"Report! General, we found a tunnel, and there are two people in the tunnel."

"Bring it up."

There was a little hope in Yu Wenhua's heart, but when he saw the two, he was immediately disappointed.

One has a square head and big ears, and the other has a high nose bridge. They look very sunny, but they all look like hooligans.

At first glance, it looks like he came to Shilong Dojo to steal chickens and dogs. It is estimated that he heard that Shilong was dead, and he came to fish in troubled waters.

These two are Shuanglong, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong.

At this time, even if Kou Zhong, who wanted to come here, was witty and active, he could not say a word when he saw that all the soldiers were surrounded by armor.

Xu Ziling was frightened and pale, this is over, stealing things will cost his life. .

Chapter 480

Chapter four hundred and seventy-ninth search, unreasonable

"Anything else found in the secret room?"

Yu Wenhua asked, the light in his eyes flickered, these were his personal soldiers, and all of them were loyal to him.

"No, General."

Soldiers in armor, ~ return truthfully.

"What about the two of them? What did you find?"

Yu Wenwenji glanced at Ssangyong, then took it back - back.

"They don't have anything on them except basic martial arts secrets."

The soldier spoke quickly, but could be heard clearly, and handed over a few books.

The above-mentioned "Reckless Niu Jin", "Basic Explanation of Eighteen Hands of Pushing the Mountain" and "Bone Forging" are indeed some superficial martial arts.

That is, what Shi Long sent to those students for use.

Yu Wenhua rolled his eyes a few times, then put it aside and said.

"Let's go, go to the place the prefect said just now, Wudang, right?"

Yu Wenhua and turned on the horse, and then said.

"Take those two boys with you, and hand them over to the prefect later."


The soldiers came down in unison, and Shuanglong was also dragged away by someone who was tied behind the horse with a string.

Fortunately, when the northern suburbs of the city entered Yangzhou City, there were not too many people, and the speed of the horses was not too fast. Even if their hands were bound, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong followed.

Just be careful with the ground, otherwise, if he accidentally falls, he will be dragged all the way.

Fortunately, Wudang's station is not far away. After passing through the North Gate of Yangzhou for tens of minutes, it will be there. It may be because the military men and Yu Wenhua who are flattering are too scary.

Pedestrians avoided one after another, which also made Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong suffer a lot less.

Seeing the pedestrians pointing around, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong felt uncomfortable.

However, both of them were a little fortunate. Fortunately, it wasn't the South Gate who went to the south gate, otherwise they would be seen by Sister Zhen, and they didn't know how to explain it to her.

The horse stopped, and both Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong breathed a sigh of relief, and finally they didn't have to go any more, otherwise they might not be able to support it any longer.

You know, after the arms are bound, it is quite difficult to walk with balance, under the condition of traction.

"Wudang, is that right?"

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong heard about Nayu Culture and Taoism.


A soldier also replied.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"Then let them all come out and identify the little Taoist priest."

Yu Wenhua and immediately ordered, and the soldiers under his command all rushed into the Wudang stronghold.

He was still sitting on the horse, looking down at everyone's actions.

He looked at the flags placed in this building, the Tai Chi map, which he knew, and there was one in the capital.

It's just that he has never violated the river water with the official forces. He also knows that in the name of Wudang, a martial art that is very powerful in the Song Dynasty, even in the world, can also be ranked as a top-ranking force.

..... 0...

But in Yu Wenhua's eyes, what kind of masters can there be in a mere rudder, not to mention, this is his territory, within the Great Sui Dynasty.

Those people from Wudang who cross the border and kill people don't obey the rules first. Whatever they say, he is justified.

It is reasonable to go in to search, but just when he is still thinking about where to look later.

He was slightly startled by the noise coming from inside. It was actually the sound of fists and feet, and there was a wailing.

However, it seemed that all those who were wailing were the soldiers who had just entered.

"How dare they resist?"

As soon as this idea came to mind, several black figures rolled out of the gate out of the Wudang stronghold, holding their stomachs on the ground and wailing.six.

Chapter 481

A middle-aged man in Wudang costume who threw the shadow out, looked at the soldiers surrounding him and said.

"The head has an order, soldiers are not allowed to enter, this is just a warning, next time it will not be as simple as throwing it out."

The middle-aged man is a master of stalking Shilong. He has practiced leg kung fu. Not only is the light kung fu powerful, but his leg technique is also very good.

It can be regarded as leading the arts to apprentices halfway, but before entering the martial arts, he has already become famous, and [-] has the name of god legs.

"Good courage!"

Yu Wenhua was furious, and flew up to the second floor, wanting to break open the window and enter.

But he didn't want to just kick open the window when an invisible air rushed towards his face, Yu Wenhua, who couldn't react quickly, hurriedly blocked it with his hands.

But he didn't want to feel a huge thrust all over his body, holding him down and unable to move.

Bang!He fell directly from the second floor to the ground, which shocked the BMW who had just stood firm, but it was far away and did not step on it.


Yu Wenhua suddenly felt chest tightness, spit out a mouthful of sweet blood, pointed to the second floor, but was speechless.

The middle-aged man from Wudang smiled and shook his head. If this Yu Wenhua had left from his place, he wouldn't be able to survive ten or eight moves, but he could go in directly from the second floor.

Isn't that looking for a dead end? It's their head inside, and they don't know how to live or die.

he advised.

"The head said, if anyone wants to see him, please go to the front door~"

"General, I'm going to ask the Qi brothers to demolish this building!"

There are soldiers who can't stand it anymore. They are all confidants of Yu Wenhua. How can I see Yu Wenhua suffer such a big loss.

Even in front of Yang Guang, it was the same. Sometimes, the Great Sui Emperor had to look at the expressions of their generals.

Now they are in a small Yangzhou, and they can't bear to eat such a big flat.

As he was about to leave, he was stopped by Yu Wenhua, who had improved a lot after vomiting blood.

"Bring me back!"


Although the trusted soldiers were angry, they were helpless, especially when they saw the people around them pointing and pointing, although they couldn't hear anything.

But it's still not very pleasant to be seen as a monkey anyway.

However, he still obediently obeyed Yu Wenhuaji's words and went back.

"Tell you Zhang Zhenren, Yu Wenhua, and ask to see you."

Yu Wenhua wiped the blood from the corners of his mouth, and bowed.

The tone is no longer resolute, with a hint of respect...  

Obviously, the blow just now made him feel the difference, and with the name of Zhang Sanfeng, he had heard of it.

However, there is a bit of strength that I didn't know before, and the right to blow it out, today is a lesson.

"Then please, General Yuwen~"

The middle-aged man opened the door a crack and made a gesture of invitation.

Yu Wenhua and Ben followed him up to the second floor, leaving only a bunch of spectators who were watching the play and talking about it.

"Fuck! Wudang is so powerful, Yu Wenhua must surrender in front of him? What kind of power is this?"

Someone doesn't understand.

"Wudang is a sect of the Great Song Dynasty. I heard that the leader came to the Great Sui Dynasty. He is still very handsome and very young."

Someone has an answer.

"Then why is Yu Wenhua so afraid of him? You must know that his family is the second largest family in the Great Sui Dynasty after the emperor. Under one person, over ten million people, he is still afraid of a Jianghu sect?"

The man was still puzzled.

"You don't know that. I went to the Song Dynasty once, and the tax collectors there dared to evade taxes."

"Aren't we the same?"

The man still doesn't understand. .

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