Originally, she had accepted the master's order, and planned to go down the mountain in a few days to prevent Wei from obtaining the longevity formula.

But I didn't want to come to the door now, and also bring a Taoist priest.

Taoist priest!

Thinking of it, her beautiful eyes suddenly narrowed, and she looked at the Taoist priest who was completely unaffected by the battle between the two.

Is it...

"Zhang Zhenren?"

Shi Fei Xuan asked tentatively.

But she was the first to speak for her.

"Naturally it was Zhang Zhenren who brought me here, otherwise I wouldn't even bother to come to your poor place, it's better than my Yingui School's mountain gate."

In her words, she naturally belittled Cihang Jingzhai crazily. Although the teachings of the two religions are similar, they can be said to be incompatible.

Seeing each other, is extraordinarily jealous.

If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng here, it would be impossible for the two to fight each other.

Concubine Shixuan ignored the sarcasm, but fixedly looked at the handsome little Taoist priest in front of her.

Although there was no inner strength on his body, Shi Fei Xuan still did not dare to underestimate him.

"Oh~ so many people know me now' ˇ."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the concubine Xuan, who was like a fairy descending from the earth, and smiled undeniably.

It seems that Yu Wenhua and in order to clear the responsibility in front of Yang Guang, plus want to swallow the longevity formula, it is estimated that the longevity formula is still on Zhang Sanfeng.

But these people believed it, the information system of Momen and Cihang Jingzhai didn't seem to be very proficient.

"Zhang Zhenren is visiting the Emperor Treading Peak in person, why don't you let the little sister lead you up the mountain."

The concubine Xuan was determined, and did not dare to refuse Zhang Sanfeng to go down the mountain. She planned to take him up the mountain to see how Fan Qinghui would deal with it. After all, she didn't think she could stop Zhang Sanfeng.

She can only take one step at a time. As for Wei Wei, before Zhang Sanfeng expresses her attitude, she can't say anything. She can only ignore Wei Wei and let her go up the mountain.

On the contrary, the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai who had done the trick were somewhat resentful before, and wanted to say something.

However, being stopped by Concubine Xuan's eyes, she could only keep silent, but she ruined the joy of the yin and yang, and she was irritated in the yin and yang.

But Shi Feixuan and other characters, who had already blocked these strange words, still took their heads and walked up the mountain.

Not long after, the four of them arrived at the seventh-level mountain gate, where many disciples of Cihang Jingzhai were already standing.

Some are nuns, some are Taoist nuns, and can only be said to be eccentric.

At the foot of the mountain gate, there was a middle-aged nun who was waiting for the four of them for a long time. When she saw the four of them, she hurried forward.

Facing Zhang Sanfeng.

"."I don't know if this is Zhang Sanfeng Zhang Zhenren."

Cihang Jingzhai double cultivation of Buddhism and Taoism, and Zhang Sanfeng, who is also a Taoist, is not beyond the point of being a Taoist. After all, Ning Daoqi is like this.

But Fan Qing (Li Hao) Hui still respectfully called him a real person for the sake of safety.

"The next one is Wudang Zhang Sanfeng."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded undeniably. There was nothing to hide. Since he came to the Great Sui Dynasty, he never thought of concealing it.

"Then I don't know what is the important thing for Zhenren Zhang to come to Cihang Jingzhai?"

"Naturally, I came here for the "Cihang Sword Canon" and He's jade. I hope your Excellency can lend me a look."

Although Zhang Sanfeng spoke slowly, his words made the whole Cihang Jingzhai unable to sit still.Ring.

Chapter 508

"You actually want to read my Cihang Jingzhai's "Cihang Sword Canon", you know it's our patriarch's handwriting!"

"If there are outsiders who want to see the secret of your Wudang supreme, what will you do?"

Someone scolded him sharply, but Fan Qinghui didn't stop him. There was still no expression on his face, obviously his concentration was very strong.

"Of course it's..."

Before Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, he saw a figure flying out of the crowd and rammed directly into the plaque at the mountain gate.

Fan Qinghui's face instantly turned gloomy, and it was one of her disciples, Miaoru, who was hanging on it.

This is only the status of the concubine Xuan, and he questioned Zhang Sanfeng just now.

But what made her even more uncomfortable was that she didn't even see the movements clearly, and she didn't even have time to say the warning.

"Zhang Zhenren, is this?"

"It's just for you to teach a lesson to the disobedient who speak falsehood. Do you think so, Mrs. Shi."

Zhang Sanfeng's expression did not change, as if it was not him who had just shot Miaoru, he said to himself.

As he said that, he also looked up at Miaorudao, which was still embedded in a plaque.

