Riding a horse naturally means going out of the city. Although riding a horse in a busy city is majestic, there are also people with martial arts under Mount Emei.

The death of a horse is a trivial matter, a matter of a little money, but if something goes wrong with a person, then all money will not be exchanged, and blood will be lost.

However, this group of people did not find that a young man in white was slowly pacing, following behind them unhurriedly.

His face was indifferent, the corners of his mouth curved slightly, as if he was waiting for a good show.

The town is not big, just two streets north and south.

Soon, the group walked out of the city and went to a relatively flat racecourse at the foot of Mount Emei.

"Be careful, son!"

"My son, I'll bring you a horse!"

As soon as the two flattering servants got off the sedan chair, they went forward to show their hospitality, but Second Young Master Wang was also very helpful.

He does not exclude the diligent servants. Although there is nothing to be diligent about, it is either a traitor or a thief, but these servants eat their royal family and use their royal family.

Isn't graciousness in return?It is normal for him to say that these people flatter him all, and he will consider these servants loyal.


Wang Er Gongzi's face was almost piled up, and his chin was as many as three or four layers, standing as if he never opened the corners of his eyes.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"Help me on the horse."

he said proudly.

The servant next to him looked at the weight of these two to three hundred catties and was a little worried for the horse.

The reason why Second Young Master Wang often buys horses is that Second Young Master Wang's mounts are consumables, and they are similar to disposable items.

After two or three rides, the horse's legs must be broken once. If it wasn't for the protection of a master, he would have fallen off the horse and died.


That's why he didn't dare to ride a horse in the downtown area.

Master Wang, that is, his father clearly forbids him to run wild in the busy city.

If he accidentally provokes a strongman in the rivers and lakes, and becomes a filial son and a worthy grandson, then he is a wicked son.

For this, the second son of Wang still understands quite a bit, and he has read a lot of this novel.

Often there are some peerless masters who disguise themselves as ordinary people, are humiliated by the playboys, and then be beaten violently in the showdown.

However, he has been careful for so many years, and he has not seen many peerless masters, but there are quite a few fat, pig, fat boys who mock him face to face.

His leg was broken by a servant behind his back and he was thrown to the mass grave. There are still many wild dogs there, and he also thinks it is quite good to change some fresh ones occasionally.six.

Chapter 456

"Sir, I'll take you up."

The shrewd servant wanted to help him when he stepped forward, but he didn't want to be beaten back by Second Young Master Wang with a fan.

"I still need your help? Go away!"

Saying that, the second son Wang, who was lined with plain clothes and wore an extra-large custom-made brocade jacket, was as fat as a pig. He stepped on a man's north angrily, and then got on this war horse.

"Sure enough, sitting on a horse has a different view, and I feel a lot better."

Wang Ergong, who is not tall, has always been concerned about his height. His only hobbies are usually two, one is women, and the other is horse riding.

Only riding a horse can make him feel as light as a swallow. The feeling of galloping vertically and horizontally with his own hands, Second Young Master Wang is really obsessed with this feeling.

Especially when the wind whistled past my ears, and the vision on both sides was blurred by the dynamic.

That kind of experience is more enjoyable than the most famous oiran in the small town.

However, just as Fatty Wang Er sat up, he found that the horse below immediately put his legs forward, like a man standing on his own.

Second Young Master Wang didn't even step on the special stirrups, nor did he hold the reins in his hands, so he lost his center of gravity and fell off the horse.

Fortunately, the people below him hugged him together in time, so that his body of more than [-] kilograms did not smash the soft ground into a hole.

"This beast!"

The strangeness of the war horse made the servants agitated one after another. If it wasn't for the young master who hadn't given the order, he would have gone up to teach him a lesson.

"This horse was fine just now, why is it suddenly so irritable!"

Someone is puzzled.

The Second Young Master Wang, who fell into a daze, suddenly regained his senses and spit out a local saying, to the effect that he wanted to communicate with the horse's mother in depth.

However, the horse suddenly became violent, and it had been quiet and motionless just now.

Now there is no distinction between enemy and me, and anyone who approaches will directly lift the peg.

"Young master, isn't this Crazy Horse, that dead old man pits us?"

