As soon as King Wu arrived at the side hall, the twenty-odd senior officials of Wu State behind Ou Lian all knelt down, including Sun Wu.

"Your Majesty, don't make another mistake!"

"What's wrong with you? Where did I go wrong? Tell me!"

Wu Wangfuchai looked at the old officials of the Wu State who were kneeling together, and couldn't help but feel aggrieved.

"Your Majesty, the old minister already knows that the theft in the 17th city was also done by the dark guards. You can hide it from the world, but you can't hide the old general Sun Wu."

Ou Lian was in tears, looking at Wu Wangfuchai, his heart was indescribable. Wu Wangfuchai, who had worked hard to manage it, thought he was the best heir to the previous emperor.

But I don't want it to be like this today.

"Nonsense! I'm a dignified King of Wu, how could I do such a rude thing, someone must be slandering me."

It is difficult to trace the traces of the dark guards. Wu Wangfuchai is confident that he will not leave any traces, so he naturally denies it.

"Your Majesty, don't make a mistake!"

Ou Lian looked at King Wu with disappointment.

King Wu seemed to be stimulated by this disappointment, and the nameless fire in his heart, he shouted angrily.

"What evidence do you have that I stole it?"

"I can't say that the things they lost all went to my treasure house?"

Seeing that King Wu was still defending, Ou Lian took out a piece of jade that glowed red, which surprised King Wu.

It was actually a piece of jade that was exactly the same as the one I saw in the treasure house before, and it also glowed red.

"Your Majesty, stop it!"

Ou Lian handed over the jade without saying a word, without further ado.

"Damn! Just a jade stone will condemn me!"

King Wu was so angry that he threw the jade stone to the ground, but it didn't break, and the red light still shone.

"Someone sprinkled a special incense on the treasure, and finally found that the incense ended in the king's treasure house."

Someone interjected, obviously the evidence is conclusive, otherwise they would not attack King Wu.

King Wu felt like falling into an ice cave. The king of a country was revealed to be instructed to steal, which had an irreversible impact on his reputation.

"Does anyone else know?"

he asked quietly.

"Your Majesty, as long as you stop, no one in the world will know. Now only we know."

Ou Lian's words were still full of admonitions.

"They all call me the king. As the king, can't I even take the things of my subjects?"

King Wu questioned, his tone slowed down a little, and the tyranny on his face appeared slightly, as if he could turn his face in the next second.

"The ministers are naturally the ministers, the king's is naturally the king's, each performs his own duties, and each takes what he needs. Is it not enough for the king to become the ruler of a country? Still want to steal the things of the ministers? Don't you fear that the world will be distracted ?"

Sun Wu finally spoke, he was also very old, and there was a vicissitude in his voice.

"Humph! I can't help it either."

King Wu was noncommittal, and he had considered this at first, but in the end, greed overwhelmed everything, especially after realizing that Zhang Sanfeng had given him a solid foundation and nourishing essence.

Let his body rejuvenate, just this opportunity, he will seize it no matter what.


Ou Lian seemed to want to say something, but was interrupted by King Wu's wave.

"Don't worry! After today, I won't do it again."

"I hope you can keep your mouth shut. If I hear rumors outside, you will understand the consequences."

Watching everyone retreat and leave one by one.

After all, King Wu still didn't dare to start, after all, there were more than [-] people in one breath.

I don't know how extensive the involvement is.

It seems that he can only settle for the next best thing, and use another method to plunder the treasures in the city.

"Come here, pass my order.".

Chapter 423

"Big brother, when are we leaving?"

Gao Yue was in the yard, sitting on a swing that was left behind by someone who didn't know who, with her delicate feet dangling there.

With the newly changed tulle pink palace skirt, it is very cute.

"The time has not come."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the sky, his voice was indifferent, without a trace of emotion.

"Mainly, I have turned Gusu over and over in the past few days. There is no fun anymore."

In the past few days, Gao Yue has been wandering around the city and out of the city, playing with Zi Nu and them, until someone told her later that the people from the Yue Guo embassy had left, so she came to live here.

Before, he was resting in the inn in the city, after all, he couldn't influence Zhang Sanfeng.

"Then practice the sword. Isn't Ah Qing practicing the sword? You can accompany her."

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Gao Yue, who was a little lazy, and said indifferently, this is a suggestion tone.


When Gao Yue heard Zhang Sanfeng's tone, she panicked a little, as if she was too floating, and quickly smiled to please.

"I'm going to see Sister Ah Qing right now, eldest brother, you'll be busy first" ˇ.

Saying that, he ran away.


Zhang Sanfeng smiled and continued to lie on the back of the chair, looking up at the blue sky. There were not many white clouds, and it could be said that the sky was blue.

"It's time to go back to see her at the next stop."

He silently thought about the agreement in his heart, and a smile appeared on his face.

At this moment, a pair of Rou Yi rested on his shoulders, using a very regular kneading to relax his muscles and bones, although for Zhang Sanfeng it was better than nothing.

But he will not reject the kindness of others either.

Besides, being pinched on the shoulder is indeed a very comfortable thing.

However, only Duanmu Rong usually does this. Although she is a genius of medicine, she is very proficient in acupuncture points of the human body, and according to reason, massage can be considered a good hand.

But in the comparison of these two Rou Yi, Duanmu Rong's previous technique was like a child's.

"Yiguang, I didn't expect you to have this skill."

Zhang Sanfeng greeted him very familiarly, and the person who came was Xi Shi.

"Naturally, I learned it in the palace."

Xishi smiled slightly. The palace here is not the Palace of the King of Wu, but the Palace of the King of Yue. Before sending Xishi to Wu State, Xishi, who is a woman of the people but has a peerless appearance.

She was raised in the Yuewang Palace for a few years. In those years, under the training of female officials, she learned a lot of ways to please men.


Zhang Sanfeng did not speak any more, but closed his eyes and began to listen.

Today's Gusu City is in chaos.

I don't know when and where, a volume of rumors has been flying in the sky, and even the source can't be found.

"."The lost treasures in the family are all in the treasury of Wu State. King Wu personally ordered them to steal our treasures in order to please the immortals."

Everyone thought this rumor was absurd at first, but they didn't want to follow the rumor.

Everyone has a beginning and an end.

"Have you heard? The white jade Pixiu of Zhang Dafu's family in the east of the city was found in the palace of Wu. My uncle is the guard guarding the gate. I can't go wrong."

"That's right, right! (It's Li's) It seems that the red jade coral in Li Houye's mansion was also found there. Could it be that the king stole it?"

"What kind of king, is someone who even steals the things of his people worthy of being our king?"

"Shh! Be quiet, you'll be miserable when you hear it."

"Everyone said that, and I'm not alone!"

The person who speaks doesn't care.

"Then you have to be careful, the king is no longer the king he used to be, since the death of Lord Wu Zixu...".

Chapter 424

Similar remarks have been circulated in restaurants, teahouses, brothels, and even the streets and alleys in Gusu City.

It is reasonable to say that criticizing the king is unfaithful and unrighteous, but now, no one cares so much.

After Wu Wangfuchai received the news in the hall, it is said that the bodies of many palace maids were carried out from the hall.

No, to be precise, a pile of minced meat was cleaned out.

None of the dead are complete, which shows how cruel Wu Wangfuchai was at that time.

Even the imperial guards in the Wu Palace have seen strong winds and waves, and many of them have retreated from the battlefield.

But seeing this kind of blood type scene, I still couldn't help but tremble.

What's more, the recruits who had just entered the imperial guard vomited out after reading it.

As a result, the rumors in the palace intensified as King Wu locked himself in the palace alone.

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