Seeing all the girls nod their heads in agreement, they are all overjoyed.

Guo Xiang was very fond of Aqing Xishi. Seeing that Xishi also looked like Aqing, he was shocked that there was such a woman in the world.

The facial features are so delicate that it is like a natural creation, adding a stroke or missing a stroke is impossible, a supernatural craftsmanship.

Xi Shi was naturally shy, but she still looked curiously at Guo Xiang, who was wearing a Jianghu heroine costume in front of her.

I feel that she has some heroic spirit and some military temperament.

But after knowing the deeds of her father Guo Jing, it is clear that it is no wonder that such a temperamental girl has been cultivated.

Far from being comparable to ordinary Jianghu customers.

Everyone was playing around like this, and Guo Xiang also got along with them. After all, except for Xi Shi who didn't practice martial arts, everyone else's martial arts skills were not bad.

Whether it is Gao Yue's Nine Swords of Dugu, or Duanmu Rong's Seven Veins, or A Qing's Yuenu Sword, or Nongyu's Xianyinhuajian.

They are all excellent martial arts, peerless martial arts, and they are all opponents that can be met but cannot be sought outside.

They were both women of the same age, and after a while, they began to sympathize with each other.

All the girls also know that Guo Xiang's identity is no trivial matter.

In the future, when she married Zhang Sanfeng, Guo Xiang was a big woman, so she naturally wanted to be flattered.

Waiting for parting a day later.

They have already made an appointment for the next meeting, to travel together in Wudang, or go to the rivers and lakes.

Three days later.

On the official road within the jurisdiction of Mount Emei, a sturdy and powerful horse gallops on the road. .

Chapter 440

Above a man and a woman, laughing and laughing all the way.

"Little Taoist priest, that is Mount Emei."

Guo Xiang pointed to the vague outline of the mountain in the distance and pointed it to Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng followed his fingers and saw a strange mountain that was completely different from other peaks.

Looking from a distance, the mountain is like a sword, under the surrounding mountains, thriving, like a pillar of the sky, propping up the heaven and the earth.

There are still clouds and mists lingering on the top of the mountain. As expected, there are rumors of immortal homes. I am afraid that only this kind of mountain can have immortals.

However, the two did not rush to Mount Emei quickly, since the appointment with Shangguan Xiaoxian was on the top of Mount Emei on August [-]th.

It was naturally the night of August [-]th, and I climbed Emei at night.

He wanted to see what the woman was trying to do.

Therefore, the two visited several other mountain streams and small towns in Mount Emei to visit the local customs.

During the period, there was naturally no contradiction, but some rumors flowed into his ears.

"There is a fairy on Mount Emei? It is said that she is a beautiful fairy, but some people say she is a very handsome and beautiful man."

He chewed on this information, although it was only spread among the teahouses and wineries, but what he said was serious, and it was only a glimpse.

Although it is not true or false, it cannot be groundless.

There is no Emei school founded by Guo Xiang in Emei now. Although the top of the mountain is firmly occupied by Buddhist temples, it is called the Top of Ten Thousand Buddhas, but the Buddhist temples and Taoist temples in the mountain exist at the same time, and the incense is also strong.

After all, the scenery of Mount Emei is unique, and it can naturally attract countless people who come here.

It is naturally possible that some people with high martial arts are regarded as gods by ordinary people.

However, Zhang Sanfeng has not taken these rumors to heart yet. He only needs to wait for the fifteenth, full moon night, and go up the mountain to fulfill the contract.

The village at the foot of Mount Emei occupies a vast area and is adjacent to the official road, and the accommodation is also quite convenient.

In fact, it is better to use a small town to describe it as a village.

After all, there are city gate guards, and there are also county academies, so it is not an exaggeration to use the city.

It's just that the city developed slowly from villages.

After noon on August [-], Zhang Sanfeng went up the mountain with Guo Xiang with a happy face when the sun was writing in detail.

Mount Emei is three thousand meters high. If you want to walk slowly and enjoy the surrounding scenery, you still have to spend a lot of time on the road.

So even though the appointment was at night, he left before the sun went down.

Emei Mountain really deserves the name of "Emei World Show", the path dug up the mountain, the scenery along the way is very beautiful, so that Guo Xiang, a girl who is used to seeing mountains and rivers, can't help but fall in love with this mountain.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"If there is a chance, I will definitely live on this mountain for a while. It's really comfortable here."

