And this time.

In the Vietnamese embassy, ​​the Vietnamese people who came back with food first put the food in one place.

Then I went back and started to clear my luggage and prepare my luggage.

They already knew that they were about to start a long journey, and naturally they had to be prepared.

Grain is not bought in bulk, but is purchased in three or four grain shops in Gusu City, naturally for fear of causing unnecessary trouble.

Coupled with the fact that the previous five ministers searched their homes and asked for beheading, they still frightened many people.

There are already a lot of people who imagine that the world is open, and they start thinking about hoarding rice grains, and they don't go out for a few months.

To prevent the heat from getting burned.

Of course, at this time, it is not uncommon for people to leave.

Gusu City naturally has some, but there are not many. Their reasons are various and strange, and some just want to simply leave Wu State.

"Master, the food is ready, when are we going?"

Someone stepped forward and bowed to tell Gongsun Yu.

Gongsun Yu was sitting on a chair at this time, and was stuffing a book-like book into the luggage on the table.

He nodded slightly, he hadn't slept all night, ever since he heard from Zhang Sanfeng yesterday that he wanted them to leave.

Now, he has not slept all night, and his spirits are a little sluggish. His body that seemed to be quite healthy at first seems to be a little old-fashioned when he walks.

Harmful men quickly reminded.

"Master, go to sleep first, just leave the things you ordered to us, we will be able to do it well, no matter how bad it is, we can still..."

Before waiting for his subordinates to finish speaking, Gongsun Yu was angrily reprimanded.

"You bastard, the Ambassador has helped us so much, and you have to bother him with such trivial matters? I can still hold on, but it's only one day and one night. I want to know, when...".

Chapter 418

His subordinates also looked helpless, but there was nothing he could do. After all, he said the wrong thing, and he could only tell him the glorious deeds that he had not slept in the past few nights.

"Okay, go and see if you have all the things you want to bring in your luggage. Then you can send a few people to the city gate to have a look. We will go in batches."

"If there is any change, let me know immediately!"

"Cough cough!"

After speaking, Gongsun Yu coughed heavily, rejecting the good intentions of his subordinates to come forward.

Forced by Gongsun Yu's insistence, his subordinates could only forcibly suppress their desire to help him, and went straight out.

After his subordinates left, Gongsun Yu put the books one by one in his backpack, and then fastened the straps tightly and tightly.

These books are rare books he collected in Wu State, and some are daily news he saw in Wu State.

Some agricultural, commercial and social aspects are better than Vietnam, but there are also some worrisome places.

With the country not learning, you can also know the rise and fall.

Through the state of Wu, the state of Yue was improved, which is why Gongsun Yu was appointed here by Goujian, the king of Yue.

It is precisely because he has a pair of observant eyes and loyalty to the country of Yue that he was asked to do this drudgery.

However, it's been a few days.

he exclaimed.

Gongsun Yu walked to the window and looked at the bluestone tiled houses that were lined up by the window, and the towering city wall at the end of the field of vision.

Today's wind is relatively strong, and the "' ˇ Wu" flag that was inserted on the top of the city squeaked in the wind.

Hope to see the day when the flag of Vietnam is planted, but if there is that adult, it should not be a problem.

The figure of Zhang Sanfeng floated again in Gongsun Yu's heart, and the originally floating mood was settled.

"I don't know who the identity is, even King Wu can only be humble in front of him."

At that time, Wang Fuchai treated Zhang Sanfeng's attitude, but he was watching from the side.

Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng was not the only one who had communicated with Wu Wangfuchai that day.

From the side description, he already knew that Wu Wangfuchai was respectful in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

"Anyway, even if we can't meet again in the future, it's better than being an enemy."

After thinking about it for a while, Gongsun Yu couldn't think of who Zhang Sanfeng was, so he simply didn't think about it.

After all, there are not many people with the surname Zhang in the world, and he can't think of a big person who can make King Wu fear.

After all, this place is quite far from Daqin, and it will take some time for Zhang Sanfeng's name to spread here.

This age of communication was entirely dependent on letters and word of mouth.

Sometimes countries are destroyed, and some remote places take years to know.

Although it was the capital of Wu State, merchants from all over the world had exchanges, but it was also an exchange of goods. For some wild rumors, they were all seen as short stories after dinner.

