It's fun to look at.

"Well, go back and meet someone."

The corners of his mouth turned up slightly, as if thinking of someone.

As for Gao Yue, he didn't care about this at all, but quickly went to another yard to inform Duanmu Rong, Ah Qing and the others.

Going back to Wudang is a big deal.six.

Chapter 431

Gusu, the palace of the King of Wu.

Wu Wangfuchai was lying on the ground, and in front of him was an exquisite long table with short legs. The long table was full of fruit and delicacies, but they were all intact.

Obviously, with the current mood of King Wu, I'm afraid he can't eat anything.

"How about those rebels? General Meng."

He slowly cast his vision to the general, Meng Zhui, who was kneeling on one knee below.

He has the same surname as Meng Tian, ​​a general of the Qin state, but the two have nothing to do with each other.

"Back to the king, the [-] people who beheaded [-] by the chaotic party have already captured [-], and the remaining seven are hiding in the city."

Meng Zhui put tens of thousands of troops into Gusu City for a thorough investigation, and told Wu Wang Fuchai.

"Fifteen people have been captured, yes, what about those robbers who robbed the court?"


Meng Zhui felt Wu Wangfuchai's anger, and he hesitated.

"Your Majesty, those people are..."

"I said how many people have those chaotic parties arrested now!"

King Wu's voice raised a few tones, interrupting Meng Zhui's persuasion.

"Back to the king, seven hundred and thirty-two people are in custody."

"Such a small number? Seven hundred people smashed two thousand soldiers into chaos? Then robbed the temple? Is it your fault, or is it me?"

King Wu's voice could not hear any emotion, it was flat, but after listening to it, it gave people a cold and biting feeling.

"Go back to the king, some are just..."

"But what is it? It's just a crowd of ignorant people, a mob, who just follow blindly? So I just let it go, right?"

Wu Wangfuchai's voice changed again. At this time, the experience of Mengzhu suddenly felt like a cold winter and twelfth lunar month from the dog days.

The whole body is piercing, and the back is cold.


Meng Zhu can only bite the bullet and recognize it, and he has some regrets in his heart.

Sure enough, as soon as he said "yes", the brewing volcano above finally erupted.

"Meng Zhui, you have really failed my cultivation of you. For a group of people who have no king and no father, you actually want to let go. Have you ever thought about me!"

It seems that Meng Zhui is also the confidant and love of King Wu's husband, and he has put a lot of effort into it. Otherwise, it is estimated that King Wu would not even be bothered to say a word to him today.

Directly put him on the death row, and let him be with the death row prisoners who were captured and brought back by the fifteen people.

"Your Majesty, I..."

Meng Zhui wanted to explain, but couldn't say anything for a while.

Seeing Meng Zhui's speechless expression, Wu Wangfuchai felt even more distressed.

"Go're so chilling, Mengzhu..."

He clutched his chest, slightly panting to the vertebral canal.

Seeing that Meng Zhui was about to retire, he said again.

"Leave the tiger talisman, go back and rest for a while."


Meng Zhui handed the tiger talisman to the attendant holding the tray, and then quickly left the King Wu's hall.

After leaving the hall, Meng Zhui looked back at the palace where King Wu was.

Short feet, not tall, with red walls and green tiles, and unknown beasts carved on the eaves.

From a distance, it looks like a person lying on the ground.

But this great hall seemed dead and dead,

It also makes Meng Zhui feel that this hall is like a coffin, a coffin for burying people.

However, he immediately threw the idea out of his mind, after all, it was a bit outrageous.

At this time, his mood was a little relaxed. After all, it would be a little psychologically stressful to arrest those ordinary people.

That's fine, go back and rest for a while.

Meng Zhui looked at the blue sky in the sky, thinking in his heart, and walked out of the palace.

And one person followed him out of the palace, the attendant he had just seen in the palace, riding a fast horse, galloping out of the palace.

Looking at the direction, it seems that he is going to Dazai Bo Xi's residence. What is the king looking for him for? .

