It's the first time I've discovered that the originally ordinary world has so many unusual places."

"It feels like a different person."

Ah Qing seems to have found a fun toy and wants to share it with his companions.

"Is this an immortal? Could it be that in Big Brother Zhang's eyes, the world is like this?"


Zhang Sanfeng nodded, and to be honest, if he wanted to listen,~or watch.

The whole Gusu could not escape his eyes and ears.

It's just that I fully release the restrictions of my ears and eyes. The former is too noisy, while the latter can clearly see the dense pores and dirt on everyone's face.

Coupled with too much messy information, he usually restricts it and only uses it when needed.

"You can feel the changes in your body now. If you can, it's best to get a sword and try it."

Zhang Sanfeng also gave Ah Qing a suggestion. After all, her strongest sword is the sword in her hand. The sooner the sword and spirit blend together, the strength will be improved earlier. .

After hearing that, Ah Qing was naturally undeterred. She was very happy and wanted to turn around and go back to take the sword.

But he didn't want to be stopped by Zhang Sanfeng.

I saw the boy in white stopped in front of her and said to her.

"You don't have to go back and get it in person."

"How can I get the sword if I don't go to the room?"

Ah Qing tilted her head, puzzled.

"You can let the sword come to you,"

Reiki can naturally manipulate objects, especially those things that the sun and moon carry closely, which are more suitable.

The art of the sword is like this.

"Ah? Is the sword also immortal?"

A Qing was still a little confused.

Zhang Sanfeng could only explain this to her clearly, but in the end he only told the steps, not the principles.

Very rude to use.

However, this rude method, Ah Qing heard it very clearly.

"Let the breath in your body sense the sword in the room."

Ah Qing closed her eyes and felt the surging spiritual power in her body, although these spiritual powers were not hers before.

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