If only his martial arts weren't so high, then she could use...

This thought popped into her heart, but she quickly sighed.

If he wasn't so strong and young, maybe he wouldn't fall so fast.


By the way, she suddenly thought of a way to hide her thoughts perfectly and look at Zhang Sanfeng in an open and honest way.

Saying that, she jumped out of the window and sat cross-legged on the bed.

Then the internal power of "Tian Mo Mi" in the body began to operate.

In the Cihang Jingzhai before, she had already entered into meditation, and although she did not reach the master level, she was considered to have crossed the threshold with half a foot.

The next step is just water grinding, and everything can be done.

However, she is not for cultivation now, but gently transmits the internal force to the bed board under her body.

The bed board suffered such an internal force, how could it still support it, and it would crack inch by inch within three breaths.

With a bang, with a thud, the originally intact bed collapsed in an instant.

The bedding and bedding were scattered all over the place.

But it wasn't enough to get to this point, so she pushed them away, and ran to the shopkeeper downstairs.

When the shopkeeper saw that this beautiful girl had something to do, plus her money offensive, she quickly started to arrange according to her wishes.

It didn't take long.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

There was a knock on the door outside, and Zhang Sanfeng knew that it was 婠婠 without even looking at it.

"come in."


She pushed open the door of No. [-] Tianzi, and saw that Zhang Sanfeng was playing with He's jade, her eyes lit up.

Of course, not looking at He Shibi, but seeing Zhang Sanfeng, his eyes were like a prisoner who had been locked up for a long time, seeing a woman for the first time after he came out.

"Speak up quickly."

Zhang Sanfeng said without raising his head.

"The bed in my room is broken, I want to sleep~ I want to sleep with you."

"I originally wanted to open another room, but the rooms in the inn are full, and there is not even a firewood room."

"There's really no room left!"

婠婠 emphasized. .

Chapter 524

The next day, Zhongnan Mountain, a small town nearby.

Wei Wuxian and Zhang Sanfeng walked out together. Wei Wei's face was a little embarrassed, but her arm was still tightly pressed against Zhang Sanfeng's.

They grew a lot last night.

However, the Heavenly Demon Dafa has not yet reached the highest level, and she can't be happy yet, so she can only change the way.

In short, their relationship is already unusual, at least it is no longer a simple hostage relationship.

"Master, are you going to Song Que now?"

婠婠 asked.

Yesterday, she already knew why Zhang Sanfeng touched her head, but it was her accidental suggestion, which made Zhang Sanfeng suddenly think of Song Que, the Heavenly Sword.

"Yes, the schedule will arrive on three or four days."

Zhang Sanfeng said indifferently, his body could not help riding on the spirit horse that had already been fed, and then he took the hand of Wei and rode together.

With the yellow sand all the way, I left this small town.

Three or four days later.

Zhang Sanfeng and Yan Yan stopped in front of a mansion, and the two stone lions at the door were very powerful.

The red copper gate at the door is even taller and stricter, and even the servants standing at the door all have bright eyes, obviously trained in martial arts.

This is the Song family, Song Que's Song.

Before Zhang Sanfeng knocked on the door, she stepped forward and knocked on the door, handing her a letter of worship.

"Song Que, the grandmaster of the Heavenly Sword, personally opened it."

There is only "Zhang Sanfeng" under the letter.

Such a letter was handed to the servant who was guarding the gate. Although the servant did not know Zhang Sanfeng, he saw the beauty and appearance of her, and the little Taoist priest outside had a feeling of immortality.

He didn't dare to neglect, at least the feeling that the woman in front of him brought him was not much worse than those of the masters who often went to Song Mansion, or even stronger.

As a servant of the Song family, he still has this vision.

"Wait a minute, girl, I'll go in and report."

The servant took the letter and hurried in.

Before long, a hearty laugh came from the door.

"Hahaha~ Sure enough, the hero is a young man, and Zhenren Zhang is here. Please forgive me for not being able to welcome him far away. Please bear with me, bear with me."

An old man in his [-]s or [-]s, wearing a pale yellow gown and black cloth shoes, walked out.

Followed by a pair of family disciples, no less than [-] or [-] people at a glance, it is obvious that half of the Song Palace has been dispatched.

"Zhang Zhenren~ I have long admired my name!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

The old man in the yellow shirt strode out the door, and without looking at her, he walked directly towards Zhang Sanfeng.

On the other hand, many people behind them saw the woman wearing a green dress, and they couldn't help but stare at her, and they didn't even care much about the master who came out this time.

In their opinion, no matter how powerful the outside world is, it may be a matter of a few knives to meet the owner of their own family.


In the end, he didn't survive a single knife. Even though Zhang Sanfeng was a little more famous, he was known as the number one in the world, but Da Sui would not recognize him as the number one in the world.

Even if he recognized it, Song Family Song Que would not recognize it.

They probably thought so.

This time, the old patriarch Song came out just to strengthen the young and handsome, and it happened to be the object of Song Yuzhi's observation.

Otherwise, if it is normal, it will never come out like this.

But what they didn't expect was that when Zhang Sanfeng faced Song Que, he said hello to Song Que, and he did not obey the junior salute, but said to Song Que indifferently.

"Patriarch Song, I want to take something from your family."


Song Que frowned tightly. He didn't know what Zhang Sanfeng meant. He just took things when he came up, which made him a little unexpected.six.

Chapter 525

"A map, just below your knife holder."

Zhang Sanfeng's expression was still indifferent, and he spoke without a trace of emotion, but it made people feel like a spring breeze.

Very strange.

"Oh~ that map."

Song Que was stunned. He remembered that there was indeed a map under the knife seat. He didn't know when he got it. Anyway, it was more than ten years ago. He wanted to collect it, but he couldn't find the second one anyway, so he also It's over.

[-] "That map is very useful to you?"

"Well~ I'm very useful."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't bother to hide it, so he said frankly to Song Que.

"Okay~ Then you can take it later."

Song Que admired Zhang Sanfeng's happiness very much, and did not dispute much about the ownership of the yellow cloth, so he gave it to Zhang Sanfeng directly.

It was a good opportunity for the lion to open his mouth, so he could not help but sigh.

"Then I would like to thank the old Patriarch Song."

Zhang Sanfeng made a bow, and then followed Song Que, who had turned around to lead the way, and walked into the gate of Song Mansion.

She also hurriedly followed, holding Zhang Sanfeng's arm, which made many of the Song disciples' favorite dreams shattered.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng is more handsome than them in any way, they are stronger, and they are popular with the family owner.

Nothing is better than themselves, then there is no doubt that this fairy-like woman belongs, they are very sad.

Wei Wei and Zhang Sanfeng didn't care about these eyes either, and followed Song Que directly to the Treasure Pavilion.

In a heavily guarded room, a lot of treasures and weapons of the Song family were hoarded.

And Song Que's treasured sword is in it.

Song Que took out the key and opened the door. Only Zhang Sanfeng and Wei Wei followed in, while the others were waiting outside.

"Zhang Zhenren, is this the map?"

Song Que had already walked to the center of the room, and took out the map with messy patterns and lines under the sword.

I don't know what material the map is made of, and it feels great.

He handed it to Zhang Sanfeng.

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