Chapter 432

Meng Zhui's heart sank slightly. This person's reputation is not good. Before, the king finally didn't use it again and left him in the cold.

But up to now, I have come back to him for what to do. Apart from being greedy for money and lustful, this person seems to have no skills.

However, these thoughts just flickered through Meng Zhui's mind, and it will be three days later when he truly regrets it.

When I saw Bo Xi who came to the door with the token and wanted to take him to prison, he wailed and regretted it.

Unexpectedly, Wu Wangfuchai sent these people to be responsible for arresting 17 traitors in the city.

It didn't take long for Bo Xi to enter the palace with joy and follow the attendants, and it didn't take long for him to lead a team of cavalry and start a search across the city.

"The king has an order to protect those who rebel against the party, die!"

Pairs of soldiers began to carry out a carpet search in the city of Gusu. Whether it was a big family or a poor house, they all kicked the door and broke in.

Regardless of the reckless search, a lot of vicious times also happened occasionally, for example, seeing a girl in a deep boudoir, dazzling gold and silver, and rare treasures.

They were murdered unknowingly, and the bitter master's family was better off to save their lives, and it didn't matter if things were lost.

It was almost the family that was destroyed, and the whole family was destroyed.

"Oh! When is this a head!"

Some people have begun to despair, and there is another even more desperate, that is, the price of food in the city has begun to change, on the first day of the closure of the city.

The price went up by nearly two tiers, but at that time, everyone thought that the lockdown was only temporary, and the two-tier food price quickly fell back.

By the next day, the city still didn't know what to do after it was sealed off, and with those soldiers searching like a raging fire, it was obvious that it wouldn't be over for a while.

The price doubled several times that day, and some people who had no surplus food at home were even more anxious, and hurriedly took their savings to buy food rations.

I don't dare to buy less, if I buy it a few days later, I am afraid it is not impossible for the price to double several times.

Many people who sold grain at a low price a few days ago regretted it. If they sold it now, the supply would be in short supply after several times the price. It hurts to think about it.

However, this is a later story. The impact of rising food prices on the residents of the city is not very big. After all, it is only a short day or two. Most of the homes have surplus food and are not panic.

But the follow-up development could not help them not panic.

The soldiers broke into the house, almost like the thugs, robbing money and money, if the head of the household had a good-looking maid, wife and concubines.

They also don't mind adding a temporary meal.

Troubled soldiers, this is a common thing for soldiers and Han to enter after the city is closed. After all, everyone who has stayed at the border knows it.

The term "killing the good and taking advantage of the merits" is not for nothing. Border villagers have to worry not only about the enemy country, but also about their own soldiers.

Therefore, the entire Gusu City was panicked, but of course only one place was as silent as usual.

Zhang Zhenren's mansion.

That is, the original Vietnamese embassy, ​​still has no influence, should eat and drink.

The soldiers who came and went saw this small courtyard, and although they heard Yingyan whispers inside, they still remembered the commander's order.

This small courtyard cannot be moved, and if you move it, you will die.

"Big brother, I heard that King Wu is going to kill [-] people this time?"

Gao Yue's expression no longer looked happy, but looked at Zhang Sanfeng worriedly, as if trying to find a way from him.

"They are all good people, it is King Wu who is wrong."

Gao Yue stepped forward and pulled Zhang Sanfeng's sleeve, wanting to act coquettishly and plead for mercy. She felt the same way.

Seeing them being persecuted by King Wu, it was as if he saw himself.

At this time, the sound of fast horses also came from outside the door.

"King Wu has an order to invite Zhang Zhenren into the palace for a while."

Chapter 433

"King Wu has an order to invite Zhang Zhenren to the palace."

The attendant came to the door very respectfully to ask to see him, and even explained to Zhang Sanfeng with apologetic face why it was not the king who came in person.

There is no arrogance from the palace at all, obviously he has been instructed by thousands of warnings.

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