Immediately afterwards, Zhang Sanfeng invited Jiujianxian to have a meal and a drink. After drinking, Jiujianxian taught Li Xiaoyao the sword-fighting skills. .

Chapter 573

Zhang Sanfeng didn't refuse either, after all, Li Xiaoyao was indeed the one who first fell in love with Jiujianxian.

And Zhang Sanfeng can also be regarded as a half-way stop. In addition, he doesn't have to take action himself, saving time and effort. How can Zhang Sanfeng refuse?

Soon, a few days had passed, and Li Xiaoyao, together with Zhang Sanfeng, embarked on the road to Nanzhao.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng knew in advance that Zhao Linger did not look for others, but was going to Nanzhao alone.

Zhang Sanfeng naturally followed Zhao Linger, and at the maximum range of his spiritual consciousness, he was able to observe whether Zhao Linger encountered a crisis or not.

As for Li Xiaoyao, who was beside Zhang Sanfeng, he had an annoyed expression on his face.

"Oops, I forgot to tell my aunt. If my aunt didn't see me for so long, wouldn't she be worried about me..."

Li Xiaoyao was mumbling to himself by himself. He had been mumbling all day. Zhang Sanfeng, who was beside him, was a little annoyed by Li Xiaoyao's muttering.

"Okay, I've already told Aunt Li, don't worry."

Zhang Sanfeng comforted Li Xiaoyao.

Zhang Sanfeng had already prepared enough before he set off, and he also prepared a lot of food and drinks.

They were all prepared by Aunt (bhag) Li at Aunt Li's house. Following this opportunity, Zhang Sanfeng also told Aunt Li that Li Xiaoyao would go out with him to do business.

Although she was a little worried about Li Xiaoyao, Aunt Li did not refuse, nor was she worried that Zhang Sanfeng was a liar or something.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng's shot is really very generous, and the shot is hundreds of taels of silver, and his appearance is extremely handsome, and his temperament also shows Zhang Sanfeng's extraordinary.

So Aunt Li directly regarded Zhang Sanfeng as a good person, and Li Xiaoyao following Zhang Sanfeng would definitely not be able to bring Li Xiaoyao bad.

"Really? That way I can feel at ease. Alas, master, there is a convoy ahead."

Li Xiaoyao suddenly pointed to the carriage in front of him in surprise and said.

Interrupted by Li Xiaoyao, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly discovered that Zhao Linger was injured.

It's just that he wasn't beaten, and he was injured by a fall, and there were some bloodstains on his clothes.

"You wait here, I'll go ahead and check the situation."

Zhang Sanfeng ordered, then quickly came to Zhao Linger's side, frowned and asked:

"Why are you so careless?"

Having said that, Zhang Sanfeng put his hand on Zhao Linger's knee, and a pure spiritual power poured into Zhao Linger's body. In an instant, Zhao Linger's injuries recovered as before.

"Brother Sanfeng, why are you here?"

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng, Zhao Linger's eyes lit up and asked quickly.

"I need to go to Nanzhao for something, how about you?"

Zhang Sanfeng naturally knew Zhao Linger's destination, but he still pretended not to know and asked.

"It's such a coincidence that I also went to Nanzhao to find my mother."

Zhao Linger replied quickly.

However, what Zhang Sanfeng didn't notice was that Zhao Linger's name for Zhang Sanfeng had changed from Zhenren Zhang to brother Sanfeng.

And Zhao Linger looked at Zhang Sanfeng with a hint of admiration.

"Okay, it just happened to be on the way, why don't we go together."

Zhang Sanfeng also climbed the pole along the ladder and said directly to Zhao Linger, not giving Zhao Linger a chance to refuse. .

Chapter 574

Of course, Zhao Linger was not prepared to reject Zhang Sanfeng's intentions.

Even Zhao Linger was extremely happy in her heart.

As for the person on the carriage on the side, it was naturally Liu Jinyuan.

Zhang Sanfeng knows that the world he travels through is the world of TV dramas, so Liu Jinyuan's character design is very perfect.

Basically, in addition to martial arts, Liu Jinyuan is an all-rounder, but even not martial arts.

In terms of knowledge, appearance, and talent, Zhang Sanfeng is much stronger than Liu Jinyuan.

"The two of you are destined to meet each other, why don't you live in the Lin Mansion for one night?"

Liu Jinyuan is full of kindness towards anyone. If it was someone else, Zhang Sanfeng would have to wonder if he had other intentions.

But if it was Liu Jinyuan, Zhang San~feng would not doubt it.

"No need, we can just live in a restaurant when the time comes, no need to - cause you trouble."

However, Zhang Sanfeng still refused. Zhang Sanfeng knows that eating people's mouth is short, and if he turns against Lin Yueru's father, he will be embarrassed to fight.

