But she didn't come to Shi Long for Daoist Master Shi Long, but Shi Long, the first person in Yangzhou.

Although Li Xiuning is not skilled in martial arts, she still feels that Zhang Sanfeng has a certain degree of certainty, and there are no calluses on his hands.

Therefore, although she admired Zhang Sanfeng slightly, she could only regret missing it, and gave Zhang Sanfeng an apologetic look to express her apology.

She came to Yangzhou to see Shi Long this time, naturally to recruit Shi Long for the Li clan, but she didn't want to see Shi Long's face, so she was a little discouraged.

Just as he was about to go out, he heard a scream.


The mournful sound, even if I heard a chill down my spine, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart.

"what's the situation?"

Li Xiuning looked behind her in confusion. If she heard the voice just now, it was behind her, that is, behind the living room.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

What happened, Master, is it...

Just when Li Xiuning started to think wildly, the voice was sharp again and shouted harshly.

"There are assassins! There are assassins! The master is dead! The master is dead!"

The cries of the gods can be said to be loud, and the entire Shilong Dojo is shaken.


No matter if you are practicing or just entering the door, you can't help but have the same thought.

"Impossible, the number one master of Yangzhou, Shi Long, is dead?"

"How could this be... so sudden."

"And how did the assassin sneak in, they didn't feel it at all."

However, these students didn't have time to think so much, and they all rushed towards the living room, filling the entire living room at once.

Zhang Sanfeng and Li Xiuning were left behind by them at a distance, and the master was dead, so who cares about the guests!

After Li Xiuning went in and took a look, he confirmed that it was indeed the mountaineer Shi Long.

She walked out with some lingering fears, but her beautiful eyes flashed slightly, and it seemed that she had some thoughts, but she never said it.six.

Chapter 466

After Zhang Sanfeng came in, he remained calm and didn't say a word, except at first glance, he took a good look at the third Miss Li family.

Let's see if she is really as witty and brave as the original book says.

Li Xiuning, also the future Princess Xiuning of the Tang Dynasty, the dream lover of countless people, is curious and secretive and continues to look at Zhang Sanfeng, who is dedicated to drinking tea.

This little Taoist seems to be a little different.

Brilliant and handsome.

There was a hint of calmness in it.

Just when everyone was shocked by Shi Long's death, he still remained motionless.

This bearing is far beyond his age.

But I don't know if he is angry with him now. Just now, she ignored the little Taoist priest, except for the look in his eyes that was a little pitiful and apologetic.

She stood up a little nervously, unexpectedly walked to Zhang Sanfeng, and then looked for a chair at the same table as Zhang Sanfeng.

Speak softly.

"Little Taoist priest, my name is Li Xiuning, what is your name?"

"Zhang Junbao."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't have any bad feelings towards Li Xiuning. Li Xiuning's anger was obviously directed at Shi Long, and he was not the kind of person with a small heart.

Otherwise, he would not be able to cultivate to a true immortal, and would have been trapped in Wudang for a long time, unable to go down the mountain.

"Zhang Junbao, good name."

Li Xiuning complimented, but seeing that Zhang Sanfeng's face was not moved, he knew that his previous compliments, or that his beauty did not work for Zhang Sanfeng.

He restrained his smile.

"Little Taoist priest, I want to ask you a question, can you answer me?"


Zhang Sanfeng said without hesitation, and then got up and sat on the opposite seat. It turns out that Li Xiuning also likes to ask questions.

But Zhang Sanfeng was relieved after thinking about it. After all, she was doing things for the Li clan wholeheartedly, and she was willing to do anything for the Li family.

In the original book, it was also for the Li clan, who fell into the hands of the four bandits.

Li Xiuning became anxious when she heard Zhang Sanfeng's words.

"Little Taoist priest, you insisted that I expose you. I noticed all your demeanor just now."

