However, before the shepherd could think too much about the feeling, he felt his body float, and the whole person was embraced in a warm embrace.

The herdsman froze, unable to speak, this was the first time she was so close to a man.

As usual, she has always been at ease among men, and she has grasped the scale so tightly that she will never let those men take the slightest bit of sweetness.

Today, it is sturdy, like a zongzi, wrapped together.

However, this stalemate soon ended. After all, Yingui's stronghold was the brothel Chu Pavilion.

This time, it was just too sudden. If Zhang Sanfeng directly invited her to get on the horse, it is impossible for her to handle it quite harmoniously.

"Let's go! Goal! Emperor Stepping Peak' ˇ."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and told the herder the destination of the trip, and regardless of the shepherd's reaction, he galloped on his mount, galloping his horse with whiplash.

He went to the opposite place to Luoyang. This time, he caught the shepherd before he arrived in Luoyang. Now he is going to the Cihang Jingzhai in Zhongnan Mountain.

The Heshi jade there is said to have the effect of widening the meridians in addition to increasing the soul.

This is the case with Shuanglong in the original book, otherwise he started to practice martial arts at the age of eighteen or nineteen, and it would be impossible to be promoted to Grand Master in his twenties.

Now that the shepherd is in hand, I am not afraid that Zhu Yuyan will not come to her. After all, this is an important piece of hers, and there is no shepherd.

What did she compare with Cihang Jingzhai?

But there is no need for a competition. If nothing else, the concubine Xuan~ in Cihang Jingzhai, his next goal is to reach her.

For the rest of the way, Zhang Sanfeng was in a relatively happy mood.

After all, Momen Yingui's "Heavenly Demon's Secret" is already in the palm of his hand, and the things in Cihang Jingzhai are also in his pocket, and the place is much easier to find than them.

All the way to the southeast can be approached.

At this time~ on the other side of an official road, a luxury motorcade is slowly advancing. Judging from the team lineup, the stunt is one of the world's richest clans.

Otherwise, how can there be such a large scale, as to which one.

When you look at the character Li on the carriage, you can see at a glance that it is naturally a Li clan.

But the other carriage has the word Chai again, and some people will be confused now, but they know it clearly.

Chai Clan's son, Chai Rong, is pursuing the third young lady of the Li family. It is normal for him to be in the same team.

Although the two are not family friends, they still have contacts with each other. In addition, Chai Rong's appearance is not bad, and it is a talent.

Even Li Yuan sometimes hinted that his daughter could marry him, obviously he was very satisfied with Chai (Li Haorong) Rong.

Li Xiuning was in the team at this time, sighing bitterly.

She was recruited by her father and was going back to Luoyang. This time she went to Yangzhou. She was able to make an inch. She originally wanted to help her sister Song Yuzhi to relax, but she did not want to be called on a temporary basis.

Directly pulled her back to Luoyang~, she lifted the curtains, looked at the scenery outside, and then asked about the approximate location.

He already knew which official road he was on and how much distance he had left, so he probably knew it.wheat.

Chapter 503

One more day~, alas, I'm afraid I won't be able to escape this time.

When Li Xiuning left the Li clan and went to Yangzhou, there was actually another reason, and that was that people in her family had been urging her to decide on a candidate.

There are several big names for her to choose from, and all of them are the right choice, especially Chai Rong, who is infatuated with her.

If it weren't for the fact that she really didn't have him in her heart, she would have married him long ago, but even if she told Chai Rong over and over again that she didn't like him, she didn't need to pursue him.

But for Chai Rong, this kind of remark was like adding oil, and the next day, his pursuit of the offensive was even more violent.

Over time, Li Xiuning could only treat him as a friend as he did not understand the hint in Chai Rong's words.

But this time back to Beijing, it seems that there is really no escape. It seems that I can only choose him~, or choose him?

Li Xiuning's eyes suddenly lit up, and he suddenly remembered the way to get out of the current predicament.

"It's better for me to tell my elders that she already has someone she likes. If she can't marry someone she likes, then she would rather not marry her forever."

Li Xiuning thought to himself, and suddenly heard the sound of a crossbow piercing through the forest and hitting the leaves outside the window.

Swish swish!

The dense arrows directly hit the Chai and Li teams by surprise.

However, the usual defense forces of the Chai and Li family, the hired swordsmen, were not for nothing.


Soon, the horn of a wave of counterattacks was about to sound, but in the next second, a very strong wind burst out of the forest and ran directly to the Chai family carriage.

The master of the Chai family immediately gave up the enemy in front of him, and turned to turn back to defend.

The son must not have any mistakes, otherwise, even if they can go back intact, the family will not let them go.


