Shilong was full of fire, but it was sluggish. The existence of two auras on one person's face was considered a strange phenomenon.

Seeing Shi Long with a strange expression on his face, the students did not dare to hesitate, and hurriedly told him what Zhang Sanfeng said.

"A Taoist priest is looking for me? He looks very handsome? But he doesn't have any inner strength?"

Shi Long was puzzled, but he didn't know such a person, and he didn't have any friends who wrote to him recently, saying that his son and nephew were coming.

But he still decided to go out and have a look. The Taoist priest could always arouse a trace of curiosity in him, and there was a problem in the cultivation of the longevity art that controlled his cultivation.

Go out to get some air, the secret room is too stuffy.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????


After someone notified.

Zhang Sanfeng was then led to the reception hall and sat on the chair of the Grand Master. A maid was already serving tea, and there were not many people with low levels that Shi Long received.

Tea is naturally bad, the first-class Biluochun.

When the tea was slightly cold, Zhang Sanfeng saw Shi Long after bathing and dressing. Shi Long's expression flickered when he saw Zhang Sanfeng.

...... 0

"Zhang Xiaoyou?" Shi Long bowed his hands.

But he didn't want Zhang Sanfeng to open the tea lid directly, blow the heat that had dissipated, and take a sip of the tea ceremony.

"Shi Long, your longevity formula is pretty good."

As soon as these words came out, it was not easy to slow down, Shi Long's heart suddenly became tense, his wrist flicked, and his figure turned.

Without hesitation, he unleashed a punch, which was powerful and heavy, but the target of the attack was the strong student who was following him.

The student couldn't react at all, and was beaten by Shi Long three steps back and leaned against the wall.

With a groan, he even spit out seven or eight mouthfuls of blood, his internal energy penetrated into his body, and he died suddenly without being able to speak.

"Now it is your turn!"

Shi Long, who had just killed a disciple, stared at Zhang Sanfeng.six.

Chapter 461

"Now it is your turn!"

Daoist Shilong was very angry now, he didn't want to kill that disciple at all, if it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng telling him the secret of longevity when he was unprepared.

He would definitely set aside this disciple in advance and not let anyone approach the council hall.

But the longevity formula had already been spoken out by the little Taoist priest in front of him, and he had no scruples, and directly beat his own disciple to death.

Otherwise, if he leaked out half four or ninety sentences, then his Shilong Dojo would obviously not be able to open.

"The Secret of Longevity" is a fragrant pastry. Not only martial arts people stare at it, but even Emperor Yang Guang has coveted it for a long time.

After all, it is about the treasure house of Yang Gong, and the longevity formula is the only key that can be opened.

And learning the longevity art can get Shi Zhixuan's Evil Emperor relic, which makes countless martial arts people dream.

If the news of the longevity formula leaks from him, then I am afraid that there will be no peace for him.

Although he got the longevity formula from Fu Junxi, he hid his identity at that time.

Even though Fu Junxi knew that he had taken the longevity formula, he did not necessarily know his true identity.

But now, Zhang Sanfeng revealed his identity in one sentence, and with that Fu Junxiu, Shi Long subconsciously regarded Zhang Sanfeng as the same group as Fu Junxiu.

However, he still hesitated for a bit, giving the little Taoist priest who had no inner strength a chance to speak.

Otherwise, kill him for nothing, although once and for all.

But God knows what Fu Junxi can do if he kills this little Taoist priest.

Fu Junxi is not dead, he still has some fears after all.

But he didn't want the little Taoist to avoid dodging, not to say a word, but his eyes were filled with curiosity.

Curious eyes looked at him, just like a person looking at a monkey, which made Shi Long even more unacceptable.

A little doll with no hair even dared to come and act wild in front of him, and he no longer held back the strength in his hand. Since it was not sent by Fu Junxi, he didn't have to hold back.

At that time, I can give the disciple's family an explanation, saying that it was the little Taoist priest who killed him.

He even avenged them, and maybe even thanked him for the fee.

The punch is powerful and powerful, with a whistling sound, Shi Long's speed is not fast, but in the blink of an eye, he is in front of him, and he comes with his fist...  