"As soon as the news of Shilong's death broke out, even I was incredulous, but you, like an old tree in the mountain, didn't move, even your eyes didn't change, obviously you knew it!"

"Stone Dragon's death, do you know something? Or, hum..."

Speaking of which, Li Xiuning seemed to be quite satisfied with his own judgment. He raised his head proudly, and looked at Zhang Sanfeng with an expression that caught you.

However, her voice was very low, and none of Shi Long's disciples had cultivated enough to hear them.

Thinking that he had caught a handle on Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xiuning's expression was like a fox who stole a chicken, and continued with a treacherous smile.

"Little Taoist priest, if you are afraid and see something, tell me secretly, my sister won't tell anyone."

After speaking, Li Xiuning sat next to Zhang Sanfeng again, waiting for Zhang Sanfeng's answer with a curious expression.

But he didn't want Zhang Sanfeng to look at her and stood up directly.

His lips were slightly parted, and his voice was not loud, but to Li Xiuning, he uttered a voice that was a hundred times more stern and deafening than before.

"I killed Shilong, but so what? Miss Li? Are you satisfied with this?"

Li Xiuning was stunned on the spot. .

Chapter 467

"Just now, this little Taoist came out of the master's room."

The person who spoke was the student who kept Zhang Sanfeng in the living room. At this time, he was shrugging his head and shouting in the crowd.

Everyone could hear it clearly, as long as the mind turned fast, the heart suddenly froze.

No way!No!

There really is a murderer who kills someone else's master, and sits in front of his apprentice and drinks tea slowly!

But looking at Zhang Sanfeng's demeanor, they didn't dare to gamble.

He could only helplessly watch Zhang Sanfeng ask questions again in doubt.

"Whether you guys will take revenge in the end, if you don't take revenge, spread them out and make me a pot of tea later."

Zhang Sanfeng put down the empty teacup and said innocently to the surrounding students.

Some angry students were attacked by their anger, but they just wanted to teach Zhang Sanfeng a lesson.

However, seeing the strange expressions of the students in front of him who were more imposing than him, he stopped again.

For a time, none of the people in the hall felt that they would take action against Zhang Sanfeng, but they did not disperse.

Still surrounded here, staring at Zhang Sanfeng, it seems that if Zhang Sanfeng does not do anything, they will never do it.

"Not much to say, three numbers, or you want to stay here like your master."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the crowd around him, his expression still unchanged, and continued to say lightly.

But this indifferent voice, when he heard those students' ears, was like a bone-piercing steel knife, inch by inch into their spines, making him feel unbearable pain.

But there is no other way.


Zhang Sanfeng casually reported the number, as if this were a very simple game.


The crowd is still surging, and some people have already started to leave, the hall, standing outside and watching.

Some people tried to persuade it to no avail.


At this moment, the four strong men who were a lot more imposing than ordinary students suddenly turned around and left their original place.

It seems that leaving at the last second is a convention, the purpose.

Naturally, let a person go up and try to test this little Taoist who has no inner strength.

Zhang Sanfeng, with a plain white lining and a black Taoist robe, sat on a chair and looked at the nine people who were staring at him in a daze. The nine people wanted to leave, but couldn't. other side.

It seems to be deciding who will go first, but Zhang Sanfeng didn't give them the chance to choose the ranking.

Out of nowhere, he took out a long sword and pointed at the remaining nine human beings in the hall.

"Let's go together, one thing is, I still want to drink tea."

He was so arrogant that he didn't even look at the nine students.

Even Li Xiuning couldn't bear to grin, this little Taoist was too good at pretending, if all nine of them came together, he would probably have to take a break.

But she still didn't see a single flaw in Zhang Sanfeng's expression.

She had never seen it, and the many students who had been panicking because of Shi Long's death had seen it.

I saw that the little Taoist priest in front of him was so arrogant. After the death of the master, he went to his room leisurely, and then he didn't leave, but also came to the living room to declare that he was the murderer.

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