It is impossible to save Li Xiuning regardless of Chai Shao's safety.

"Chai Shao has a heart, Xiuning has a heart."

Although Li Xiuning was a little moved in his heart, it was not enough to accept Chai Shao in his heart.

What she is thinking more about now is, who is the girl in the palace skirt?And who is Xiao Langjun?six.

Chapter 505

The Li family's carriage set off again, but this time everyone's hearts were tense. Fortunately, they arrived in Luoyang without incident.

When they arrived in Luoyang, Li Xiuning described the woman's appearance in detail, but still did not know the identity of the woman in the palace dress~.

He could only secretly keep it in his heart, the third brother Li Shimin was also very surprised when he received the news that Li Xiuning was assassinated, and hurriedly came to the mansion to offer condolences.

After some inquiries, he realized that there was a beautiful girl blocking him, otherwise he would only be able to see the dead body of his sister Xiangxiaoyu.

"Xuning, don't worry, I will definitely help you find this benefactor."

Li Shimin patted his chest and assured Li Xiuning.

"Well, thank you third brother."

Li Xiuning smiled slightly and said to Li Shimin.


"Zhang Zhenren, fortunately not humiliated!"

A woman in a palace skirt sprang out from the forest and appeared in front of Zhang Sanfeng. Naturally, she mounted her horse and sat in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

Then he turned around and smiled.


Zhang Sanfeng nodded slightly, his expression indifferent, neither happy nor angry.

She didn't care either. The two of them talked along the way. She was used to Zhang Sanfeng's indifference. If she talked too much, she might not get used to it.

"Then let's continue on the road, there are still a few days to go to Mount Zhongnan, and your master, will Zhu Yuyan still come?"

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, and then asked Wei who was sitting in his arms.

"Master Shenlong sees the beginning but not the end. She has always been looking for me, not me."

"But it's naturally her order to come out to find you this time, and she might be watching~."

She said softly, she was full of excitement now, naturally because she confirmed that Zhang Sanfeng's next destination was Cihang Jingzhai.

As the saintess of Demon Sect, it is a lie to say that she is not excited when she can see Cihang Jingzhai deflated.

She can't wait for three thousand miles a day to go directly to Cihang Jingzhai, and then watch Zhang Sanfeng coerce everyone.

She is not worried that Zhang Sanfeng is not strong enough. After all, her master, Zhu Yuyan, can't put so much pressure on her. It is certain that she is stronger than her master.


Zhang Sanfeng shook his head, unless Zhu Yuyan had a technique that could hide the true immortal's divine sense scanning, otherwise there was no way to hide in Zhang Sanfeng's divine sense perception.

He swept the radius of a hundred miles, but did not perceive a particularly powerful aura, none of which surpassed the aura.

"Then I don't know."

She pursed her lips and said with a sad expression...  

"Put away your suit."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't even look at it, he just let the horse run wild again.

With the blessing of Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual power, it doesn't matter if this horse is day or night.

It is not an exaggeration to call it a god horse.

"Hee hee~ I still can't hide from Zhang Zhenren's eyes."

She burst into laughter, and her miserable expression disappeared in an instant, and she turned into a smile, and every frown and smile was breathtaking.

However, she still remembered what Zhang Sanfeng said, that she did not dare to use Mei Gong, otherwise she might really be thrown off the horse by Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng ignored him and looked at the road ahead, not knowing what he was thinking.

Seeing that he didn't answer, she could only sit on the horse with peace of mind, closing her eyes and resting, as if she had fallen asleep.

She wanted to escape just now. After all, Zhang Sanfeng asked her to rescue Li Xiuning. If she didn't come along, she might have a chance to escape.

But in the end, she came back obediently, not to mention how attractive Zhang Sanfeng is.

Instead, she found that she left Zhang Sanfeng, and there seemed to be nothing interesting to do.

Staying by Zhang Sanfeng's side will never be boring, right? .

Chapter 506

A few days later, at the foot of Zhongnan Mountain, a pair of teenagers and girls rode a horse together and walked slowly along the trail at the foot of the mountain.

