"Understood, I'll go later."

Zhang Sanfeng answered indifferently.

"The little one is waiting for Zhenren Zhang outside."

This time, the pass-through attendants are very attentive, after all, everyone can see how miserable the predecessor died.

Besides, King Wu has said that if Zhang Zhenren should be treated like him, there will be no psychological pressure for the servant to lick it.

"Big brother, are you leaving?"

Gao Yue asked.

"Well, keep your house safe and don't go out indiscriminately."

Zhang Sanfeng looked indifferent, but still left a warning.

Gao Yue was a little surprised. In the past, the big brother never left a warning.

However, seeing that what Zhang Sanfeng was talking about was Xishi, he understood that the meaning of this sentence was naturally meant for her.

"Oh, I'm so envious."

"I don't know when will I be able to..." ˇ."

Gao Yue looked at the gaze between Zhang Sanfeng and Xishi, her face full of envy, and she only hated that she was too young.

"However, even if she can only take this step in the future, she is very satisfied."

"As long as I'm always with my big brother, it's fine."

When Gao Yue thought about it, many things suddenly became clear, and the troubles that had troubled him for a long time were easily resolved.

Zhang Sanfeng did not leave immediately, but before leaving, he went to see Ah Qing who had been practicing swordsmanship for a week.

The small courtyard where Ah Qing is located is a little to the left of the front yard, originally not so far.

But in the backyard, she couldn't feel at ease practicing swordsmanship. The news from Zhang Sanfeng's room at night really kept her up at night.

The efficiency of practicing swords during the day has been reduced a lot.

At this time, Ah Qing was sitting cross-legged on a stone slab in the courtyard, and a visible fluorescent light appeared from her body above her head.

Like a small sun, this is Ah Qing's spiritual soul after cultivation.

But it was enough to see that her current level of spiritual energy was no longer what Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual energy had to make up for.

Ah Qing, who was practicing swordsmanship, naturally sensed that someone was approaching, because Zhang Sanfeng did not intend to hide it.

She opened her eyes and smiled.

"Brother Zhang!"

Greeted him.

Zhang Sanfeng replied with a non-salty, "Yeah."

But this didn't make Ah Qing's enthusiasm subsided, but instead entangled him, although Zhang Sanfeng would take the time to explain to him the problems of cultivation and spiritual power counseling these days.

But Ah Qing still felt that she would miss him very much after not seeing him for a while.

"."Brother Zhang, you came just in time, I..."

Ah Qing hurriedly embraced Zhang Sanfeng's arm, and naturally pulled him down beside her and sat down.

"You're a master swordsman, right?"

But he didn't want to. As soon as he sat down, Zhang Sanfeng interrupted Ah Qing before she could show off, revealing her mystery.

It was very interesting that Ah Qing's expression of wanting to show off stopped abruptly.

Only embarrassed at the end.

"Brother Zhang, you bully me!"

The voice is soft and soft (li Zhao), making people feel itchy when they hear it.

"Come on, let me see how your Edgeworthiness is."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Ah Qing, although he had long since ignored Yu Jian, after all, he probably couldn't even break his defense.

Although the sword is the master of a hundred soldiers, it stabs Wushuangqing straight.

But there is still some distance from Zhang Sanfeng's defense, even if the sword in Ah Qing's hand is the one that passed the Xie Family Divine Sword this time, it won't work.

"Okay, Brother Zhang, please take a look."

Only to hear Ah Qing softly snort "sick".

Chapter 434

Suddenly, a tiny little sword appeared in her body, which couldn't be smaller, and the little sword rose in the wind, quickly turning into the eight-sided ancient sword that she had seen before.

It's just that the temperament on the ancient sword now has spirituality and aura, giving people the feeling that it is a magical weapon that can't be bought at first sight.

The ancient sword rises in the wind, which is a manifestation of Yujian's accomplishment, which completely pours spiritual power into the sword body.

It can be said that the current ancient sword can be said to be the previous one, but it can also be said that it has no physical relationship with the previous sword.

Not the same at all.

After the sword is integrated into the body, the body will be more or less, the temperament will change, and with the sharpness of the sword, if other people go to see A Qing now.

Ah Qing's unconscious gaze may make others unable to open their eyes. Here, the revealed sword intent is captivating.

This is also the reason why Zhang Sanfeng can see at a glance that Ah Qing has mastered the sword.

In fact, in his eyes, Ah Qing is like a firefly in the dark, and you can tell at a glance.

The ancient sword was suspended from the sky, and the trajectory this time was completely different from the first one.

If the first Yujian Aqing is like a new driver who has just passed the subject two and hits the road, he drives crookedly and slowly, like a turtle crawling.

The change after Yu Jian's completion this time seems to be like a twenty-year-old driver who drives steadily and fast, and takes off directly.

In short, the mastery of the sword (bhag) makes it impossible to imagine that Ah Qing was a novice sword fairy who could control the trajectory of a loach a few days ago.

This also shows that Ah Qing is a first-class genius in kendo and other aspects.

It's no wonder that the Heavenly Sword Immortal couldn't bear to bury her talent, and turned into a white ape to teach the sword.

The eight-faced ancient sword flew almost silently in the air, and only those with excellent ears could hear the low, inaudible buzzing of mosquitoes every time they flew.

As Ah Qing changed his moves several times, the ancient eight-sided sword was also swung as if someone was holding the hilt in the air.

One move, the white ape swordsmanship, that is, the swordsmanship of the Yue girl, was demonstrated in the air, and Zhang Sanfeng, who has the inheritance of the "Yue Goddess Sword", naturally saw it.

In Yue Nu's swordsmanship, not a single move was dropped, Shen Yun's sword intent was complete, and there was still a spiritual energy in it.

If other Sword Immortals saw it, they would sigh again.

The back waves push the front waves, and the blue is better than the blue.

However, although Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel that way, he was still very relieved. After all, Ah Qing's current spiritual qi practice or swordsmanship is good.

Even he taught it by hand.

"Not bad."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly, very satisfied.

Ah Qing smiled immediately after hearing this, as if all the hard work she had been working in the courtyard these days, day and night, had been sublimated at this moment, and it was all worth it.

He touched Ah Qing's head as a sign of encouragement.

However, Ah Qing, who was receiving this kind of treatment for the first time, was a little uncomfortable. The first reaction was to dodge and give this person a sword.

But when I think about it, this is my husband.

He could only stiffen his head and let him touch his little head.

She also pulled out a few strands of her hair.

After Ah Qing found out, he had to stand on tiptoe and touch Zhang Sanfeng's head before giving up.

However, Zhang Sanfeng has long been a true immortal, and it is a bit unrealistic to want to lose his hair.

The two chatted for a while, and then Zhang Sanfeng said goodbye and left without saying much before leaving.

just tell her.

"Aqing, you have to remember that you can follow your heart in everything.".

Chapter 435

King Wu's treasure house.

Here Zhang Sanfeng met King Wu who was playing with the treasures.

As soon as King Wu saw Zhang Sanfeng, he put down the jade in his hand, looked at Zhang Sanfeng with joy on his face, and nodded with both hands.

"I have seen Zhang Zhenren, and this king has lost his way."

"It's okay."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled lightly.

This smile made King Wu a little scared, but even an immortal couldn't guess what people were thinking.

He quickly calmed down and calmed down, and said leisurely.

"Shenzhen, these are the rare treasures I have collected in the past few days, let's see if you~ want?"

"Well, my lord, I've got what I want-."


If King Wu was struck by lightning, he collected it all by himself, and he turned against his ministers. Isn't that what he did, and finally you told me that I didn't need it?

How did King Wu accept this, he asked quickly.

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