However, this is also the limitation of the Cihang Sword Canon. If you want to become a Taoist, naturally you can't just hide in the sect.

The distance between Luoyang and Chang'an is not far or not, and if it is too far, it is definitely not within the scope of Yang Guang's consideration.

If it's too close, it's not as good as Chang'an.

However, when Zhang Sanfeng embarked on a trip to Luoyang, another incident happened. .

Chapter 497

Shuanglong and Fu Junxi have been together for a long time, and Fu Junxi is also moved by what Shuanglong has done these days, and wants to teach the "Longevity Secret" to the two of them, but does not want to be opposed by them.

"Aunt Fu~, we are going to Wudang to apprentice. If you learn the exercises, wouldn't you be a halfway teacher?"

Kou Zhong is now full of thoughts on how to become a Wudang disciple. Although the "Longevity Art" is famous, he is a little afraid to practice.

"What's more, Aunt Fu, didn't you say that the "Longevity Art" is very difficult to practice? There is still life danger, so Shilong cultivates neither yin nor yang."

Xu Ziling also agreed that he was also more worried about the side effects of "Longevity Art".

Among the Four Great Books, the most stable is the Cihang Sword Canon, but only women can practice.

However, the secrets in Wudang are definitely not inferior to these exercises, otherwise the number one in the world will not be Zhang Sanfeng, but the great masters of Ning Daoqi.

Although Kou Zhong is just a little gangster now, he still knows a lot about things in the arena.

Seeing that neither of them were willing to learn, Fu Junxiu had no choice but to leave behind the "Longevity Technique", "Yi Jianshu" and other secrets for the two of them.

In the past few days, she really treated Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling as her own sons.

I have to say that Shuanglong's personality charm can still please the elders, whether it is Baozi Xi Shi Wei Zhenzhen, or the current master Yijian Jun Xie.

They all regarded Shuanglong as a treasure, which was a treatment that Zhang Sanfeng could not enjoy.

However, Zhang Sanfeng also sneered at this kind of treatment. He wanted to fight for himself, why should he rely on these women for charity.

In his opinion, whether Wei Zhenzhen stole the buns for Shuanglong to eat, or Fu Junxi made an exception to give Ssangyong the internal exercises.

It's all alms~, a kind of alms that Ssangyong is too pitiful to accept, for him, he is determined not to accept.

But this is also related to Ssangyong's premature loss of maternal love.

Ssangyong did not refuse the secret book Fu Junxi gave, and he was right as a way back, but the two of them were more worried about Fu Junxi's injury.

The confrontation with Yu Wenhua was obviously extremely dangerous, and it was very rare for Fu Junxiu to be able to hold back the injury until it broke out.

"Aunt Fu, we are about to arrive in Wudang, you must hold on' ˇ!"

Xu Ziling anxiously looked at the sprawling mountain in front of him. It was said that he could see Wudang when he turned over, so he hurriedly cheered.

"Xiao Ling, I know my injury, it has already hurt my heart ~ medicine stone is difficult to heal."

Fu Junyu said with a smile, obviously he was already bearish on life and death.

"."Really~, it's coming soon, Aunt Fu, you must hold on."

Xu Ziling looked at Fu Junxi, who was pale and almost bloodless, and said worriedly.

In the past few days, the three of them have been hurrying and hurried, and they actually crossed the border of the Great Sui Dynasty and went to the Great Song Dynasty.

Although the location of Wudang was unclear, Shuanglong asked a passerby to ask the location of Wudang, and when he arrived in the small town, he asked a few people to verify it.

(Lee is good)

After confirming that it was correct, the three of them drove all the way in a carriage. Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling took turns taking care of Fu Junxi in the carriage.

Fortunately, the official roads near Wudang are very gentle, obviously they have been repaired, so that Fu Junxi's injury has not deteriorated~

"Yeah! Aunt Fu, hold on. It won't be long before I go to Wudang and ask those real people to give you the medicinal pills, and you will definitely recover."

Kou Zhong, who was driving the carriage outside, also said to Fu Jun who was inside. .

Chapter 498

The carriage was galloping, and Kou Zhong was waving his whip, trying to make the horse go faster and faster, so that Fu Junxi could be rescued earlier.

However, Fu Junxuan's state at this time is actually okay. After all, even if she is seriously injured, she has internal strength to suppress her. Otherwise, how can she teach Shuanglong martial arts.

So the carriage arrived at the foot of Wudang Mountain without incident.

But it was only limited to the foot of the mountain. Before the carriage could set foot on the mountain gate, it was stopped by a team of Wudang disciples in uniform.

Today's Wudang has many disciples.

Naturally, it was different from the original, only six sword slaves guarded.

"What are you doing!"

A young Taoist came out and asked Kou Zhongdao.

It's not polite to speak, but at least it's not too bad.

