Chapter 539

This is also the reason why he has not defeated Dugu for a long time.

This floor gave him a certain guarantee for the next trip to the Temple of War.

Seeing Dugu begging for defeat and admitting defeat, Zhang Sanfeng also put away his long sword and said lightly.

"How, Senior Dugu!"

"Your Dugu Nine Swords are different from mine. It is better to say Zhang Sanfeng's swordsmanship in the shell of Dugu Nine Swords, your own swordsmanship."

After admitting defeat, Dugu Qiu was also a bachelor, and was very talkative in front of Zhang Sanfeng.

Obviously, Zhang Sanfeng was the only one who had learned from the experience in the battle just now. Dugu Qiuqiu naturally could also reversely sense Zhang Sanfeng's sword moves, and then supplement himself.

"Sure enough, it's a sword demon, and I can see my swordsmanship at a glance."

Even Zhang Sanfeng couldn't help but lament Dugu's kendo skills.

If it wasn't for his chance system like a cheating device, I'm afraid it would be useless for hundreds of years to catch up with such non-human beings.

"Okay, since today's victory has been decided, it's time to say goodbye."

Dugu Qiufeng sighed slightly, clasped his fists and was about to leave. He planned to join the WTO to practice this time to see if he could raise his level of kendo.

Like Zhang Sanfeng, perhaps his entry into the world is also a form of cultivation.

Dugu was thinking about defeat, and he was about to leave this deep valley, oh no, the plains and ravines.

The aftermath of the sword qi when they fought more than a hundred moves just now has cut the deep valleys and peaks on both sides into flat ground, not even hills.

I am afraid that even if they really know the local hunters, they will not find the slightest trace of the past when they come here.

"I don't know if Senior Dugu is planning to go to Wudang and become a sword guard elder."

Zhang Sanfeng saw Dugu begging for defeat and wanted to go like this, how could he bear it, he naturally opened his mouth to keep him, after all, the real immortal Li Xunhuan could be persuaded to go to Wudang by him.

There's no reason why the sword demon can't do it alone.

However, even if Dugu Qiu was defeated, his heart of a swordsman was still there, and he naturally looked at the sects more lightly than anything else.

Otherwise, he would not have lived in seclusion in the world for hundreds of years. If it wasn't for Zhang Sanfeng's amazing talent, he was born out of nowhere, and it is impossible to say that he would have lived in seclusion until the end of his life.

"Don't you want to take a look at the realm above Kendo in the front row of Dugu?"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Zhang Sanfeng naturally does not have only one move, and he is not ashamed to think that people in the world will repeatedly agree to his invitation when they hear it.

Invitation is not enough, it can be done in a different way, such as swordsmanship, which is the most concerned about swordsmanship.

Xie family sword Xie Xiaofeng is not like this, came to Wudang Mountain.

Sure enough, when Zhang Sanfeng said these words, Dugu Qiufei really stopped his footsteps. When he played against Zhang Sanfeng just now, he was a little curious.

..... 0

Zhang Sanfeng has no inner strength, but there is a force in his body that is obviously beyond his inner strength, supporting him.

Although Dugu wanted to lose and wanted to ask, but because of the dignity of the swordsman, he would naturally not make excuses for himself when he lost.

But Zhang Sanfeng took the initiative to invite, then it was different.

"How? Do you have the realm above the swordsmanship in Wudang?"

"Is there any? Senior Dugu went to Wudang to see that there was a girl from Ah Qing there. You will understand when you see her."

Zhang Sanfeng had a smile on the corner of his mouth and sold it for a while.

"Okay! The old man will believe you once. If Wudang really has a realm above the swordsmanship, it is not a problem for the old man to join you in Wudang."


Zhang Sanfeng nodded.


Chapter 540

There is a Qing who is more qualified than Dugu Qiufeng in Wudang. Zhang Sanfeng can't believe that he will not be moved. In this way, his joining Wudang is a foregone conclusion.

After all, A Qing, the sword of the goddess of Yue, is someone who can shatter the void with a sword.

Although she is still young, as a true immortal, Dugu seeks defeat, and it is impossible not to see the kendo potential in her, which is one of hundreds of millions.

"Since the senior Dugu agreed to Zhang, then Zhang will not leave the seniors. You can go to Wudang at any time as long as you want."

Having said that, Zhang Sanfeng took a Wudang token from his arms and gave it to Dugu to seek defeat, naturally to prevent conflicts between the two sides.

It would be fun if there was a lot of trouble at that time. Although Wudang also has true immortals now, but Zhang Sanfeng is not there, whether other true immortals can defeat Dugu Qiu, who is also in the real immortal realm, is really a question.

"Just don't lie to me! I'll go to Wudang later and see if there is a realm above the swordsmanship you mentioned."4

Although Dugu Qiufeng is now convinced of Zhang Sanfeng's strength, he naturally won't show it on the surface, and he can't be arrogant.

