Shi Fei Xuan and other disciples of Cihang Jingzhai saw the following scene.

With the power of breaking the mountain and breaking the sea, the giant palm of the gray cloud slammed it down with a savage palm, and did not give them the slightest chance to resist.

Shi Fei Xuan and the disciples of Cihang Jingzhai only came to cry out "No' ˇ~"

Then the whole person quickly flew towards the direction of the ancestors' hall, where there was their most respected and beloved master.

Although the master ordered them not to approach the Ancestor Hall, but with such a change in Huiyun's big hand, even if Dini appeared, I'm afraid they wouldn't be able to stop them from moving forward.

When the concubine Xuan came to the patriarch's hall, it was originally solemn and spacious, enshrining the spiritual seat of the patriarch of Cihang Jingzhai from generation to generation.

In the future, the patriarch's hall, which he will also place in it, has become a ruin, rubble, and broken beams, all of which prove the horror of the big gray cloud just now.


Concubine Shixuan woke up like a dream and shouted. She thought about countless things in an instant. From childhood to adulthood, the bits and pieces of Master's treatment of her were all flashed through her mind.

Like a slideshow, the kindness to her, the harshness to her, and the admonition to her are all vivid in my mind.

She was lying on the pile of gravel and rubble, frantically scraping the dirt and shouting.

"Master~ don't worry about it!"

The other disciples of Cihang Jingzhai also stepped forward, either with their hands or with swords, to help.

Therefore, Fan Qinghui supported Ning Daoqi, who was sluggish, to return to the ruins of the ancestor's palace, and saw the following scene.

Shi Fei Xuan was pointing his sword at Zhang Sanfeng, looking like he had perished together, and there was a solitary tomb behind him. It was clearly engraved with "The tomb of Master Fan Qinghui, the unfilial disciple Shi Fei Xuan Li."

Two lines of characters, one big and one small, if it wasn't for Fan Qinghui's good eyesight, he couldn't see clearly, causing Fan Qinghui to be anxious for a while, and some of the emotions that he had just stabilized would begin to collapse again.

"." Feixuan ~ stop it!"

"Hurry up~ I'm not dead!"

Fan Qinghui's two calls brought tears to her eyes, and the concubine Xuan, who was holding the long sword, was in a trance for a while, and then quickly turned her head to look and found that her master had walked out of the forest unharmed.

Next to her was an old man whom she had an impression of. He seemed to be called Ning Daoqi, who was a very powerful guy.

"Master, you (Li Haozhao) are not dead!"

This was the first time Shi Feixuan encountered such a twist.

"I thought...I thought."

"Hey~ Chi'er, do you remember the name and tranquility of mind in "Cihang Sword Canon"."

The concubine Xuan, who has long been clear-minded, naturally knew, but how could she endure the sudden calamity of the master, if she could treat the master's fate in a mild manner.

Is that Shi Fei Xuan still Shi Fei Xuan? .

Chapter 513

However, seeing that Fan Qinghui was still intact, she quickly adjusted her state and returned to her former cold fairy-like appearance.

It is the standard template in Cihang Jingzhai, neither joy nor sorrow, and do not care about everything in the world.

It was surprising to see a good show on the side, and it turned out that the Cihang Sword Canon still has such an effect.

She still admired the desolate beauty just now, but now she has become Chang'e in the cold palace, arrogant and dazzling.

In this respect, Cihang Sword Canon is worthy of being a strange word.

Fan Qinghui first comforted his disciple Shi Fei Xuan, and then put the sluggish Ning Daoqi on the broken stone steps.

Then he stood in front of Zhang Sanfeng and lowered his head.

"Zhang Zhenren~ The poor nun loses. Later, let the disciple and the concubine Xuan lead you to get the patriarch's handbook and He's jade, and hope that Zhang Zhenren will show mercy."

At this time, the Buddha beads in her hand were no longer there, but Zhang Sanfeng knew that just now, she was trying to resist the large gray cloud formed by the spiritual energy.

In Fan Qinghui's hand, none of the buddha beads have disintegrated. If it wasn't for him to release water intentionally, he would have added Ning Daoqi's last blow to change the world.

Timely teleporting out of the ancestor's hall, it is impossible to say that the two are really going to become the ghosts of His Highness.

"Hey~ that's not the case just now. Since I said, Emperor Step Peak no longer exists, then it no longer exists."

Although Zhang Sanfeng doesn't care about Shi Feixuan's affairs, after all, death (bhag) of Master is also human nature, and Shi Fei Xuan's mouth is mostly the same thing. .

He found it amusing to hear it. At that time, he was still waiting for the news of Fan Qinghui, so he should relieve his boredom.

"That Cihang Jingzhai..."

Although he was deeply concerned, Fan Qinghui dared to stop him at this time. He could only ask about the follow-up of Cihang Jingzhai.

"what ever."

Zhang Sanfeng was very indifferent, but this statement made Fan Qinghui feel like he had picked up a big bargain, and quickly thanked him in a low voice.

