"This... It's naturally inconvenient to say, but none of the things in these treasure houses can be used by me."

Zhang Sanfeng did not lift his eyes, his voice was like ice, without a trace of warmth.

Let King Wu fall into an ice cave, he murmured.

"How... how is it possible, Zhang Zhenren, the entire treasure house, tens of thousands of rare treasures, is really useless?"

Wu Wangfuchai felt that his standing was a little unstable, and he could only stop his falling body by leaning on a rain flower stone behind him.


There was only a silent nod in answer to King Wu's husband, which made him completely lose hope.

"These hundreds of kilograms of extraterrestrial meteorite iron, thousand-year-old mysterious ice, red coral, luminous induction stones, and ten thousand-year-old ginseng..."

King Wu murmured, but Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel anything after hearing it, and he didn't let King Wu's husband shave it like this.

He doesn't even understand the basics of trade-offs, and he doesn't develop sympathy.

At this time, his eyes were like a god in the sky, high above and overlooking all living beings.

It was this look that seemed to irritate King Wu, and he whimpered with a hint of complaint.

"You found it, why didn't you tell me earlier! Make me happy? You..."

The latter words were not because he didn't want to say it, but because he found that he couldn't say it anymore, and an invisible force blocked his mouth.

Fortunately, his limbs were still able to move, and he overturned a jade wine glass placed next to the treasure.

This is a signal.

Someone outside the hall heard it and immediately went to arrange it.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Hearing the voice outside the hall, King Wu also laughed, but the smile was silent and seemed a bit funny, as if he was watching a silent film.


After a while, King Wu felt his throat smooth and he could speak.

His face was a little dark, but he was still very respectful.

"Zhang Zhenren, this king lost his honor just now."

It seems to be an apology, but it is unknown how much sincerity there is in my heart.


Zhang Sanfeng didn't even look at him, he said to himself.

"If King Wu has nothing else to do, then I will leave first."

"Wait~ I have something else I want to trouble with Zhenren Zhang."

King Wu hurriedly rescued him. If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng's body exuding more aura than him, maybe he would have stepped forward to pull his sleeves.

In the past, when he pulled the sleeves of other ministers, those ministers were flattered and tried a hundred spirits.

He naturally knew that Zhang Sanfeng was not his subordinate minister, but he could still express his attitude to a certain extent.

Zhang Sanfeng stopped in his footsteps, turned his head, glanced at King Wu with a half-smile, and asked as if he had something to ask.


"That's natural, right behind."

King Wu stretched out his hand and introduced him to the depths of the treasure house.six.

Chapter 436

After a while, the two walked to the innermost part, and saw King Wu twisting the candlestick, and with the sound of Carrara, the slate on the ground began to slowly push.

A dark square hole appeared, as well as a staircase.

King Wu looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a bright face, but found that he was not surprised at all about this basement, as if he had known it for a long time.

The color subsided instantly, and continued to hold the candlestick and went down the stairs, saying.

"Zhang Zhenren, be careful with the steps."

And Zhang Sanfeng didn't say a word, and continued to follow him with a calm expression, as if all these sudden appearances could not cause any turbulence in his heart.

The ladder is quite long and seems to have a long history, and it takes hundreds of steps to reach the end.

Suddenly, the sudden change was startled, and the figure of King Wu suddenly disappeared in the corner, and then the sound of the stone walls closing was heard.

The sound of the entrance closing was also heard from above, obviously this was a trap.

"Zhang Zhenren! I've left enough water and food for you here. You can eat it with confidence. There's no poison in it."

The voice of King Wu came from all directions, and if it was an ordinary person, it would be impossible to tell where he was.

"You're so confident that you can trap me here?"

Zhang Sanfeng's voice could not hear joy or sorrow, as if the person locked here was not him.

"Of course not, you can take me to the sky, but what is the south of the land, the secret art of the fairy family, can't it be that ordinary people like me can understand it?"

Wu Wangfuchai's voice was not in a hurry.

"You're procrastinating."

When Zhang Sanfeng spoke the truth, there was no doubt, but affirmation.

It made Wu Wangfuchao surprised, and his heart was very dangerous.

But now that everything is done, there is no need for him to keep hiding it, he said with a smile.

"I just ask Zhenren Zhang to make a Taoist oath, and then give me an elixir, not for immortality, longevity..."

Before Wu Wangfuchai, who was hiding behind the stone wall, had finished speaking, he found that Zhang Sanfeng's voice suddenly sounded.

But this time the position was not beyond a wall, but beside his ear.

The voice was icy cold, so frightened that the torch in his hand fell to the ground.

"You do not deserve!"

Another sudden suffocation and pressure hit King Wu, but he still reacted quickly.

"Real... you can't kill me! Those women of yours don't want to live?"

"I have already sent Bo Xi to your house with an army of [-] troops. It is estimated that they are already on their way to the palace."

"I really don't ask for much at all. I just need a real person to make an oath and give me some medicinal pills. I promise that I will return to Zhao in the future, and I will not lose a single hair!"

Wu Wangfuchai's face was a little pale, and he promised again and again.


Under the firelight, Zhang Sanfeng had a playful expression on his face.

"Then let's go out and see your army of ten thousand."

Saying that, he took Wu Wang out like a chicken...  

When walking out of the warehouse, it also caused a lot of noise.

This man dared to hold King Wu hostage, and these palace guards were stunned.

But in the next second, something even more ignorant appeared. The man took King Wu directly to the sky, but he didn't fly very far.

Instead, it is parallel to the height of the palace's star-gazing building, which is enough to see the whole picture of Suzhou.

At this time, a crowd of people in Wuyang was gathering at the Vietnamese embassy, ​​which was exactly the army of [-] that King Wu said.

Wu Wang breathed a sigh of relief and said with a smile.

"Look, if you kill me, your women, I'm afraid..."

Even though King Wu was in a desperate situation, with a height of [-] meters under his feet, he still did not forget the threat.

However, in the next second, I saw the Vietnamese embassy, ​​and there was a big wave of commotion.

The sword energy visible to the naked eye, from the small courtyard, is like the expanding ripples on the lake surface, like the storm linking the heaven and the earth.

It directly swept the entire army of ten thousand people, from the long street to the end of the street.

Ten thousand people fell like reaping wheat, and the surrounding houses were split open and collapsed.

Today, Wu Wangfuchai only found out that in addition to Zhang Zhenren, there was a female sword immortal in the courtyard.

A sword breaks ten thousand armors.

Then he wanted to say something again, and he heard a "ho" sound, and his body sank.

The whole person fell down, [-] meters high in the air, less than three breaths.

The palace was equally noisy, like boiling water.

King Wu passed away. .

Chapter 437

From the small town, the tea house, there was a burst of ups and downs, the cadence of the voice.

"Then King Wu! He was overthinking his abilities, and wanted to threaten Zhang Zhenren with his daughter-in-law, which angered Zhang Zhenren. As a result, tens of thousands of troops lay on the ground in an instant!"

"One sword, just one sword, tens of thousands of troops don't even have a chance to shoot."

The storyteller was spitting, and the people below were also swaying.

"The person who can wield this sword, isn't Zhang Zhenren?"

"Hey! If Zhang Zhenren makes a move, it is estimated that these people will all be dead without a corpse, and they will be defeated, but this swordsman is not ordinary."

The storyteller picked up the words and continued to preach.

"Tsk tsk, that female swordsman is known as the Yue Girl Sword, and she is also a remarkable character. First, she was taught the sword by a white ape in the mountains since she was twelve or thirteen years old, and then Zhang Zhenren personally taught her swordsmanship. First."

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