"If there are outsiders who want to see our unique martial arts, they will naturally have to accept my move and not die."

"Then... do you want to see it?"

With a question on his face, he asked Miaoru, who was already close to being seriously injured.

Miaoru was speechless, but in such a serious condition, looking at Zhang Sanfeng, she dared to ridicule him, she only dared to shake her head slightly.

With a slight tremor, the unknown liquid mixed with blood fell from the plaque, making a ticking sound.

Although Shi Fei Xuan wanted to come forward to save Miao Ru, but Yu Master hadn't moved, so she could only give up first.

On the other side, Wei Wei looked at Zhang Sanfeng with admiration. The move just now was too domineering, and she was beaten in front of Fan Qinghui, the head of Cihang Jingzhai.

However, Fan Qinghui didn't do anything at this time, which made her a little regretful. It would be great if she did. It would be better if all the disciples in the Cihang Jingzhai died.

This group of sanctimonious guys, self-proclaimed to be famous and upright, and what they do is a bit higher than the Yingui School, and they have always looked down on them.

"Then do you want to see it?"

Zhang Sanfeng looked at the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai who were all glaring at him, and said softly.

The sound is not big, but it is expanded by the spiritual power, enough for the entire Emperor Stepping Peak (bhag) to hear it, and it is like a god beating a drum, bursting with roars.


Fan Qinghui's face was so heavy that water was about to drip out. She never thought that Zhang Sanfeng would make such a move, and he was so grand. This was because he didn't take Cihang Jingzhai in his eyes at all.

Although there is no great master in Cihang Jingzhai, they still have a strong support from a great master. Ning Daoqi, the great master of Taoism, is not false.

Moreover, his residence is not far from Emperor Stepping Peak.

"Teacher, do you want to see our martial arts skills?"

Seeing Fan Qinghui's somewhat resentful expression, Zhang Sanfeng asked her.

"Why do poor nuns need to look at Zhang Zhenren's unique martial arts skills? I haven't learned them yet. If I learn too much, they will be mixed and not refined."

Fan Qinghui refused, and said if he meant something.

It is obviously implying that Zhang Sanfeng, do you have enough to learn so much?

Zhang Sanfeng's expression remained unchanged.

"Cihang Sword Canon and He's Jade."

"Some things I won't say a third time."

Zhang Sanfeng put his hands behind him and looked at the magnificent mountain gate of Cihang Jingzhai, but a little bit of a fly in the ointment was that there was still a person inlaid on the plaque.

"Since Zhang Zhenzhen wants to see it, the poor nun can still stop it.".

Chapter 509

Fan Qinghui seemed to want to understand something, so he stepped forward to guide Zhang Sanfeng, causing the concubine Xuan and other disciples on the side to stop talking.


"The patriarch's handwriting is the secret of our Cihang Jingzhai, how can it be seen by an outsider!"

"We're just keeping the He's jade, in case Master Yixin asks you...~"


Fan Qinghui's face changed, and he turned around and scolded Shi Feixuan and the group of people angrily.

"Zhang Zhenren, as the leader of the world's martial arts, wants to see our Cihang Jingzhai's Cihang Sword Canon, which is an honor of our Cihang Jingzhai.

"As for He's jade, I will explain it personally to Master Yixin."

After Fan Qinghui said this, she stopped looking at the faces of Shi Feixuan and the others, and continued to lead Zhang Sanfeng with a genial smile.


Seeing the stunned appearance of the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai, it was really cool, especially the appearance of Concubine Xuan covering her mouth and tears were about to flow.

Even more, she almost clapped her hands and applauded, and then she leaned in front of Zhang Sanfeng with a proud face, also enjoying the guidance of Fan Qinghui.

Although Fan Qinghui didn't know Ping Ping, she couldn't hide the aura of "The Secret of Heaven" on her body, so she naturally knew that she was Zhu Yuyan's apprentice.

But under such circumstances, he could only hold back his displeasure and keep smiling.

It was very interesting to see Fan Qinghui who wanted to have an attack but didn't dare to attack. It turns out that even if you are a master master, you have to look at people's faces.

What's more, Cihang Jingzhai also has five or six masters. Among the famous schools, the number of masters is second to none.

After all, the practice of Cihang Sword Canon is stable in everything except that it cannot be broken and a peerless master appears.

However, she still held back her provocative thoughts. After all, although the person in front of him couldn't beat Zhang Sanfeng, it was more than enough to hang her.

She and Zhang Sanfeng seemed to be in a hostage relationship. If Zhang Sanfeng didn't take action, she would have died miserably.

Although she acts unrestrainedly, she can provoke the concubine Xuan and the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai, naturally she has the confidence.

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