"."There will be more beautiful ones later."

He said lightly.


Gao Yue, who doesn't have the magical powers of Zhang Sanfeng (is Li Hao), is blank, isn't it over, why is there still something I haven't seen.

But it was Zhang Sanfeng who said it, she naturally believed it, so she eagerly looked at what he said.

"The city is going to be locked down."

He sighed leisurely, finally coming to an end.

Almost at the same moment when he made his voice, the four city gates slammed shut, and the waterway fence came down abruptly.


Today, the You Shi has not yet arrived, and the Shen Shi is three quarters.

Gusu closed the city. .

Chapter 429

"My mother is still seriously ill at home, waiting for my medicine to come back to save her, Lord Jun, please open the door!"

"It's delayed today, and the goods I asked for are overdue. If I can't deliver it on the second day of the first year, I'll have to pay a lot of money."

"Master Jun, open the door! We are really not those rebels who robbed the law field!"


Gusu, the tall city gate in the past has been tightly closed, and there are hundreds of soldiers guarding both sides.

In a swarm, a crowd of black people gathered at the four city gates, surrounding the soldiers and trying to get out of the city.

The soldiers here are no better than those soldiers in the field. They are all prepared to resist horses, crossbows, sharp swords, and long spears.

Even if the number of people here is five or six times more than them, with the help of these, there is still no fear.

What's more, King Wu has already ordered.

Those who forcibly break out of the city will die.

However, the guard looked at these people who were eager to leave the city and eager to enter the city. After all, he couldn't bear to say it.

"Everyone! Everyone! Listen to me."

The crowd quieted down and looked up at the guard standing high.

He was wearing bright silver armor, which gleamed in the sunlight and was quite conspicuous.

Seeing that everyone did not speak, the crowd also settled down, the guard coughed twice, and said quietly.

"Now that the matter has come to this point, King Wu has ordered that the city gates will never be opened unless those rebels are brought back."

"This is about the dignity of the king, and there is absolutely no room for compromise on this matter."

"So, everyone, please come back. If you stay here again, I will send soldiers to disperse it forcibly. At that time, it will not look good in face."

The defender spoke pertinently, and there was no one who was false, but carefully analyzed the current situation with these people.

He told them that no matter how long they were around here, it would be impossible to open the door without the order of King Wu.

However, these remarks did not have much effect, only a small number of people who were not particularly anxious plan to go back and make other plans.

Most of the people were still surrounded by the city gate, pinning their hopes on a sliver of hope.

However, the defender also did what he said, and after a quarter of an hour, he dispatched thousands of soldiers to start cleaning the city gate and drive away those who were reluctant to leave.

"Alas! General, King Wu, is this (bhag) a bit inhuman?"

Some people began to sigh to the guards that when they were driven out just now, there were many who would rather die than leave.

If he hadn't let a few soldiers leave with arms crossed, he would have been stabbed to death.

And their reasons are very sympathetic, either the family is ruined, or there are patients and children in the family. If they are not at home, they may die.

"Then you mean to let them go?"

The general's voice was neither happy nor sad, neither shocked nor angry.

"No, that's not what I mean. I think it's okay to let a few people go. After all, seeing them cry like that, they can't be the murderer. They can't even hold a knife in one hand."

The man explained with a smile.

"Humph! You don't need to mention this again! If it weren't for you, my wife and brother! If I mention it again, I'd have to take you down and send you to the Heavenly Prison."

"Disobey your order, but you will lose your head!"

"do you know!"

The guard yelled angrily.

"Brother-in-law! No, General."

The man slapped himself repeatedly and explained.

"I just saw that they were pitiful and cried so miserably, and I kind of thought of the past."

The general's expression softened a little, his wife and brother are all good, but his heart is too soft, but it is also related to his previous experience. .

Chapter 430

It's not his fault either.

But he still said sharply.

"Since it is the king who gives us military salaries and official positions, you don't have to talk about this matter. You must know how many people are staring at my position!"

"do you know?"

"Waiting for me to make a mistake!"

As the general said, he looked around and found that the soldiers were not moving at their posts, and his expression softened a little.

"Understood, General."

The man was a little disappointed when he saw his brother-in-law's rejection so harshly, but he still understood in his heart.

After all, if my brother-in-law is impeached because of the release of a few people, then life will not be as good as it is today.

His sister and him may have to live a life of exile in the past, making the little nephew who was born not long ago suffer along with it.

"Do it well!"

When the general saw that he understood, he patted his shoulder and went to inspect on his own.

It was an eventful time now, and he didn't dare to delay for a quarter of an hour. King Wu in the city was not a good character.

In the small courtyard, the voice continued to speak.

"The city is closed?"

"Big brother, why didn't I hear it."

Gao Yue looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a shocked expression. She went outside to watch the excitement and saw a bunch of people rushing towards the West Street entrance, but she didn't expect the city gates to be closed.

But she didn't question it. After all, Zhang Sanfeng never missed it. She was just curious about such a big thing, why she didn't hear it.

"It was just blocked, just after my voice fell."

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently, the hand that was pinching his back couldn't help but pause, and then kneaded again, this time, it seemed to be softer.

"Okay, big brother's immortal methods are amazing."

Gao Yue wrinkled her nose, obviously envious of Zhang Sanfeng's ability to know the world without leaving home.

If she used it, I'm afraid she won't get tired of playing for a year.

"Then big brother, you said, how long will the city be sealed?"

Gao Yue asked curiously, she found that this matter became more and more confusing, and why did she feel that there was a shadow of her big brother intervening behind it.

"After the opening of the city, there will probably be no Wu Kingdom."

Zhang Sanfeng's voice was as calm as ever, but with these words, not only Xishi was dumbfounded, but even Gao Yue was dumbfounded.

"Kaicheng Wu Kingdom is gone?"

Her mouth was open as if she could lay down an egg.

"To be precise, the monarch died."

Zhang Sanfeng added, but if you replace one, you may not be able to be the king of Wu. After all, there is not only one country around Wu.

If there is civil strife in Wu State, it is impossible for other countries not to take advantage of the situation.

Although the state of Wu used to be a hegemon in the past, but now, it is nothing more than an old lion with its head down.

Jackals and wild dogs know how to divide their food when the time comes.

Not to mention people.


"Okay then, big brother, shall we leave after the city opens?"

Gao Yue asked again.


This time Zhang Sanfeng did not evade. When the city opened, he was indeed leaving.

"This time it may be a long way to go home."

This time, his voice finally brought a bit of nostalgia.


Gao Yue was naturally pleasantly surprised, and finally returned to Wudang. I heard that Wudang has a lot of people, and there are many experts in it.

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