However, Shi Long, who could even push the hill by his hand, found that his fist strength was more than three inches outside Zhang Sanfeng's body and stopped.

He turned invisible, and when his punch reached three inches, Zhang Sanfeng still couldn't dodge, but he was struck by lightning.

One to three inches away from his fist, he was stuck tightly and tightly, unable to move, and his hand gradually suffered severe pain as the innate qi was consumed.

"what is this?"

Shi Long looked at the place where his fist touched in shock.

The little Taoist was three inches outside the body, and countless dense invisible cyclones swirled in the air, like a giant hornet's nest.

Not a single hive is the eye of the wind, and the blood flowing in his fist and hand just now turned into blood threads and swam in these cyclones.

In a blink of an eye, bloodshots spread all over the area in front of the little Taoist priest.

What kind of magic is this?

Practice out of the body infuriating?

Or internal force?

Shi Long couldn't understand it, but after punching him now, he understood that the little Taoist priest in front of him was definitely not easy.

Therefore, he immediately stopped and looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a suspicious look in his eyes. .

Chapter 462

"who are you?"

He didn't even care about the injury on his hand, he looked at Zhang Sanfeng without blinking, waiting for his reply.

But he didn't want to, Zhang Sanfeng still answered the question.

He looked at Shi Long's right hand hanging by his side.

"Is the recovery power of the first layer of the longevity formula so strong? If you know how to kung fu, your fists won't bleed, and new shoots will be born."

"It seems that it really deserves to be one of the four great books."

Zhang Sanfeng looked very serious, if it wasn't for Shi Long being too far away, maybe he would have raised his hand and took a good look.

"What do you mean by that?"

Shi Long reluctantly controlled his voice not to be deformed by anger and suffocation, and still respectfully said 17.

"If Shi was hostile to you just now, Shi is willing to offer a thousand taels of gold as a gift to fellow Daoists."

"I also have a good relationship with Zhenren He of Xuantianguan, I wonder if you can know Zhang Daoyou?"

Shi Long is now racking his brains to deal with this little Taoist priest who doesn't know where he came from.

But the price of the shot just now was that his right hand was injured and he still lost his strength.

But even if he is in his prime, facing such strange little Taoist priests, he feels that his chances of winning are slim.


Zhang Sanfeng stood up, not knowing what he was sighing.

Shi Long saw the little Taoist priest named Zhang Junbao in front of him. He stood up and came straight towards him. He wanted to move, but he couldn't move at all.

He panicked instantly, and his face was a little distorted. He wanted to say something, but found that his face couldn't move, so he could only use this distorted face.

Watching Zhang Sanfeng move forward, a tremendous pressure suddenly enveloped his whole body and bound his hands and feet.

He couldn't even make an expression, he could only use the gesture just now to face Zhang Sanfeng's approaching step by step.

If he could shout, he definitely wanted to.

"Don't come here! Talk about something! Everything can be negotiated!"

However, all he can do now is to restore his distorted face to its original shape, let alone.

Even negotiating is an extravagant request. I don't know if it is perseverance or survival, so he can finally breathe a sigh of relief and say a word to Zhang Sanfeng who came over.

"Kill... me! You... you won't get the longevity formula!"

The three characters of Changsheng Jue are extremely important, and he is also very confident that such treasures as Changsheng Jue, he himself admits.

Presumably even the gangster Jiang Yang, who was full of evil, would have extended his life for an extra moment.

After all, this is the only key that can simultaneously obtain the relic of the evil king and the wealth of the enemy in the treasure house of Yang Gong.

He didn't believe that the little Taoist priest in front of him could be as calm as ever.

But the little Taoist priest didn't seem to hear, the indifference on his face did not change from beginning to end, and the pace did not stop.

Walking up to him, holding a finger, he slowly poked at his half-red and half-white forehead.


Shi Long only felt a sharp pain in his brain, and he fell into a sluggishness for a second or countless years.

Makes his brain a mess.

In a daze, I felt myself falling heavily to the ground, and then I heard the sound again.

"Even if your ashes are scattered in the river, I can still find the longevity formula."

"He... how did he know?"

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