Li Xiuning's move made Zhang Sanfeng nod slightly. Maybe this is the woman from the aristocratic family. The one from the Dongfang family may be fake.

Being a person and doing things is not leaking, and doing things is also comprehensive.

It is no wonder that the most famous woman in the Li family is only Li Shimin, the king of Qin. "

I don't know how he is now, the future emperor of the Tang Dynasty, and later the emperor of the ancient Tang Taizong. .

Chapter 475

But at this time, it was obviously not to ask about Li Shimin, but to do the things in front of him first. Since he had already seen Ssangyong, it would be meaningless for Zhang Sanfeng to stay here.

Later, he has to meet Fu Junxi, the beloved disciple of Master Yijian, who came from a long way in Goguryeo.

She is a person who helped Ssangyong in the early stage and made great progress for Ssangyong.

And meet her.

It is also necessary to ask her master when she was still there, about the remaining pages of the treasure map, that is, the Temple of War. Zhang Sanfeng did not dare to take it lightly.

Therefore, after eating a few mouthfuls of food, Zhang Sanfeng said his goodbyes and left, but Li Xiuning, who thought the atmosphere was already harmonious, was stunned.

I haven't talked about the Li clan and Wudang, why did I leave?

This is completely unbearable, Li Xiuning quickly retained.

"Zhang Zhenzhen feels that the scenery here is not good, why don't we make an appointment...~..."

"no need."

Zhang Sanfeng naturally saw that her fundamental purpose to keep him at this time was for the Li clan, and he naturally did not want to have a relationship with a wealthy clan for the time being.

This might be a bit of a burden for him to walk in the Great Sui Rivers and Lakes in the future, although with the help of Li Clan, it may be easier to find the remnants of the treasure map.

But Li clan is not without enemies, Yu Wenhua and other clan forces, if they see Li clan collecting, they will naturally follow suit.

In this way, it is better for him to make a fortune in silence.

Moreover, he felt that it was coming soon. The remnants of the treasure map must be gathered together, and it is not far away.

But at present, we can only go according to the context of the original work, see Fu Junxi first, and then solve the pursuit of Yu Wenhua.

To save the worries, as to whether it will affect Shuanglong's worship of the master Jun Xie, then this is no longer in Zhang Sanfeng's consideration.

More than [-] people left the Chai's restaurant in a mighty manner. There was a bit of thunder and little rain, but only Zhang Sanfeng knew it.

He really just wanted to bring his subordinates to mix dinner and see Ssangyong by the way.

But what I didn't expect was that Kou Zhong's attitude towards Li Xiuning seemed to have changed.

Doesn't seem to have that kind of feeling of perseverance?It may be that Li Xiuning did not save him under Shi Long, and this friendship did not ferment.

When Zhang Sanfeng flapped the wings of a butterfly once, he didn't think too much.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

No matter how Ssangyong will not do his business in the future, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are in his mind, the role of a tool person, let him know when and where to start the story line.

And then, there is no then.

Of course, if they want to apprentice Wudang, he is still willing to accept it. After all, the talents of these two people are also good, and the degree of chance is estimated to be comparable to that of Yang Guo.

..... 0 0

Every now and then, it is a chance encounter, and by chance, in his early twenties, he will fight with those old monsters.

At the end of the Great Sui Dynasty, he won a place, and he could still compete with the Li family for the world. If it wasn't for Li Xiuning's kindness to Kou Zhong, it would be impossible to say that there would be nothing to do with Li Shimin.

This kind of apprentice doesn't have to worry about betrayal. They are all pure hearts, and the kind that pays for tit for tat, can't be relieved.

Zhang Sanfeng looked up at the sky, said to those Wudang disciples, and went straight to the northern suburbs of Yangzhou City.

If there is no accident, he will meet Fu Junxi who came from Goguryeo to get the longevity formula there.

And Ssangyong will also see these by fate, and start his first step on the Jianghu Road.six.

Chapter 476

When walking to the Shilong Dojo, Zhang Sanfeng saw a female swordsman who was obviously not a woman from the Central Plains holding a sword and asked a student who was still in the Shilong Dojo.

Even though she was shouting at a distance of hundreds of meters, Zhang Sanfeng could still see it from the shape of her mouth.

"Who killed Shilong!"

The students could only wave their hands in a panic and said they didn't know. Although Zhang Sanfeng left a deep impression on them, their first reaction was indeed that the murderer couldn't possibly be him.

