"What does that female swordsman look like!"

Someone asked curiously, although men and women are enviable for powerful people, women especially attract men's attention.

"I don't want to talk about that appearance, Gao Lengqing, independent of the world, not the world, if you look at it from a distance, you will be blinded by that sword intent."

The storyteller on the stage said something real, as if he was on the scene, and he was right.

The audience also imagined a female sword fairy coming out.

"Unfortunately, I can't be there in person to witness this peerless battle."

Some people's minds followed the storyteller's voice and began to rippling, as if they were in Wu State.

"Hey! Isn't that right? My seventh uncle's nephew, a merchant, just came back from Wu State last month. No, it's Yue State now. I heard that it hasn't been repaired yet."

"The country of Yue is very lucky. As soon as King Wu died, let him pick peaches first, Hedong for thirty years, and Hexi for thirty years."

"That's not luck, it's a relationship. I heard that the two women who look like gods are Yueren beside Zhang Zhenren. This is witnessed by someone."

"Tsk tsk, that Sword Immortal's sword is too powerful. It's been almost two months since King Wu. It is said that the place is still the same, and the buildings are turned into powder."

"It is said that the sword intent is so strong in that place that even a newly built building will collapse unconsciously, as if it has been cut thousands of times by the sword."

"I don't know where Zhang Zhenren is now. I haven't heard from him for a long time. If King Wu hadn't angered him, I'm afraid no one would know that he is in Wu country."

"Yeah yeah!"

The people downstairs were discussing for a while, but they could not see a woman in red in the private room on the second floor, quietly leaving.

The woman in red was wearing a bamboo hat and couldn't see her face clearly. She had a dagger hanging from her waist and a package on her back. She was obviously a traveler, not a local.

She held an ancient yellow map in her hand and looked at the map route, her eyes flickering under the hat.

"The little Taoist must remember my agreement with him, so he will definitely return to Wudang. Which route will he choose?"

The woman in red was naturally Guo Xiang who couldn't wait in Wudang Mountain. She had already settled down early and planned to go to Zhang Sanfeng in advance.

"I heard from them that the little Taoist started from Wu State, and there are no less than ten roads from Wu State to Wudang, including waterways and mountain roads."

"But now count the time, the journey has already arrived in Wudang territory."

"But which one is it?"

Guo Xiang's little face was a little hesitant, but fortunately, he had already judged it soon. .

Chapter 438

"It must be this one. There are Wudang sect industries along the way. In this case, whether it is a hotel or a supply, it is quite convenient."

She stared at a bright yellow route on a map with joy, and muttered to herself.

"After all, the little Taoist priest is a true immortal, and he can eat and sleep in the open air, but not the woman beside him."

Guo Xiang, who had found the route, rode a thousand miles of horses that he had brought from a young second-hand, turned over and jumped, and walked towards the official road not far away.

At this time, on an official road.

Six gorgeous carriages were galloping on the official road, but the bandits and strongmen in the past were very keen to see the small flags hanging on the carriages.

Tai Chi pattern.


They all turned their heads back, dispelling the idea of ​​looting, although it looked like a fat sheep.

But if this sheep eats it, it is estimated to be dead.

The name of Wudang disciple has long been famous within a thousand miles, and all those who are not convinced have already reported to the Lord of Hell.

They don't want to touch this mold.

"It's almost Wudang, big brother' ˇ."

Gao Yue looked at the continuous mountains outside the window. The scenery here was even worse than that of Daqin.


Zhang Sanfeng was lying on a reclining chair in the carriage, blowing the cool afternoon breeze leisurely.

The performance of the carriage is excellent. No matter how bumpy the mountain road is, there is no vibration in the carriage, as if walking on flat ground.

"There's still about a week to go."

Looking at the scenery outside, he probably knew where he was, and said slowly, with a hint of laziness in his tone.

The other girls were stiff, a little unnatural, and a little nervous in their hearts.

After all, in Wudang, but the sect of the husband, I don't know if he will come to the door rashly, will he be disliked, or lose face to the husband.

And Zhang Sanfeng seems to have seen their hearts.

There was a hint of teasing in the voice.

"Don't worry, with me here, they don't dare to talk about you openly.

"My husband is making fun of us here again."

Nongyu has been with Zhang Sanfeng for a few months, and he has figured out his temperament, no longer as cautious as he was at first.

"Anyway, it's okay, everything is mine."

This time, Zhang Sanfeng's tone returned to his usual indifference, with a hint of seriousness, which seemed to be a promise.

The other girls also felt relieved.

"There is our post in the front of the city, you can stop there."

Zhang Sanfeng instructed the driver to say.

"Son, I know."

The coachman replied that he was familiar with the road, and he did this thing along the way.

After Zhang Sanfeng finished his instructions, just as he was about to continue enjoying Xi Shi's pinching and beating his legs, he suddenly felt a familiar aura.

On the mountain road fifty miles away, it was very clear.

"."is her."

Zhang Sanfeng no longer hesitated any more, since he had taken the initiative to come to him, there was no need for him to avoid it.

I explained to the girls that if I wanted to go out, I went straight out of the carriage.

Leap slightly.

Like a bird, swept across the forest.

It can be said that the fifty-mile mountain road can be reached in a moment (is Wang Hao), not to mention that the distance between the two is still narrowing.

"Sure enough, it's her, I really can't wait."

Zhang Sanfeng saw Guo Xiang on the ground galloping on a horse in the sky, and the corner of his mouth swept slightly.

He didn't observe for a long time, and fell directly to the ground.

Then, seeing the girl in red with a hat, she lifted her hat.

Zhang Sanfeng suddenly felt that a fragrant wind came.

"Little Taoist priest!"

Guo Xiang shouted excitedly, only now. .

Chapter 439

After Guo Xiang and Zhang Sanfeng met, it was the time when they reunited after a long absence, and Guo Xiang felt that she had a lot of things to say.

And Zhang Sanfeng also smiled and listened quietly, nodding slightly or interjecting.

The two of them spent the afternoon under a big tree so contentedly.

When it was time for dusk, the two of them rode a fast horse and returned to the small town they mentioned earlier, and they also got off at the station in charge of Wudang.

Reunited with Gao Yue and others, and introduced them to Guo Xiang one by one.

All the girls, Rongrong, also knew the intention of Guo Xiang, precisely for the appointment of Emei on August [-]th this year.

"That means, there are less than ten days? It's the appointed day?"

Gao Yue looked surprised.

"But this is still a long way from Emei. If we go all the way, I'm afraid it will take a week."

"Even if you start from Wudang, it will take four or five days to get to Emei."

She knew the map and naturally knew how far this place was from Emei, and how far Wudang was from Emei.

"So I came out to find the little Taoist priest, come early, go early."

Guo Xiang said happily.

"In that case, Xianggong should accompany Sister Guo carefully. After all, I haven't seen each other for so long. I guess there is still a lot to say."

The purple girl is understanding.

"Actually, Master, we can go back to Wudang directly. Why don't you go directly to Emei from here. Anyway, we are all in Wudang territory now, and there is no smile."

"Besides, we still have Ah Qing."

Duanmurong made a suggestion, and Zhang Sanfeng felt that something was wrong at first.

After all, these people are all from Daqin, Yueguo, here, across thousands of miles. It would be a little irresponsible not to accompany them.

However, Qi Qi's understanding of the girls made him feel a little warmer.

After several times of refusal, he really couldn't refuse, so he compromised.

"Then I'll accompany you for another journey, and then go to Emei. Whether that journey is to Wudang or Emei, it doesn't matter."


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