"They are homesick, so King Wu won't blame them."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly, opened his eyes slightly, looked at King Wu and said indifferently.

"That's natural, homesickness is a matter of human relations, how can this king blame it?"

I'll go back and leave a letter and give it to that Goujian, so that he doesn't blame those homesick embassy staff, Goujian's face is still going to betray me. ".

Chapter 420

King Wu understood what Zhang Sanfeng meant, so he let go of his thoughts of chasing the Vietnamese embassies.

If it's because of this little thing, it's not beautiful to hate Zhenren Zhang.

"Then what else does King Wu have to do?"

Zhang Sanfeng directly issued an expulsion order.

"It's nothing, nothing, this king just thinks the weather is good today, go out for a walk, and stop by to visit Zhang ~ Zhenren."

Wu Wangfucha laughed, and he naturally heard Zhang Sanfeng's order to evict guests. For fear of causing Zhang Sanfeng's annoyance, he could only leave in a hurry.

"If Zhang Zhenzhen has something to do, then this king will leave. If there is something, you can call me, and this king will be there."

King Wu said very humbly, like a subordinate.

Anyway, the servants around him have already retired, and no one has seen his appearance, and it will not damage the majesty of the prince.

After King Wu left, Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said to Xishi beside him.

"Yiguang, what's your impression of King Wu?"

Xi Shi didn't dare to make judgments, he could only say how he felt in the past few days.

"I used to think that King Wu was very dignified and powerful, but now I see him, but I feel like an ordinary person.

Xi Shi said with a wrinkled nose.


Zhang Sanfeng laughed, then explained to Xi Shi with a smile.

"That's because when you are weak, you will naturally feel that King Wu is unattainable, but you only need to be stronger than him, then he will be very ordinary in front of you."

"The majesty of a king is also for people. If it is for his subjects and subjects, it is natural. If it is someone with a higher status than him, it is just asking for his own death."

Looking at Xi Shi who was still puzzled, Zhang Sanfeng was not annoyed and said indifferently.

"You just need to remember that standing on the top of the cloud and standing high enough, you will find that no matter how majestic the mountain wall is, it is only a drop in the ocean."

Xi Shi nodded, looking at Zhang Sanfeng, full of admiration and admiration.


For the next few days, Suzhou City remained calm.

Except for a lot of thefts, nothing seems to have happened.

At this time, the Yueguo embassy had already become Zhang's residence, and the plaque of the Yueguo embassy had already been removed.

When people went to the empty building, King Wu also sent someone to renovate the mansion and gave it to Zhang Sanfeng, and it was still not far from Zhang Sanfeng's mansion.

There are elite soldiers stationed all year round, riding fast horses, and it is convenient to return to the palace to report.

At this time, in the Wu Palace, it was another morning.

King Wu sat on the dragon chair with a golden sword and listened to the report of the minister below.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"Your Majesty, a strange thing has happened in the capital these few days. There are flying thieves. It seems that they are committing crimes in groups. They can steal dozens of times in one night, which is really arrogant."

"Yeah, people in Gusu City were panicking for a while, and asked Your Majesty to call the army to catch these thieves."

After hearing this, King Wu frowned slightly and scolded angrily.

"These small things of stealing have to be reported. Do you think I am very idle?"

...... 0

The word "Zhenzi" was naturally learned from Daqin, and it sounds much better than the widow. "

Anger resounded throughout the hall, and the minister who wanted to say something immediately knelt down on the ground, daring not to say any more, angering the king, but it was a death sentence.

The Zaochao dispersed like this, and the King of Wu, Fuchai, also came to the treasure house.

The treasury is now heavily guarded, and its defense is several times higher than before, and it does not stop for twelve hours.

King Wu ignored the soldiers' greetings, and pushed open the door of the warehouse.

Walking in, the warehouse collection at this time was already several times more than what Zhang Sanfeng saw when he came, and the ground was covered with gold, silver, jade, and rare items.