 [-], a little Taoist priest with no inner strength, it is difficult to kill a chicken, let alone kill the top master in Yangzhou, Shilong, who is known as the mountain pusher.

"it's me!"

Zhang Sanfeng saw Fu Junxi from a distance, and directly condensed the words into a sword, and galloped into Fu Junxi's ears, which was similar to a thousand-mile sound transmission.

It's just a little trick to use spiritual power.

But the sudden sound made Fu Junxi a little startled, and hurriedly put down the sword on the student's neck.

He looked around cautiously.

There were a few drops of cold sweat on the forehead of the beautiful face.

The sudden appearance of these masters caught Fu Junxi a little by surprise. Originally, she had traveled thousands of miles to Yangzhou, naturally for the "Longevity Art" in Shilong's hands.

But as soon as I came to Shilong Dojo this morning, I saw Bai Fan and Yan Su had been hung up. The yard was not as lively as before, and there were faint weeping and wailing.

It looked cold and clear, and was extremely resentful, which was something Fu Junxi had never seen before when he came here.

Fu Junxi, who felt bad in her heart, immediately went in and got the news of Shilong's death, and then went into Shilong's house to search, and her heart sank.

There is no "Longevity Secret", she has also found the secret room, and there is still nothing under the secret room, but there are traces of people's frequent activities, and there is no dust.

Apparently Shilong is always here, but...

That means that after Shi Long died, someone took the "Longevity"

This is why Fu Junxi asked the students in the academy who killed Shi Long, otherwise the "Longevity Tactic" would have really disappeared.

At that time, when the great Sui Dynasty is over, how should she go to find it.

But she thought about it for a long time, but she never imagined that someone would send a sound transmission from thousands of miles and tell her, "It's me!"

In other words, he heard what I said to this student and saw it. Who is this person?

An unknown fear emerged spontaneously, which made Fu Junxi feel a chill down her spine, but she soon saw the target of Qianli Sound Transmission...  

A Taoist priest~, a very young Taoist priest~, at least from the face, the two stood together, she looked like a sister who was a few years older.

"is it him?"

Fu Junxi was a little skeptical, but the words in her ears had come true.

"Fu Junxi, hello."

She also saw the little Taoist nod to her from a distance, so she believed it, but deeper doubts appeared again.

"Why does he know his name, Shi Long said it, or?"

Just when Fu Junxiu was thinking about it carefully, the students didn't know where they went, and Fu Junxiu didn't want to look for them.

Zhang Sanfeng had already come to him.

"Go somewhere else," he said.

Fu Junxuan could only follow behind him blankly, walking to a wood beside Shilong Dojo.

The surrounding bushes are thick and it is easy to hide from wild animals.

"You killed Shi Long?"

Fu Junzheng looked at this little Taoist priest who could not see any features except for his handsome and handsome appearance.

He didn't have a trace of inner strength, but after a thousand miles of voice transmission, she naturally wouldn't think of him as an ordinary person, and only regarded him as a special practice with a hidden aura.

"That's right.".

Chapter 477

Zhang Sanfeng admitted it very simply.

"I killed Shilong, and the longevity formula is also in my hands."

"You~ give me the secret of longevity."

When Fu Junxu heard this, she stepped forward quickly, her tone a little anxious.

She came from the northern capital and assassinated the emperor once. God knows that Yu Wenhua will come after him.

Now she can't wait for a moment, she is about to reach out to Zhang Sanfeng in a hurry.

"It's my teacher's thing."


Zhang Sanfeng sneered, his whole body burst into flames, and Fu Junxi, who was directly suppressed, couldn't move, and couldn't even lift his sword.

"When did the longevity formula become something of the Goguryeo people! It's just something your master Fu Cailin got from the Central Plains, and it's taken from others. How can it be yours?"

Zhang Sanfeng refuted it coldly. Fu Junxi wanted to refute, but he couldn't say anything. His whole body was restrained by spiritual energy and he couldn't move.

Can only be a little helpless shouting.

"The secret of longevity is ours~ I gave it to Shilong."

She was already a little desperate in her heart, and even her heart that was a little overjoyed because of Shi Long's death began to turn around, hoping that Shi Long was not dead.

If she hadn't died, she wouldn't have encountered such a monster.

"I can give you the longevity formula, but I want to know the position of your master Fu Cailin, or you can exchange it for something."

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