"I surrender."

Li Xun Huan said very simply, by facing Shangguan Xiaoxian Dao on the side.

"Xiaoxian, bring me the fine wine that I have buried for a hundred years. I want to have a good night with this young Yingjie."

After speaking, he walked up to Zhang Sanfeng very familiarly and asked with a big smile.

"How? Real Zhang!"


Under the moon, wine, beauty, confidant.


Think of this.

The corners of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth couldn't help but evoke a smile. Drinking with these people may be a great joy in life.six.

Chapter 451

Night, the fireworks cluster.

When the black shadows as light as swallows climbed up to the golden top of the Ten Thousand Buddhas, the bright moonlight was already blocked by a layer of gray clouds.

It was pitch black around the Buddhist temple.

"White light?"

"Yes, it was just this place."

"Ask the monk here!"

"Go look for it over there."

However, no matter how they inquired, the monk only knew that someone was fighting outside. As for Bai Guang, they knew nothing about it.

Some things, knowing too much, is not good.

The monks who live on the golden dome of the Ten Thousand Buddhas naturally know these truths, and say what can be revealed, and what cannot be revealed, such as Amitabha Buddha and poor monks do not know.

When those people tossed and turned and failed to find Bai Guang, they left the Golden Dome of Ten Thousand Buddhas with resentment, or stayed overnight in the meditation room of a Buddhist temple.

Zhang Sanfeng and Guo Xiang had already arrived at Li Xunhuan's residence, a hut in the lee of a stone cliff.

There are no less than three or four cliffs and cliffs along the way, and the way to come is extremely bumpy for ordinary warriors, let alone mortals.

However, after walking to the leeward side of the stone cliff, I realized that it is a pity that this scenery is not used to hide from the world.

In front of him is a thousand peaks, and under his feet is a ten thousand zhang abyss, and from time to time there are eagles in the sky.

This kind of scenery can be called the unique of Emei. If Li Xunhuan could find such a place to live in seclusion, it is no wonder that no one in the world can find him.

I want to come to the rumor that someone saw the immortal on the mountain. If the location is correct, it should be near here.

Li Xunhuan or Shangguan Xiaoxian, who was discovered by chance when they went out with light work, would be regarded as immortals.

in the eyes of mortals.

Living so high, looking so beautiful, and seeing the cliff as nothing, easily crossing the mountain stream of dozens of meters, is not a fairy.

Coupled with word of mouth, a legend of immortals on Mount Emei naturally emerged.

"It's beautiful here."

Guo Xiang couldn't help sighing when he looked at the scenery.

"Pretty is beautiful, but if you live for [-] years, you won't feel anything."

Li Xun Huan's eyes flickered with a hint of memories of the past. When he traveled across the rivers and lakes, he happened to pass by Emei, and when he discovered this place, he was attracted by this place.

Did he decide to live in seclusion in Emei? At that time, his state of mind was similar to this Guo Xiang.

It's beautiful here, like a paradise.

"That's true."

Guo Xiang nodded in disbelief.

The two jars of wine have been moved to the stone table out of the yard by Shangguan Xiaoxian...  

The wine jar is not big, it is estimated that it is less than five kilograms.

The smaller and more delicate one, Guo Xiang couldn't help but pouted and wrinkled his nose.

"Four people, two jars of wine, Li Tanhua, you must be reluctant!"

The name of Li Xunhuan was naturally followed by Zhang Sanfeng.

"Ms. Guo Er doesn't know something, this is the last two jars of immortal brewing he has made, but he won't change the money!"

Shangguan Xiaoxian was naturally unconvinced. She had been greedy for this wine for a long time. If she took it out for auction, she would be able to exchange a jar of wine for no less than ten thousand taels.

What does it mean to be stingy, Li Xun Huan's dictionary does not contain reluctance.

Otherwise, how could he be said to be a spendthrift!

"Shenxian Brew, it's impossible."

Guo Xiang looked at this ordinary wine jar. It was filled with the famous immortal brew that ordinary people could get drunk with a drop?

However, after Shangguan Xiaoxian broke the mud seal, this problem no longer existed, although Guo Xiang only knew the name of the immortal brew and never drank it.

