Chapter 494

The four hundred and ninetieth chapters Tianmo policy

The remnants of Chapter [-] of the Temple of War appeared in Yang Gong's treasury, although it felt somewhat reasonable.

But it still made him a little surprised. It's as simple as that. Isn't that the sixth and seventh next?

The Temple of War is also just around the corner.

But Zhang Sanfeng doesn't think so. Although the position of the residual picture in Chapter [-] is indeed a traction, it still needs a lot of opportunities.

Such as "Longevity", such as when he needs to leave...

Sure enough, after Zhang Sanfeng got the residual picture of Chapter [-], the position of the sixth residual picture did not appear, but there was still no response.

The Temple of War is really not that easy to find. Zhang Sanfeng has long been mentally prepared. It is an unexpected joy to be able to obtain the residual picture of Chapter [-] by accident.

So he was quite satisfied with this trip to Chang'an. After putting away the residual pictures, Zhang Sanfeng turned to look at the small copper can on the original table.

Inside is the martial artist, the coveted Evil Emperor She-Li.

The power left by the Demon Lord of the Holy Sect inside is enough to make ordinary people become first-class masters.

Grandmaster is not a luxury, if you have the qualifications, even the grand master can try it.

On the next road, Zhang Sanfeng plans to go to the middle of Shu to find the traces of Yingui Sect, and Huajian Sect can also, after all, Huajian Sect is also regarded as the guardian of secret books.

Find them to get the cheats, that's right.

And there is a reason why Zhang Sanfeng chose "Tianmo Policy" first.

The reason is very simple and simple, that is, the top masters in "Tianmo Ce" are more than one step higher than "Cihang Sword Canon".

After all, Momen's "Heavenly Magic Policy" has produced many characters who can be broken, and there are not many people with names and surnames.

On the contrary, the "Cihang Sword Canon", which is also one of the four great books, has no merit, except for Ning Daoqi, one of the three great masters, who vomited blood and retreated at a glance.

The other students of the Cihang Swordsmanship ended up in a similar situation.

There is no news if there is no news. Anyway, there is no master who can break the void level.

And Tianmoce's Dao-heart-species magic Dafa has come out a lot, not to mention the broken precedents of other exercises.

Furthermore, the Dao Embryo cultivated by the Cihang Sword Code seems to be defective, and he cannot restrain himself when he encounters a Demon Seed.

I don't know if it's because of the evil taste of creating this practice~, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't understand it anyway.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

However, it is said that the first-generation patriarchs who came to Momen and Cihang Jingzhai were lovers of each other. What's more, the Cihang Sword Canon was also created by watching "Magic Heart Caprice".

It is normal to have this disadvantage.

After thinking about it, Zhang Sanfeng just put away the small copper pot and stopped looking at the Evil Emperor's relic. This kind of experience point skill point is for him.

The attraction is not that great, but it is quite good to take it back and reward Wudang disciples.

...... 0

Thinking of this, he couldn't help thinking of a treasure that was as famous as the Evil Emperor's relic, the He's jade that was placed in the sword pavilion of the back mountain of Cihang Jingzhai.

It is said that it can read history and increase the power of the soul, which is a good treasure for Zhang Sanfeng.

However, he already knew where Di Tafeng was, and he would go there sooner or later.

He also doesn't have to worry that the He's jade will be stolen, after all, that thing is put together with the patriarch's handbook, that is, the Cihang Sword Canon.

If the Cihang Sword Canon can be lost, it means that Cihang Jingzhai is about to be wiped out.

Cihang Jingzhai's current defense power should not be underestimated, there are no shortage of grandmasters and grandmasters, even if the imperial court wants to encircle and suppress it, I am afraid that it will not be able to shake half an inch of Emperor Tapong's land without [-] yuan.six.

Chapter 495

Now if anyone can take things from their hands, there is probably no one other than Li Shimin who they support.

When his thoughts returned, Zhang Sanfeng swept the dazzling real library again. After confirming that there was nothing missing, Zhang Sanfeng walked out of the real library directly.

Then it is directly to change the two organs. Zhang Sanfeng is a true immortal, and it is not difficult to slightly change the two organs, but it is more troublesome.

After all, the original design of these May [-] institutions was not allowed to be changed, but now Zhang Sanfeng is already very familiar with the institutions in the treasure house of Yang Gong.

I am afraid that even if the designer of Yang Gong's treasure house is reborn, he may not necessarily understand it. After all, he may just design.

He did not participate in all aspects of the construction, and the abnormality of Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual sense naturally does not have this problem.

The cultivation base of the True Immortal Stage is so abnormal~ I am afraid that this is what the designer never considered at the beginning.

After all, at the beginning of the design of the agency, it was to guard against those tomb robbers, and it was quite caring for the heirs who really held the secrets of Yang Gong's treasure house.

Otherwise, it would not have been deliberately designed to have both the real and the fake. The purpose is naturally to prevent the first-hand. Only those who really know Yang Gong's treasure house will understand that there is a real library under this fake library.

However, to be honest, when the relics of the evil emperor are placed in the real treasury, it is doomed that the existence of the fake treasury is meaningless. Everyone in the world knows that the relics of the evil emperor are placed in the treasure house of Yang Gong.

