The nod should be that they don't need to ask why, just agree.

Even if Zhang Sanfeng took them through the mountain of knives, he would not wrinkle his brows under the sea of ​​​​fire.

After giving the order, Zhang Sanfeng went straight to the second floor, his exclusive room.

He started to run the "Longevity Technique" he had just obtained with all his strength. .

Chapter 470

At noon, Zhang Sanfeng walked out of the deluxe room and went downstairs.

It was found that everyone was ready and waiting for him downstairs.

"Let's go."

He said calmly.


The others responded in unison, and the expressions on their faces were a little different.

This is Zhang Sanfeng taking them with them. This kind of honor is expected to last for a lifetime. If you go to Wudang Mountain, it is estimated that it will attract a lot of envy.

Let them dislike Da Sui at that time, and don't want to be sent to be stationed here.

It makes them cool now.

The group of people walked out of the Wudang stronghold, this three-story building.

But the movement was still quite big. Twenty-one people, fifteen men and six women, came out of the Wudang stronghold. Most of them went up the mountain to apprentice after Zhang Sanfeng left.

Another is that when Zhang Sanfeng was still in the mountains, he had met once or twice, and had also heard Zhang Sanfeng preach.

The few people who were staring at Xu Ziling and Kou Zhongshuanglong were the masters who went to the mountain gate behind and were coordinated by the person in charge of Wudang, that is to say, most of them were new faces.

However, Zhang Sanfeng glanced slightly, and felt that there was a centripetal force and cohesion in these people, so he knew their general situation.

In less than a year, they have been completely assimilated by Wudang, and it can only be said that they did a good job.

However, there is a high probability that Wudang, whether it is a unique skill, a medicinal pill, or a practice experience, will never hide it, as long as there is a contribution, it can be exchanged.

Delegating to the Great Sui Dynasty was still a relatively important task, and the selection criteria were naturally much higher, so the group that Zhang Sanfeng saw were the slightly advanced group of Wudang Mountain’s disciples.

Zhang Sanfeng's trip also attracted the attention of many people.

"People from Wudang..."

"These Taoist priests are so handsome, and the female crown is also very beautiful. Is that from the gym?"

"That handsome Taoist priest is actually the leader, it doesn't seem easy."

The discussions were endless, and all Wudang disciples held their heads high and did not say a word, similar to Zhang Sanfeng's indifferent expression.

The wind is light and the clouds are light, which happens to reflect the otherworldly nature of the Taoist priest.

Let many people talk about it with relish, pointing at them.

In fact, Wudang was not well-known in the Great Sui Dynasty. Although it was only a ten-day journey, he could cross the border of the Song Dynasty and step into the Great Sui Dynasty.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

But most of the news here are not martial arts people, but those green forest heroes, and martial arts and other things are far away from them.

Even if Zhang Sanfeng's reputation as number one in the world came, in their opinion, it was no match for an army.

If the record came, they would only think that it was exaggerated, and they could only say that the folk customs of the Great Sui Dynasty were like this, but there were still a lot of knowledgeable people.


For example, Li Xiuning, such as Shi Long, can deeply understand the horror of Zhang Sanfeng, but Shi Long has been cultivating the "Longevity Technique" with all his strength in recent years.

Where did he come from thinking about the unexpected news, anyway, no one in Yangzhou was his opponent, he was still self-aware.

Although he has good martial arts skills, he is still three points weaker than the people outside.

This is why Shi Long spared no effort to cultivate the longevity art.

Of course it was for the Evil Emperor's relic, but the longevity art was also an extraordinary skill. Shuanglong rose rapidly, facing the great master at the age of the weak crown.

It's not the "Longevity Secret".

Zhang Sanfeng and the others didn't walk long before they arrived at the restaurant run by the young master of the Chai family. He raised his head and looked at the luxurious restaurant.six.

Chapter 471

It was in this place that the former Ssangyong saw Li Xiuning, and the wheel of history began to roll slowly.

