After getting a nod from Zhang Sanfeng, Shi Fei Xuan turned around and left. She didn't want to listen to the irony of Wei Wei, so she quickly returned to the front of the hall with her feet like the wind.

A middle-aged nun in the hall is turning a brand-new Buddha bead in her hand. The previous one was broken, and now she has to start refining it again.

"Teacher, come back."

Fan Qinghui, who had her back to Shi Feixuan, said indifferently.


Just as Shi Fei Xuan was about to tell Fan Qinghui excitedly that the "Cihang Sword Canon" was still there, she found that something was wrong with her master, and the charm of the past was gone...  

There were also a few lines of wrinkles on his face, the color of old age, and the state of mind was no longer as vast as the sea before, but Shi Fei Xuan could sense it, and visualized it like a waterfall.

This means that the master, who was originally a master of the master, has now fallen from the master, but before he clearly left, the master's mood was still quite good.

This made Shi Feixuan hesitate to speak, but the Cihang Sword Code was very important, so she still immediately told Fan Qinghui that Zhang Sanfeng had returned the Cihang Sword Code.

Fan Qinghui finally spread a smile on her face and murmured.

"Finally, this disaster has been passed safely. In the future, disciples should keep it in mind and don't make mistakes like Master again."


Concubine Shixuan nodded yes, and she spoke again.

"But... Master, your realm."

"It's okay, it's okay~ It's just a broken state of mind, and there's no fear of life."

Fan Qinghui looked at it very openly, to a certain extent it was related to the "Cihang Sword Canon", but to a certain extent it was also related to her own xinxing.


Chapter 521

Concubine Xuan was shocked.

"How could the master's mood be broken? Could it be that something major happened while I was away!"

She didn't know how much influence it had on Fan Qinghui that night, nor how strong the impact of He Shibi's recognition on Fan Qinghui was.

When she was in the room, she was completely unaware that the green light had reached the sky. Except for the lush greenery in the room, she did not feel any other miracles.

"Nothing, at most one and a half years, the master can be restored to the master, but the great master is hopeless, but the original chance is slim, and now I don't care about it, it's not bad."

Fan Qinghui comforted the concubine Xuan, and when the concubine saw that her master said the same thing, she no longer had anything to say.

Suddenly, Fan Qinghui asked Concubine Xiang Xiang.

"Teacher, what do you think of Zhang Sanfeng? How did you feel last night?"

 17 "The disciple only felt that he was always covered with a veil, mysterious, unknown, powerful, decisive, and of course, there was a sense of freedom.

It is three points better than Jianxin Tongming in the Cihang Sword Canon. "

"Furthermore, the disciple witnessed him in less than three hours yesterday, and he has reached the level of sword heart transparency in the Cihang Sword Canon, like a fairy."

Shi Fei Xuan recalled what happened yesterday, and hurriedly told Fan Qinghui.

Fan Qinghui suffered several subversions in succession in the past two days. Although she was already prepared in her heart, she could not help but feel a little dazed when she heard that Zhang Sanfeng had learned the "Cihang Sword Canon" in three hours.

This is an achievement that even the founders of the sect could not achieve, three hours, and this "Cihang Sword Canon" can only be practiced by women.

However, what she didn't know was that it was not the first time that Zhang Sanfeng had practiced exercises that only women could practice.

The previous "Sunflower Collection" is one of them. The "Sunflower Collection" can be practiced, not to mention the "Cihang Sword Collection", which has no hard and fast rules.

It's also just a derivative influenced by "Caprices on the Devil's Way". It must be pointed to women.

"That disciple, if I say...for the sake of Cihang Jingzhai, are you willing to rescue him from the sea of ​​misery?"

"No matter how bad it is, I can't let that demon girl succeed..."

Fan Qinghui's words were astonishing, causing Shi Fei Xuan to panic, her body could not help leaning against the door, and she took three steps back.

"Master! You..."

"The reason why Zhang Sanfeng is so pestering is not to let Zhang Sanfeng enter their demon door. If he really enters, I am afraid that the world will be in chaos."

"So, Master wants you to stop Wei, after all, Cihang Jingzhai and the Yingui Sect have been fighting for hundreds of years, how can they fail here and be overwhelmed by others."

What Fan Qinghui said was reasonable and well-founded, and Shi Feixuan had to agree, although she didn't know what the result of this downhill would be.

But since the master said it, she can only take orders.

"Go down the mountain over there. You should be able to catch up now. If I think it's not bad, Zhang Sanfeng's next target may be the Tianmoce of the Demon Gate. He will definitely not let it go."

Fan Qinghui began to turn the Buddha beads again, urging the concubine Xuan to go down the mountain quickly.

When Shi Fei Xuan saw that Master had nothing to explain, she went back to the house and packed her bags.

Then he carried a sword, a package, dressed in plain clothes, and went down the mountain.

The foot of Emperor Tapong was approaching in an instant, but there was no figure of Zhang Sanfeng and Wei at the foot of the mountain.

Only a bunch of clear, messy horseshoe prints were left.

Before chasing the footprints, Concubine Xuan turned back and glanced at the direction of Emperor Taifeng.

A dark voice.

"Master, I will never let you down!".

Chapter 522

The mountains of Zhongnan Mountain are continuous, and the road is rugged, which is very popular.

