But he would never provoke Fan Qinghui in front of him, otherwise, death would be a waste of death.

Fan Qinghui walked very slowly and explained in great detail. Even a stone tablet has a history of more than [-] words, and the buildings inside the gate have deep historical roots.

She was a little tired hearing this, and wondered if the old nun was procrastinating.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

If you continue at this speed of explanation, then you can go inside to read the Cihang Sword Canon, and it is estimated that it will be until tomorrow.

However, she didn't make a sound, because she saw Zhang Sanfeng still following behind him calmly, as if he was really listening to Fan Qinghui's words.

It is not like a villain who came to ask for the "Cihang Sword Canon" and He's jade, but like a master who came to Emperor Taifeng to travel.

The one who was accompanied by the head all the way, it was impossible to see that he was in front of Fan Qinghui, knocking a disciple into the air, and smashing the plaque.

"This is our ancestral hall. The ancestral hall was built by Dini, the first-generation head of Cihang Jingzhai, and the handwriting of Dini is the "Cihang Sword Canon", which is also preserved in it..."

Fan Qinghui continued to speak, and wanted to lead Zhang Sanfeng in, but he didn't want Zhang Sanfeng to suddenly speak, which made Fan Qinghui's heart sink.

"Now that you're here, come out."

"Anyway, he is also a great master of a generation. He hides his head and shows his tail, but looks like a rat."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled casually, his footsteps stagnant, and he looked at the empty beam road above the patriarch's hall.

"You're right, fellow Daoist Ning."

When she heard Zhang Sanfeng's words, she sank. Is Ning Daoqi here?six.

Chapter 510

Ning Daoqi, one of the three great masters, is recognized as the number one master of the Great Sui Wulin, and even the evil king Shi Zhixuan had to walk around him when he saw him.

His honorary title is Sanren, which is derived from his top martial arts, Sanshou Bapu.

Although it is not from any one of the four great martial arts books, it is also from the "South China Classic" written by Zhuangzi and his disciples in the Spring and Autumn Period, taking the essence and discarding the dross.

Its inner strength is to revolve around, to be free and unfettered, to wander the heaven and earth, to do nothing, and to connect all things.

Thousands of changes, endless mysteries.

This was also the reason why he was able to overwhelm the other two great masters, Fu Cailin and Bi Xuan, with Sanshou Bapu.

Although Sanshou Bapu and Song Que's Tianwen Jiu Dao's first eight swords were tied, but it also made Song Que retreat, and finally ended up with a lose-lose ending.

"Haha~ Zhang Xiaoyou is really smart, and his perception is amazing. Even if the old man is so concealed, he is still discovered by the little friend. It seems that this world is really going to be given to young people."

An old and gentle voice came, not far or near, neither low nor high, just right, making it sound like being taught by an elder.

I saw a person in the hall, I don't know when, an old and pale old man, dressed in Eguanbo belt, with a square face, ordinary, but his temperament gave people a feeling like a mountain.

Coupled with the prominent five long beards, there is quite a feeling of being a master of the Tao.

This person, her master may not dare to provoke, but a great master who has been famous for a long time, I don't know how Cihang Jingzhai invited him.


This time, the voice was made by her side, and it was very familiar. She had heard it by his side no less than ten times in the past few days.

She turned her head to look, and saw that Zhang Sanfeng's face was still very indifferent, and he did not show a trace of caution and vigilance because of the appearance of the old man.

Instead, he looked at Fan Qinghui Road with a half-smile but not a smile.

"Master, is this the person you're waiting for?"

"Procrastinating here, pretending to tell me the history of Cihang Jingzhai, and deliberately walking three minutes slower, all for this person."

Previously, Zhang Sanfeng's sudden attack only made Fan Qinghui's face gloomy, but this time the question seemed to have stabbed her in the soft spot.

His face changed suddenly, and he ducked into the patriarch's hall, saying...  

"Zhang Sanfeng, don't think that the Song Dynasty holds you number one in the world, that's the real number one in the world, every country's number one in the world is a real fight, don't underestimate the heroes of the world."

"I advise you, even if it's too late to stop now, as long as you vow not to step into the Cihang Jingzhai for half a step in the future, and make an oath of the great road, you will never hurt the people of Cihang Jingzhai again. The poor nun will call the shots today and let you go. Go down the mountain, or..."

Fan Qinghui's face was ferocious and terrifying, and when he spoke, the lights in the patriarch's hall flickered, and the momentum was extremely fierce.

However, the only response to her was...


Zhang Sanfeng's hearty laughter came, making Fan Qinghui a little surprised.

In her opinion, no matter how arrogant Zhang Sanfeng was, he wouldn't underestimate the real top master in the Central Plains.