The young man is extremely handsome, wearing a black Taoist robe, which shows his fresh and refined temperament.

The girl's is absolutely beautiful, just the occasional smile is so captivating, people can't help but envy that young man.

But seeing the young man's delicate face, it made him feel half jealous, as if he deserved to have such a girl.

A pair made in heaven and earth is probably the handle used to talk about two people.


Zhang Sanfeng suddenly stopped his horse and said to the woman who was leaning in his arms.

"Arrived? Is this the Emperor Stepping Peak?"

Hao Hao 17 looked around and felt that there was nothing strange and strange, and there were dense jungles around here, and there was no road in sight.

"It's down."

Zhang Sanfeng immediately dismounted from the horse, and regardless of what was sitting on the horse, he had to walk towards the depths of the jungle on his own.

"Zhang Zhenren, wait for me."

She hurriedly tied the horse beside the tree and hurried up.

The two walked for about half a minute, and the scene in front suddenly became clear.

On the ground paved with bluestone slabs, a five-meter-high archway seemed to be a relic in the jungle, and a corner of the veil was inadvertently untied.

Zhang Sanfeng had already sensed it through his divine sense, and his expression was not surprising at all, but Wei Wei was different.

As a saint from the Demon Gate, it was the first time she saw the mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai.

"My home is in this mountain, and Yunshen doesn't know where to go."

"Zhang Zhenren, it's really Emperor Tread Peak."

"Cihang Jingzhai is here."

She almost jumped to the ground three feet high, full of joy.

The Holy Maiden of Demon Sect came to Cihang Jingzhai, and she will come to the door later, even Zhu Yuyan, I am afraid she would not dare to be so big.

Although with the strength of the Queen of Yin, there is no problem in entering or leaving Cihang Jingzhai.

"Didn't you say it before?"

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about the angry jumping feet behind him, he stepped on the gods and the peaks step by step, walking unhurriedly.

But as if the ground under his feet shrank into an inch, in a few blinks, Zhang Sanfeng was about to disappear at the end of the road.

She didn't say much, she quickly followed, fortunately, Zhang Sanfeng had to appreciate the exotic flowers and plants around him along the way, and the speed was not fast.

Otherwise, Zhang Sanfeng would not be able to catch up with Zhang Sanfeng at full speed no matter what.

"The scenery here is quite good, much better than Emei."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the surrounding scenery and nodded secretly, thinking that it would be better to bring Guo Xiang here next time, it is much more beautiful than Emei.

But think about it, after all, this is the place for the purification of Cihang Jingzhai, and the disciples in Cihang Jingzhai are all women, so it is natural to play with flowers and plants.

She was also looking around curiously, but she didn't simply appreciate the scenery like Zhang Sanfeng, as if she wanted to imprint the scene of Emperor Tafeng into her mind.

But at this moment, a clear chant sounded in the forest.

"The demon girl really doesn't know how to live or die, and she dares to come to Cihang Jingzhai to be savage."

That person still knew Ping Ping, but when he heard the strong wind blowing, he was about to take action if he disagreed.

Naturally, she wouldn't sit still, she picked up the recorder in her hand, and began to fight against it.

She has a lot of weapons, but in order to avoid it, it is safer to use magic power to solve it.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Three energetic voices directly covered the phantom sound, and it was another voice.

"Come on, what are you doing here at Cihang Jingzhai? You're also bringing a Taoist priest with you."

"Master Concubine Xuan!"

I saw a female swordsman wearing a flowing yellow dress coming with a sword, and the three sword qi just now was fired by her.

It is the saintess of Cihang Jingzhai, who has a bright sword heart and a concubine Xuan. .

Chapter 507

Concubine Shixuan's facial features are exquisite and her face is soft and beautiful, giving people a feeling of weakness and weakness at first glance, but after looking for a long time, you can see the heroic spirit hidden in the weakness.

Moreover, the temperament exuding from her body has a feeling of being isolated and independent, as if nothing in the world can affect her.

But at this time, she frowned and looked at Wei, she couldn't figure out what the demon girl came to Cihang Jingzhai to do.

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