This was the last thought of Shi Long, the mountain pusher, the number one master in Yangzhou. .

Chapter 463

Shi Long was destroyed by his fingers, and Zhang Sanfeng did not have the slightest fluctuation in his heart.

First, this person is not a good person at all, whether it is the original book or now, he often kills his disciples to keep secrets.

The second is that he looks uncomfortable when he looks at his face that is neither yin nor yang, it is better to die clean.

If you know about it under the Shilong Spring of Huangquan, you will definitely want to cry without tears.

He also doesn't want to make it look like he is immortal and immortal. If the longevity formula goes wrong, what can he do?

Throwing the remains of Shi Long and that apprentice into a utility room, Zhang Sanfeng stopped worrying about it as soon as the door was closed.

Anyway, he didn't plan to stay here. If there is no accident, Li Xiuning, the third young lady of the Li family's chaebol, will invite Shi Long to ride with him.

Then on the road, he met Kou Zhong, who was greedy for her body and disguised as a servant, and was exposed by Shi Long. Then Li Xiuning was kind and docile and could not bear to see Kou Zhong being beaten, but instead saved Shuanglong.

After that, Ssangyong accidentally met Fu Junxi.

But what Zhang Sanfeng can do now is to get the longevity formula in the secret room first.

He casually asked a disciple, and the disciple pointed him to Daoist Shilong's room. After all, he saw Zhang Sanfeng being invited into the living room just now.

Although he wondered why Master was not with him, there was no need for him to hide the fact that Shilong's room was known to all the disciples.

Zhang Sanfeng, who got the location of Shilong's room, really found a secret room under the room. In the secret room, he could easily find the longevity formula on the table.

It can be said that before Fu Junxiu came out, Shi Long's vigilance towards the longevity art was terrifyingly low.

I didn't even hide before I left.

However, even if he hides it, Zhang Sanfeng, who can feel the aura of the Longevity Art, will have no trouble finding the location of the Longevity Art.

This is also one of the main reasons why he is too lazy to listen to Shi Long's speech. I know your only trump card in the end.

What is he worth?

Nothing but shut up.

Zhang Sanfeng was in a good mood when he received "The Secret of Longevity".

Looking at the longevity formula in his hand, he couldn't help rubbing it. This longevity formula looks very historical.

The Secret of Longevity is actually a scroll.

All written on oracle bone script, but this is not difficult for Zhang Sanfeng, it is easy to understand the meaning of the above.

The front is the general outline of the longevity formula.

Although it is only a hundred words, it looks like a large piece.

"For a long time.

The reason why heaven and earth can grow and last is because it does not arise by itself, so it can live forever.

This is because the sage follows his body and precedes it; outside his body, the body exists.


After getting the longevity formula, he immediately sat down on a futon in the secret room, cross-legged.

Begin to carry out the reiki movement army in the order described in the ancient scrolls.

Start from the Eight Extraordinary Meridians, go through the Twelve Serious Meridians, and then go...

Zhang Sanfeng was meticulous and walked completely through the Great Zhoutian, and a wisp of Innate True Qi suddenly appeared in his dantian. (Mano's)

It seems incompatible with the spiritual energy bred in Dantian. If Shi Long sees it, it is estimated that he will vomit blood.

Why doesn't he need to re-cultivation after cultivating the longevity tactic, but he has to re-cultivation after re-cultivation, God is unfair!

Although the Longevity Art is a simplified version of the God of War Catalogue, after the Longevity Art is connected, the bonus to ordinary people is not too big.

After all, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong, who were once only peripheral members of the Bamboo Flower Gang, had their strength turned upside down after they learned the Secret of Longevity. .

Chapter 464

Although it is not the first person in the Sui and Tang Dynasties, but the two of them joined forces, it is still true.

Even if it is a single fight, the Evil King Shi Zhixuan can compete.

Looking at the True Qi of the Longevity Technique appearing in his body, Zhang Sanfeng did not hesitate to use the True Qi as an introduction as usual.

Then run the Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong with all his strength, and completely integrate this "Longevity Art" into the practice.

After a while.

Zhang Sanfeng felt his body light up again, as if he was unloading a heavy burden.

Hunyuan nine-turn Xuangong twenty-sixth turn, successful.

Zhang Sanfeng opened those eyes overflowing with energy, and the deep black eyes were like stars in the secret room.

"A long way to go."

