who is it?Thoughts were flying in Zhang Sanfeng's mind, but the master of the sword intent was rushing towards the three of Zhang Sanfeng. After each breath, the distance between them was shortened by several hundred meters.

The sword intent obviously did not pass by suddenly, but was aimed at Zhang Sanfeng.

In less than five breaths, Zhang Sanfeng saw another end of the mountain path, and slowly stepped out of a middle-aged man with a sword on his back.

The man looks like he is in his thirties, middle-aged, but from his slashed face, it can be seen that when he was young, he was not much worse than the current Zhang Sanfeng.

The same sword eyebrows and star eyes, a face like a crown jade, plus the temperament exuding from the whole body, I am afraid that there are not many people in this world.

The closest Zhang Sanfeng saw was Li Feidao, the true immortal, Li Xunhuan, and only his temperament could be comparable to this person.

The same middle age, the same vicissitudes.

"The little Taoist priest in front is Zhang Zhenren!"

Before Zhang Sanfeng could speak, the man's voice came from far away from one end of the valley. The voice was not loud, but the words were clear and intelligible.

Obviously there are special skills, but these naturally can't fool Zhang Sanfeng.

He screened off the two women on both sides, stepped out in one step, and walked to the end of the valley, three meters away from the middle-aged man.

The middle-aged man was also stunned for a moment, shrinking into an inch, and being a little more advanced than his, he didn't even see how his inner strength was used.

"The next one is Wudang Zhang Sanfeng, dare to ask who this is?"

Seeing that this person is not malicious, Zhang Sanfeng admitted it with a folded fist.

"Dugu - Defeat!"

The voice was not loud, but it was enough to surprise anyone present, but Zhang Sanfeng had already guessed the identity of the person when he stepped out.

Sword Intent, Wooden Sword, plus that familiar move.

Guess can also guess that only these characters have such a tide-like sword intent.

"You want to fight me!"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and looked at the middle-aged man whose fighting spirit was already reaching the sky in front of him.


The middle-aged man held his head high, and did not feel ashamed to bully someone younger than him at all. In his heart, he just wanted to find an opponent who could let him use his sword.

No matter whether the person is a child or an old man, as long as he can make a sword, he will be satisfied.

The first time he saw Zhang Sanfeng, he knew that this sword would definitely strike.

The blood all over his body began to burn, and he was very excited.

For so many years, he has been begging for defeat alone, and finally found a person who can make a sword. .

Chapter 537

"Change the place, this place is too small~ I can't stand the toss of the two of us."

Zhang Sanfeng gave a suggestion. Dugu's request for defeat is naturally unacceptable. In his opinion, as long as Zhang Sanfeng can agree to fight with him, he will agree to any conditions.

Of course, even if Zhang Sanfeng disagreed, he would still take action.

If it weren't for his high martial arts, I'm afraid he would have already died on the road of kendo.

"Thirty miles next door, there is a deep valley, which is very suitable for fighting."

Zhang Sanfeng swept away his consciousness and knew that there was a relatively open deep valley nearby, where the miasma was always confused, but it was not a problem for Zhang Sanfeng and Dugu, who were already true immortals.

As long as you don't accidentally hurt mortals, there are still a lot of people on this mountain trail. If you do it here, you will easily hurt the pedestrians.

"That's good! I'll go first."

When he came, Dugu Qiufei also saw the deep valley from a distance. Naturally, he knew what Zhang Sanfeng was talking about, so he took a vertical jump and left the mountain path.

He naturally knew that Zhang Sanfeng still had some things to explain, and he was too lazy to listen, so he went there to sit quietly and cultivate his sword energy.

Seeing him like this, Zhang Sanfeng sighed, as expected of the sword demon Dugu seeking defeat, probably only such a crazy person can walk to the top of the kendo and take a look at the scenery.

If he was placed in the world of Xianxia, ​​where he cultivated spiritual power, he would probably be a person who became an immortal and an ancestor, and it would be inappropriate to give him the name of Sword Immortal.

After all, if Dugu seeks defeat and calls himself a Sword Immortal, there is probably no other Sword Immortal in the world, only him.

"You two go to the Shili Pavilion in front of you and wait for me, and I'll be back later" ˇ.

Zhang Sanfeng did not leave immediately, but said to the two women who ran over, that Shan Wanjing was still a little reluctant, she clearly saw that Zhang Sanfeng was going to fight.

She also wanted to accompany her. After all, she had already... yesterday, and her attachment to Zhang Sanfeng surpassed her current, Shan Meixian.

On the other hand, she didn't care about Zhang Sanfeng's departure, she just nodded and told her to go early and return early, and then pulled Shan Wanjing, who turned back in three steps, to Shili Pavilion not far away.

I plan to wait for Zhang Sanfeng there.

After Zhang Sanfeng explained the matter, he directly shrank to an inch, and within ten breaths, he walked to a deep valley [-] miles away~ There was a middle-aged man sitting cross-legged with a wooden sword across his knees.

