It must be the magic dragon guarding the Temple of War. Zhang Sanfeng did not hesitate to lead the two girls out of the empty cave, behind a corner.

The torch inserted on the rock wall ignited spontaneously, allowing the two women to clearly see the surrounding environment.

In an underground cave, the light height was dozens of meters high. In front of the cave, the three of them were like ants.

Continue along the road, after a few corners.

Shan Wanjing was the first to speak out in shock.

There was actually a sea in this underground cave. After turning the corner, an endless ocean appeared in their eyes, but Zhang Sanfeng knew that this was not a sea, but a lake.

It's just that this lake is a little big, at least as far as man can reach, the bronze hall in the center of the lake cannot be seen.

I can't see the dragon that is sleeping and hundreds of meters long at the bottom of the lake.

But Zhang Sanfeng's consciousness was swept away, and he was able to understand a lot about this area.

Therefore, without waiting for the two women to react, he directly hugged them again and crossed the void.

He wants to fly directly to the Temple of War in the center of the lake. .

Chapter 542

Zhang Sanfeng directly took Shan Wanjing and Wei Wei across the lake, suspended at a height of more than ten meters above the water.

However, before half of it, Zhang Sanfeng had already sensed the awakening of the huge breath below, and stared at the three of them with those dark golden vertical pupils that never went out under the dark water.

This magic dragon has lived in this small world for thousands of years. Since Guangchengzi, he has guarded the Temple of War, and there are only a handful of people who enter the Temple of War in the middle.

But it is the first time it has seen it directly across the lake. You must know that even if it is a warrior in the realm of heaven and man, it is difficult to cross the water surface tens of thousands of meters away.

What's more, with two people~, so it did not act rashly for a while, until Zhang Sanfeng was still a thousand meters away from the Temple of War.

It knows that it can't wait any longer, otherwise it will let these three outsiders break into the Temple of War, which is not in line with its guardian status~.

Therefore, it twisted its huge body and burst out of the blue ocean.The magic flame that spewed out of his mouth was mercilessly spewed out at the three Zhang Sanfeng.

However, Zhang Sanfeng only shook his head slightly when he saw the dragon coming out of the water. If he was underwater, he would have to work harder.

But now this demon dragon doesn't know whether to live or die, and he actively wants to fly to the sky to fight against him.

Zhang Sanfeng first directly protected the two girls with his spiritual power and threw them to the Temple of War, which was thousands of meters away, and then took out the ordinary long sword from his sleeve.

Today, he would like to see whether the scales of this black dragon are hard, or the long sword in his hand is sharp.

When the dragon saw that he threw the two girls directly into the Temple of War, the priority was to attack the two girls who were about to arrive at the Temple of War.

Only to hear the black magic dragon "' ˇ Ang".

In an instant, the blue waves on the sea surface with a radius of [-] miles were rippling, and hundreds of water columns were like huge water tornadoes. .

It has practiced here for tens of thousands of years, and it has long been like controlling this water area, and the water wall is even simpler.

"Humph! The little tricks of the eagles also dare to make an axe in front of me."

Zhang Sanfeng's long sword swept across the sky, and a straight, piercing, [-]-zhang-long sword qi shattered and tore apart the wall formed by this waterspout.

These rootless waters crashed into the lake, making a squeaking sound, and the two women arrived on the island without incident.

The angry black dragon roared again, three times in a row, and the [-]-meter body kept twisting.

In an instant, the entire sea seemed to be stirred up by the magic dragon, and a huge water whirlpool slowly appeared in front of everyone.

This time, the Black Demon Dragon planned to use its strongest move without reservation, the Dragon Festival, to bring together the entire lake and tens of millions of tons of water.

Those outsiders who dared to invade the Temple of War must be squeezed to death alive.

However, just before its sacrificial dance was over, it only heard a sigh in his ear.

"."too slow."

Then, the black dragon felt a chill on its neck, and its entire field of vision floated up, and then it saw its body that was still twisting.

This is...its (Li Li Hao) body?

Then it was cut off by a sword like this?You must know that no magic weapon can penetrate the ten thousand year scale armor of the dragon.

In theory, the dragon's defense is invincible, and it can only be killed from the inside, not from the outside.

But, this sword light directly slashed it in two pieces.

What kind of sword is this?

If Zhang Sanfeng knew his thoughts, he might explain a thing or two about the dragon head that he couldn't rest in the end.

This is the sword that cost him a tael of silver. .

Chapter 543

I have to say that the armor-piercing style of Dugu Nine Swords is really easy to use.

Especially after Dugu Jiujian climbed to a new level, he felt that the long sword in his hand was born to break armor.

No matter how hard the armor is, it is a sword.

