"Miss Guo, this level of virtual and real boxing can only fool children!"

Guo Xiang was not annoyed, and smiled brightly.

"Just take the call."

As he said that, the shadows of fists and palms in the sky were superimposed and danced, and Guo Xiang's palms and fists shook the surrounding leaves.

When Shangguan Xian'er thought she had blocked the real move in the false move, she suddenly changed.

The actual move that she had blocked suddenly became false, and the original false move became solid.

This time, Shangguan Xian'er, who was out of touch, could only twist her body to make amends, but her reaction was still a beat too slow. .

Chapter 442

The clothes on her body were still brushed by the palm wind, and the corner of the white dress that had been dragged to the ground was instantly torn, revealing her slender feet.

This is a pair of jade feet that will fascinate many men.

Absolutely flawless.

However, Guo Xiang is also a woman, so naturally she will not appreciate these.

She smiled and said to herself.

"Oh, I'm so weak that I can only bully children."

After speaking, he covered his mouth and chuckled again, and a silver bell-like laughter came out.

Shangguan Xian'er could not laugh when she heard the silver bell-like voice.

The change in reality just now really took her by surprise, but she soon knew something in her heart.

Guo Xiang's martial arts are indeed outstanding.

But she is also easy to match.

The stiff face just now stretched out, and he smiled slightly, as if the embarrassment just now no longer existed.

"Second Miss Guo's Luoying Divine Sword Palm is really powerful. I saw it for the first time today, and I realized that this palm technique is so mysterious."

He speaks with sincerity on his face, and it doesn't seem like a lie to tout it. It seems that every sentence is from the bottom of his heart.

However, although Guo Xiang is young, her experience is no longer comparable to that of a little girl who has just entered the arena.

Moreover, she was even more wary of this beautiful woman who had once provoked little Taoist priests.

So these words were like wind in her ears, going in from the left ear and out from the right.

Not a single bit will be taken into account.

Guo Xiang restrained his smile and said.

"If you only have this kind of means today, then you probably won't be able to tell the little Taoist farewell today."

The implication is that if she doesn't pass her level, she will mess up all the clothes of the demon girl in front of her to see if she still has the face to see the little Taoist priest.

"Hey~ Miss Guo is so jealous, but since you think you can easily beat me like this, then go ahead and do it."

Shangguan Xian'er was not afraid. Anyway, her father was also Shangguan Jinghong. In terms of martial arts background, she was no worse than Guo Xiang.

As she spoke, her hands suddenly reversed, and a pair of dragon and phoenix rings appeared in her hands.

I don't know where such a huge weapon is hidden in the body.

It is the dragon and phoenix ring inherited from Shangguan Jinhong's son and mother.

Shangguan Xian'er showed off her weapon, naturally she wanted to fight the enemy with all her strength, although she could take out her weapon at any time, she could also use it as a sneak attack.

But she didn't want to take advantage of this, and naturally she showed it to Guo Xiang generously.

But what she didn't expect was that Guo Xiang smiled slightly, did not draw his sword, and still faced the enemy with both palms.

"You don't use weapons?"

"To deal with you, of course there is no need."

When Guo Xiang's proud voice came, Shangguan Xian'er was shocked again, followed by annoyance.

Although there are experts in the world who can defeat Shangguan Xian'er without weapons, it will never be you, Guo Xiang.

She no longer stayed behind, her figure moved, and the two golden rings in her hands were also thrown out, galloping directly towards Guo Xiang.

Formless, invisible, without a trace.

What I'm talking about is the dragon and phoenix ring, in the hands of Shangguan Jinhong, and in the hands of Shangguan Xian'er.

However, only hearing a few ding dings, Guo Xiang's palm shot several times in the void.

The son and mother, the dragon and phoenix rings, returned without success, but what made Shangguan Xian'er even more stunned.

Guo Xiang directly stepped on the seven-star step and bullied him forward.

The palms in the row are no longer the palms of the sky, but the most masculine palms in the world.

Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms.

Together with the palm wind, the momentum is shocking. .

Chapter 443

Under the palm of the wind, there is a faint sound of dragon roar.