"Many thanks to Zhenren Zhang for being merciful. I have sent two hundred and thirty-five disciples on behalf of Cihang Jingzhai. Thank you Zhenren for your generosity."

As he spoke, he made the most respected bow among Taoists, which means superficial surrender.

At this point, Cihang Jingzhai stopped resisting.

Shi Feixuan didn't have any objections when she saw the master like this. The master didn't die. In fact, other things didn't matter to her.

Whether it's Cihang Jingzhai or Emperor Tafeng, as long as the master who taught her from childhood to adulthood is still there.

This may be a kind of bondage. If Fan Qinghui really died, Shi Feixuan was able to survive in Zhang Sanfeng again. It is impossible to say that Shi Feixuan would be able to break through the realm of Jianxin's transparency.

Became the most promising candidate to be broken among the several generations of saintess in Cihang Jingzhai.

She was extremely excited, there was nothing more refreshing to watch the head of Cihang Jingzhai give in, but she still held back and just grabbed Zhang Sanfeng's hand.

It seemed that he wanted to feel the same way, but Zhang Sanfeng did not refuse the hand that she took the initiative to hold.

He looked indifferent at this time, looked at Fan Qinghui who lowered his head, and said softly.

"My goals this time are only two, the Cihang Sword Canon and the He's Jade."

"How about Cihang Jingzhai, I don't plan to care, and I don't want to care."

The voice was the same as usual, but everyone present at this time regarded his words as an oracle and did not dare to disobey.

Fan Qinghui hurriedly said to the concubine.

"Concubine Xuan, take Zhang Zhenren to the cave to go to the patriarch's manuscript and He's jade.",

It seemed that one second later, he was afraid that Zhang Sanfeng would regret it. .

Chapter 514

"Zhang Zhenren, please come with me."

When Shi Fei Xuan received Fan Qinghui's order, she responded very quickly, and hurriedly stepped forward to guide her.


At this moment, she was holding Zhang Sanfeng's arm and wrinkled her nose.

The saintess of Cihang Jingzhai were different. She surrendered without a trace of shame.

It also makes it as simple as eating home-cooked meals.

"Young Master, this Cihang Sword Canon is too evil, I can bear it!"

I don't know when Zhang Sanfeng's name has been changed, it seems to be much more intimate, making people feel that the relationship between the two is not simple.

Zhang Sanfeng also didn't pierce the little Jiujiu, but said indifferently.

"Since the Cihang Sword Canon is one of the Four Great Books, it naturally has its own unique features. The sword's heart is clear, and it is also unique if you think about it."

His words are not unreasonable, but she still finds it a little strange, but now she is all focused on the "Cihang Sword Canon" that will be seen later, and the legendary He Clan who can see the past and the future Biyu.

These things, even if she is the saintess of the Demon Sect, if she wants to see it, she can meet but not ask for it. If Shi Zhixuan of the Huajian faction is alive, it is impossible to make her shine.

It's just that her master Zhu Yuyan, the Queen of Yin, is now thinking about finding Shi Zhixuan. However, she is not sure where the tomb of the evil king is now.

Moreover, there are still many rumors in the rivers and lakes that Shi Zhixuan is dead, just like Xiang Yutian who disappeared, died in a hidden corner and turned into a solitary tomb.

When she thought of this, she couldn't help thinking that if the master came, I'm afraid her value would be gone.

She has no value, will Zhang Sanfeng keep her as a hostage? She dare not ask this question, and she doesn't want to know.

However, she held Zhang Sanfeng's hand tightly again, as if she would not let go after being killed.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't pay much attention to Wei Wei's strange behavior.

His mind is now on the dense forest that he passed through, and the spire that he will soon see.

Behind the patriarch's hall, there is actually a forbidden area, but it is blocked by tall trees, so you have to walk inside to find out that there is something special.

Soon, as the dead branches and vines gradually decreased, Zhang Sanfeng followed the concubine Xuan to a temple-like building with a low tower top.

It is only about [-] meters, not too big. The length and width are only seven or eight meters, and the total area is only fifty or sixty square meters.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

The door is quite large, occupying all the front position.

Concubine Shixuan stepped forward, took a specially made key, inserted it into the door, and then heard the sound of the ratchet gear turning.

This door, which seemed to have not been opened for a long time, opened again.

"Zhang Zhenren, please come in."

Shi Feixuan made a gesture of stepping forward, and then disappeared into the door.

...... 0

Zhang Sanfeng didn't procrastinate, he stepped forward and followed.

The space inside is larger than imagined, empty, with only a round table and a golden bell.

The golden bell hangs on the round platform, and there is an ancient book on the round platform, which seems to be some years old.

Concubine Shixuan stepped forward, picked up the ancient book with both hands, and handed it to Zhang Sanfeng very carefully.

Zhang Sanfeng took it over. The skin of this ancient book turned yellow. After opening it, lines of beautiful handwriting appeared in his eyes.

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