The two exchanged palms, and the master of the Chai family instantly felt that the palm of the hand was not right, how soft it was, it was still rushing in his own direction.

With the strength in his hand, the shadow flew backwards to the Li family carriage, which made the struggling Li family master unable to react at all.

It was too late to return to the defense, so all I could do was watch the black figure pull open the curtain of the carriage with a ferocious face.

Inside, Li Xiuning and her maids were hiding in the far corner of the carriage and shivering.

Li Xiuning's mind is blank now.

The problem is all this, why didn't Mr. Li and the others stop him?Who the hell is trying to kill me?Family or outside?

He couldn't see the outside scene, and naturally he didn't know that the shadow played a trick of attacking the east and the west, so that the masters of the Li family couldn't react at all, and he succeeded.

He licked his lips proudly, and looked at Li Xiuning with a pity, such a symbol of beauty, now Xiangxiaoyu died, but he didn't have time to kiss Fangze.

It's a pity, if you find out where she is buried in the future, you can dig it and see.


After escaping from the forest, his movements were not superfluous. Every step and every move was for Li Xiuning in the Li family's carriage.

After all, the master ordered that the Chai family and the Li family must not be combined.

When Li Xiuning died, he died in front of Chai Rong. I'm afraid, the most infatuated teenager in Luoyang would become a sad person.

Hei Ying thought, his hands were not slow at all, he turned his palms into claws and grabbed Li Xiuning's head fiercely.

The energy on his body also exploded, causing the other maids who wanted to buy time for Li Xiuning to suppress them to the end.

If this claw is firmly grasped, there will be five blood holes on the top of Li Xiuning's beautiful face that can see the brain. .

Chapter 504

Just when Li Xiuning was in despair, she closed her eyes in fright and waited for the ending.

He heard a soft moan from a woman beside him, as if she was laughing.

Then the man in black screamed "Impossible!".And open your eyes.

I saw a beautiful woman in a pink palace dress with golden ornaments on her neck standing pretty in front of her.

Li Xiuning looked at the young man in black who was seriously injured in the distance, that is, the assassin. It must have been the killing move that the girl blocked just now.

Quickly speak out.

"Thank you for your life-saving grace, and ask her to report her name. Xiuning will also repay her kindness~, all Li clan will be grateful to you, girl."

The voice was uplifting and powerful, without the desperate exclamation just now. I have to say that Li Xiuning's psychological quality is still good.

"Haha~ You don't have to thank me. If you want to thank me, thank my little gentleman. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't~ would have done it."

The girl chuckled like a silver bell, and she didn't take advantage of the fact that she was generous to Li Xiuning - Fang Dao.

"Little Langjun? Dare to ask who is Xiao Langjun?"

Li Xiuning is also full of doubts now. First, there is an inexplicable assassin, and then an inexplicable rescue.

If she didn't really sense murderous intent, then she might have thought it was a trap and deliberately wanted to gain her kindness in order to achieve the ulterior secret behind them.

"You don't have to know about that~ That person has been seriously injured by me, and he must not be able to stab you again, but you still have to be careful~ next time you won't have such good luck."

After speaking, the girl in the pink skirt flew away, and without waiting for Li Xiuning to stay, she left behind a figure in the forest, and disappeared after a few ups and downs.

At this time, the master of the Li family, who had arrived late, hurriedly knelt in front of the car and said in fear.

"It's the old slave who didn't take good care of the young lady, which shocked the young lady~"

"It's okay."

Since it's all right, Li Xiuning is not the kind of person who cares about things, and this time, he really caught the situation that the masters of the Li family were unable to defend themselves.

It can only be said that the enemy is too cunning, and Li Xiuning will not blame a martial artist who has served the Li clan for decades because of this.

"Xuning, are you alright?"

A concerned voice came in a hurry, followed by a series of "Master, be careful."

Li Xiuning looked back, and found that Chai Shao, the son of the Chai family, got off the carriage at some point and rushed towards him.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Full of concern, can't be fake.

Li Xiuning sighed slightly in his heart, and extended his head to say to Chai Shao who came out of the window.

"Young Master Chai, Xiuning is fine, let's set off now, if there are assassins behind us, then we will be in danger."

The implication is that Chai Shao doesn't need to come, leave this place first, and it's not too late to elaborate.

...... 0

Chai Shao understood naturally, but there was still worry in his expression.

"Xiuming, is it really okay? I have already reprimanded him just now~ I told him to protect you next time. It doesn't matter if I die, Xiuning, you must not have an accident."

Chai Shao's affection was sincere, and everyone present sighed. Of course, no one in the back would take it seriously. Something happened to Chai Shao and Li Xiuning.

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