How could he be sad and sad because he killed a few beasts that blocked the road and cut down a few trees that blocked the road, and thus stagnated.

However, these are things that Shi Fei Xuan can't see, and she can only see Zhang Sanfeng as the kind of person who does whatever he wants, has no rules and follows his original heart.

 (Li's) This is a kind of high limitation, she can only see so high.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't pay much attention to the reaction of the concubine Xuan. The "Cihang Sword Canon" and He's jade were already in hand.

He was still very indifferent, the He Clan's jade was actually filled with spiritual energy, but it was a huge amount of spiritual energy.

It can be called the total amount of spiritual power of Zhang Sanfeng at this time.

It is no wonder that the soul can be purified and the meridians can be widened. Under such a huge amount of spiritual power, even a fool can produce a superb martial arts posture. .

Chapter 518

Behind the temple, a green light rises out of thin air, like a sword, straight into the sky.

This kind of change naturally caused many disciples of Cihang Jingzhai to panic and tell Fan Qinghui, who was adjusting his breath.

Although Fan Qinghui didn't have a hand in the battle just now, his state of mind has already been greatly impacted, if he is not stable.

I am afraid that she will fall from the position of the master, and she may have no hope of being a great master in this life.

The consequences of the disintegration of the mind are so serious.

It is not a joke that it is easy to regress in cultivation, and it is difficult to advance in the realm of life.

Therefore, Fan Qinghui was very dissatisfied with the disturbance of his disciples until he saw that green light he had never seen before emanating from the back mountain.

The originally unstable state of mind cracked again, a mouthful of blood surged up, and he couldn't help vomiting it out.

Fan Qinghui suddenly vomited blood, which frightened the disciples of Cihang beside him.

At this time, Fan Qinghui had no time to scold the disciple, her heart had sunk to the valley, and her bloody lips moved slightly.

He murmured in his mouth: "How could~ how could it be!"

Although she was not the first owner of the He Shibi, when the He Shibi was in the Cihang Jingzhai, she still felt that she had understood the mystery of it.

For such precious jade, the efficacy is also clearly known.

She also heard some rumors about the He's Jade. It is said that when the He's Jade can emit a beam of light that can reach the sky, it is when the He's Jade truly recognizes the master.

She has always been a rumor. After all, He's Wall has been in the hands of so many people, and I have never heard of anyone who can emit a beam of light.

But now, she saw her back mountain, a bright green beam of light inserted into the golden clouds, a beautiful and splendid scene, I am afraid that the entire Zhongnan Mountain can be seen.

But isn’t it true that only those who have a pure and good-natured heart and no demonic nature in their hearts can recognize their masters?

But Zhang Sanfeng's actions are so pure and good.

Therefore, she refused to accept, and the consequence of dissatisfaction was that her state of mind was broken, her realm fell, and even the master could not stabilize.

"(bhag) is fated, it is fated!"

Fan Qinghui no longer cares about the retreat of his state of mind.

After all, Cihang Jingzhai has one more master and one less master, and the impact is not great.

After witnessing He Shi's recognition of Advocate Sanfeng, she has already seen a lot. After all, such a bizarre thing can happen and witness, and it is reasonable for her to be disintegrated.

In addition, she is good at self-regulating by practicing "Cihang Sword Canon", and the factors that affect her mood to continue to deteriorate have been eliminated and excluded by her.

She returned to her previous calm and indifferent face again. The green light was printed on Fan Qinghui's face.

The pillar of light continued for a night, and Fan Qinghui also stood here for a night, and only slowly sat back after seeing the three figures.

Turning the beads and reciting the scriptures, chanting the obscure scriptures, it is like an old nun.

The three figures are Zhang Sanfeng, Wei Wei, and Shi Fei Xuan.

The one with the most complicated expression was the concubine Xuan, who witnessed Zhang Sanfeng's use of the He's jade last night with her own eyes.

It has far surpassed her previous knowledge of He's jade. During the overnight research last night, she had seen many of He's quirky ways of playing.

For example, looking at the future, looking at the past, and even like a mirror, live broadcast of the martial arts strongmen near Zhongnan Mountain who were attracted by the green light beam. .

Chapter 519

However, they were all photographed in the majesty of Cihang Jingzhai and did not dare to trespass into the mountains without authorization.

Only a few who dared to break into the mountains were also taken care of by Ning Daoqi, who was recuperating.

Cihang Jingzhai is in the midst of a major change, and Ning Daoqi, who has long been one with Cihang Jingzhai, will naturally not stay out of it.

Zhang Sanfeng was also very satisfied with playing with the He Shibi in his hand. Looking at the texture and color on it, he was more and more satisfied with this trip to the emperor.

Although He Clan's jade can't reflect his future, it can't reflect the future of people who are related to him, such as 婠婠, and the concubine Xuan.