But just smelling this smell made her a little drunk, as if she had returned to the feeling when she secretly drank her father's wine when she was eight years old. .

Chapter 452

Zhang Sanfeng and Li Xunhuan didn't have time to care about other people's opinions, so they each picked up a wine jar and poured wine into the bowl.

Originally, he wanted to use a cup to be more artistic, but Li Xunhuan had not used a cup for many years. He had become a habit to use a bowl and a jar, and a gourd for drinking.

So there are no wine glasses in the house for pouring wine at all.

However, this is also innocuous, the two of them directly held the bowls and drank the superb wine that ordinary people would get drunk when they drank it, the Immortal Brew.

The taste is mellow and aftertaste, and the spiciness is endless, as if the throat is on fire, but the stomach is sweet.

I don't know what kind of ingenious winemaker is able to brew such delicious wine.

Zhang Sanfeng naturally poured half a bowl for Guo Xiang, and Guo Xiang was still a little unhappy at the beginning of 17.

As a result, he took a sip and fell down.

Zhang Sanfeng, who has long been aware of Guo Xiang's alcohol intake, naturally laughed without saying a word, while the other two were amused.

Just now, the heroine was so arrogant that she wanted to drink three big bowls, but she was drunk with half of the bowl left.

Tomorrow, it is estimated that Shangguan Xiaoxian must be unable to help but say that Ji Tu will win this Guo Xiang once.

"Don't worry about her, she only has this amount of alcohol, Li Tanhua, let's continue drinking."

Zhang Sanfeng picked up the wine bowl, and Li Xunhuan followed suit and poured another bowl full of fairy brew.

The two touched each other, and the fine wine and jade liquid were sprinkled on the soil, stone table, and stone bench, exuding a strong intoxicating aroma.

Under the moonlight, one bowl after another, it wasn't long before the two of them drank [-] out of [-] Immortal Brew, which was less than ten catties.

The drunkenness on his face was still not obvious.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng said.

"I don't know how long Li Tanhua plans to stay on the top of Mount Emei, but does he plan to go down the mountain?"

The meaning of what he said was naturally to see if he had any plans to join the WTO. If so, he really wanted to bring a true immortal to Wudang.

With Li Xunhuan around, Wudang could be considered another tiger general. Even if the wind was peaceful, it would be good to live in seclusion. At least the boss was in the mountains.

Steady, don't, don't.


Li Xun Huan was a little hesitant to speak, but he lowered his hand and smiled.

"I can stay for a long time, but I often go down the mountain to buy wine and drink, and many people at the foot of the mountain know me."

"What do you mean by going down the mountain, what does Zhang Zhenren mean?"

Li Xunhuan was puzzled, he didn't understand what Zhang Sanfeng meant.

"If Li Tanhua doesn't mind, I have a good place here."

Seeing Li Xunhuan's doubts, Zhang Sanfeng also opened the skylight and made a bright statement.


In Emei, Li Xunhuan had heard a lot about Wudang's reputation, and he was no stranger to Wudang.

"You want me to go to Wudang?"

he asked again.

Li Xun Huan still had an indifferent smile on his face, but his eyes were out of focus. He didn't know whether he was staring at Zhang Sanfeng or the bright night sky behind him.

"Naturally, I don't know what Tanhua's intentions are. There are also many people of the same generation on Wudang Mountain. Although their strengths are a little worse, their personalities are the same as you and me..."

Zhang Sanfeng strongly recommended Wudang, and told many heroes who had joined Wudang.

But he didn't want Li Xun Huan's next sentence to interrupt him directly.

"Okay! I was just going to go down the mountain to have a look. If Wudang is really as good as you said, then I will be in Wudang, that's all."

His words seemed to come from the bottom of his heart, which made Zhang Sanfeng stunned.

But he quickly reacted, he laughed and hugged Li Xun Huan.

"I still have wine, come and continue drinking!"

As he said that, he put on his sleeves and took out the wine brought from Wu State, as if he was going to drink with Li Xunhuan at dawn.

The night outside was getting darker. .

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