However, if the wealthy households who stole from the city have the opportunity to come to the palace.

Among these treasures, you can still find many things of your own.six.

Chapter 421

"Not enough, these are not enough."

In the shadows, King Wu's face looked a bit hideous, making people shudder.

He quietly rubbed the treasure that had just entered the vault today.

The dark guard just sent in this morning.

A red blood jade coral, a phoenix feather jade pen, a few gems, dozens of iron ingot-like lumps showing a streamer color, and a stone with a red light.

The value of the former goes without saying, the more red the coral, the more cherished it is, and vice versa, while the phoenix feather jade pen is purely made of the hair of an unknown animal.

Written with ink, what appears is not black, but orange-red, like a phoenix flame.

It is also a treasure.

At the back, Fuchai just glanced at it and put it down. It was all materials, or had luminous properties more similar to Luminous Pearl.

But the red glowing stone seemed to be brighter.

These treasures are relatively easy to obtain. Although the history of the city of Suzhou is not long, as the capital of Wu, there is no shortage of wealthy households.

"If it wasn't for the help of the Dark Guard, this would be the first time I knew that my emperor seems to be poorer than the minister."

Wu Wangfuchai laughed at himself, the collection of these treasures was naturally collected by the dark guard left to him by his father.

It is a team that is most loyal to the Wu royal family.

The home raids a few days ago were also completely handled by them, otherwise, if they changed teams, they would be greedy for a lot of money.

After searching the house, he realized that it was no wonder that Zhenren Zhang despised one thing in his place. Compared with the minister, his side was nothing but a little more gold and silver.

"Take your time, don't rush."

Wu Wangfucha thought, after all, Gusu is here, and he can't escape.

As long as what Zhang Zhenzhen wants is still in the city.

I have to say that Wu Wangfuchai is also a real talent, taking the dark guard who is proficient in assassination and stealth to steal the treasures of merchants and ministers.

If someone found out, the first reaction would be disbelief. How could the emperor still steal things?

However, King Wu did just that, and he did it without any psychological burden.

Even a little resentful, if he had known that there was this way, he would have done this kind of behavior even without Zhang Sanfeng.

He doesn't have too much money and treasures at all.

Just like beauty.

You must know that when he went on expeditions, he was blocked by the army's pay many times, the treasury was empty, and he couldn't move troops at all.

"Even if Zhang Zhenren doesn't like this, it's not bad to exchange it for money. You don't have to worry about military expenses in the future."

Just when King Wu was thinking like this, he suddenly heard a commotion outside the door.

"Your Majesty! Ou Lian has something to ask for!"

"Your Majesty has an order! No idle people are allowed to enter!"


"General Sun, Doctor Ou, please come back."

King Wu shuddered and walked out of the door quickly, only to find that Ou Lianzheng, one of the nine ministers, knelt down outside the hall with a group of people.

There were many ministers behind him, the most famous of which was naturally Sun Wu, who had assisted him for a while before, and he didn't know how Ou Lian invited him out.

After that, there are many older officials who have long since disarmed and returned to the fields, retreating to the mountains and forests, raising their grandchildren at home, and enjoying their days.

Of course, there are many others like Ou Lian who are also officials in the court.

They were overjoyed when they saw the King of Wu walking out of the treasure house of the State of Wu, and they called the King again and again.

King Wu looked at this group of senior officials, and there was nothing he could do for a while. After all, they all followed the group of their parents.

If they were all killed, wouldn't it be chilling, and who would dare to serve Wu State?

He didn't want Wu Guo to end up in his generation. .

Chapter 422

At that time, he had enough regrets for killing Wu Zixu. Although Wu Zixu talked a lot and his words were ugly, he was still a good counselor after all.

He has contributed a lot of strategies to his several victories. Like Sun Wu, he is the mainstay of Wu State.

Thinking of this, King Wu saw their expressions soften even more.

They invited them to the side hall to discuss matters.

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