Chapter 453

A few days later, on an official road.

Guo Xiang and Zhang Sanfeng, who were riding a thousand miles of horses, bid farewell to each other, although they had already bid farewell to Li Xunhuan, who was still on the top of Mount Emei, and Shangguan Xiaoxian a few days ago.

The mood at that time was definitely different from this time. After all, we were about to part ways, but not long after I saw her little Taoist priest.

Guo Xiang had tears in his eyes, wrinkled his nose, and said resolutely.

"Little Taoist priest, I can't accompany you on your trip to the Tang Dynasty, but I'm here to find you."

Although Datang is far away from Wudang, it is far from the distance between Wu and Wudang.

She even dared to venture into Wu State, let alone the Tang Dynasty.

"It's up to you, but when you go back this time, you can tell your parents well and don't lose your temper again."

Zhang Sanfeng raised his hand, wiped the tears from her nose, and said indifferently.

"How could I quarrel with them, but you, the little Taoist priest, know every day that you make me unhappy, and you use that thing..."

Saying that, Guo Xiang remembered yesterday, the actions of this little Taoist who did not learn well, and his face couldn't help but blush.

However, the purpose of this trip has been achieved, and she understands a thought in her mind.

Even though he thought so, Guo Xiang was still a little angry. Originally, he finally came out, but he didn't expect to go home again in less than half a month.

Or let Wudang send an expedited letter to Emei to inform Guo Xiang to go home quickly, but in the letter, it is specially stated that there is no major matter, and there is no need for Zhang Zhenren to go.

Otherwise, Zhang Sanfeng wouldn't mind going to Guo Jing and Huang Rong's place, probably because of some trivial matters with Guo Xiang.

But it's confusing to use this kind of expedited letter again.

But nothing would happen to Wudang, so Zhang Sanfeng directly prepared for the trip to the Tang Dynasty. He originally planned to go with Guo Xiang, but he didn't want her to be called back by his parents.

Should have no effect.

"Little Taoist priest, then I'll go' ˇ."

Guo Xiang was reluctant to part, and the Maxima she was riding seemed to sense the owner's emotions and paced slowly.

that's it.

Guo Xiang rode an incomparably steed horse, turning his head one step at a time, looking at Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng also didn't turn around until Guo Xiang's figure disappeared at the end of the official road, and went to the small town to prepare for an envoy to the Tang Dynasty.

When he got the map of the Temple of War, Datang and his party were destined to go there, and he had already sent someone to investigate.

Through the comparison of the original works, it is also during this time when the plot begins.

That's why Zhang Sanfeng chose this time to come back from the Wu Kingdom, not only because of the agreement with Shangguan Xiaoxian on August [-]th.

Naturally, he still has a certain relationship with the Tang Dynasty. Even if there is no agreement, he still has to go back to Wudang and then transfer to the Tang Dynasty.

However, through what he saw and heard all the way these days, he found that Wudang is now better than he thought, and he was too lazy to go back and let them raise their teachers and move the crowd.

Zhang Sanfeng was originally an indifferent temperament, not to mention that he has become a true immortal, and he does not care about many common things, even if he is a big Wudang.

In his eyes, it is nothing but a link that connects important relationships.

The reason why he develops Wudang so vigorously is to let the name of Wudang martial arts spread to the world, so that the world only knows that the world's martial arts come out of Wudang.

Instead of the world's martial arts from Shaolin, and this step, he has already done the word when he left.

The number one person in the world, Zhang Sanfeng's famous name (Qian Zhao), has already attracted many martial arts practitioners to Wudang.

What's more, Wudang picked out an elder and deacon at random, all of which were strong enough to be the head of an external first-class sect.

The masters are like clouds, and the holy land of martial arts is Wudang.

The second one is the fetters of Wudang. Those who still live in Wudang, whether they are disciples or servants, as long as they are still there for one day.

Zhang Sanfeng felt that he had to protect Wudang, and protecting Wudang naturally made him stronger until he didn't need Zhang Sanfeng's help. .

Chapter 454

A towering tree can be achieved, which is why Zhang Sanfeng has been absorbing those peerless masters, whether it is Feng Qingyang or Dongfang Invincible and others.

Or the recent Xie Xiaofeng, and Li Xunhuan, who was already a true immortal, he would invite them to Wudang, whether it was a seclusion or a teaching disciple.