If they don't find it inside, they will look for it.

Since there is a real library, the agency will definitely be discovered. If the agency is discovered, it will be a matter of time to crack it. Yang Gong's treasure house has not done any self-destruction measures.

Yang Su's original destination was to leave a fortune, so that the Yang family could rely on this wealth to make a comeback in the future.


The changes to the real library mechanism are quite complicated. Zhang Sanfeng used spiritual power, and he changed it several times to make the opening method of the real library slightly changed from the original.

But it is also the subtle changes that make them invisible anyway.

The changes Zhang Sanfeng made are also very simple. At the cracking place, he carved a strange Tai Chi Yin-Yang fish pattern with his hands.

If you are a core disciple of Wudang, you will naturally know the meaning of this.

You can trigger by kowtowing three times at a distance of eight inches and four points from the yin and yang fish.

The other real libraries are opened in the same way as before.

Use an image metaphor.

It was Zhang Sanfeng who added another door and locked it in front of the real library.

If you want to enter the real library, you have to face this organ of Zhang Sanfeng.

This is also unavoidable. If this door is not opened, even if they know how to open the real library, they will not be able to enter Yang Gong's treasure house.

After completing the renovation of the treasury, Zhang Sanfeng nodded with satisfaction, and then proceeded to make changes to some of the organs in the fake treasury.

If the designer of Yang Gong's treasure trove saw Zhang Sanfeng changing his pattern so easily, he would probably eat his tongue in shock.

A few hours later, in a remote courtyard, a dry well.

Zhang Sanfeng, who was still wearing a spotless Taoist robe, like an exiled immortal, floated up from the well.

At this time, there was still some unfulfilled feeling on his face.

Itchy hands for a while, all changed~

Hope those who come later are okay~.

Zhang Sanfeng thought and left this remote courtyard. .

Chapter 496

The next day, dawn dawned, and the first rays of dawn shone on the earth.

It is also shining in this ancient city, Chang'an.

Zhang Sanfeng walked out of Chang'an early. Chang'an was busy in the early morning. The queues entering the city were all lined up a mile away, and they all came from eight villages. Today seems to be the opening day, so it's no wonder there are so many people.

However, this has little effect on Zhang Sanfeng. He is out of the city gate, that is, leaving Chang'an~.

The guards at the gate didn't do much cross-examination.

It's okay for the little Taoist priest to leave Chang'an early in the morning, it's normal.

17 After all, it is possible that the host’s behavior was too late yesterday, and the host was forced to stay at the host’s home due to curfew, and some left early in the morning.

Before leaving, Zhang Sanfeng turned his head to look at the huge city crawling on the ground, and sighed slightly in his heart.

Although Chang'an is prosperous, it still lacks a touch of flavor and can't tell the feeling. Perhaps, this is one of the reasons why Emperor Sui Yang changed his capital.

He suspects that the biggest possibility is that the dragon's energy is deflected, making it impossible for Chang'an to produce a real dragon, so that Yang Guang is impatient to go to Kaidu in Luoyang.

However, it still failed to save the world of the Great Sui Dynasty. The three expeditions to Goguryeo could be said to have emptied a lot of the family of the Great Sui Dynasty, otherwise the rebellion would not be so difficult.

The lack of money and grain is the real criticism. Although after the collapse of the Great Sui Dynasty, the grains accumulated in various places made the Tang Dynasty directly usher in the prosperous era of Kaiyuan, but now Yang Guang can be said to have fallen and scattered.

The construction of the Grand Canal, the three expeditions to Goguryeo, and the lack of consideration for government, of course, the most important thing is that the subjects are all detached.

Not only the grass-roots groups like Wagangzhai want to rebel, but even those thousand-year-old families, Li clan, Yuwen clan also want to oppose, the monarchy has fallen by the side, and the military power has also mistrusted people, this is the truth.

However, these Zhang Sanfeng didn't want to pay attention to them. All he was thinking about now was collecting the world's peerless secrets and achieving his Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuangong.

As for the chaos in the world, the people are not living well, as long as the war does not burn Wudang, what can he do.

Of course, if the aliens wanted to invade the Central Plains, he would still be unable to resist, and this was his bottom line.

The country can be in chaos, but the aliens just touched him, and his claws were chopped off.

He remembered that there were also Turks here, so he would take the time to sit and ask if he wanted to end up like Dayuan Khan.

Emperor Yang of the Sui Dynasty could not hold the throne, so naturally there were others competing for it. The emperor took turns to do it. It is normal for him to come to my house this year.

But if the aliens wanted to take advantage of the fire, or wanted to take advantage of others' dangers, then he felt that his sword was thirsty again and wanted to drink blood.

The blood of aliens is the most hearty.

After Zhang Sanfeng left Chang'an, he did not rush to the middle of Shu immediately, because he thought that the most likely and easy-to-find stronghold of the Yingui Sect was in the current capital Luoyang.

After all, Yingui School and Cihang Jingzhai are actually similar. It can even be said that they are all carved out of the same shape. Zhu Yuyan and Bi Xiuxin, the servant and the concubine Xuan are so similar.

It's just that the way to charm people is different. The former is a bit mysterious and walks in the hidden world, while the latter is out of the world and joins the world.

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