This is also the reason why there are so many hidden masters in Zhongnan Mountain, and none of the masters can survive in this Zhongnan Mountain.

The cliffs that are dozens of meters high often cut off the way, or the sounds of wild beasts such as jackals, tigers and leopards in the dense forest are incessant. Although they are far away, they can clearly hear the roar.

Sometimes when Zhang Sanfeng passes through a certain woodland, he clearly perceives several or dozens of eyes, and is staring at the two and one horse.

Unfortunately, they didn't dare to move. After wandering there for a long time, they didn't do anything, which made Zhang Sanfeng feel a little regretful. It seems that the intuition of the beasts saved their lives.

Since he didn't appear, Zhang Sanfeng didn't bother to kill him, so he didn't provoke him, let him walk out of Zhongnan Mountain in peace, and then go to Song Que in peace.

He fiddled with He's jade along the way, and glanced at "Tian Mo Tactic" and "Tao Xin Seed Demon Dafa" in "Tian Mo Tactic", which had disappeared for a long time.

The former is a beautiful woman of about twenty-seven or eighteen years of age. She is wearing a black dress and stamens on her head. Overall, she is much more sexy and enchanting than 婠婠.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't even need to guess, he knew that the person was probably Zhu Yuyan, and the background behind Zhu Yuyan was probably on the third floor of a market.

From the bottom of the screen window, you can see that there is an endless stream of guests entering the building, and many girls stretch out their heads and hold handkerchiefs to invite guests in.

Obviously, this place is the brothel Chu Pavilion. Zhang Sanfeng took this image and asked Wei Wei, if she knew where it was.

If it was not far from the place where Tiandao Song Que was, he wouldn't mind passing by and seeing this famous infatuated queen.

It's a pity that she nodded, knowing that this was a small town on the coast of the East China Sea, but the distance from Tiandao Song Que was completely different.

It doesn't fit at all, but fortunately, she said that Zhu Yuyan will stay there for a maximum of three days, and she will have to change positions, so there is no need to rush over.

Only then did Zhang Sanfeng dispel his doubts about going to Zhu Yuyan first to get "Tianmo Tactics", the Zhongnan Mountains stretched for hundreds of miles.

When Zhang Sanfeng went down the mountain, it was still in the morning, and when he got out of the mountain and walked to the market, it was already noon.

The sun is hanging brightly in the center of the sky, and the hot air is twisted.

God knows it's already September and it's still so hot.

Zhang Sanfeng simply found an inn where he stayed. After all, even if he did not invade in the cold and heat, Wei and the horse under him didn't seem to like to travel in the sun.

After all, they are still human, not real immortals like Zhang Sanfeng.

They also need to eat and drink water. Of course, the most important thing is that Zhang Sanfeng is running out of wine, so he needs to come to this small town to replenish it.

This small town is also on the edge of Zhongnan Mountain, and further west is the Song family city where Tiandao Song Que is located, which is about three or four days' journey away.

If you travel overnight, you will arrive in a day or two.

While Zhang Sanfeng and the others were resting in the tavern, a masked girl in plain clothes and a sword was looking around at a place (Li Ma Hao) a hundred miles away.

Concubine Shixuan looked dazed, looking at a wild horse in the distance, at a loss, she seemed to be following the wrong person, no, she was disturbed by the wrong horse.

However, fortunately, "Cihang Sword Canon" has a calm mind, and she is not in a hurry. After all, Zhang Sanfeng has never kept his name incognito because of such a big movement.

It must not be long before the Great Sui Rivers and Lakes will have some more beautiful talks about Wudang Zhang Sanfeng. .

Chapter 523

If the matter of Cihang Jingzhai is revealed, I am afraid it will shake the martial arts again. After all, the gray cloud is a big hand, and now the concubine and concubine think about it, they are a little frightened, and their hearts are a little unstable.

Concubine Shixuan stepped lightly, captured the wild horse, and tamed it within two or three strokes. Then Concubine Shixuan rode the wild horse under her and ran in any direction.

However, this direction is the land of Song Que that Zhang Sanfeng is going to, one is in the west and the other is in the east.


However, neither Wei nor Zhang Sanfeng cared about where a holy maiden of Cihang Jingzhai ran to, and now they were thinking more about it.other things.

At least, she doesn't have the heart to think about Shi Feixuan now, and now she's all thinking about Zhang Sanfeng.

In the inn, in the No. [-] room, wearing a thin cyan skirt, she sat in front of the window, watching the pedestrians coming and going below, her feet without shoes dangling outside the window.

However, her expression was not as natural as the shaking of her feet, but with some entanglement.

Wei Wei felt that she was a little obsessed now, and she wanted to stare at Zhang Sanfeng at all times. After being separated for less than five minutes, she wanted to find an excuse to break into Zhang Sanfeng's room.

She just wanted to stare at a piece of art, so she couldn't take her eyes off her.

Of course, being able to play is the best thing, but unfortunately they failed several times in holding hands, and they were rejected by Zhang Sanfeng for a wave, which made Wei a little distressed.

Her actions seem to be inconsistent with the teachings taught in the sect at the beginning, isn't she (bhag) the one who changed all beings upside down?

Why does she seem to be the first to fall, and the persistence that belongs to the saintess of the devil is still lingering in her heart, so that she has not stepped into the next stage.

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