But she could still tell the difference.

"Damn it! Da Sui's dog still saw himself."

Fu Junxi gritted his teeth secretly and wanted to go out to fight, but on second thought, these court dogs were not like this in the past.

If they get the news that the criminal is hiding somewhere, they will just run away without saying a word, taking her by surprise.

Along the way, Yu Wenhua has done just that, why is he a jerk today.

Will hide in the crowd and carefully ambush, the more she thinks about it, the more wrong she is.

It won't be~, an idea suddenly popped up in her heart, and it became more and more certain.

Is he afraid?

In the land of the Sui Dynasty, it is indeed a bit ridiculous to say that Yu Wenhua is afraid, but Fu Junxi relies on the sixth sense.

Guessing Yu Wenhua and I was really scared.

He was afraid of this three-story building, the owner behind the building, or the little Taoist priest in the room on the second floor.

Thinking about it this way, Fu Junxi suddenly didn't leave in a hurry, but she wanted to see how long these people could embarrass her.

However, a message soon reached her ears.

"Master, you are required to leave within a day, otherwise, he will personally beat you seriously and give it to Yu Wenhua."

A young woman wearing a Wudang-style Taoist robe came in and said to Fu Junzheng, who was sitting on a chair in the hall drinking tea.


"How could he do this!"

Fu Junyu was immediately stunned. Just after the money and goods were sold, he turned his face and didn't recognize anyone?

"I'll go up and find him."

As she said, she was about to go up to the second floor to find Zhang Sanfeng to reason.

"The head also said that if you go up, then he will throw you directly from the second floor."

The young woman stopped her and said to her.

"Although Wudang is the holy land of martial arts, it will not protect irrelevant people. You are just making a deal with the head of Wudang. There are so many people in the world who have made deals with my head of Wudang. Go to shelter?"

The young woman repeated Zhang Sanfeng's words again as a warning to Fu Junxi.

Fu Junxi could only sit down again, drinking the stuffy tea, her expression gloomy, she didn't know what she was thinking...  

Time just passed bit by bit.

Zhang Sanfeng drank the wine contentedly and looked at the four pieces of the shapeless picture on the table.

There are not many clues on the remnant map, only that there are mountains and stars. If the drawings on the remnant map are not abstract, Zhang Sanfeng believes that his understanding is okay.

If there are a total of eight maps, Zhang Sanfeng has obtained four of them, two of them can be linked together, and the other two have no clue at all~.

It can only be said that the lines of the mountains are so abstract and terrifying that they cannot even distinguish east, west, north and south.

"That way, it's only halfway there."

Zhang Sanfeng was naturally aware of Yu Wenhua's movements outside the window, but he didn't bother him, nor did he come to provoke him, so he didn't bother to care about it.

Wouldn't it be nice to spend more time practicing?

As for Fu Junxi, he only helped her a little and gave her a day of buffer time, otherwise she would stay in the stronghold and not leave. He really didn't like this place.


He exhaled softly, his eyes sharp and determined.

"The Temple of War."


"The God of War Catalog.".

Chapter 487

Zhang Sanfeng didn't want to wait for Shuanglong and the others to trigger it. Since he came, he wanted to make this world appear earlier.

However, four residual pictures, and three missing, can only be planned slowly.

However, if you can't get the God of War catalogue, you may not be able to get other.

You must know that there are four of the four great martial arts books, and now the "Longevity Technique" has been cultivated, and the "God of War Catalog" is in the Temple of War.

The other two books are well-founded and still in the world.

"Cihang Sword Canon" and "Tianmo Policy" are also the extraordinary feats of learning one's ability to suppress martial arts.

He knew both of these two sects and planned to leave in the next few days to see how the Demon Sect here compares with the undefeated Heimuya in the east.

How does the Cihang sword here compare to the Dugu Nine Swords of Dugu seeking defeat?

He has to go and see these, just now he will no longer be alive.

Just when he was thinking about leaving Yangzhou, he felt two very weak breaths at the door below, and they were very familiar.

In less than a second, Zhang Sanfeng realized that this was Shuanglong.

The two of them actually found the Wudang stronghold. Zhang Sanfeng was a little surprised, but soon he was dumbfounded.

