The monarchs and ministers continued to communicate with each other happily.

The execution ground was already crowded with people, and more than [-] people lined up to ask for execution, which was not a small number.

In the past, although there were conflicts among the people in Wu State, people who accidentally killed people had to pay for their lives, so they did not miss the beheadings that exchanged their lives for their lives.

But today's big case is the first since the founding of the country, and most of the beheadings were elders of the two dynasties.

Although many of them have no official status, there are still many people in the court who were once his disciples or the like, or have received great favors.

Therefore, the atmosphere of the execution ground did not have many people applauding, but the sound of crying and sadness.  …

The executioners who made the executions were a little nervous, but if they didn't lose their heads, they would lose their jobs.

Therefore, he could only speak to the ministers in prison uniforms.

"I'm sorry, my lords, it's your duty."

Those ministers were speechless for a long time, and they murmured that they did not know what they were talking about.

Only a few in good spirits will nod to the executioner to express their understanding.

Soon, it was time for the execution.

With the official order, the beheadings officially began, with the first being pushed to power.

There was something wrong with the mood offstage.

Called from nowhere.

"Save people, don't let good people die in the hands of the faint!"

The commotion can be said to be generated in an instant, but the continuous heat will last for a long time.

Pushing and shouting, the soldiers who came to maintain him simply couldn't withstand the impact of the crowd. Coupled with this kind of mass behavior, he really couldn't make a shot.

You can only go with the flow, and the forbidden wall composed of soldiers is quickly broken by the sea of ​​people.

Then it reached the ears of Wu Wangfuchai.

That is.

The people of Suzhou have mutinied!

That is a rebellion! .

Chapter 427

King Wu Palace, inside a hall.

A madman-like voice roared in the hall, echoing constantly.

"Trick people! Trick people! Do these people have a king like me!"

King Wu, who had just received news from the execution ground, was furious.

With a wave of his long sleeves, he knocked over the long table in front of him to the ground, with melons, fruits, dishes, and broken pieces of dishes all over the place.

The palace maid beside her didn't even dare to breathe, her face was pale and scary, and she shrank aside like a quail.

In the past, staying by King Wu's side was not a good job, but there was a chance to ascend to the sky in one step, and there were still many palace maids willing to come.

But the encounter with the palace maids these days has really taught these palace maids a lesson in their delusions.

One step to the sky, there is a chance that it is true, but the greater probability is to return to the west in one step, and this probability is higher.

The lights in the hall seemed to be shocked by the sound, the brightness was dimmed a bit, and the flickering candles had a shivering sense of direct vision.

King Wu stood up from his sitting position and walked to the front of the notification attendant. As soon as he used his hands, he picked up the attendant who came to report and raised it to the level of his own.

Eyeballs seemed to pop out of their sockets, and asked with a vicious stare.

"And then? Has it settled down? I sent [-] soldiers over there. Are those people the ones to eat?"

"The streets are full of people. The soldiers mentioned by the king...the soldiers were young and didn't see it."

The attendant was half-lifted into the air by King Wu's husband. He resisted without kicking his legs, and honestly told King Wu what he saw and heard on the road.

After hearing this, King Wu became even more angry, and threw the attendant on the ground with a muffled thud.

The attendant didn't have time to worry about the bones that were about to fall apart and the arm that was thrown out of the wound, and hurriedly got up and knelt down without saying a word.

Waiting for King Wu to speak.

He doesn't dare to make a single mistake now, otherwise, in the next second, he feels that he may follow in the footsteps of those seniors.

Fortunately, the next second, King Wu did not draw his sword, but his roar came.

"Pass my order! Lock down the city! I will find out these traitors one by one!"

Wu Wangfu said all the words word by word, his tone was flat, but everyone felt the anger between the lines.

Like a volcano about to erupt, the attendant Rumeng was amnesty, and quickly took the order of the King of Wu to notify several Jinwuwei in the city who were in charge of the city gate.

"It seems that some people really don't want to let me, the King of Wu, leave now."

Wu Wangfuchai looked at his calloused hands, who had spent many years drinking and drinking, and once practiced swordsmanship and martial arts, he got up early in the morning to practice swordsmanship.

I made thick calluses on my hands, but now many years of prosperous life have smoothed out the calluses.

He looked at his hand and seemed to be sighing, but it was actually an expression of emotional restraint to the extreme.

Now his mind is clear, unparalleled sober.Behind the scenes of all this, there is definitely a behind-the-scenes manipulator who is manipulating him.

"First seal the city, then arrest people and torture them. If you don't believe me, you won't be able to confess."

He thought bitterly, but an idea popped into his mind uncontrollably.

If the behind-the-scenes finger of this matter points to Zhang Zhenren, what will he do?

This immortal is not something he can afford, even Da Qin can only suffer from this loss, not to mention him.


What if it was him?Now that he thinks about it, he feels that many things are so coincidental, too coincidental. .

Chapter 428

Coincidence makes it feel that this is not an accident, but follows a wonderful story direction.

He is the monarch of the subjugated country who leads the way to perdition step by step in the story book.

"Come on!"

Wu Wangfuchai exhaled softly.


Someone knelt down, dressed in black to show that he was the dark guard that every king of Wu State would have.

"How's the investigation going? Information about Zhang Sanfeng."

As early as the first day he met Zhang Sanfeng, he sent someone to collect information about what he did after he entered the city, and what the people around him did.

"Your Majesty, it has been investigated. This is what you want."

The Dark Guard handed over a letter. The letter was sealed with fire, apparently it had not been opened.

He took the letter from the Dark Guard, tore open the seal, and took the letter out of the envelope.

Then spread out the folded square paper.

Lines of clean and tidy ink-colored fonts are displayed on the stationery, and they also introduce the movement of Sanfeng after entering the city to King Wu, as well as the women around him.

"That is to say, he has six women' ˇ with him."

King Wu was thoughtful. Although he was crazy, he wasn't stupid enough to use Zhang Sanfeng for the operation.

But fairies are fairies.

The women who follow him can't be immortals.

This was a good trump card, and he silently kept it in his heart.

If it really comes to the moment when he turns his face, he will still seize those who can be caught, at all costs.

After reading the letter, King Wu took it to a candlestick and burned it, turning it into wisps of ashes.

"Always supervise. If Zhang Sanfeng can't follow him, he doesn't need it. The women around him can pay attention."

"Especially those who have been with him for a long time."

"If there is any change, report it quickly."

Wu Wangfucha warned.


The dark guard took the order and disappeared into the hall again without a trace.

The original Vietnamese embassy is now in Zhang Zhenren's mansion.

A shouting voice came from far away.

"Big brother! There's a mutiny in Suzhou, and many people on the street have heard that the court has been robbed."

Gao Yue's face was full of excitement, and continued to speak to Zhang Sanfeng, who had been indifferent for many years.

"Big brother, do you know that the people of Wu really deserve to be people of Wu, and with concerted efforts, they really robbed those prisoners from the court."

It's a pity that Gao Yue chose the wrong person to show off. Although Zhang Sanfeng didn't leave the mansion or even the courtyard.

But today everything is in his eyes and ears, including that King Wu's crude attempt to use his brains on the people around him.

If it wasn't for the fact that King Wu didn't order the action, or that he still wanted to watch the show, there would still be some time left or right.

It's not bad to pass the boring time, so I canceled it, and instantly passed the idea of ​​​​killing King Wu.

After all, there are many ways for a person to die. It is the easiest to destroy physically, but the most painful one is from the spiritual aspect.

Let him live rather than die.

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