It is the first step of Dugu seeking defeat.

He slowly opened those gray eyes with threatening sword intent, looked at Zhang Sanfeng, and said softly.

"."Are you ready?"

His whole body sword intent has reached its peak, and the sword energy is soaring to the sky.

If there are people with swords nearby, I am afraid that even the most common iron swords will make a slight sound of swords.

"I can do it anytime."

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly, but he didn't feel much pressure, on the contrary, he was a little excited. Fighting against Dugu Qiufeng was an unexpected joy.

Originally, it wasn't that he never sent someone to look for Dugu Qiufeng, but Dugu Qiubai disappeared after leaving the Sword Tomb.

Even the big eagle (Li Li's) can only guard the tomb empty, waiting for the next master of the sword mound.

In addition, he has already obtained the Nine Swords of Dugu, and his curiosity about Dugu's defeat is actually the same, and it is not necessary to find and copy.

But today, when the void is about to be shattered, we meet, and we should have this battle.

Is this the manifestation of the will of the world?

Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but think, but just as he was thinking, a white light sword energy had already swept across the sky, waving towards Zhang Sanfeng's body in a lightning gesture. .

Chapter 538

The white sword energy is like thunder, and it arrives in the blink of an eye.

With Zhang Sanfeng's perception, even if his physical defense has reached a level comparable to that of a true immortal.

I am afraid that if this sword is hit, it will also...


Bleeding is such a distant feeling. Zhang Sanfeng doesn't intend to break it here. After all, isn't he cultivating so as not to get hurt?

Otherwise, if he cultivated to a true immortal, he would have to be beaten and bleed, wouldn't it be very embarrassing.

The corners of Zhang Sanfeng's mouth were slightly curved, and at this thought, he couldn't help but laugh.

However, his movements were not slow, and he directly took out an ordinary long sword from his sleeve, the one that he liked the most.

It doesn't hurt to break it~, what's more, it has a Tai Chi martial arts bonus.

His every move and every style contains the true meaning, and it is not a problem for the ordinary long sword after enchanting to break the magic weapon.

Ding!The wind blows!

Zhang Sanfeng swung his sword to block this white practice sword qi, and the aftermath of the sword qi made the trees around a few hundred meters away like a gust of wind, and they all made a squeaking sound of being overwhelmed.

"Senior Dugu~, since I took over your move, it's my turn now."

Zhang Sanfeng spoke quickly, and his movements were not slow. He directly started with the Dugu Nine Swords, which made Dugu Qiu defeat slightly startled.

He never imagined that Zhang Sanfeng planned to use Dugu Nine Swords against him.

But when he took Zhang Sanfeng's sword move, he felt that something was wrong.

The ordinary long sword was like a swimming fish, flickering in four directions on him up and down, left and right.

This move, but not in the Nine Swords of Dugu, but the sword shape of the sword, but all of them look like the Nine Swords of Dugu.

To put it simply, both appearance and interior are very similar, but as soon as they are exported, they are fluent in the taste of Northeast big ballast, which makes Dugu Qiu defeat a bit unpredictable.

However, the Sword Demon is the Sword Demon after all. Even though Zhang Sanfeng's sword moves are strange and changeable, the swords are still inseparable.

He mastered the trick without spending too much effort, and gradually changed from a disadvantage to a close match.

But now Dugu seeks defeat, the feeling in his heart is hard to describe.

This was the first time he felt sadness since he was fifty years old.

It's not the kind of loneliness that (bhag) wants to lose, but the feeling of having talented people come out of the country, and the feeling that the back waves of the Yangtze River push the front waves.

He is old, there is no doubt that in front of young people who are less than [-] years old, he loses, and he loses completely.

Although he has heard the name of Wudang Zhang Sanfeng one after another since last year, he is already high enough, but he doesn't want to underestimate his opponent.

With the Dugu Nine Swords in front of him, Zhang Sanfeng, who can form his own faction, is indeed stronger than him.

However, the grief is accompanied by a thorough mind. His loneliness over the years has finally been resolved, and he has begun to breed forward momentum for kendo.

After he set foot in the real immortal, he has not played a sword for a long time, but this time, he has found the meaning of his swordsmanship.

After the two fought for hundreds of moves, Dugu was defeated by nine, and finally saw that the young man in front of him was deliberately letting himself, and simply broke the wooden sword directly.

Very indifferent.

"I lost!"

"Senior Dugu, let it go!"

Zhang Sanfeng smiled slightly, looking at the stubborn middle-aged man in front of him, bowing his head and admitting defeat, he actually had a refreshing feeling in his heart that had not appeared for a long time.

Hmm, it's really comfortable.

Moreover, after hundreds of moves, Zhang Sanfeng's Dugu Nine Swords once again climbed to a level, the realm above the Great Perfection. .

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