What's more, Zhang Sanfeng never liked to owe favors to others. Of course, the matter of Jiujianxian was an exception.

"That's it."

There was no dissatisfaction with the rejection on Liu Jinyuan's face, and he still had a gentle look, unaffected by it.

Zhang Sanfeng brought Zhao Linger to Li Xiaoyao's side. Although Li Xiaoyao was a little surprised why Zhang Sanfeng suddenly brought back someone, he didn't ask any questions.

However, Zhang Sanfeng noticed something different, and Zhao Linger didn't seem to know Li Xiaoyao at all, looking at Li Xiaoyao was like looking at a stranger.

"It seems that due to my influence, the plot has changed a bit. Li Xiaoyao did not travel back to ten years ago. I hope the plot will not have any major changes."

Zhang Sanfeng immediately realized the crux of the problem.

Soon, a few people came to the town. Unexpectedly, the town was very lively these days, but suddenly it seemed that someone was strangled by the throat, and it became a lot quieter.

"Don't run, you two, if I get caught, I won't kill you two!"

Suddenly, a couple on the street quickly fled in the direction outside the town.

Just behind them, a woman in a red suit was chasing fast, holding a whip in her hand.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

From time to time, I slapped, and although I didn't hit anyone, the huge force directly smashed several shops.

But the owners of those shops seemed to be used to it and dared not speak out. They could only watch the woman continue chasing the couple.

"How can there be such a rude person?"


Li Xiaoyao said with an indignant look.

"It's not good, that woman has skill in her body, and the couple is just two ordinary people. If you don't stop it, I'm afraid it will be at stake."

Suddenly, Li Xiaoyao seemed to think of something, and hurriedly chased after him.

Zhang Sanfeng on the side did not organize. After all, according to the original plot, if there was no Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger.

Although the couple would not die, a beating was definitely unavoidable, so Li Xiaoyao went to stop it, and Zhang Sanfeng agreed.

However, Zhang Sanfeng is still more worried about Li Xiaoyao. After all, Li Xiaoyao in the play was almost killed by Lin Yueru because of his carelessness. If it wasn't for Zhao Linger, Li Xiaoyao would have died.six.

Chapter 575

Therefore, after Li Xiaoyao caught up, Zhang Sanfeng also followed behind Li Xiaoyao with Zhao Linger.

Sure enough, just like the original book, Li Xiaoyao stepped forward to stop Lin Yueru and tied Lin Yueru to a tree.

After doing all this, Li Xiaoyao nodded with satisfaction and planned to go back to find Zhang Sanfeng, but within the perception range of Zhang Sanfeng's spiritual sense, he could clearly know.

From the moment Lin Yueru walked out of the town, two rogues had been following Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru.

However, because Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru had too little experience in the arena, they didn't find it.

"Master, are you here?"

At this time, Li Xiaoyao also saw Zhang Sanfeng and Zhao Linger approaching, with a happy face, and hurriedly came to Zhang Sanfeng.

"Let her go."

Zhang Sanfeng pointed to Lin Yueru, who was tied to a tree, and explained to Li Xiaoyao:

"After all, she's a girl, and it's not safe to live in the wilderness. By the way, pay attention to safety. Be careful that she may pick up the plane and attack you after you let her go."

After listening to Zhang Sanfeng's words, Li Xiaoyao nodded.

Although Li Xiaoyao felt that a woman like Lin Yueru should suffer, but since his master said so, Li Xiaoyao would definitely choose to do it.

"Hey, originally I wanted you to have a hard time, but since my master said so, I'll let you go."

Li Xiaoyao came to Lin Yueru, who was full of anger, and said unhappily:

"I don't know why there is a savage woman like you, and I will definitely not be able to marry in the future!"

"You... bastard!"

Lin Yueru was naturally very angry when she heard Li Xiaoyao's words.

However, Lin Yue was tied up at this time, and she was still a little sober, and she knew the reason why people had to bow their heads under the eaves.

As for the original novel, it was entirely because Lin Yueru was provoked by the two rogues that Lin Yueru made such a heavy hand.


After being released, Lin Yueru stretched out her slightly sore arm, snorted coldly at Li Xiaoyao, and then looked at Zhang Sanfeng beside him.

Lin Yueru wasn't a fool either. As an apprentice, Li Xiaoyao was stronger than her, not to mention Zhang Sanfeng.

Moreover, Zhang Sanfeng has always had a kind of temperament that comes out of the mud and is not stained, and the temperament is immortal.

"Haha, it doesn't take much effort to get it, boy, hurry up and hand over the two beauties behind you to me, and I will let you two live, otherwise... the consequences are not something you can bear!"

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