Before noon, the team that was ready to go was already ready.

Led by a confidant of Gongsun Yu, he brought [-] or [-] Vietnamese embassy staff.

Then six wagons were hired to carry the bags and provisions.

It was just after noon, when the weather was the hottest, and it was also the most sleepy and slack time.

Several convoys disguised as businessmen left from the back door of the Vietnamese embassy without disturbing many people.

The convoy headed to the four (Mo Zhao) city gates in the south, south, and northwest respectively.

It was noon, plus enough money to give.

The soldiers guarding the gate didn't even check their identities, but simply looked at the contraband in the goods and let them go after finding out that it was food.

After all, the left and right are only the more people.

But the money of the Yue people is really easy to make, and the soldiers weighed the heavy enough silver bags in their hands.

Thinking about where to go to have a drink after the shift, and celebrate, after all, it is not common to take this kind of humiliation.

Less than an hour later, Wu Wangfu sent troops to surround the Vietnamese embassy. .

Chapter 419

Thousands of people surrounded the entire Vietnamese embassy, ​​but now the yard is empty.

Except for a few Yue Guo scouts who stayed in Suzhou, who had not left, all the people in the Yue Guo embassy had already left.

However, the siege is not for these people in the Vietnamese embassy.

In other words, thousands of people is a battle, more appropriate.

Wu Wangfuchai, dressed in the same imperial robe and crown, walked into the yard with ease.

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was there, he let out a light breath.

Originally, he wanted to come back in a few days, but when he heard the people from the Vietnamese embassy leave one by one, he was shocked.

Originally wanted to intercept it immediately, but someone still saw Zhang Sanfeng's figure in the Vietnamese embassy, ​​so they felt relieved.

The two were in the honeymoon period, and Zhang Sanfeng originally lived in the Vietnamese embassy, ​​so he didn't like it very much. If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng's emotions, he would have invited Zhang Sanfeng to live in his palace.

He also wished that all the people in the country would go away.When the time comes, Zhang Zhenren will be taken to Yue Kingdom. At that time, it will be too late for him to regret it.

After all, the two beauties beside Zhang Zhenren seemed to be from Yue, which made King Wu unable to stop thinking about it.

Don't look for a few beauties yourself, give it to Zhang Zhenren, leave a trace of incense love, see you again in the future, and still have some topics.

But just when he was still thinking about it, the news of the departure of the Vietnamese embassy reached his ears, so he hadn't thought of a good candidate.

After all, there seems to be no one in Wu Kingdom, including his harem, who can match the appearance of Xishi.

He was unwilling to send someone with a low face value to be compared by Yue Guo.

"Zhang Zhenren! How was last night?"

But he didn't want to say this, Zhang Sanfeng's face didn't change, but Xishi's face was blushing beside him.

"Thank you King Wu for your concern, I live here well and sleep soundly."

Zhang Sanfeng's voice was still indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

I didn't see the slightest restraint of the monarch of a country, but it was the King of Wu who was restrained.

He looked a little hesitant at this time.

Zhang Sanfeng naturally saw it and asked.

"Is there anything you want to tell me, King Wu?"

King Wu (bhag) was overjoyed when he heard this, and nodded quickly.

"Zhang Zhenren really expected things like God. This king is just thinking about it. I want to ask if Zhenren is free now. Yesterday, I had a lot of things in my treasure trove."

He speaks even more confidently and full of vigor. He thought that he had copied the homes of five ministers yesterday, which was a lot of good things that had never been seen in the palace.

"One day's work, no matter how fast King Wu is, he won't be able to collect much. Let me go, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity."

There was no emotion in Zhang Sanfeng's voice, but Wu Wangfuchai could hear his deep warning voice from it.

Tell him there is only one chance.

"That real person, I'll take a while."

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Wu Wangfucha felt a little guilty and felt that he was not prepared enough.

If Zhang Sanfeng is really allowed to enter the treasure house again, I am afraid that if nothing suits his wishes, then he will really lose a lot.

King Wu thought about it, and hurriedly continued to greet Zhang Sanfeng and invited him to the palace for dinner, after Zhang Sanfeng refused.

Wu Wangfuchai gently mentioned the matter of the Vietnamese embassy, ​​and Zhang Sanfeng just smiled.

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