"That Zhang Mou is here to wish Senior Dugu a good swordsman, and it is still unknown that he will be able to open the gate of heaven with one sword in the future."

Zhang Sanfeng laughed, and then left freely. He is also a true immortal. He naturally knew how true or false the words of Dugu Qiuwei were.

Since he agreed, there is no need for him to stay here.

It was important to go back to meet with Yan Yan and Shan Wanjing, and the Temple of War was still waiting for him a hundred miles away.

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng leave without a cloud, Dugu Qiufeng was stunned for a while, but he soon turned against Zhang Sanfeng and left the deep valley that was no longer in shape.

If you look down from the top, you can definitely see that the direction of Dugu Qiuwei has been walking in the direction of Wudang. If there is no accident, you will be able to reach Wudang in a day.

However, these have nothing to do with Zhang Sanfeng. After fighting against Dugu Qiufeng, his Taoism became more harmonious, as if a trace of untraceable demons had been eliminated.

It made Zhang Sanfeng laugh dumbfoundedly and fight against Dugu Qiufeng, this obsession was hidden so deeply, if it wasn't for the fight today, I'm afraid he wouldn't even be aware of it.

However, it is a good thing to solve the obsession. Zhang Sanfeng shrank to an inch. After about ten breaths, he had already arrived at Shili Pavilion and saw not far away.  …

The two young girls with peerless postures, the smaller of them, looked at the end of the mountain road eagerly, as if they were looking forward to something.

On the other hand, the other woman in the palace dress was very comfortable, she took off her shoes and dangled her little feet on the Shili Pavilion, not knowing what she was thinking.

However, after seeing Zhang Sanfeng come back, these two girls reacted at almost the same time and called out quickly.

"Zhang Zhenren!"

The shame in the words is only clear to them.


She was very relieved. She didn't even ask about the result, she just asked Zhang Sanfeng what else was going on.

After all, in her mind, this little Taoist priest like a big devil is afraid that no one in the world can match, even her master Yin Queen can't hold a trick.

"Well, let's go now."

Zhang Sanfeng touched the small head of Shan Wanjing who was leaning forward, comforted her, and then said to Wei.

His vision looked into the distance, across mountains, lakes, and swamps, he saw.

A hundred miles away, on the top of the highest mountain, gradually condensed into the actual entrance to the Temple of War. .

Chapter 541

On the top of the mountain, the entrance to the Temple of War is open!

When Zhang Sanfeng, Shan Wanjing, and Wei came to the top of the mountain, the entrance to the Temple of War was completely open, and a huge, deep and dark hole lay across the platform of the mountain.

If you look up from below, no one knows that there is a hole here.

The entrance to the Temple of War will change every forty-nine hours. It may be in Chang'an, it may be in Luoyang, it may be in the Great Sui Dynasty, or even the Great Song Dynasty.

Zhang Sanfeng also understood the location of the map of the Temple of War through Zhou Tianyi.

He also pinpointed the time, and dared to arrive here when the entrance was just opened.

"Zhang Zhenren, is this the entrance to the Temple of War?"

Shan Wanjing hid behind 17 Zhang Sanfeng, stuck out a small head, and asked curiously.


Zhang Sanfeng felt the spiritual energy of heaven and earth that was about to overflow from the entrance of the cave, and clearly felt that the concentration of spiritual energy in the small world inside was more than one grade higher than here.

Only such a small world can breed a creature like a dragon, to be precise.

It can make the magic dragon survive, from Guangchengzi to the present.

"Yes, this is the entrance to the Temple of War, will you come with me?"

Zhang Sanfeng asked casually.

The two women nodded without hesitation. They had already made preparations, and entering the Temple of War was their initial goal.

"Alright then, I'll take you in to take a look, the legendary Temple of War, haha."

Zhang Sanfeng laughed three times, grabbed the two women, and headed directly towards the entrance of the deep hole, floating in the air, like an immortal in the world.

Shan Wanjing and Yan Yan also watched with excitement as the deep hole was getting closer and closer, and then their hands could not help but tighten slightly.

The entrance to the God of War Temple is not deep, and within three breaths of the descent, Zhang Sanfeng felt a sense of turmoil.

After regaining their balance, Zhang Sanfeng, Shan Wanjing, and the others had already stepped on the uneven rocky ground.

It's deep and dark, but Zhang Sanfeng's vision has long been able to make it no different at night than during the day.

Therefore, he can clearly see the surrounding environment, a huge and empty underground cave, without any signs of biological activity.

Bats, or even plant moss, are absent here.

However, there is a relatively strong aura coming from the distance in front, probably weaker than Dugu Qiufeng, and its vitality is more than one grade stronger than Dugu Qiubai.

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