And Tianmoce is the two factions of the magic door, some of which are hidden in Sichuan and Sichuan.

However, Zhang Sanfeng only needs to go to the most powerful Yingui School or Huajian School to find them, where there are "The Secret of Heaven" and "The Devil Emperor's Thoughts" in the Tianmo Tactics.

There is also the supreme martial arts that can only be obtained by collecting the Ten Scrolls of Heavenly Demons.That is the most exciting "Dao Heart Seed Demon Dafa", but this one is expected to go to Yutian.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly had a mysterious and mysterious feeling in his mind, an inexplicable feeling that made him go to Chang'an.

Chang'an Zhang Sanfeng naturally knew that it was the capital where Yang Guang used to live, and the most important thing was that there were things that both Yang Guang and Da Sui martial arts people dreamed of.

The treasure house of Yang Gong, a wealth left by Yang Su, and today Yu Wenhua and the big ship on board are the five-toothed ship built by Yang Sushi.

In addition to the golden mountains and silver seas, there are also Evil Emperor relics.

The Evil Emperor's relic contains the last skill of every Demon Sect Lord, and pours it into it. If ordinary people get it and use it to exercise, they can easily become a peerless master.

But just these, he will not feel this way.

Could it be that there is something in Yang Gong's treasure trove that he doesn't know?Or...

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the residual picture on the desktop, is this it?

It was clear in an instant, just as he had hinted in his heart when he was in Suzhou in the Wu Kingdom.

It seems that he has no other choice, but "Tian Mo Ce" and "Jian Dian" can't escape, the mountain gate is there, if Zhang Sanfeng wants it, he can get it at any time.

It's better to go to the treasure house of Yang Gong in Chang'an to see if there is any mystery in it, and he just wanted to see if the Evil Emperor's relic is worthy of one of the great treasures of the Great Sui Dynasty.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng no longer hesitated, and began to pack his bags, but there was nothing to pack, so he brought some more wine to drink on the road.

Thinking of this, Li Xiuning's wine was very much in line with his wishes. .

Chapter 489

After thinking about it, Zhang Sanfeng didn't think about it anymore. Since he decided to go to Chang'an, he didn't plan to stay in Yangzhou any more. After all, Yangzhou's most important "Longevity Technique" had already been learned by him.

It's not really interesting to continue to stay, not to mention that it's not a problem for him to sit here and wait for the Temple of War to be born, he can only rely on himself.

If going to Duke Yang's treasury is really rewarding, then the sixth and seventh remnants will naturally also be there.

This Zhang Sanfeng doesn't need to be worried.

And just when Zhang Sanfeng was about to leave Yangzhou, the two below seemed to have a conversation with Fu Junxi for some reason.

And Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling needed to go to Wudang to apprentice, so naturally they had to leave Yangzhou before they could make plans.

Yangzhou was sealed, so naturally he could not go anywhere.

Fu Junxi was also secretly anxious when she heard the two people talking.

But when she heard that Shuanglong knew that there was a secret passage leading to the outside of the city, she suddenly had an idea in her heart.

Going up to talk, Fu Junxuan naturally also said that he wanted to go to Wudang and asked if they could walk all the way, and Shuanglong and the two of them had naturally seen this woman.

Although I don't know how good her martial arts are, I saw that she was able to talk to Zhang Sanfeng, that is, the time outside the northern suburbs.

The two of them will not refuse. After all, although Fu Junxi looks a little old, she is also a great beauty, so the two of them will naturally not refuse beautiful women to travel together.

So, Shuanglong and the two trusted Fu Junxi, and Fu Junxi agreed with them that they would leave the city in the middle of the night, and the three of them also agreed to gather at the first few street corners of the secret passage, and then act together.

Kou Zhong didn't tell Fu Junxi about the entrance to the dark road, of course, just in case, what if she was from Yu Wenjia and blocked it!

He was going to Wudang to apprentice, and one day later, he felt that he had lost thousands of taels of silver.

You know, he has begun to fantasize that he descended from Wu after the mountain.

The story of becoming a famous knight in all corners of the world, at that time, neither the righteous path nor the disciples in the demon sect will be his enemy of unity.

At that time, his name was not Kou Zhong, but Kou Zhenren, Kou Daochang!

That's right, Kou Zhong has changed his dream. In his opinion, what he thought of being an emperor, a general, and joining the rebel army was still too low.

After all, no matter how powerful the general is, in front of Wudang, he is still not obediently bowing his head, not even daring to give a fart after being beaten up.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Such a general, Kou Zhongkou, is of course disdainful. His dream now is to become like Zhang Sanfeng. With a wave of his sleeves, the entire Yangzhou will be completely blown up.

Xu Ziling followed the trend, anyway, wherever Kou Zhong went, he would follow him, whether it was in the past, now, or in the future.

The two are together, after all, this is a man's promise, and Xu Ziling is not happy to let Kou Zhong go to Wudang to apprentice alone.


