Zhang Sanfeng nodded with a smile, indicating that he understood, and stepped into this Yangzhou city with the flow of people.

At this time, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong should still be hanging around in Yangzhou. After all, Yangzhou is very familiar to them and is their territory.

After all, he used to be just a peripheral member of the Bamboo Flower Gang, and to put it bluntly, he was a gangster.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had an unhappy life at that time. First, Xu Ziling almost lost his eyes because of listening to Kou Zhong.

Then I also thought about going to the Shilong Dojo where the number one master in Yangzhou, pushing the mountaineer Shilong, was a teacher. .

Chapter 458

If it hadn't happened to meet Li Xiuning and Fu Junxi, and learned "The Secret of Longevity", one of the four great books, I'm afraid there would be no magnificent life in the future.

However, Zhang Sanfeng was not in such a hurry to take a shortcut to Yangzhou to meet the two of them first. There was still a period of time in the plot, so Zhang Sanfeng was not in a hurry at all.

But now he came to Yangzhou for another purpose. The order sent back to Wudang was replied, and he was given a message about the remnants of the treasure map.

That is, one of the map fragments where he has collected the third of the eight remnants of the Temple of War.

Zhang Sanfeng, who had already collected three pieces, naturally couldn't miss it. It just so happened that Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong and the others didn't plan to leave for the Shilong Dojo to learn the arts.

There will be no encounter with Fu Junxi, and the "Longevity Art" will not be available for the time being. This is Zhang Sanfeng's plan to come to Yangzhou in advance.

It is true that the bag is safe, and the fragments are taken into the hands in advance, and then go to Ssangyong and take the "Longevity Art".

It didn't take long for him to arrive at a three-story building with no features. The door was engraved with a Tai Chi pattern.

It is Wudang's stronghold in Yangzhou, that is, the office.

Otherwise, his news, as well as the news of Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling and others, would be impossible to know.

However, these strongholds are not as numerous as they were in the vicinity of Wudang Mountain before. There are all small towns and small towns. In this case, only larger places have them.

There are only two strongholds in the entire Tang Dynasty, one is Yangzhou, and the other is the capital of the Sui Dynasty.

After entering the office, Wudang disciples who had already seen Zhang Sanfeng's portrait were overwhelmed with excitement and knelt down to see him.

"Bring the materials you've sorted into the room." ˇ."

Zhang Sanfeng indifferently instructed those disciples, obviously, he needs to filter everything, think about what is missing.

Entering a luxurious room on the second floor, Zhang Sanfeng poured himself a cup of tea, and in less than a stick of incense, the thick letters and books were brought up.

It is the information about Xu Ziling, Kou Zhong, and Shi Long. There is a lot of information, and there are no details. Obviously, there are many experts in this Wudang stronghold who specialize in stalking.

Otherwise, Shi Long, the number one master in Yangzhou, is still a bit capable. If he wants to stalk him secretly without being discovered, he probably needs to be one or two levels higher.

That is, people at the Grandmaster level may not be discovered by Shilong.

Wudang naturally has no shortage of such masters. The family has a big business, and there are many masters. In addition, Zhang Sanfeng's appointment, even Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are followed by masters.

They are always concerned about the trend, although they don't understand why Zhang Sanfeng is staring at these two little gangsters who can be pinched to death with his fingers.

But he still honestly reported the records every day until Zhang Sanfeng returned to the army.

It took almost half an hour for Zhang Sanfeng to sort out the information about the two Ssangyongs at this stronghold, as well as Shilong's recent changes.

Naturally, Ssangyong is still as usual (Manuo's), doing nothing. When he is hungry, he will go to the Baozi Xishi in the south of the city to get a few buns to eat, and then think about joining the rebel army all day long, or go to steal and learn martial arts.

And recently, Xu Ziling also almost went blind, precisely because he believed Kou Zhong's lie about staring at Sun Yang to train his eyesight.

The stalking master also specially handed a letter whether to use Wudang's medicinal pills for help, but Wudang replied directly with Zhang Sanfeng's words.

"."Do not interfere, let it develop.".

Chapter 459

Yangzhou, Wudang stronghold.

On the second floor, Zhang Sanfeng was the only one in the deluxe room. The melon and fruit desserts had already been put aside, and one of them remained untouched.

He is now thinking about the information sent back by the master who stalked Shilong.

"I've been practicing Qimen exercises recently, and I've had a lot of conversations with mysterious women. The content of the conversation is related to the "Longevity Technique"."

"Miss Li Jia San of Taiyuan, Li Xiuning invites Shi Long to meet in three days."

This is just one of the paragraphs that Zhang Sanfeng is interested in.

Others are redundant, such as where did Shi Long go today, who he met again, and so on.

