After all, the tree fell and the hozen scattered, and the only one who was stronger in Shilong Dojo was Shilong. In recent years, he was even more addicted to the "Longevity Technique", and he had no intention of teaching his disciples.

Talking about how there are outstanding people to shine on his behalf, it is normal for Shilong Dojo to walk around.

Most of his disciples in Yangzhou participated in the Shilong Dojo and worshipped him because of his reputation as the number one in Yangzhou. With the reputation of Shilong, it was much more convenient to do things on the boundary of Yangzhou.

Whether it is a waterway helper, or a strongman in the mountains and forests on the road, holding a stone dragon's name, others will still look at it.

Now that Shi Long is dead, there is no need to stay here any longer.

But just as many Yangzhou warriors were surging, a roll call outside the door made them stunned.

"Zhang Sanfeng, the head of Wudang, and twenty-three disciples, came to see him."

This is not easy to shake the sky, how could Zhang Sanfeng, the head of Wudang, the number one person in the world, suddenly come to the Sui Dynasty.

Even with his disciples, does Song Guo also want to intervene in the Great Sui Dynasty, or does Zhang Sanfeng, the head of Wudang, also have plots against the rivers and lakes of the Great Sui?

Do you want to include this place under the influence of Wudang?

But as soon as the voice fell, they also saw a group of people appearing from the door, but this group of people did not stay on the first floor, but went straight to the second floor.

Just a few short breaths.

The discussion on the first floor is not limited.

"Isn't this the handsome little Taoist priest from yesterday? Where is Zhang Zhenren?"

"Isn't it true that Zhang Zhenren didn't see the good head of Wudang, but a little Taoist led them, is there something wrong?"

"Or did we go to the second floor and we didn't see it?"

Of course, there are smarter people who have begun to analyze the relationship between Li Xiuning and this Wudang. Could it be that the Li clan has begun to collude with the Wudang of Song?

The civil strife in the Great Sui Dynasty is acceptable. If it is revealed that the Li clan colluded with outsiders, I am afraid that the impact of the fishing reel would not be small.

The clever one didn't even eat, so he was about to go out to spread the news. You must know that there is still a news shop in Yangzhou City. If you are one step ahead of others, send the news.

The price is different. If this news is important and true, what is a meal? Even if you go to the most famous flower building in Yangzhou, you can still blink without blinking.

"Little...Zhang Zhenren....You scared Xiuning! It's the first time I've seen someone living on paper."

Li Xiuning made a big joke. Zhang Sanfeng's disciples were arranged to dine in a few rooms next door, while he and Li Xiuning were on the largest terrace, drinking and eating.

But before the dishes were served, Li Xiuning started her tireless questioning.

such as.

"Is Wudang really the holy land of martial arts in the world as the storytellers say?"

"How high is Zhang Zhenren's martial arts, can he fly?

"Zhang Zhenzhen really said in the book, countless women fall in love with you, and your confidantes are everywhere on the rivers and lakes."

Chapter 473

Questions like this are more restrained in the front, and they are just letting themselves go in the back. I almost asked Zhang Sanfeng if he would mind the beauty of an extra rich lady.

However, Zhang Sanfeng didn't reply a word, just drank tea quietly.

He was thinking at this moment whether Ssangyong got in or not, but after seeing the two sneaky servants, the doubts in his heart were no longer there.

It was them, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong, the two of them still saw Li Xiuning, took the opportunity to pretend to be a servant and sneaked into the restaurant, trying to get a close look at Fangrong.

At this time, he was peeking at the screen side of the open-air banquet.

But at this time, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong felt as uncomfortable as eating shit.

When I saw the woman I liked, I was chatting with a handsome little Taoist madly, just like I saw the goddess as a licking dog in front of others.

Very distressing.

Although Kou Zhong had to admit that the little Taoist priest in front of him was handsome enough, he was indeed attractive to young girls.

But this man is too pretentious.

Basically ignore Li Xiuning, either yes or nod.

Li Xiuning wasn't even annoyed at all, and instead continued to look for topics.

This made Kou Zhong think that Li Xiuning would be angry and ignore him, and he felt that his three views would be shattered. It turned out that even such a beautiful woman can show such a humble appearance in front of other men.

"This Taoist priest is too much, and he doesn't have a good chat with her' ˇ."

Kou Zhong, who was peeping, couldn't help but said to Xu Ziling beside him.

"I can't help it. I heard that the Taoist priest is still the head of the sect. He is about the same age as us. He is now the head of the sect. It's really maddening to compare people."

Xu Ziling shook his head, stared at Li Xiuning, and said.

"I haven't seen her as beautiful as you said? No matter how you look at it, she is no different from an ordinary woman."

Indeed, although the current Li Xiuning looks amazing, the graceful and luxurious peony-like temperament around him has long since fallen into the dust.

