But now in her body, there are no other external forces, naturally she is restrained by her.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Following what Zhang Sanfeng said, the spiritual power began to flow slowly, passing through the meridians and acupoints, and then following the spring he said, drawing the spiritual power out of the body.

Then let the spiritual energy condense into a thin rope, stretch out to the room not far from here, and then feel the eight-sided ancient sword placed under the pillow.

Blending with its sword spirit, slowly wrap it up with spiritual power.

The more unfamiliar the item, the more spiritual power the package consumes, and the less spiritual power the package consumes when worn all the year round.


Although this eight-sided ancient sword did not stay with Ah Qing for a long time.

But this sword is related to Ah Qing, and the fit is quite high, so it does not consume much spiritual power.

The spiritual power that wraps the entire sword body is less than one-tenth of it.


Not long after, a sword light shot into the sky from the next courtyard.

Under the moonlight, an ancient Morihan sword was suspended in the air and erected in the center of the two.

The cold air from the tip of the sword was clearly visible.

"Brother Zhang, I succeeded!"

Ah Qing screamed excitedly, but quickly covered her mouth, but she knew that there was Sister Yiguang inside.

If she was awakened by her own voice, it would not be very good.six.

Chapter 416

"You move around and see."

Zhang Sanfeng wanted to see if Ah Qing's sword control was as excellent as her swordsmanship.


Ah Qing responded with one bite, and then mobilized his spiritual power, and began to carefully entrust the eight-sided ancient sword.

However, no matter how Ah Qing controlled it, the flight path of the ancient sword was always crooked and could not walk in a straight line.


"But being able to get started so quickly is considered an excellent talent."

Four Four Three Although Ah Qing's sword control was a little crooked, Zhang Sanfeng was quite satisfied with her current progress, after all, it was less than a day.

To be able to do this is already very strong.

But Ah Qing blushed even more after hearing Zhang Sanfeng's faint praise.

The trajectory of this sword was alright at the beginning, and the twisting trajectory behind it was the same as that of a loach, without any aesthetic feeling.

Also handles well, but also excellent talent.

She couldn't be ashamed of herself.

However, he also made up his mind secretly in his heart that if he didn't eat, drink, or sleep, he would have to use this Imperial Sword.

It is enough to make Big Brother Zhang look at him with admiration.

This kind of floating up and down like a dragon can never happen again.

"The aura seed in your body has been formed. If the aura is gone, it will absorb the spiritual energy of the world."

"Morning is the best time to absorb."

Zhang Sanfeng also began to tell Ah Qing about the precautions for spiritual energy, preparations for absorbing spiritual energy, and the environment.

Ah Qing silently kept it in her heart after hearing this, and planned to try it at dawn tomorrow.

"What were you trying to say just now?"

Zhang Sanfeng did not forget the purpose of her trip, it seems that Ah Qing had something to say just now.

It was just that the spiritual energy was poured into it all at once, and some were speechless, but these were normal reactions of people touching the spiritual energy, and he had seen them a lot.

"You asked me to learn to read at night!"

As for Zhang Sanfeng's question, Ah Qing himself felt inexplicable, as if Brother Zhang didn't know anything about it.

Is it really self-indulgent?

"Did I call you here? When did I call you here?"

Zhang Sanfeng began to recall what he said to Ah Qing during the day.

Then he was a bit dumbfounded, he could understand why Ah Qing came to him in the middle of the night.

Ah Qing also returned in time.

"You knocked on my head three times. In the story you told last time, Sun Wukong went to apprentice to Patriarch Bodhi, and Patriarch Bodhi taught him the seventy-two transformations after knocking him three times."

When she spoke, Ah Qing looked innocent, as if she really thought Zhang Sanfeng knocked her three times on the forehead as a midnight watch, and came to him to learn to read...  

"Where is this, can the seventy-two transformations be the same as literacy?"

"What anyone can teach, why hide it in the middle of the night and teach it."

Zhang Sanfeng shook his head and smiled, but it was precisely because Ah Qing possessed such a pure heart that he was able to master his swordsmanship in just a few years.

"Since you want to learn to read, then I'll teach you, but it's not now, I'll find time during the day."

"However, your body and mind have been washed by spiritual power, and learning to read is even easier. It couldn't be easier."

"It will be done in a few days."

Zhang Sanfeng saw that Ah Qing wanted to learn to read so much, so naturally he didn't perfunctory her.

Besides, after the foundation was established, Ah Qing, learning to read and write should not be too simple.

Self-taught without a teacher is not an exaggeration, you only need a note to learn by yourself.

Besides, she has a foundation.

Just as Zhang Sanfeng was thinking about it, he didn't want Ah Qing to post it.

He whispered in his mouth, not as refreshing as before.

"Brother Zhang, actually, I want to..."

Zhang Sanfeng saw the affection in her eyes and the blush on her face, so naturally she wouldn't pretend to be deaf.

With a light hug, he took Ah Qing into his arms.

Under the moonlight, the figures of the two of them gradually merged into one. .

Chapter 417

The night is cold and dew heavy.

After Zhang Sanfeng walked out of Ah Qing's room again, it was already late at night.

Ah Qing lay flat on the bed, the feeling in his heart is indescribable, mostly joy, and a small part of happiness.

Although the original sword practice is naturally impossible.

But after some exchange.

Her aura was running a little more briskly.

"Have a good night's rest today, let's practice swordsmanship tomorrow."

A Qing thought, and slowly fell into a deep sleep.

She was really tired. After all, she was a woman who was just starting out, and then she was a swordsman with excellent swordsmanship, so she couldn't bear it.

The next day.

Dawn broke in the morning, and the golden light from the sky shrouded the entire city of Gusu.

The golden light was shining brightly, as if he didn't want money, it was sprinkled on the eaves, bricks, rivers, and stone bridges.

In the contrast of the shadow of the house, it is particularly dazzling.

The crowing of cocks and the barking of dogs also appeared one after another in the streets and alleys of the city.

What happened yesterday, with most of the people in the capital of the Wu Kingdom, was just adding some kind of talk.

Only those who are personally related will have enough clear feelings.

For example, the rice grain store near the Vietnamese embassy today.

The shop owner, as soon as the door opened in the morning, many Yue people came in to buy food one after another.

The portion is not much, but one person also bought the amount for almost two months.

Seems to be hoarding.

As a native of Wu Kingdom, it is natural to see these Yue people as superior to others.

After handling the food purchased by the two Vietnamese, the shop owner wisely raised the price of his own rice grain temporarily.

The magnitude is not high, about [-]% or so.

Sure enough, even if he added a layer, these Yueren still bought it right, and they came down all morning.

A small rice grain store sold all the grains it had stored for a long time to Yueren.

That's about the amount that [-] people eat for a month.

In the morning, the business of the rice grain store was in full swing, and the store owner was smiling happily when he received the money.

I was secretly regretting it in my heart, and it is estimated that even if I increased the price by two layers.

These stupid, cowardly, and fearful Yueren probably wouldn't dare to make a sound.

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