Chapter 482

Long street, crowd.

The discussion continues.

"It's strange that they not only have to pay taxes to Song State, but also pay taxes to Wudang, and no one dares not to pay."


The man was a little amazed that a sect could collect taxes with the country, the old cow went to heaven.

"Will be willing!"

"You must know that anyone who pays the tax will get a flag. The flag on the flag is Wudang Taiji. With this Taiji guarding, no bandits in the past dared to attack."


Every word of the crowd stunned Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling, who were tied behind the horse.

17 Kou Zhong thoughtfully said to Xu Ziling.

"Wudang is so powerful, why don't we go to apprentice!"

"Haven't we met that head? You can worship him as a teacher!"

His mind suddenly became alive, if such a powerful Wudang head, if he became his master, would this Yu Wenjia dare to hold the two of them to parade through the streets?

Even if he didn't succeed in worship, he felt good when he entered Wudang. At least this backer was thick, much better than that Shilong Dojo.

The reason why he went to Shilong Dojo to apprentice was naturally because he was the strongest in Yangzhou.

Now there is a stronger sect, Kou Zhong, who dreams of becoming a general, naturally throws away sesame seeds and picks up watermelons.

He is not a fool.

"But...will he accept us? And he's about the same age as us."

Xu Ziling hesitated, thinking of Zhang Sanfeng, who had met twice at noon, and he felt a little emboldened.

"Don't worry, as long as we don't leave, they can't possibly kill us."

"As long as you are sincere, there is absolutely no problem."

As Kou Zhong said, he couldn't help but leak out his joy, as if he had seen him after his successful apprenticeship.

Set up a rebel army, build a large army, and overthrow Yang Guangtong.

"At that time, we will respect Wudang as the state religion, hehe~"

Kou Zhong had obviously thought farther, and even thought about things more than ten years later.

Seeing Kou Zhong's appearance, Xu Ziling could only sigh, knowing that his brother had a seizure again and began to daydream.

However, he felt that what Kou Zhong said was quite reasonable.

Faith will move mountains to open.

The eternal truth, as long as he is sincere and sincere, there will always be a chance.

Thinking of this, he secretly scolded himself for being stupid all his life. Wudang has been open for half a year, and he has known about it for a while, but he has never thought about the direction of apprenticeship.

I think there may only be children aged 6-8 there. After all, martial arts is still a sect, and it is generally practiced from a young age.

"Then let's go to Wudang to apprentice later!"

Xu Ziling said to Kou Zhong.

"Yeah~ But we've been caught now, and we're about to be sent to the government office. We have to find a way to escape as soon as possible."

Kou Zhong looked at the rope tightly bound in his hand, and had a headache, if he was caught stealing.

If you are lucky, you may be interrupted on the spot. How can you be a teacher at that time!

So, Kou Zhong began to use his crooked brains.

Originally, there were soldiers who looked after Ssangyong.

However, a group of soldiers in front were injured, causing many soldiers to go to the front to help.

Only Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were left blankly at the end of the team. .

Just when Kou Zhong was thinking about how to escape.


On the second floor of the Wudang stronghold, Yu Wenhua, alone, pushed the door and entered.

His eyes suddenly lit up.

After entering, I saw Zhang Sanfeng's appearance, even though it had the description of the prefect, as well as the description of the storytelling in the storytelling.

He still failed to equate the head of Wudang with the handsome little Taoist priest in front of him. .

Chapter 483

Except that the face is slightly indifferent and indifferent, it has a unique temperament.

He couldn't see anything, and he didn't even feel the slightest inner strength in Zhang Sanfeng.

But the lesson just now was really too painful, and he was directly slapped down by someone with indescribable power.

Anyone will have a shadow in their hearts now.

How dare Yu Wenhua and his heart despise him, some are just curious and respectful.

"Dare to ask if it is the crown of Zhang Zhenren?"

Yu Wenhua organized the language for a while, no longer arrogant, and asked the little Taoist priest.

"Of course, General Yuwen, take a seat."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't say much, pointed to the chair in front of him, and motioned him to sit down.

Yu Wenhua also sat down along the slope, and then carefully considered his words.

"Zhang Zhenren killed our Yangzhou Shilong."


Zhang Sanfeng cherishes his words like gold.


"The longevity formula is in my hands."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't even think about it, he confessed directly.


Yu culture and heart sank.

The head of Wudang came to the Great Sui Dynasty, and it really was for one of these four great books.

However, people who learn martial arts must be interested in martial arts, there is no doubt about it.

But what he didn't expect was that the head of a sect of the Song Kingdom knew more about the news than he, a native of his own country.

He actually got the "Longevity Secret" one step ahead, which caught Yu Wenhua a little by surprise.

"That real person, can you...' ˇ."

Yu Wenhua was about to speak when he wanted Zhang Sanfeng to hand over "The Secret of Longevity" to him.

He was ruthlessly interrupted by Zhang Sanfeng.


"I can give it to you......"

Yu Wenhua hurriedly said that Yang Guang had always dreamed of "The Secret of Longevity", no matter what the cost, he would surely agree.

"You can't afford it!"

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently.

"Also, I've already given this to someone else."

He added.

"I can give double, no, ten!~"

Yu Wenhua said quickly, but did not want to be refuted by Zhang Sanfeng again.

"You can't afford it. Her things can only be met but not asked for."

The map of the God of War is indeed a rare find. Two organizations have been installed. After searching for so long in the Great Sui Dynasty, there is only one piece of information.

I haven't gotten it yet, which shows the difficulty.

Yu Wenhua, who was interrupted twice, his face was almost dripping with water, he wanted to say something, but he could only murmur.

"Who is this person then?"

Since it was impossible to attack Zhang Sanfeng, it would be the same for someone else.

Zhang Sanfeng gave Yu Wenhuaji a fixed look, Yu Wenwenji seemed to feel a sense of shame, or disappointment.

The disappointment of a father for his son, and a mother for his daughter.

"."No comment!"

If Zhang Sanfeng had no emotions, Yu Wenhua almost became irritable.

But when he thought that the person in front of him was the number one expert in the world, his desire to make a move was instantly suppressed.

He didn't want to do something he wanted to kill himself.

"The meaning of that real person asking me to come up is... rank"

In this regard, Yu Wenhua was a little puzzled. Since he got the "Longevity Secret", he asked (Li's Zhao) to come up and let me negotiate, but he didn't give it. What kind of operation is this?

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