Almost blinded him.

"I'll let you give up, it's very noisy down there~ I'm interrupting my nap."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't seem to see Yu Wenhuaji's expression, and said to himself, obviously not leaving him any room.

"Wudang! You deceive people..."

Yu culture and fury.

"What's wrong with bullying you?"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at the furious Yu Wenhua, and threw out these words indifferently. .

Chapter 484

What's wrong with you.

As soon as the four words came out, the originally quiet room became dead silent, making Yu Wenhua and some doubt about life.

How did I meet such an unreasonable master?

However, he never thought about who would be unreasonable first.

If it weren't for the fact that he did have some awe, Zhang Sanfeng would not have talked so much with him.

Although Zhang Sanfeng said these words, Yu Wenhuaji's face was stiff, but he still forced a smile and complimented.

"Who in the world does not know the name of Wudang Martial Arts Holy Land? If Zhang Zhenren wanted to bully the Yuwen family, Yu Wenhua would never complain."

"But this..."The Secret of Longevity" was ordered by me, Emperor Yang Guang of the Great Sui Dynasty, to take it. Zhang Zhenren, is there really no room for it?"

Yu Wenhua and Naturally have not given up on "The Secret of Longevity", even though he feels that he has been humiliated by Zhang Sanfeng several times.

But how could he just give up if he just gave up on such amazing books as "The Secret of Longevity".

But the most important thing related to the treasure house of Yang Gong and the relics of the evil king, this is the most important part of the Yuwen family's attempt to gain the throne.

"No need to talk, the person I'm waiting for is here."

"The Secret of Longevity" Zhang Sanfeng has already agreed to give it to Fu Junxi, and naturally it is impossible to give it to Yu Wenhua again.

Of course, he (bhag) doesn't care what happens after that.

When Zhang Sanfeng said something like seeing a guest, Yu Wenhua didn't have the guts to stay any longer, so he could only exit the door.

But he didn't want to just push out the door, another door in the luxurious room had already been pushed in.

There is a figure in the corner of Yu Wenhua's vision, and it disappears in a flash.

Can't see clearly, but the smell left is familiar.

This is... that female assassin!

The smell of a woman's body can be remembered for a long time as long as Yu Wenhua remembers it.

Unless she put something to hide the fragrance.

However, this is a body fragrance that I cannot smell.

"Is that the female assassin who assassinated Yang Guang who traded "The Secret of Longevity" with Zhang Zhenren?"

He wanted to take another look and make sure that the door was closed and the people behind him were shut by a gust of wind, but he didn't dare to go in again.

If the female assassin is familiar with Zhang Zhenren, or after entering.

If the female assassin would rather not have the "Longevity Tactic" and beg Zhang Sanfeng to kill him, then he will not be able to escape.

However, he thought about it, if the "Longevity Secret" was on that female assassin, wouldn't he have a great chance.

After all, on Zhang Sanfeng, he has no hope at all.

If it was the female assassin, as long as Zhang Sanfeng didn't make a move, he would be [-]% sure to take the woman down!

Zhang Zhenren is the number one expert in the world, with the body of a true immortal and aloof, he may not really care about this.

Thinking of this, the originally dead heart suddenly revived, which is a blessing from heaven for Yu Wenhuaji.

He no longer hesitated, and went downstairs directly. Then, as soon as he got out of the attic, he called his trusted soldiers to dispatch the soldiers stationed in the port.

Those were all brought by him from the capital. Originally, he went to Yangzhou under the name of arresting female assassins and secretly obtained the "Longevity Secret".

"Prepare to surround Yangzhou City, first seal the four city gates and the port terminal, and tell the prefect that it is my order."

"If you can't catch the assassin, you'll lose all of your heads!"

He ordered in a low voice, hurriedly and quickly.

If it wasn't for his cronies who had followed him for many years, otherwise, he would not have been able to hear clearly. .

Chapter 485

Yu Wenhua did not choose to deploy troops to surround the Wudang stronghold. First, it was too public, and he was afraid that he would be scared by the grass.