To tell the truth, Wudang has grown into such a behemoth now, and the attitude of the disciples will naturally be convenient, just like you stay in a small company, and the feeling of being in the world's top [-] is completely different.

It is really good for a Taoist priest to have such an attitude.

But probably on the Wudang Mountain side, there are too many real people who don't show their faces. You can't judge whether this person is a master from his appearance.

For example, someone who looks like an old farmer, can you guess that he is a peerless swordsman?

One was wearing a red dress and holding an embroidery needle. Did you guess that it was the leader of the demon sect?

After Wudang disciples have experienced this, they will no longer judge people by their appearance, or in other words, they will not urge ordinary people who have almost no internal strength.

"This Taoist priest, we are here to apprentice!"

Kou Zhong said to the man with a smile, but he didn't want the young Taoist to frown, thinking in his heart.

"Wudang hasn't received apprentices recently? How did this person hear that Wudang wanted to accept apprentices, so ask him carefully!"

Having made up his mind, the young Taoist asked.

"Where did you come from? How did you know that Wudang wanted to accept apprentices?"

"My name is Kou Zhong, my brother is Xu Ziling, and the other is my elder, Aunt Fu."

"Our group is from the Great Sui Dynasty, and we came to Wudang to learn from your master. We originally wanted to worship Zhang Zhenren as a teacher, and Zhang Zhenren asked us to come to Wudang."

Kou Zhong (bhag) said in [-] that, in addition to concealing the fact that they were being hunted down, what he said was that Fu Junzheng was involved with others and was seriously injured, so he brought them to Wudang to see if they could be treated.

But he didn't want what Kou Zhong said, and the young Taoist sighed secretly, knowing that this matter was no longer in the hands of people like him.

It is about Zhang Sanfeng, the head of the sect, no matter how big or small.

However, at this time, he was more fortunate in his heart. Fortunately, his attitude towards this person was not good or bad.

If you speak ill of each other, then I am afraid that I will lose my patrol position, and maybe I will be judged by the door.

Of course, the premise of these is that what Kou Zhong said is true, but he can be sure of it.

The Sect Master did come back from Daqin, and he brought back a lot of beauty. He also received Gao Yue Duanmurong and his party at the door last time.

So I know Zhang Sanfeng's movements, but I don't want to go to Da Sui now.

Thinking of this, the young Taoist was envy for a while, but it was not Kou Zhong who envied him, but the person who was in the stronghold of Wudang in the Great Sui Dynasty. He knew that he would have given up this fat errand and went to the Great Sui Dynasty.

After thinking about it, he said to the disciples behind, and asked one of them to go to the main altar to notify, saying that someone related to the head ~ came to Wudang and needed identification. .

Chapter 499

However, he still prefers to be true, otherwise, the two gangsters in front of him can be bold enough to break through the Wudang Mountain Gate, it is not gangsters.

The disciples jumped together and quickly disappeared on the mountain road, while Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling below were waiting anxiously.


On Zhang Sanfeng's side, he was on the official road slowly, riding a horse. He was no different from a wandering Taoist priest, but he was no different from those pedestrians.

His cleanliness, as well as his immortal temperament, always stood out from the crowd.

It's hard not to be noticed.

However, even though this road is an official road, there are not many pedestrians on the road, and if there are, most of them are riding fast horses and carriages.

It was more than twice as fast as Zhang Sanfeng, but they didn't take the initiative to provoke Zhang Sanfeng.

A little Taoist who goes on the road alone is much more terrifying than in the city. God knows what cards he has, or what he has behind.

Among the four types of people who can't be offended the most in the arena, Taoist priests occupy one.

However, just as Zhang Sanfeng was walking slowly, he suddenly heard a scream for help from the side of the road.

The voice is gentle and soft, and when you hear it, you can automatically make up the beautiful face of the woman.

"Help~ is there anyone?"

"Is someone here to save me? Anyone can..."

When Zhang Sanfeng heard this cry for help, he swept away his spiritual sense and sensed a powerful aura hiding in the jungle, whose face was exactly that of a beautiful girl.

It seems that there is no need to come to the door by yourself, the Yinkui Pai will come to the door automatically.

Zhang Sanfeng grinned, as if he didn't hear it, and left, no matter how terrifying the female voice was, he didn't even look at it.

The herdsman who turned into an injured girl saw Zhang Sanfeng disappear at the end of the road, so she put away her poignant face and turned into a normal demeanor.

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng curiously, he was puzzled, could it be that Zhang Sanfeng, who is number one in the world, is so inhumane.

Didn't he say that the best thing for him is to save the beauty by being a hero? Thanks to her, she even went to a special intelligence agency to ask about the makeup of several women that Zhang Sanfeng had harvested, and they were all the same.

You know, this time, she was wearing shoes.

But he didn't want Zhang Sanfeng to be unmoved at all, and walked straight away, which made the boss's teeth itch.

I was a little uneasy in my heart, can I really make the first person in the world fall in love with her?

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

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