Kou Zhong also felt that Li Xiuning seemed to be far from what he thought, maybe this was called disillusionment.

He was a little regretful.

"Zi Ling, let's go, let's get some clothes and see if we can eat something, this time it won't be in vain."

Regarding Zhang Sanfeng and Li Xiuning, the two of them did not have much thoughts, but they felt a little pity in their hearts.

Or the hidden deep envy and jealousy, obviously of average age.

One person has calmly accepted the gestures of various women.

The two of them could only look at their faces secretly, not daring to make a sound.

When she left at the end, she couldn't even say sour words, she could only comfort herself, the goddess only lived in her heart.

". "Well, let's go down, the quality of the clothes just now is really good, let's go get another set and wear it."

"I don't have to go to Sister Zhen's place at noon today, I will owe the steamed buns on credit."

"We have a big meal."

Xu Ziling was not affected by the previous one at all. At this time, his heart was full of the delicacies of the kitchen downstairs.

Seeing that his partner was so happy, Kou Zhong smiled, pretended to be a servant, and went downstairs.

All of this was caught in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, and this state also made Li Xiuning, who had been pestering Zhang (Li's) Sanfeng, ask questions.

"Zhang Zhenren, but what's your dissatisfaction with the dishes? If it's a matter of taste, I'll ask the cook to recreate the flavors that Song Guo likes."

"The chef traveled to many countries when he was young, and he can also eat the food of Song."

Li Xiuning smiled sweetly, Zhang Sanfeng's indifference was already accustomed to her, but what she was most afraid of was his sudden disappearance.

The silent one.

She has a feeling that she has made a lot of money by coming to Yangzhou this time. .

Chapter 474

Li Xiuning looked at the little Taoist priest who looked no more than [-] in front of him with concern, and his eyes were full of curiosity.

This is different from the previous curiosity. The previous curiosity was just wondering what the identity of this little Taoist priest was. Now that he knew his identity, he began to be curious about his experience.

What kind of experience does it take to make this age reach the realm of No. [-] in the world.

She had also heard the stories of the war between the Jin and Song Dynasties in the Great Sui Dynasty, but they were all heard as myths, and the power should be spread as falsehoods.

After all, this time is ancient, and there are thousands of enemies, and it may be blown away, but one hundred thousand people, one million people is really unimaginable.

Even if the immortals from the sky come down, they may not be able to achieve such a record.

As the saying goes, when a woman is still curious about a man, it may be the beginning of her sinking.

500 Although Li Xiuning knew that this was not good, the excuse she gave to Zhang Sanfeng in front of her was that she wanted to find a master who killed Shilong from his mouth, so as to make friends and help Li Clan.

Now that she knows Zhang Sanfeng's identity, her reason is even more sufficient, that is, to win Zhang Sanfeng and make him an external helper of the Li clan, which can also be said to be a partner.

As for subjugation, Li Xiuning's brain has not been broken to that extent. Although Zhang Sanfeng's combat strength is doubtful, the huge Wudang is not bragging about each other.

Many caravans from the Great Song Dynasty came to the Great Sui Dynasty, and one of the flags often planted on the flag was the Taiji map of Wudang (bhag), which could ensure a smooth journey.

These Li Xiuning naturally sees it, and also has a deep understanding of the martial art of Wudang, which is above the imperial power.

The surname of Da Song was not so much Zhao, but Zhang.

So this kind of thought didn't appear in Li Xiuning's mind at all, the only thing she was thinking about now was how to win over the little Taoist priest in front of her.

The Shilong case seems to be really him, but Li Xiuning doesn't know why he killed Shilong.

Thinking about it carefully, it is also very strange that a mere number one expert in Yangzhou needs Zhang Sanfeng to do it himself.

Wudang masters are like clouds, and anyone who comes here can kill Shilong.

Or is there another secret.

Li Xiuqin didn't know about these, but she didn't dare to ask. All she could do now was to take good care of the little Taoist priest in front of her, and then ask him about his attitude towards Li Clan.

See if there is a chance for the two to join forces.

"The wine here is good."

Zhang Sanfeng was still just a short sentence, but Li Xiuning was very happy after hearing it and said quickly.

"Zhang Zhenzhen is indeed an old eater. One of the three must-have restaurants in the Chai family is this wine-beautiful drunk."

Li Xiuning introduced Zhang Sanfeng with a smile.

As he said that, he also instructed the maid in his ear.

"Prepare the [-] altars of beauties drunk, and send them to the Wudang stronghold when we leave later."

The voice was very soft, obviously intentionally trying to deceive Zhang Sanfeng, but Zhang Sanfeng had no ear.

However, this movement didn't cause him the slightest disturbance, it was just wine, good wine could be drunk, ordinary wine could be drunk, and they all had their own flavors.

It's just that the external price is different, but in Sanfeng's eyes, the price is already a series of numbers, meaningless.

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