The second is that he is afraid that it will not be beautiful because it will attract the ill feelings of Wudang people and Zhang Sanfeng.

"Let those two go too."

Yu Wenhua waved his hand, since it really has nothing to do with "The Secret of Longevity", there is no need to send someone to the prefect, wasting troops.

He is not willing to waste a shred of his troops now. After all, Yangzhou is so big, and it is definitely not enough to block the towers.

He had to send a lot of soldiers to search for them, so the thousands of soldiers and horses he brought seemed a little tight.

Xu Ziling, who was still pondering how to run, and Kou Zhong were overjoyed.

Originally, Kou Zhong wanted to give it a try and force himself to run, but he looked at his own legs and at the horse's thick and powerful limbs.

So I dismissed this idea, it is really difficult for people to run over horses.

But I don't want to~ The accident came so suddenly, the young man who was looking at the yin prey now seems to be quite normal-.

Ssangyong's favorability to Yu Wenhua increased, and suddenly he felt that if Da Sui was all Yu Wenhua and such people, where did so many rebellions come from.

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"

"Thank you, General! Thank you, General!"

After Ssangyong was untied by the soldiers' hands, he hurriedly thanked him.

"Let's go! It's your fate this time! We, General Yuwen, are so arrogant, let's spare you one more time."

The soldier urged impatiently.

"Yes! Master, let's go now."

After Kou Zhong pulled Xu Ziling and said, he slipped into the crowd, not knowing where to hide.

And upstairs.

Zhang Sanfeng had already obtained a yellow cloth from Fu Junxi, which was not the same as the previous yellow cloth. He put it in the palm of his hand and touched it.

Then he looked at Fu Junxi, who was sitting absent-mindedly across from him.

"Yes, this is it."

After speaking, there was an ancient scroll in his hand, which looked like skin but not leather, like paper but not paper, and neither gold nor jade. I don’t know what material it was made of.

It is that volume, "The Secret of Longevity", one of the four great books that can shake the Great Sui Wulin.

As soon as "The Secret of Longevity" appeared, it immediately attracted Fu Junxi's attention. Originally, she was still thinking about the soldiers she saw downstairs and passing by Na Yu Wenhua.

I don't know if he recognized him or not, but he probably didn't recognize him, otherwise he would have brought troops in.

Then Zhang Sanfeng lightly threw the ancient scroll into Fu Junxi's arms.

"You can go~ The money and the goods are gone."

Zhang Sanfeng took out the map from the yellow cloth on his own, without avoiding Fu Junxi in front of him.

Only then did Fu Junxi know that it turned out that she and her master had been guarding Baoshan for so many years, and that such a thin yellow cloth actually had a mezzanine.

And it's still translucent, but when I see that the map is just a residual image, I feel balanced.

The residual picture, I still don't know how many pieces to collect, or it is better if I don't know~.

...... 0

This point, Fu Junzheng sees it very clearly.

She shoved the longevity formula into her arms, and then said to Zhang Sanfeng with a smile.

"Little Taoist priest, there will be a period in the future."

Obviously, she was in a very good mood when she got the "Longevity Secret" that was lost and returned.

"Well~ there will be a period later."

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently.

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng's semi-perfunctory answer, Fu Junxi wished to poke a few holes in him, otherwise it would be hard to relieve her heart.

"The future will be indefinite, and I will never see you again next time!"

Fu Junxi thought to herself, and then went downstairs, and now she has obtained the longevity formula.

Naturally, I want to go back to Goguryeo and practice hard.

But she didn't want to, when she opened the door, she found that outside the door... Six.

Chapter 486

But she found that the door looked orderly, but when she took a step, she felt that something was wrong.

At least thirty eyes looked at him, and he had been learning swordsmanship for many years, and naturally he was particularly sensitive to the enemy's breath.

So even if they hide in crowds, restaurants, rooftops, and dress up as hawkers, scholars, and coolies.

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