Before he knew it, Zhang Sanfeng had already restrained a hint of complacency. The longevity art of refining and refining just now made him suddenly feel that the world is still so vast.

There are endless exercises, even if he has become a [-]th rank Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong, he can't slack off.

The main thing is that when I saw the micro-knowledge from the longevity formula, I felt the horror of the "God of War".

The above exercises are far from comparable to any of the twenty-six exercises Zhang Sanfeng has learned.

No wonder, this piece of martial arts is breaking the void at every turn, and martial arts is also a very important factor.

If Dugu seeks defeat here, I am afraid there will be no such word as master loneliness.

Maybe there will be another Dugu with a sword breaking the void in the world to seek defeat!

The number of layers of the bhag nine-turn Xuangong remains the same as before. It is still the seventh layer, but it is a little vain. Obviously, if one more practice method is integrated, it will fall to the sixth layer.

However, these Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about the skill points and experience points that can be obtained by ordinary practice.

Now Zhang Sanfeng, who just got the "Longevity Art", has already spied on the "God of War Catalog" in the Temple of War, and there are quite a few good things in it.

It seems that the strength of the map needs to be increased. When I return to the Wudang stronghold later, I will order a lot of people to be transferred as helpers.

After all, there are many people looking for it, and there is still more hope. If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng's layout on Da Sui's side in advance.

I'm afraid I don't know that Master Yijian also has a remnant picture of the Temple of War.

The real qi effect of the longevity art is slowly like the spiritual qi of his Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

Reiki recovery, physical recovery increases simultaneously.

The operation of the gas engine is also stronger than before by several points.

Being as light as a swallow is not enough to describe how Zhang Sanfeng feels now, he just feels like he will float up when he lifts his legs.

However, after a few rounds of Great Zhoutian, the episodes of the "Longevity Art" and Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong were gone.

Just when Zhang Sanfeng was feeling the changes in the spiritual power in his body, a calling sound came from above.

"Master! Master! Where are you?"

"Li Xiuning, Miss Li, the third young lady of the Li clan is looking for you."

Zhang Sanfeng's eyes flickered, as if thinking of something, he stood up and walked straight up.

The secret room was opened again, and there was no one in the room, except for a figure of a disciple outside the window.

It seems that there are rules on Shilong's side not to rush in, but Zhang Sanfeng doesn't care.

Pushing open the door, he faced the Shilong Dojo student who looked at him in surprise.

said lightly.

"Shi Long asked me to come here for today's business, I can go."

The students didn't dare to make a sound. After all, this person walked out of Shilong's room in a grand manner, and he was calm, obviously knowing what he knew.

So he listened to Zhang Sanfeng's words and led the way in front of him.

Li Xiuning is waiting for Shi Long in the living room. .

Chapter 465

Shi Long's room was not far from the living room. Zhang Sanfeng followed the student to the living room soon after.

I also saw Li Xiuning who was sitting on the side. Although Li Xiuning was the third young lady of the Li clan, her overall dress was still more classical and elegant, with a green and pink dress, with a hint of grace and lightness.

But the temperament inevitably makes the simple and elegant dresses elegant and luxurious, as if the ugly duckling has turned into a white swan.

No matter how ordinary the dress is, on her body, it is like a divine help, and it shows the brilliance on Li Xiuning to the fullest.

"Where's Daoist Shilong?"

Li Xiuning saw a young Taoist priest, or it was brought by a student who just said he was going to find Taoist Master Shilong, so he couldn't help but ask.

But after I finished speaking, I already had the answer in my heart. I am afraid that the number one person in Yangzhou was perfunctory me, and just wanted to find a little Taoist priest to send her away.

Although this little Taoist looks handsome and handsome, Li Xiuning doesn't have any ill will towards him, but Shi Long is inauthentic when it comes to the truth. Is this the first person in Yangzhou?

Li Xiuning was a little disappointed. Seeing that the student was hesitant to speak, he directly waved his hand.

"Since Daoist Shilong has no time to spare today, then Xiuning won't bother you any more today."

Saying that, get up and leave.

To her surprise, the little Taoist's qi-raising skills obviously exceeded her expectations, and she originally thought she could see a trace of embarrassment on his face.

Or she was angry and questioned her angrily, but it made her evaluation of Zhang Sanfeng so high by three points.

Don't be happy with things, don't be sad with yourself, it really is a good seed for cultivation, but unfortunately, there is no inner strength, just an ordinary person.

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