No matter how stupid Shangguan Xian'er is, she understands that this palm can't be blocked, but there is no change in the canopy, and there is no way to retreat.

For a while, she only had time to protect the child and mother dragon and phoenix rings in front of her to prevent her palm power from entering her body without reservation.

If this is the case, he will suffer serious internal injuries even if he doesn't die. Today's August [-]th, going to an appointment at the end of the month is a joke.

However, even though Shangguan Xian'er returned to the defense in time, he still held the dragon and phoenix rings in front of him, when the strong wind of the palm and the weapon intersected.

Still can't help but feel a huge force pushing her slender body backwards, Shangguan Xian'er can only take a few steps back to resolve this brute force.

She raised her head and looked at Guo Xiang in a red dress and a red dress in front of her, a little unbelievable.

"You actually practiced the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms!"

Although there are many martial arts in the world, the martial arts are the first, and the strongest palm technique in the world is the eighteen palms that are unparalleled in the world, "the ancient martial arts conquer the dragon, the world is invincible".

Although the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms has not been lost, there are very few people in the world who can learn it.

Even though Guo Jing gave his apprentices and nephews all the money, he could only helplessly sigh that there was no successor.

The former Hong Qigong is still the same, but luckily, he met Guo Jing, and he has a follow-up successor.

At that time, the self-proclaimed intelligent Huang Rong didn't even learn it.

What I never imagined was that Guo Jing's second daughter had learned to subdue the dragon with eighteen palms as a woman.

If you say it out, I am afraid that the Central Plains martial arts will be shocked again.

"The answer is, it's a lot of nonsense' ˇ."

Guo Xiang seemed to be very dissatisfied that this palm only made Shangguan Xian'er take a few steps back, and said bluntly.

But he didn't want to, in the next scene, Guo Xiangru was struck by lightning.

"I surrender!"

Shangguan Xian'er simply conceded defeat and surrendered, and then flew straight towards Zhang Sanfeng's position without waiting for Guo Xiang to reply.

From Guo Xiang's perspective, Shangguan Xian'er left in a very embarrassed manner, while bystanders could see the following scene.

The woman in white under the moon, fluttering and falling, like Chang'e in the moon palace, the fairy descended to earth, people can't help but sigh that there is such a beautiful time in the world.

"Don't run! It's not over yet!"

Guo Xiang naturally refused to follow, and quickly followed, but Jiuyang's magical power is so powerful that it is endless, and it is the pure inner strength of the most yang and just.

It was a real chess move on the way, after Zhang Sanfeng talked with Shangguan Xian'er.

Guo Xiangcai followed, wrinkling his nose and exhaling.

"Demon girl, it's not over yet! Don't try to be rude! Little Taoist priest, don't talk to her either!"

I was just asking what Shangguan Xian'er said last time.

"."Little Li Feidao, there are no false examples." Zhang Sanfeng, who didn't understand what he meant, could only smile and nod his head without saying a word.

He still gave Guo Xiang face quite a bit.

"Miss Guo Er, I've given up, isn't that enough?"

Seeing that Shangguan Xian'er, who had no way to escape, looked at Guo Xiang, who was relentless, she had a headache.

It would be great if she had beaten it, but unfortunately, even if she was powerful in martial arts, Shangguan Jinhong was not alive. (is Zhao's)

Facing this Guo Xiang, who has Jiuyang Divine Art as the foundation and learned the Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon, is still a little behind.

To be precise, it should be the kind that was beaten violently and could not fight back.

Otherwise, Shangguan Xian'er wouldn't have run away so easily.

The name of subduing the dragon is not to say.It's a real effort to break through everything.

No matter how bells and whistles you are, if you slap it down, you will all be rubbish. If you can't stop it, continue to block it. If you can't stop it, you will die. .

Chapter 444

It is so domineering and unparalleled, but with such a powerful, firm and soft palm, how could it be on a weak and weak girl.

This made Shangguan Xian'er puzzled. Of course, if she knew that Guo Xiang's Jiuyang magic had already been completed.

I am afraid that the mood will be more complicated at this time.

That's true, you can't beat it, you can't escape.

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