The Yinkui faction and the saintess of Cihang Jingzhai are the same. They both control the world through men. When the Yinkui faction Zhu Yuyan knew that the "Longevity Secret" was on Zhang Sanfeng.

She directly asked the herdsman to test Zhang Sanfeng to see if he could bow down under the herdsman's pomegranate skirt.

However, he didn't want the herd to go to Yangzhou and just jumped in the air. Zhang Sanfeng didn't know how long he had been away for a long time. Later, he received news that a small Taoist priest had appeared in Chang'an.


Then he rushed to Chang'an in a hurry, but he didn't want that Zhang Sanfeng to stay in Chang'an for a day and come out again, and headed directly to Luoyang.

The herdsman could only take a shortcut, and before Zhang Sanfeng entered Luoyang, he took a test at the official road.

But I don't want to be completely ignored without even looking at it. Could it be that Zhang Sanfeng is deaf?

As soon as the herdsman gritted his teeth, he called a few more people and gave some orders.

This time, she wants to act a little more realistic, I don't believe Zhang Mifeng can really be so indifferent.

After all, even if he is deaf, is he blind?

With a wave of her hand, the herdsman fluttered away. This part of the road is still a long way from Luoyang, which is enough for her to arrange a few more games.six.

Chapter 500

Ping Pong Pong!

There was a sound of fighting, and the woman shouted hard. ,

The indifferent smile on Zhang Sanfeng's face was still hanging, not surprised by the sudden fight.

He didn't get angry because of the herdsman's repeated and repeated entanglement.

Everything is under control. Originally, he planned to visit the brothel Chu Pavilion in Luoyang. Now that he came to the door, his initiative was stronger.

At that time, if you only want to see Zhu Yuyan on May [-], you will be able to get "The Secret of Heaven".

As the horse slowly advanced, the scene in front was slowly revealed.

Seven or eight men in black are besieging a girl in a palace skirt. The girl has a beautiful appearance, a body like a floating willow, and a slender waist.

I am afraid that at this moment, anyone who puts on it will sigh that these men in black are not human, and all such beautiful women will take action.

If it wasn't for the girl's good luck a few times, she escaped a few swords and swords, and then used her weapon to block a few fatal blows, but even so, it would still be dangerous.

It has been a long time since he was at a disadvantage, and I am afraid that one or two moves will lead to the death of Xiangxiaoyu.

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at it, but he didn't want to attract the attention of the men in black, and there was a shout with a Northeastern accent.

"Little Taoist priest! What are you looking at!"

"You guys continue!"

Zhang Sanfeng was still indifferent, made a gesture of invitation, and then took a look at the girl in the palace skirt who was still at a disadvantage.

There's no will at all.

The men in black, who originally thought that he would be able to make a move, looked at each other with dazed eyes.

How can there be such a person, the hero save the beauty has been sent to your face~, and you can continue to walk away casually in front of a peerless girl.

Is this a Taoist priest or a bald donkey? For a time, the people in black fell into deep self-doubt.

The girl in the palace skirt, that is, the herdsman, glanced at Zhang Sanfeng's back, secretly ruthless, deliberately not dodging the knife from the man in black.

It was too late for the man in black to think about putting away the knife, so he slammed.

A stab wound was drawn on the shoulder, and blood was gushing under the dress, instantly dyeing the originally pink palace skirt into bright red, and the red oozing.

However, it seemed that she was also attacked by the man in black, and she took advantage of her body to retreat, and the direction of retreat was at Zhang Sanfeng's place.

From an angle that others can't see, although the shoulder wound is a little painful, the waiter can't help but smile.  …

She didn't believe that Zhang Sanfeng could hold back like this.

The injured girl, if you don't pour into your arms, when will you wait, Zhang Zhenren?

She thought to herself, but within three breaths, a larger force than before gathered from behind, and the next moment, she felt a huge thrust coming from behind her.

The shepherd who had retreated directly flew back, and the landing spot was impartial, which was the center surrounded by the men in black.

The man in black didn't take it or block it, just stared blankly at the situation. Originally, they were all admiring the sage's wit. With such a ruthless method, no man could resist.

Even a monk would immediately return to the vulgarity, but he didn't want the next second to be slapped in the face, and the speed of light hit his face.

So much so that the shepherd pushed it back violently, but no one thought to catch it, causing the shepherd to slam and fall to the ground.

It just happened that the injured shoulder just touched the ground, and the pained waiter bared his teeth for a while, his face was distorted, and his heart was even more broken.

Then, she heard what Zhang Sanfeng said to the man in black.

