Zhang Sanfeng nodded and took it.

As expected, it looks exactly like the one seen on the He Clan's jade.

"Yes, that's it."

He gestured to Song Quecuo, saying that there was nothing wrong.

"That old man can take the liberty to ask, where does this map lead to?"

"Yanggong's treasure house, or the tomb of the evil king, or what kind of inheritance?"

He was quite curious about the map location.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't want to hide it, he said directly...  

"Where is the location of the God of War Temple, if Mr. Song wants to come with me, I'm fine."

As soon as these words were said, Song Que was a little confused. He was one of the masters in the world, so how could he not know about the Temple of War?

"Your goal is the "God of War Catalog"?"


Zhang Sanfeng did not deny it.

"You've got "The Secret of Longevity" too? Is what Yu Wenhuaji said true?"

Zhang Sanfeng did not explain this, and what he said was correct.

He does have the longevity formula, although he doesn't have it now, he has learned it.

"Then... I think you seem to have the charm of Buddhism and Taoism."

Song Que continued to ask.

"It's just the after-effects of studying the Cihang Sword Canon, and it will be healed in a few days.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't hide it, but told Song Que directly that his impression of Song Que was quite good, and he liked it very much.

"But the "Cihang Sword Canon" has never been rumored, otherwise the entire martial arts will be shackled."

Song Que questioned.

"Besides, the Cihang Sword Canon can only be practiced by women.

"So, I went to Emperor Taifeng"

Zhang Sanfeng said lightly, but it sounded like a thunderbolt in Song Que's heart. .

Chapter 526

"It seems that you have already played against Ning Daoqi."

Song Que's face sank when he heard the words "Di Tafeng", and he had an unusual impression of coming to that place.

"Well, still alive."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded and presented Song Que with his results.

And Song Que's eyes brightened the more he listened, and at the end he couldn't help but blurt out.

"Zhang Zhenren destroyed the Patriarch's Hall with one palm, good! Good! Good!"

After saying three good words in a row, he said to the outside.

"Come here, bring me the Bilong Yin that I have collected for 17 years for this old man. Today, I want to be with Zhenren Zhang, and I won't go home if I don't get drunk." [-]

"Listening to Zhang Zhenzhen's deeds, it's a big blunder."

Song Que sat on the ground and patted it without hesitation, letting Zhang Sanfeng sit on the ground with him.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care too much, he also sat down and laughed.

"It's just a little eagle worm."

The use of spiritual power is indeed a small skill of carving insects, but if there is spiritual power that can move the wind and clouds, it is really rare, no, it should be said that it is unique.

"Stop talking, drink."

Song Que was even more delighted to see Zhang Sanfeng being humble, and he was going to drink with him with the Bilongyin that he had just delivered.

After Zhang Sanfeng got the sixth piece of the residual picture, he didn't refuse, and he drank directly with Song Que.

Wei Wei also helped to pour the wine, and the two of them drank very happily.

The sunset is sparse, and night falls.

The banquet lasted for an afternoon, and in the evening, Zhang Sanfeng and Wei Wu arrived in the room Song Que had prepared for him.

Only at this time did Zhang Sanfeng have time to look at the remnant picture that he had just obtained. He rubbed it carefully. The material was indeed that material, and it was genuine.

Then there are only two left.

"Master, is this the map of the Temple of War? It seems a little familiar."

Wei Wei looked at the six residual pictures that Zhang Sanfeng put out, and thought a little.

"It's normal that you've seen it. After all, Da Sui's remnants of the Temple of War are all in the hands of first-class masters. If your master Zhu Yuyan has it, it wouldn't be surprising."

"Hey~, the son has a good plan, I really saw a residual picture like this in Master's place, but she kept it very carefully, not as casual as Song Que."

When Zhang Sanfeng mentioned it, she suddenly remembered where she saw this residual picture, and it really was Zhu Yuyan.

"Whether it is or not, we will find out later."