Zhang Sanfeng put away the long sword stained with the blood of the demon dragon, looked at the two girls who were full of shock, and said indifferently.

"Let's go!"

How could Yan and Shan Wanjing dare to say no now, the two women were still immersed in the scene of the hundred-meter-long magic dragon being cut off by their sweetheart.

When I walked, I looked back from time to time, looking at the dragon corpse floating and sinking on the waves of the blood sea, I felt a little pity.

If this dragon corpse is taken out and bought from a gang like a hundred Shan Meixian, I am afraid it will not be a problem.

Putting it here like this, it really makes Shan Wanjing, who was born as a small businessman, a little unacceptable, and it is a shameful waste.

However, she didn't say anything, and Shan Wanjing naturally wouldn't say anything in a bad way.

She followed behind Zhang Sanfeng step by step, her eyes full of admiration, although she was already admiring enough.

But today, the hundred-meter-long demon dragon, the gigantic and terrifying creature of myth and legend, is nothing but a sword in front of her prince.

At this moment, she knew what it meant to be number one in the world and what it meant to be invincible.

The original interpretation of the number one in the world seems to be unable to express his strength.

It's really hard to describe in words. (bhag)

Just when Shan Wanjing's heart was rippling, the three of them also walked to the Temple of War, the gate of this ancient bronze temple with a height of ten meters.

A huge dragon-shaped statue was sculpted in front of the door, and the fierceness could not be concealed.

However, the two girls who have been baptized by the corpse of the dragon, these statues are already sparse and ordinary, and they even want to laugh a little~.

After all, no matter how ferocious this thing is, even Zhang Sanfeng's sword can't stop it, it's really...

Zhang Sanfeng didn't care so much, he was still thinking about the God of War catalogue inside.

After all, when it's finally time to harvest the fruit, the Chaos Nine Revolutions Mysterious Art is already ready to go.

Just waiting to devour this delicious and sweet fruit and evolve to a higher level.

The door of the ancient bronze temple is not heavy. Anyway, Zhang Sanfeng didn't feel it heavy. With a slight push, the door opened.

There is no mechanism inside, it is very direct and simple, and countless reliefs are printed on the walls, roofs and even the ground made of granite.

The most central one is a celestial god in armor, riding a monster that looks like a black dragon guarding the outside, soaring above the nine-day pattern.

There are also countless murals on the surrounding walls, including dragons, swordsmen, and beasts.

The location is also different, some are in the mountains, rivers, sea, sky, and even in front of the palace.

Presumably this is the forty-nine relief sculptures of the God of War Catalogue, and it is also the source of the legendary three great martial arts books, whether it is the Cihang Sword Canon, the Dao Heart Demon, or the Longevity Art.

All originated from the God of War Catalogue, but Zhang Sanfeng glanced at it, and indeed felt a lot of the same rhythm as the other three great books.

However, the feeling is deeper than the few great books that devoured the study before.

Is this the Temple of War? Zhang Sanfeng looked at the reliefs around him, and at this moment, he really felt it.

It was as if he had become a mouse that got into the rice jar, and he was really at a loss.

These reliefs, no matter which one they are, can be integrated into the chaotic nine-turn profound art.

Each pair can make his level one level higher, and his spiritual power is even more refined. .

Chapter 544

The Temple of War will only be open for two hours, and it will disappear after two hours.

However, Zhang Sanfeng did not worry about this. After all, with his learning speed, practicing these exercises can be said to be more effective with less effort.

He didn't care about the two women who were still in shock at the side, and began to observe from the first picture in the God of War catalogue on his own.

The mind immediately sank into it.

The relief sculpture of the God of War Catalog [-] is exactly the picture of the armored deity that I saw at the beginning, riding a black dragon soaring over the nine heavens.

There are also these thick fiery red clouds next to each cloud. Next to each cloud, there are several large gilt characters, which are the ninth heaven,

The eighth heaven,...the first heaven.

From top to bottom, nothing is wrong.

The Dao rhythm in it made Zhang Sanfeng instantly addicted to it, and the dharma and Shan Wanjing on the side didn't dare to disturb them, they only dared to watch around in the hall.

But they wouldn't touch them indiscriminately, and even if they were talking, they would use sound transmission to prevent disturbing Zhang Sanfeng, who was cultivating.

On the way, Zhang Sanfeng's epiphany can be described as fast, he opened his eyes in less than five minutes and looked at the next picture.

With a solemn expression on their faces, Wei and Shan Wanjing on the side knew that their sweetheart was practicing a critical moment.

So even if he opened his eyes, he did not go up to communicate with Zhang Sanfeng, but silently held hands and looked at Zhang Sanfeng sitting cross-legged in the barren bronze hall.

I prayed in my heart.

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