"Don't thank me, my name is Huo Lei Feng.".

Chapter 501

The voice is sincere, as if it were really meant for this.


The herdsman couldn't bear it any longer, and couldn't hold back the internal injury he had just suffered, so he vomited out a mouthful of old blood.

Although she didn't understand what Zhang Sanfeng meant by living Lei Feng, she still understood the previous sentence.

He actually said thank you to the men in black, his own value, in his eyes, is not as good as these men in black~

If it was other people who didn't know Zhang Sanfeng, they would definitely think that he was pretending to be calm, just a timid person.

But the herdsman knew that, the number one in the world, the head of Wudang, Zhang Sanfeng.

Logically speaking, she should have gone to Song Dynasty to try Zhang Sanfeng, maybe she could earn 17 under his command.

But the power of Yinkui faction has always been in the Great Sui Dynasty, and Zhu Yuyan has never let her out, so there is no chance.

Now that he has achieved this level, Zhang Sanfeng is still rock-solid, and his heart is suddenly half cold.

If it wasn't for the girl's self-esteem still in her heart, she almost wanted to go back and tell Zhu Yuyan that she would stop playing, she couldn't play with this person.

If either of the two really fell in love with the other, the herdsman knew that it was not Zhang Sanfeng who fell in love with him, but she fell in love with Zhang Sanfeng.

After these two battles, the herdsman can see clearly, Zhang Sanfeng should have already known her identity.

Otherwise, she would not have done such a resolute thing, and instead sent her back to the bandit den.

So, instead of pretending to be pitiful, he raised his hand and let the seven or eight men in black behind him withdraw directly.

The man in black also left in a hurry, for fear of looking at it a few more times, and then being hated by the saintess. After all, they saw the shriveled appearance of the saints today.

If it is said that the shepherd kills people in order to save face, they will definitely believe it, so many people have the idea of ​​​​leaving the magic door.

Or it's okay to stay away from the herdsman, or maybe one day the herdsman remembers, and their lives will be lost.

"The servants of the Yingui School of Nujia have met Zhang Zhenren."

The girl in the pink palace skirt stood up, patted the dust on her body, without a trace of embarrassment, and bowed to the little Taoist priest on the horse from afar.

The shyness on his face is even more eye-catching, and every move is so breathtaking.

However, when Zhang Sanfeng's Taiji martial art was in Xiangyang, he could help him resist the charm of Shangguan Xiaoxian.

Now that he has become a true immortal, and the number of layers of Taiji martial arts has also risen, the charm of this mere master still wants to be used on him.

Thinking about it, he couldn't help but snorted.

The shepherd who unconsciously used the Demon Sect Charming Technique was shocked when he heard this cold snort.

An unprecedented sense of pain surged up from her lower dantian, causing her beautiful face to twist, and she crouched on the ground immediately.

"You can even make an axe with a small skill of carving insects!"

Zhang Sanfeng snorted coldly.

"Put away your little effort, if it wasn't for seeing your self-reporting family, it would be considered sincerity. If you dare to use charm in front of me next time, it will not hurt your dantian!"

After hearing this, the herdsman only dared to nod his head again and again, and said sadly.

"Thank you for the mercy of Zhenren Zhang, thank you for the kindness of Zhenren Zhang for your life."

The herdsman clutched her abdomen, the pain was unbearable just now, but now she is better, but now she doesn't dare to let go of a harsh word.

"Where is Zhu Yuyan?"

Zhang Sanfeng spoke directly to the herdsman, without any emotion, seeing her expression like a tool man.

"The teacher's whereabouts are uncertain. I was in Shuzhong with me a few days ago. Today, I went to Luoyang, but I don't know where to go after that."

"However, Zhang Zhenren can rest assured that if there is news about the teacher, the slave family will tell Zhang Zhenren as soon as possible."

"Master has also admired Zhang Zhenren for a long time."

After speaking, the waiter's expression couldn't help revealing a bit of a smile. .

Chapter 502

"Then stay with me,"

"Whenever your master comes, you will be free."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled indifferently, turned the horse's head directly, rode a fast horse, and pulled the unprepared shepherd onto the horse in the middle.

The two ride a horse together, one behind the other.

Zhang Sanfeng's one-pass operation also made the herdsman completely stunned. To say that Zhang Sanfeng was cruel to the herdsmen, he was indeed ruthless.

Even the shepherd took the initiative to step forward, but was repelled by a palm.

But now, why is she showing a look of greed for her body again?

It stands to reason that she didn't let her follow the horse's buttocks in disgust, and she couldn't even touch him, but why suddenly the two of them rode together.

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