The future of the two of them was invisible, but he could use it to find what he wanted most.

The fragments of the remnants of the Temple of War, and he had tried last night, and really projected clues about the remnants on the stone wall.

A long sword with a cold light was placed on the stand, and a simple and remnant picture was placed next to it. Other than that, there was nothing.

The mountain pattern above and the displacement of the stars in the sky are exactly the same as Zhang Sanfeng's five residual pictures, which is obviously one of the remaining three residual pictures.

However, He's jade's projection can only illuminate this range, and there is nothing else.

Then Zhang Sanfeng used the He Shibi to search for other residual pictures, but he couldn't show it, it was still the same knife, that picture.

He Shibi's intention was obviously to tell him that he had to find this picture first, and then there would be a follow-up.

He looked at the knife with a familiar look, and the other two women had no idea after seeing it, but she said, the knife felt very murderous, and she was a little scared.

Then a name appeared in Zhang Sanfeng's mind uncontrollably.

Tiandao, Song Que, Song Yuzhi's father, Kou Zhongfu's old father-in-law.

Of course, now that there is no relationship with Li Xiuning, the two have already crossed the horizon, getting further and further apart. .

Song Que's "Nine Swords of Heaven" once drove Ning Daoqi to a dead end with only eight swords.

And he is very confident in the final result. If the ninth sword is thrown, Ning Daoqi will die, not Song Que.

It can be seen that his swordsmanship is superb, and his swords are all tried out from the sea of ​​​​blood, not Ning Daoqi's perception and practice.

It is a pile of real achievements. If this sword is really Song Que's saber, it is not surprising that the house is full of murderous aura just by looking at it through He Shibi.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"Not bad!"

Thinking that it might be at Song Que's place, Zhang Sanfeng was in a good mood, and stroked Wei's hair as a reward.

She was taken aback by Zhang Sanfeng's actions. She was still under the watchful eye of Shi Feixuan, but she wanted to move but didn't dare.

...... 0

It was not until Zhang Sanfeng's hand left her blue silk that she slowly recovered, but there was an uncontrollable feeling of loss in her heart.

Why not stay longer?

She missed the intimacy just now, but she knew that it was still too embarrassing to say such a thing, so she shut up, but her eyes were full of joy.

Seeing Shi Fei Xuan was puzzled for a while, how could this witch, like a cat, feel so much better when she was touched.

She wrinkled her nose at Shi Fei Xuan's reaction.

ignore her.

"Since both items have been seen, I will keep the He Shibi. As for the patriarch's manuscript of your sect, I will now return the original."

The silent atmosphere of the three was suddenly broken by an indifferent voice.six.

Chapter 520

This voice, clear and a little soft, makes people who listen to it can't help but feel relieved.

It was what Zhang Sanfeng said when he was about to walk out of the back mountain and walked to the front yard of Cihang Jingzhai, when he suddenly said to the concubine Xuan.

He also took out an ancient book that he got yesterday, "Cihang Sword Canon".

The concubine Xuan nodded and accepted the ancient book "Cihang Sword Canon", and she was relieved. She was really afraid that Zhang Sanfeng would take away five or forty copies of their sect's treasures.

If the "Cihang Sword Canon" is lost in the hands of this generation of Fan Qinghui, then the master will not be distressed to death.

Although I never thought about taking it back when I handed it over, I still had a little extravagance in my heart.

But she didn't want to return what was lost, which made Concubine Xuan happy, her sword heart was clear, and there was a ripple in her calmness.

The mood has quietly changed.

But at this time, she couldn't care too much, and the return of Jian Dian has already satisfied her, so what is the state of mind.

After putting away the sword script, when Shi Fei Xuan raised her head again, she looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and she actually felt a little pleasing to the eye.

I am also sighing in my heart, it seems that he does not look like a bad person~.

A handsome young man, dressed in Taoist robes, with an immortal-like temperament, he was really dizzy, so he would treat him as a natural devil.

Concubine Shixuan flashed many thoughts in her mind, her face was half red, and she spit on herself unconsciously, her thoughts were too dirty.

Then came the sound of laughter.

"It turns out that the fairies of Cihang Jingzhai will also be in a state of mind and start to miss people~."

Wei's voice was not loud, but it was extremely harsh when it was introduced into Shi Fei Xuan's ears, and Zhang Sanfeng didn't intend to see Fan Qinghui immediately.

As soon as he was about to go down the mountain with Wei, the concubine Xuan whispered to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Concubine Xuan said goodbye first and replied to the teacher's order, Zhenren Zhang, please bear with me."


Zhang Sanfeng didn't plan to leave Shi Fei Xuan, since she wanted to leave, she just left, anyway, his horse couldn't fit three people.

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