Someone leaned into Wang Er Gongzi's ear and watched the strange behavior of the horse. At this time, no one could approach within a few meters of the horse.

"The money has already been given, where can I go to find someone? Besides, it was good when it was handed over to us just now. You have also seen it and said it was a good horse. Why is it a crazy horse now?"

The second son of Wang listened to the report of the servant, and directly scolded him with blood.

"But now whether it's a crazy horse or a good horse, I'll kill it, and I'll treat it as a snack today."

"Yes! Son!"

Everyone responded in unison, however, even if four or five people went up to besiege, they would not be able to help this horse.

However, a few people were kicked by horseshoes and fell to the ground, crying non-stop.

This made Second Young Master Wang, who thought he could easily take it down, even more annoyed when he saw it.

"Go and stab that long stick!"

"Front! Front! Are you a pig?"

Under the command of the second son of Wang, a group of people besieged in front of the horse, pressing step by step.

But what they never expected was that everyone was in front, and no one wanted to take a slap in the direction of the horse's butt, resulting in almost no one behind the horse.

So, the warhorse seemed to contain spirituality and turned around.

In a flash, he ran into the forest.

"My horse!"

Second Young Master Wang let out a pig-killing howl again, and could only watch his horse helplessly.

A ride to the dust. .

Chapter 457

On the tree-lined path, there is the faint sound of horses' hoofs.

Zhang Sanfeng rode on this mountain path where the horse he picked up was neither fast nor slow.

The wind meal and sleeping on the road along the way did not make his expression lessened by half, and even the horse seemed to be in high spirits.

Zhang Sanfeng had a clear perception of this road just now, and it can reach Yangzhou a little faster than the official road.

It can be considered a shortcut, although it is faster for him to fly directly.

However, you can look at the customs of the two sides. The style of the Sui Dynasty is different from that of Da Qin, Wu Yue, Song Jin.

But now he is on the road, and occasionally he encounters pedestrians in ragged clothes. I don't know if they are fleeing or taking refuge, but I see him anyway.

He avoided it from a distance and looked at him with a more cautious look.

Zhang Sanfeng also didn't meddle in his own business. Fate is not something that can be grasped when you encounter it, but something you have to win by yourself.

As the trees on both sides became sparser, I unknowingly returned to the official road, but the language of the pedestrians here is mostly dialects, but they are similar.

There may be some differences in the relative details of the clothing, but on the whole, they are still similar.

This is Yangzhou?

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the vast rice fields and the villages that could be seen in the distance, and the Yangtze River running for thousands of miles on the other.

Vaguely through the leaves, you can see the sailing boats on the Yangtze River, sailing with a thousand sails, which is spectacular.

The official road is straight, and although it is far away, with Zhang Sanfeng's strength, he can still have a panoramic view of the city at the end.

The city is not as deep as the high canals of the Great Song City, about half the height, but the decoration of the soldiers on the city is worse than that of Song.

Even the soldiers all have armor, and they look like elite soldiers and strong generals, and they are no longer weak in Song Dynasty.

Obviously, this country has not experienced the suppression of martial arts.

There are two characters engraved on the gate.


It was the destination of Zhang Sanfeng's trip, Yangzhou City.

At this time, it should still be in the last years of the Sui Dynasty, that is, the era when the country was about to die and evil spirits were born in large numbers.

However, Yangzhou is still extremely prosperous, like a fairyland on earth, several times more prosperous than Suzhou, the state of Wu, and many large ships can be seen coming and going outside the city.

Dock workers are also day and night moving cargo on board.

Yangzhou is located in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River. It is adjacent to the Huai River and has convenient transportation. Naturally, profitable traders flock here.

In addition, Yangzhou is a favorite place for literati, with a variety of humanities and beautiful scenery.

Naturally, over time, it has become the economic center of a dynasty, and it is normal to still have such a tolerance at the end of the dynasty.

The inspection of the city gate was not strict. Zhang Sanfeng lit up his own plate and passed the border. The officers and soldiers of the city gate kindly reminded him.

"Little Taoist priest, if you want to find a gym, only the Xicheng District has it, and the Nancheng District and the Beicheng District here do not have it."

I don't know if it's the word Wudang on the ultimatum or Zhang Sanfeng's charisma.

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