They are all contributing nutrients to the big tree of Wudang.

After thinking about this, Zhang Sanfeng felt that his thoughts had become more accessible, and he let out a sigh of relief.

Looking up at the sky, it's still early.

He walked directly into the small town and went to the horse market to pick up flattery for riding.

Although Zhang Sanfeng can fly to the ground, it is still more convenient to have a mount. After all, he can't fly in the sky all the time, he always has to walk.

In addition, Datang is not far from Emei. It takes about ten days to arrive, which is similar to Wudang.

Ten days of galloping on horseback, if you don't sleep, plus his spiritual blessing, it is estimated that it will arrive in five days.

"Old man, how do you sell this horse?"

He randomly picked a good-looking horse and asked the old farmer who sold the horse.

"Young master, you only need fifteen taels of silver."

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng is a handsome and handsome young man, the old farmer knew that the business had been successfully completed, but he did not dare to make more quotations.

Although the price of a horse in the market is only ten (bhag) taels of an ordinary horse, this horse is obviously not an ordinary horse, it is more than half a head higher than the same horse.

This is a war horse that was eliminated, and the old farmer also got this horse by chance.

Looking up is also very cherishing, basically eating the same as people, soy beans and eggs, stop and go.

This is the sturdy and sturdy feed, with the breath of a high-class horse.

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, the price was fair, so he had to nod to agree to the deal.

At this moment, a voice like a drake's throat came from behind, and Zhang Sanfeng paused.

Curiously, he turned around.

Under a hotel, stood a fat man in brocade clothes, less than seven feet tall, with a waist as thick as a bucket, glaring at Zhang Sanfeng.

The row of servant-like servants standing behind him seemed to be the capital of his glaring eyes.

"That boy, who gave you the courage to move my horse?"

Zhang Sanfeng's expression did not change, he looked at him indifferently, and touched the neck of the war horse, as if he was not talking about him at all.

"What about you! What about you! Let go of that horse!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, the old farmer hurried forward to persuade him.

"Young Master Wang, Young Master Wang, you can't talk nonsense. Your asking price of [-] taels is too low."

"Well, it's fifteen taels, I want this horse."

The son surnamed Wang has long planned, this is to cut off Hu.Directly from his arms, he took out a little more than fourteen taels of silver and stuffed it directly into the old man's arms.

Then he was majestic and walked in front of Zhang Sanfeng with toad steps.

Pretending to take the warhorse away.

"There are some horses you can't ride."

Just when the fat man surnamed Wang thought that this little white face would no longer speak, he didn't want this sentence to come out of his mouth.

I thought he was being rude.

Fatty Wang was about to say something, but then he thought about it.

At the foot of Mount Emei, there are a lot of three religions and nine streams, and this little white face doesn't look like a poor man, so it's best not to cause trouble.

But he was rebellious by nature, and he didn't give Zhang Sanfeng a good face at all, and he didn't even apologize.

Only the old farmer stood in front of Zhang Sanfeng with some embarrassment.


"Young master, I'm really sorry, that prince, I'm really not something I can afford to offend, I'm sorry."

After saying that, he bowed to Zhang Sanfeng and apologized.

He was stopped by Zhang Sanfeng.

"It's okay, old man, he can't ride that horse."

Chapter 455

The old man with the money for selling horses was still at a loss, but he had nothing to think about.

After the money and the goods were finished, I also apologized to this young man who didn't seem to be easy to mess with.

Even if it is to say that it is breaking the sky, he should account for the rationale.

Taking care of himself, he left, feeling very happy, and thinking about the money to add some dowry gifts to his son, the girl in that family is not bad.

He has a big butt and is easy to bear. If it weren't for his own son growing up as he was when he was young, otherwise, how would other girls look down on him.


People come and go in Ma Shi, and what just happened was just a small episode. Many people didn't say anything when they saw it. After all, the fat boy surnamed Wang didn't seem to be someone to mess with.

The servants behind him are all strong and mighty, and their temples are bulging high, and at first glance they are practicing family members.

Although you can't be domineering in a big city, in this small town under Mount Emei, as long as you don't mention the iron plate, there is still no problem in Yurou Township.

at this time.

Humming a little song, let the servant lead the second son of Wang, who had just bought a war horse, and sat in a sedan chair that was carried by four people.

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