Moreover, although she couldn't see Zhang Sanfeng's true cultivation, she still knew about Ning Daoqi's cultivation.

The No. [-] Grandmaster in the Central Plains can be called a Sanshou Bapu with tens of thousands of changes. Under the eight styles, there are not many people in the world who can handle it all.

How dare he underestimate it? .

Chapter 511

However, the head of Cihang Jingzhai for many years still limited her knowledge to a certain extent.

I do not know that there are immortals in the world, and there are people in the world.

But don't blame her, Zhang Sanfeng reached the real immortal at such a speed, that is, the realm above the shattering of Da Sui's side, no one can imagine.

Who knew that Zhang Sanfeng did not cultivate inner strength but cultivate spiritual energy?

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng's laughter was only for a moment, and he said with a relaxed expression.

"One move~"

This was said to Fan Qinghui, and also to Ning Dao.

This old man led by E Guanbo frowned slightly when he heard Zhang Sanfeng's words. Although he couldn't see through Zhang Sanfeng's cultivation, his words were exaggerated, and he was not afraid that the wind would flash his tongue?

And Fan Qinghui was even more at a loss, what move?What do you want to do.

"Take this move from me and let your emperor step on the peak, otherwise..."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't say too much harsh words, some words, the effect of not saying it is more deterrent.

"Since the little friends have said this, if the old man dares not, it is not that the martial arts of these years have been practiced in vain."

Ning Daoqi's current voice is simple and solemn, calm and powerful, not like old age, but like a strong man's voice. Obviously, his body has begun to accumulate energy, and he is brewing for the next battle.

Zhang Sanfeng also seemed to be undecided, Shi Shiran stood with his hands behind his back, and said to Fan Qing Hui.

"This is your own choice. I won't advise you, but I hope you will be mentally prepared. I still need someone to take me to the "Cihang Sword Canon"."

Fan Qinghui's face was flushed with anger. Although she didn't know how confident Zhang Sanfeng was, she was so confident now that she could only retort.

"Don't worry, even if I die, there are still my disciples."

"You should still be worried about yourself. It's not a waste of time to get away with it. As long as some things start, there is no way to go back."

Fan Qinghui turned the Buddha beads in his hands and looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and suddenly he became neither happy nor sad, not at all like before.

It is the calmness of the mind in the Cihang Sword Canon that can make one's mental state continue to be at its peak, and no matter how it is shot, it is the strongest.

Every move is the maximum combat power that can be exerted at present.

Every trace of internal strength can be brought into full play, and she is obviously ready to take action.

She didn't take her seriously, but a demon girl from the same generation as Shi Feixuan, if it was normal, she would have detained her long ago, imprisoned in the Cihang Jingzhai to remove the demonic energy, and then released it.

Seeing her so confident, Zhang Sanfeng was also dumbfounded.

Hunyuan Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong acted, the whole body was surrounded by eight extraordinary meridians, twelve serious meridians, and spiritual power suddenly spewed out, quickly filling the body's [-] orifices and forging more than [-] bones.

This time, Zhang Sanfeng didn't take care of him.

Four successful powers, and the same treatment as Li Xunhuan.

Although the shattering here is equivalent to the true immortal identified by Zhang Sanfeng, it is still somewhat different from the true immortal.

However, Zhang Sanfeng reached a true immortal, and he was just like Li Xunhuan, but he was able to stay here.

Although he doesn't know why the masters on his side can do this, Zhang Sanfeng is sure that as long as he gets the God of War catalog, he will know the mystery.

At this moment, there was another movement in the patriarch's hall of Cihang Jingzhai, and a figure stepped out.

When she saw it, she couldn't help rubbing her eyes, and there was a voice that appeared at the same time as the figure.

"Little friend, let's go!".

Chapter 512

It was Ning Daoqi's voice that came again.

At this time, his voice was full of energy, and it was different from the solemn and heavy before.

The whole person is also more than [-] years younger, and he has become a middle-aged man whose spirit and energy have reached the top of the three flowers. Compared with his previous appearance, he is completely different.

Although he was thin all over, his eyes were so bright that it made people look at him with a dazzling feeling.

"I'm out already!"

Zhang Sanfeng said with a look of surprise, as if you didn't notice it?

At this moment, the concubine Xuan and others who caught up later couldn't help but stop their footsteps and continue to go up the mountain, but looked up in horror at the direction of the ancestor's hall.

On the towering eaves of the Patriarch's Hall, more than [-] meters away, the wind and clouds gathered, a big hand composed of gray and white clouds.

It is slowly condensing and forming, just like the punishment of heaven, which makes people's minds sway.

The real one, manpower is like an ant in front of Tianli.


After ten breaths.

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