Some people say that King Wu has gone crazy.

Some people say that this is Wu Zixu's curse. After all, he once cursed Wu Wangfuchai, saying that he would watch the fall of Wu Kingdom with his own eyes.

Of course, Wu Zixu's body was probably eaten by fish and shrimps, and even if there was a ghost, it was just a ghost.

However, such rumors are always in line with the fantasies in people's minds. Some people have even more eyes and noses, so they are ready to publish a book.

But the current King Wu has no heart to think about those things, and he is now approaching the limit of (bhag) outbreak.

"They are untrustworthy, I have already said that no rumors are allowed, why are there so many rumors in the market..."

He looked at the few people kneeling down under His Highness, including the old ministers who advised him in the hall that day, including Ou Lian and others, and of course many guards of the Imperial Guard.

Most of the rumors about the authenticity of those who guard the treasure house of Wu Kingdom come from here.

These old ministers were silent, they had already said what they had to say, but it seemed that King Wu did not believe it.

It's normal if you don't believe it, the front foot is out, and the rumors of the back foot are flying all over the sky.

"Say it! How dumb! When I persuaded me to stop, I was very quick!"

"Why are not you talking?"

King Wu stood up angrily and asked the courtier below, his voice was thunderous, as if the eaves were trembling.

"Your Majesty, the old minister really has no rumors. As for how the rumors have appeared, the old minister has already entrusted a person to investigate, and I believe the results will be available soon."

Ou Lian also said with shame on his face. After all, the root cause of the matter also has some of his problems. If he had known earlier, it would have evolved into today.

At that time, maybe he wouldn't force him like that, and he might choose to give a private warning instead of bringing a group of old officials to force the palace.

"Wait for your investigation! What can you find out? What can you find out by shielding each other?"

King Wu's voice increased again, and with the last echo, Zhen's ears were a little clanging.

The news he received was investigated immediately, and the result of the investigation was that the news and rumors came from the palaces of these highness ministers.

There are servants, mothers who buy vegetables, maids, relatives, etc. to communicate.

The root cause can't be said, but it is only heard occasionally.

Where did I hear it, it was naturally spread in the house.

Thinking of this, Wu Wang looked at the people below who seemed to be dead ducks, and did not have the patience to ask any more, and said directly to Ou Lian inside.

"What is the crime of defaming the king?"

"The crime should be punished, the three tribes of Yi."

Ou Lian said bitterly, he had already seen King Wu's killing intent, but some of the rumors did come out of his house.

He could not argue.

"Then, the three tribes of Yi."

King Wu no longer hesitated, ignoring the mourning of His Highness's ministers and generals, and directly ordered the execution and raided the house.

This time, he really wants to.

Kill the chickens to warn the monkeys. .

Chapter 425

"King Wu has ordered a group of ministers to be executed. It is said that it is a rumor to confuse the public."

Once the news spread, the whole city was in an uproar.

Who are Ou Lian and other officials, everyone is like a mirror in their hearts, especially he is kind and charitable.

He would lend a helping hand if a country dweller had trouble at home.

Such a person would be convicted for the crime of bewitching the public, and even the three tribes of barbarians.

The people of Suzhou are not unexcited. Of course, it is not known how much excitement is faked or the truth is revealed.

In short, King Wu ordered the execution at noon, and it was still dark.

A large number of officials waiting to be killed, as well as their family members, have already stayed in the prison, awaiting trial.

The female family members entered the Jiao Sifang early, and it can be said that there is no room for a turnaround.

After King Wu issued the order, he also refused any ministers to receive guests, and even the elders of several dynasties wanted to enter the palace to intercede for Ou Lian.

Also ate a closed door.

King Wu had an order, and no one was seen.

"Idiot! Idiot! Is the sky going to destroy my Wu Kingdom? How can such a monarch be called a wise man!"

There were old officials who had retreated to the countryside, crying directly at the gate of the palace, and yelling at the King of Wu.

This was something that didn't happen when Wu Zixu died before.