Zhang Sanfeng didn't do much nonsense. With the He Shibi's ability to predict the future, many things and things can be easily discovered.

However, Zhang Sanfeng felt that there were a few cracks on the surface of the He's jade, obviously because he could not pay the price it predicted with his spiritual power.

But Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel it was a pity either. After all, the sooner he got the remnants of the Temple of War, the better. He's jade couldn't bear it, and he couldn't do anything about it.

Leftovers are a must.

The spiritual power was poured into the He's jade again, Zhang Sanfeng silently visualized the appearance of the remnant of the Temple of War, and then the green light flourished again.

This time the green light map doesn't have much clue about the afterimage.

There is only one woman, a very plump woman, with a charming temperament but a solemn appearance.

At first glance, she was someone who had been in a high position for a long time. At this time, she was sitting in the main seat and talking, and then she stopped abruptly.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't know this person, but presumably He's jade would not be targeted for no reason. The residual picture should be on this plump woman.

However, this kind of appearance, people in high positions, it is estimated that it is difficult to guess.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng was a little puzzled when he saw the eyes of the cuddly who was leaning on him beside him.

murmured in the mouth.

"This...this is not...".

Chapter 527

"Come on, do you know her?"

Zhang Sanfeng secretly said, this is really related to the clues of the residual map, one knows it, and the other casually said it.


She nodded earnestly, and then said everything she knew to Zhang Sanfeng.

"This person is my master's daughter, her name is Shan Meixian, and she is also my senior sister."

"Because when I was young, I fell in love with the Yingui sect elder Bian Bubu, my uncle, and wanted to run away with him."

"It's a pity that Luo Hua is intentional and Liu Shui is ruthless, but my uncle likes my master~ and refused Senior Sister Shan's elopement, and then Senior Sister Shan ran to Dongming in a fit of anger, and built a lot of business there."

When she said it, she obviously knew a lot about this history, but when she talked about the side, there was a hint of disgust in her eyes. Obviously, the impression of this person in her heart was not high.

"Oh, that means, we are looking for Shan Meixian, that is, your senior sister, so we can only go to Dongming?"

"Well, senior sister won't leave Dongming easily, if you want to find her, I'm afraid you have to go to Dongming' ˇ."

She nodded, she was very sure of what Zhang Sanfeng said.

"If I remember correctly, your master seems to be in that direction."

If Zhang Sanfeng felt that his memory was correct, he used He Shibi to fortune-telling about Zhu Yuyan's position a few days ago.

"Well~, every year she finds time to visit Shan Meixian and see Shan Wanjing, after all, she is also her granddaughter."

She didn't know Zhu Yuyan's actions very well, but she still knew a lot about why she went there.

"If that's the case, it just kills two birds with one stone."

"This time, the magic strategy has also come to an end."

Zhang Sanfeng drank the wine in the glass in one breath, enjoying the tingling sensation of Bilongyin flowing through his throat.


Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel any resentment about showing Zhang Sanfeng the treasures of inheritance of his own sect. After all, even if he read a lot of classics, he should have read many books.

Treasures, the virtuous, and the secrets are naturally the same.

Zhang Sanfeng would not be able to learn the complete Heavenly Demon Dafa if he hadn't used it, otherwise he would have already demonstrated it himself.

"Sir, that day is..."

She stepped forward, and the orchid-like breath almost touched his face.

Zhang Sanfeng grasped it in his heart, gathered his spiritual energy directly, and flicked it lightly.

The originally brightly lit guest room was instantly dark as ink, which was more silent than the dark blue night sky in the sky.

The next day, Zhang Sanfeng said goodbye to Song Que early in the morning.

When he was leaving, he also saw a girl acting like a spoiled child to Song Que, with a beautiful face and an outstanding figure, with a hint of playfulness in every frown and smile, which reminded people of the girl next door, a childhood sweetheart.

But when the girl saw Zhang Sanfeng coming, she shyly retreated behind the screen, and only stretched out a small half of her head to look around.

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