However, as soon as Zhang Sanfeng arrived, Li Xiuning had already noticed him, a very bright little Taoist priest this morning.

But what she didn't expect was that this little Taoist actually brought more than [-] people to the door, but Li Xiuning didn't panic.

Originally, what was aimed at Shi Long was a feast, which must have included entertaining his disciples. At this time, there were no more than [-] people at all.

"His apprentice brother? Why does he seem to be respected..."

Li Xiuning thought in his heart, but his body was not slow, so he went downstairs when he saw Zhang Sanfeng.

"Shouting: "Little Taoist priest, this is yours..."

The voice was a little hesitant, but seeing that the attitude of these people was a little wrong, but it was hard to guess. This time, she did not make a decision immediately, but let Zhang Sanfeng take the initiative to say it.

"Well, this is our invitation."

Zhang Sanfeng handed over a poster with a yin-yang fish pattern on the outside and black and white as the background color. This is also a standard etiquette for inviting Li Xiuning back.

"Bai Tie... You're too polite, but you guys are quite... Wudang?"

Li Xiuning felt that the little Taoist priest was too polite, and what kind of greetings did he have to send.

Shilong died today, and the banquet was wasted.

Now it is purely to make this banquet more popular.

After all, Shi Long had quite a few disciples, and now that none of them came, Li Xiuning would have suffered a miserable loss for this banquet.

But when she flipped through this post, she felt a shudder all over her body, and she only saw two words, Wudang.

Then there is the head, and then there is Zhang Sanfeng.

Li Xiuning's pupils shrank rapidly, like the size of a grain of rice.

When he saw the three words Zhang Sanfeng again, he raised his head in disbelief and wanted to say something.

In the end, it was just a thousand words, all gathered into one sentence.


She held the invitation card tremblingly, and looked at Zhang Sanfeng with an indifferent face, unable to utter a complete sentence, just looked at him like that.

"You are... Zhang Sanfeng, the head of Wudang?"

"Didn't you say your name is Zhang Junbao?"

Li Xiuning immediately found out what was wrong and hurriedly asked.

The rumors of Zhang Sanfeng on the Da Sui side are just those who say bad things, the deeds of a sword against ten thousand people, in fact, here, they are all read as fairy novels.

But there is no doubt that Zhang Sanfeng is very strong...  

However, Li Xiuning still couldn't connect Zhang Sanfeng, the best master in the world, with the handsome little Taoist priest in front of him.

It seems that the style of painting has collapsed, how is it possible?

How could it be Zhang Sanfeng.

However, Zhang Sanfeng's words still did not contain a hint of fireworks.

"Zhang Junbao is my common name before entering Taoism."


Li Xiuning hesitated.

"Shi Long was really killed by you!"

She still asked. Since he was Zhang Sanfeng, the death of Shilong must have something to do with him. Although she knew, she couldn't help but ask.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't speak, just gave her a boring look and asked her to take it back by herself.

"Since Zhang Zhenzhen is here, let's go this way."

Although Li Xiuning still had some doubts in his heart, it was not good for these people to be outside the restaurant, so he hurriedly invited them in and took seats one by one.

The people inside also began to roll their names.

"The head of Wudang came to visit with twenty-three disciples!"

"The head of Wudang came to visit with twenty-three disciples!"


The entire restaurant was horrified. .

Chapter 472

Li Xiuning put a lot of thought into hosting this banquet, and naturally it wasn't to entertain Shi Long and their Taoist priest.

He also invited big and small martial artists in Yangzhou City, and there were forty or fifty people in total.

However, they were all seated on the first floor of the restaurant, and the second floor was reserved for Shi Long.

But now that Shi Long is dead, everyone is eager to try it out, wanting to shake his prestige in front of Li Xiuning to see if she can catch her eye.

For the income of Li Clan, it is better to have a backer than no backer. If most people want to develop better, Li Clan is indeed a good choice.

Maybe you can use this to compete for the position left by Shilong in the first 17 years, and Yangzhou is the first.

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