"It seems that the mysterious woman should be Fu Junxi, and three days later, it will be time for Shuanglong to meet Shilong and Li Xiuning."

"I still have three days."

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it, it seems that he was right in coming early, three days are plenty, so that he doesn't have to rush to the scene.

"The next thing is about the remnants of the treasure map."

Zhang Sanfeng picked up another piece of letter paper, which was thick and contained information about the remnant of the treasure map, as well as the cause and effect.

However, after Zhang Sanfeng opened the letter, he quietly observed the contents of the letter. The content was not short, but Zhang Sanfeng read it very quickly.

With one glance and ten lines, Zhang Sanfeng quickly knew everything about the remnant of this treasure map.

After reading the letter, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but sigh, it seems that he still has to wait three days.

It was actually related to Cailin, the master Yijian of Goguryeo. The treasure map was in his hands, and the master of Yijian Shenlong couldn't see the end.

With these Wudang staff in the Great Sui Dynasty alone, it is definitely impossible to find it.

However, Zhang Sanfeng was not in a hurry. After three days, when Fu Junxi appeared, he could naturally know from her mouth where his master Fu Cailin was.

After packing up the letters on the table, Zhang Sanfeng comfortably poured himself a cup, then leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and pondering.

The noise outside the window remained.

three days later.

Three days passed like this, and Zhang Sanfeng lived a normal work and rest time every day.

While practicing the Chaos Nine-Turn Xuan Gong in the morning, a belated system prompt was triggered in the middle.

However, there are only some (bhag) bonuses for skill points and experience points.

It seems that the system simply wants to brush its presence in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

This skill point and experience point, for Zhang Sanfeng, who is now at the [-]th rank of Chaos Nine Rank Xuan Gong, is fearless and a drop in the bucket, but no matter how small a mosquito is, he is very happy to accept it.

Early in the morning, Zhang Sanfeng woke up and walked out of the Wudang stronghold.

The weather is good for walking.

This time, instead of riding a horse, he walked straight towards the Shilong Dojo outside the city.

If nothing else, I can meet Ssangyong, Fu Junxi, and Na Yu Wenhua today.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng was wearing a black Taoist robe with a plain white lining and a jade pendant with a yin and yang fish pattern hanging from his waist.

In the city of Yangzhou, it also attracted countless attention, especially the handsome appearance, which caused a lot of discussion among the girls in the boudoir.

"I don't know which Taoist gym it is. If I know, I won't go to worship those Buddhist temples outside the city next time, and change my taste. It's not bad to worship Taoist priests."

"What a handsome little Taoist! That temperament is really like a fairy."


A handsome and cute little Taoist priest came to Yangzhou City, and the rumor spread slowly.

The Shilong Dojo is not far away, just in the northern suburbs of Yangzhou, in a nearby woodland, covering a wide area.

The dojo makes people look at it from a distance and feel a sense of pride.

It is no wonder that he will become the number one master in Yangzhou, and this dojo should also be the number one in Yangzhou. .

Chapter 460

But Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel anything when he walked there. For him, it was just a bigger yard.

The Shilong Dojo arrived soon. When he arrived, there were already many strong men in the dojo practicing martial arts.

Pushing a stone mill the size of a millstone and rolling it back and forth is also a unique exercise for Shilong, but these must be polished with his special medicinal wine.

Otherwise, if you continue to practice like this every day, your muscles and bones will be broken, and people will be ruined.

This can also be regarded as a means of accumulating wealth by Shilong, collecting apprentices to get rich.

"Stop who?"

It didn't take long for Zhang Sanfeng to step into the Shilong Dojo.

Then a strong student stopped Zhang Sanfeng who was wearing a Taoist robe and asked in doubt.

It was mainly the Taoist robe on Zhang Sanfeng's body and his good temperament, which made him hesitate.

Otherwise, he would have let Zhang Sanfeng, who seemed to have no inner strength, get out of the way.

After all, Shilong Dojo is not a place that ordinary people can come to.

"Under Zhang Junbao, ask you to push the mountaineer Shilong to come out and meet me!"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't even look at it, and went straight.

"You...I, I'll go right now."

The strong student wanted to say something, but when he saw Zhang Sanfeng's deep pupils, he couldn't help but stunned.

Ever since Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong absorbed Hetu Luoshu, Zhang Sanfeng felt that his demeanor carried a psychedelic power, or the power of guidance.

It was the guiding force just now, so that the student who originally wanted to attack him in anger would drive him away with cold words no matter how bad it was.

Become obedient and obedient to pass on Shilong, this is change.

Shi Long, who was in the secret passage, felt that there was a disciple knocking on the door outside, and he called out impatiently.

"Didn't you say don't disturb me?"

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