At that time, Wu Zixu's death was indeed partly his own problem. Putting his family in the state of Qi caused King Wu to feel that he wanted to treason.

And this Ou Lian's death, can be said to have to say, to the extreme.

He has worked diligently for the State of Wu for decades, and is deeply loved by the people. No official has praised him.

But in King Wu's mouth, he has become a person who can't be punished by evil words to confuse the public.

What's more, those who really understand will naturally understand that all this was done by King Wu himself.

Although those people shouldn't spread the rumors, but what you did is always done, and there is nothing to deny. At that time, King Wu admitted it himself.

Besides, it's not necessarily that Ou Lian and others did it. After all, they are all veterans, and they all hope that Wu Guo will be good.

This kind of rumor has a conspiracy at first glance, but I don't want King Wu to get angry.

Regardless of whether it is three seven or twenty one, it is necessary to use people to kill the chickens and warn the monkeys.

Of course, it is possible that in this way, the rumors about King Wu will be restrained a little.

After all, the ministers have died a lot, and you are still a commoner?

But the hearts and minds of the people and ministers, no doubt, have cooled.

No one will believe the King of Wu anymore. His name of stupidity and tyranny will nail him to the pillar of shame of Wu State, the sinner of Wu State.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

But even if he didn't kill the minister, if he was convicted of stealing, he would probably become a laughing stock.

If you meet someone from another country, ask.

"I heard that your king is a thief? Is it true?"

"Kings are all thieves, how are you subjects?"

Questions and rumors such as these will have a considerable impact on the Wu people's reputation.

...... 0

No matter how insulting the people outside the palace, the palace still remained silent.

When King Wu heard it, he wanted to catch it all in one breath, but in this way, it was completely irreversible.

He still wanted to go back, but he was not reconciled, these old officials were very pedantic.

I know that I have used my former father to press him, and I have done what my former father never did.

But now, even if he defeated Yue Guo, in the eyes of many people, he was still inferior to that deceased father.

"Your Majesty, the old man has been shouting outside, so let him spread rumors like this?"

Some favorite ministers stepped forward to report that, in addition to having fun with his concubines and concubines, King Wu had seen the most with these favorite ministers these days.

"Let him be, as long as you don't come into the palace to bother me." Six.

Chapter 426

King Wu waved his hand, these two dynasties were really annoying, but if he didn't have a better excuse, he couldn't do it.

"Is it almost time?"

"Yes, Your Majesty, Ou Lian and the others are about to ask for the beheading. If Your Majesty changes his mind, it may be too late now."

A favorite minister stepped forward and said softly, and he naturally saw King Wu's hesitation.

"Humph! There must be them among those rumors. If I don't kill them, I am afraid that in the future, the whole Wu territory will be discussing my identity as a thief."

Although King Wu's anger decreased, but when he mentioned this, he became furious.

At the beginning, he had good intentions and didn't kill them to silence them, but now he suffers from them, and he knew it earlier.

He should have killed all that group of people in the palace at that time, so that the news would never spread.

After all, some rumors are indeed spread because of Ou Lian's high status and high status.

If it was just an ordinary guard, I'm afraid someone would have brought you to court long ago, saying that you slandered the king.

Wu people are good at martial arts is not false, the name of Wu hook is also like thunder.

Seeing that there was still no news from King Wu, the favored minister could only helplessly nodded.

Even if he is a favored minister who can only be charming, he also understands that King Wu is indeed wrong this time.

But for the sake of his own head, he still said against his will.

"If it weren't for them, why would the king be so miserable today?"

The words were quite angry, as if they were feeling the same way as King Wu.

"Aiqing, in the whole of Gusu, you still know me best!"

King Wu saw that his favorite ministers were facing him like this, and he couldn't help thinking of the captain, if everyone in the world was like this.

Then he doesn't need to do this step at all, and he doesn't need to kill chickens as an example.

Unfortunately, there are still too many people who are ignorant of current affairs.

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