Guo Xiang couldn't help but said when he looked at the beautiful landscape around him.

Of course, in the original book, she really lived on Emei, and she also became the founder of the Emei School, and she didn't go down the mountain until she died.

"There will be a chance."

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently, climbing the mountain all the way, neither of them were out of breath and blushed, and they looked like they were at ease.


But what makes many mountain climbers admire them is their looks, which are all the same.

Good couple.

Finally, the sun did not enter the horizon, and the white moonlight began to shine on the world.

The wisps of moonlight reflect the entire Ten Thousand Buddhas Peak like daytime.

Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang also just walked out of an ancient temple.

Suddenly, a figure appeared in his field of vision.

Under the moon, ten thousand Buddhas on top.

A crown of trees with a height of more than [-] meters, a woman in white fluttering stood slowly.

She has a beautiful face, she can't tell whether she is happy or sad, she has a very strange expression, like two personalities.

She was slowly staring at Zhang Sanfeng and said to Zhang Sanfeng.

"You came."

It is the Shangguan Xiaoxian of the one-year appointment.six.

Chapter 441

"Little Taoist priest, is she the Shangguan Xiaoxian you said?"

Guo Xiang looked at the peerless woman in front of her and asked curiously.


Zhang Sanfeng nodded.

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng nodding, Guo Xiang's expression became a little eager to try.

"Stand so high, watch me knock her down!"

Without waiting for Zhang Sanfeng to speak, the girl in red lightly tapped her toes, took a few steps in the void, and then stepped onto the tree canopy that was more than twenty meters high.

Looking at the woman in parallel, the eyes of both of them flickered slightly, bright and uncertain.

- Wudang ladder is vertical.

Seeing Guo Xiang's shot, Zhang Sanfeng could only helplessly shake his head, but she wanted to come here to vent her anger.

After all, when he was still in Xiangyang, if there was no Taiji martial art, he might not have been able to break through the obstacles so easily that day.

Naturally, he also mentioned it to Guo Xiang, and her shot today is to stop Zhang Sanfeng's unauthorized shot that Shangguan Xian'er.

"Daughter of Daxia Guo, Miss Guo Xiangguo, don't stay in Xiangyang City, what are you doing here?"

Shangguan Xian'er's voice was soft and sweet, but the teasing in her words almost overflowed.

"You can see the little Taoist priest, but I can't? Besides, this Mount Emei is not yours."

Guo Xiang retorted.

"Don't talk nonsense. If you want to tell the little Taoist about your goodbyes today, then go through me first!"

Guo Xiang did not draw his sword, naturally because Shangguan Xiaoxian did not have any weapons at this time.

In this way, if you win her later, it won't appear to bully her too much.

But even so, she has both the Luoying Divine Sword Palm passed down from her mother Huang Rong and the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms given by her father.

Not to mention the unpredictable changes, it was the Luoying Divine Sword Palm that Huang Yaoshi had devoted his whole life to, so the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms was already the best palm technique in the world.

There is no right way to do it.

It is not as simple as one plus one when it is combined with the Jiuyang Divine Art.

Guo Xiang didn't make a sudden move, but her fighting style that she couldn't beat BB still caught Shangguan Xiaoxian by surprise.

Originally thought she was going to bicker, but she was still a little complacent. After all, her mother was born in a brothel, and she had seen more of the three religions and nine rookies, so she was no weaker than others.

But panic returns to panic, since Shangguan Xian'er is the daughter of Shangguan Jinhong, her martial arts will naturally not be low...  

Coupled with years of experience in the arena, she was able to block the Luoying Divine Sword Palm from Guo Xiang.

Luoying Divine Sword Palm, since it has the name of a sword, it naturally punches like a sword.

Every punch and every palm is as sharp as a sword, and the moves are as treacherous and unpredictable as sword moves.

Guo Xiang, either fists or palms, called Shangguan Xian'er without any rules.

Shangguan Xian'er only felt that there were fist shadows in all directions, but after blocking a few real punches, the fist shadow disappeared without a trace.

Shangguan Xian'er, who finished Guo Xiang's move, also smiled coldly.

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