"Zhang Zhenren please accept me as a disciple!"

"Zhang Zhenren please accept me as an apprentice!"

Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong knelt downstairs directly, facing the door of the Wudang stronghold, with three bangs.

Also stunned were Yu Wenhua and others who were ambushed outside the door. The two thugs who watched them let go were kowtowing to their teachers under the Wudang stronghold.

The blue veins of the angry temples are about to bulge!

"These two are bad for me!"

Sitting in front of the window of a remote restaurant, I could see from the side Yu Wenhua at the entrance of the Wudang stronghold and scolded him, and I felt a burst of regret in my heart.

Why do you want to let the two of you be cheap and mess with him here.

He already felt that the female assassin had not come out for so long, she must have discovered an ambush outside.

However, he has already sent hundreds of people to surround the small building, several exits and roofs, and the rooms have sent people to handle it.

As soon as there was movement, he could sense that it was impossible to run, and he felt a little annoyed.

But he is sure to catch the female assassin. Since she has the longevity formula on her body, even if he wants to turn a blind eye, it is impossible.

Unless she can hand over the real "Longevity Secret", then he might save her life.

At this time, Xu Ziling and Kou Zhong were already kneeling at the entrance of the Wudang stronghold, still kowtow~, wanting to worship under the Wudang gate.

The two of them felt a little dizzy, but they still didn't dare to get up.

After all, they spent a lot of money to get this trick out of someone else's mouth.

It is the most sincere to worship a teacher in this way, although it is not as sincere as bringing a thousand taels of gold.

But determination and perseverance are still there.

However, this kneeling method cannot get up, and it will be abolished when you stand up.

And completely lost hope, that is what that person told me a thousand times when he said this.

So Ssangyong didn't dare to get up, and could only slightly lower the intensity of his kowtow.

But there was still a thumping sound, and after a while, the forehead was blue and purple.

In the end, Zhang Sanfeng still didn't let them fight for too long, and asked Wudang disciples to invite them in, and then sent a message.

"I don't accept apprentices here, but Da Song Wudang accepts apprentices there, but if you can get in, you can't. It's all about your ability."

Speaking of which, Ssangyong is naturally extremely happy.

Kou Zhong responded very quickly, and immediately knelt down and kowtowed to the upstairs respectfully.

"Thank you sir~"

As if he had already regarded himself as a Wudang disciple. .

Chapter 488

Kou Zhong's actions were unexpected by Zhang Sanfeng.

However, the talents of the two are indeed acceptable, otherwise they would not be able to practice the "Longevity Technique".

It's just that Zhang Sanfeng doesn't care too much about this.

What he is thinking about now is whether to get the Cihang Sword Canon first, or to get the Tianmo Ce first.

Although the Cihang Sword Canon cannot be practiced by women, even Ning Zongshi, one of the three great masters, vomited blood after seeing the Cihang Sword Manual, and went into a rage.

But Zhang Sanfeng did not believe in this evil.

After all, he has already practiced the Sunflower Collection, and even if he wants to practice this skill, he must first practice it in a perfect body from the palace, not to mention the Cihang Sword Collection which can only be practiced by mere women.

He doesn't believe it, and Tianmoce is said to have lost the most excellent martial arts in it, the Daoxin Seed Demonic Dafa, but the other exercises are not bad, not weaker than "Cihang Sword Canon"

Zhang Sanfeng knows that the Dao Heart Seed Demon is a relatively evil martial art.

"Ah~ it's hard to choose, choose the closest one."

Zhang Sanfeng felt that he wanted both, but he didn't have a clone, and he couldn't go there at the same time, so it was very troublesome.

In the end, I can only pick one that is closer to Yangzhou, and then, let's see.

In the original work of Cihang Jingzhai sect, it is described as being at Di Tap Peak, and its location is Zhongnan Mountain.

It is not the Zhongnan Mountain of Quanzhen Sect, but a famous mountain south of the Great Sui Dynasty.

Among them, there is Ning Daoqi, one of the three great masters of the Great Sui Dynasty, in Zhongnan Mountain. It was he who vomited three liters of blood when he glanced at the Cihang Sword Canon, and went crazy.

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