The sky gradually darkened, and there was a lot of hostility outside the door.

Fu Junxi has already started her plan to escape from the golden cicada tonight, and she will escape from Yangzhou tonight.

And it was at this time that Zhang Sanfeng went downstairs without carrying any luggage or packages.

I just told the disciples in the Wudang stronghold to travel far.

Then, at his signal, the disciple suppressed the move to gather people to see the Sect Master off, and Zhang Sanfeng went on the road alone.

In the evening, there is an inn [-] miles away from the city. It is also good to go there to stay overnight. What is the experience of the rivers and lakes~

He has already thoroughly mastered the map of Da Sui.

The target, Chang'an, the treasure house of Yang Gong.six.

Chapter 490

Flowers bloom and fall, three days later.

The Wuya warship docked in Yangzhou finally sailed back to Luoyang and was about to return to Yang Guang.

Yangzhou officials breathed a sigh of relief, and the access control of Yangzhou City was finally released. God knows how much money they lost in the past few days.

It is said that before he left, everything that could be smashed in Yu Wenhua and the room he lived in was shattered, and the only thing that did not fall was the house.

However, after waiting for the servants to come in to clean up, the house [-] also collapsed, and the owner of the house lost a lot of money to take care of the funeral of the servants.

"I'm mad at me too!"

Yu Wenhua sat in a luxurious cabin on the top floor of the five-tooth battleship. This was originally where the captain lived, and it was the farthest place to see except on the mast.

The room is also relatively large, and the echoes of the voices when speaking overwhelm the sound of the waves of the river.

"If I had known, I shouldn't have let them both go."

If it is said that what Yu Wenhua regrets the most is that he was not angry enough that day, he killed the two gangsters without being in the Shilong Dojo.

This allowed them to help the seriously injured Fu Junxi to escape, otherwise, the "Longevity Art" must be his.

"Damn, I can only wait to see if there is any chance in Yang Gong's treasure house."

After being angry, Yu Wenhua calmed down. Since everyone has disappeared without a trace, he doesn't have much to say. Now he can only take a step and take a look.


In a mountain pass in the forest, two teenagers are looking for food and water in the barren mountains.

In a cave behind him, a woman was lying on the ground, holding a sword, and the white cloth belt on her abdomen was oozing blood.


On the other side, hundreds of miles away, Zhang Sanfeng, who was riding a horse and drinking the wine from the gourd, walked slowly into Chang'an City.

This former capital of the Sui Dynasty will also be the capital of the Tang Dynasty in the future.

Zhang Sanfeng has attracted the attention of many people. Little Taoist priests are common, but it is rare to see such good looks. In this era, there are still quite a few Lord Rabbit.

However, when he saw him riding into the city by himself, they all dismissed the idea. There was no dust around him, and he didn't bring any salute.

This kind of Taoist priest is only available in Taiyiguan outside the city, and Taiyiguan is not a good place to be with, so he has given up this goal wisely.

This is the gap between smart and not smart people. Sure enough, after Zhang Sanfeng turned into an alley, there were five or six men with big arms and round waists chasing after him...  

But the five big men seemed to have vanished from the world, and there was no news of them.

When the little Taoist priest walked out from the other side of the alley, everyone was still holding the group of horses scouted from Mount Emei.

This is, someone dares to go in and look at it, and it hurts to look at it.

All of them are big men, all of them have the same skin as a panda, black purple and black purple on their faces.

Others were holding their stomachs and fell to the ground.

These people, Zhang Sanfeng just taught a little lesson, but there are a few with dirty minds or slanderous words, um, about a few years to live.

Zhang Sanfeng directly abolished their martial arts, and made them unable to do evil things in the future. In fact, it has to be said that this is also a kind of reincarnation.

Do bad things, get bad results.

Everything has been secretly set the price.

Since Chang'an was not the capital of the Great Sui Dynasty, the number of three religions and nine streams here has skyrocketed several times, and there are many people doing nothing on the road.

If Yangzhou was once the capital, Zhang Sanfeng believed it a little. .

Chapter 491

Soon, Zhang Sanfeng rode his horse, and it didn't take long before he reached the main switch of Yang Gong's treasure house.

North of Chang'an City, the Prancing Horse Bridge.

The treasure of Yang Gong in the original book started from here. Zhang Sanfeng looked at the deep lake below and couldn't help but sighed at the essence of the ancients' skills, which was difficult to describe.

Real magic.

The underwater switch did not stumped Zhang Sanfeng, but with a slight force on his palm, an invisible dark wave rushed into the lake that could be reached at a glance.

Before sunset on the Prancing Horse Bridge, the lanterns were hung up early when the wisps of red light were seen.

Seeing a little Taoist priest here, but no one would care, at most 17 am surprised at the appearance of this Taoist priest, it would be a pity to become a Taoist priest.

There are many people coming and going on the Prancing Horse Bridge, and there are many Taoist disciples passing by. In the past, there were monks and martial artists who were here for alms and performing arts.

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