Lin Yueru had just been put down by Li Xiaoyao, and in less than two minutes, the two rogues in the original book had already appeared beside everyone.

After hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng's eyes showed a cold light and said to Li Xiaoyao.

"I'll give it to you, it's just a practice. These two people have a lot of lives on their hands, and killing them is considered to be a way of doing things for heaven."

The cheats that Jiujianxian handed over to Zhang Sanfeng were not just swordsmanship cheats.

There are also some relatively basic spiritual power use tactics, such as tracking, Wang Qi Jue, and so on.

Zhang Sanfeng is very talented, and he has already mastered it just by watching it once.

Therefore, after discovering the two rogues, Zhang Sanfeng used the Qi technique. In Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, the tops of the two rogues' heads were a little black, and there were seven or eight red spots. .

Chapter 576

In other words, these two rogues had at least eight lives in their hands.

It is precisely because of this that Zhang Sanfeng directly told Li Xiaoyao that he could kill two people.

Li Xiaoyao naturally agreed with Zhang Sanfeng's words in his heart, but when it came time to kill, Li Xiaoyao was still a little hesitant.

After all, Li Xiaoyao is just a little bastard, even though he has worshipped Zhang Sanfeng as his teacher, so far, it has only been half a month, and his mentality has not changed.

17 And Zhang Sanfeng can also see it, so Zhang Sanfeng just wanted to take this opportunity to let Li Xiaoyao really understand the difficulty of cultivation.

As for Lin Yueru on the side, there is also a feeling of the rest of his life at this time.

If it is normal, like this little gangster who has no spiritual power, even dozens of Lin Yueru will not pay attention.

But in the situation just now, if Li Xiaoyao really left, then if the two scoundrels really wanted to do something, Lin Yueru had no ability to resist.

Thinking of this, Lin Yueru's sense of Li Xiaoyao was even worse. Instead, it was Zhang Sanfeng who was on the side. Lin Yueru felt a strange feeling in her heart.

Of course, Zhang Sanfeng naturally didn't know about all of this. After Li Xiaoyao dealt with the two gangsters, Zhang Sanfeng said to Lin Yueru, who was beside him:

"This time the matter is over, we still have something to do, so let's say goodbye here."


Lin Yueru just wanted to say something, but Zhang Sanfeng had already left the place with Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger.

Lin Yueru could only stamp her feet angrily, Lin Yueru wanted to follow, but after thinking about it at last, let it go.

Zhang Sanfeng didn't have any bad feelings for Lin Yueru. After all, Zhang Sanfeng had read the original book and knew about Lin Yueru's miserable life experience, so it was inevitable that he had more sympathy for Lin Yueru.

Soon, several people returned to the town again, and Zhang Sanfeng also knew that the next episode was probably a contest to recruit relatives.

Zhang Sanfeng is not interested in these plots. After all, Zhang Sanfeng's current purpose is to collect five spiritual beads.

And Zhang Sanfeng didn't dare to change the plot, because the Five Spirit Beads are very likely to have a different position from the original. Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng did not want to change the plot as much as possible.

After returning, Zhang Sanfeng, Zhao Linger, and Li Xiaoyao stayed in the Lin Mansion with Liu Jinyuan.

Li Xiaoyao and Zhao Linger didn't know that Lin Mansion was Lin Yueru's home. Although Zhang Sanfeng knew it, he didn't say it. Instead, he let the plot develop to its original place.

However, if something really happened, Zhang Sanfeng would definitely choose to take action. For such an unremarkable matter, Zhang Sanfeng would not take action, and it would be bad if there was a butterfly effect.

Sure enough, the next morning, Liu Jinyuan brought Zhang Sanfeng, Zhao Linger, and Li Xiaoyao to the Lin Mansion. Immediately, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru saw each other at the same time.


The two pointed to each other at the same time and said in unison.

As for what happened to Lin Yueru before, Lin Tiannan also knew that, after all, as the leader of the martial arts alliance, Lin Tiannan still had some channels for news, and Lin Tiannan didn't blame Li Xiaoyao, so Lin Tiannan still had such a heart.

What's more, this matter itself is also Lin Yueru's fault. .

Chapter 577

What's more, Li Xiaoyao, Zhao Linger and Zhang Sanfeng were also brought by Liu Jinyuan.

You know, Liu Jinyuan and Lin Tiannan are not just relatives, Liu Jinyuan is now the champion.

Moreover, he was also the number one scholar who received much attention from the emperor. Therefore, Lin Tiannan naturally chose to take a seat and apologize to Zhang Sanfeng and others.

In fact, Zhang Sanfeng still feels rather baffling about this. After all, in the original book, Lin Tiannan apologized because Lin Yueru almost killed Li Xiaoyao.

But now it was different. Not only was Li Xiaoyao not injured, but Lin Yueru was the one who suffered, and Zhang Sanfeng couldn't understand what Lin Tiannan was thinking.

However, Lin Yueru's unruly character could not be changed in a short time. The dinner party was just like the original book, and it broke up unhappily.

Early the next morning, Lin Yueru had already packed all her luggage and was about to leave home.

"Why, are you leaving home again?"

Lin Tiannan walked in and saw Lin Yueru who was already carrying her luggage and was about to leave, and asked calmly.

From Lin Tiannan's expression and words, it could be heard that Lin Yueru was definitely not the first to run away from home.

"You have nothing to do with martial arts to recruit relatives? Are you still running away from home" ˇ?"

Lin Yueru looked at Lin Tiannan in front of her, and replied not to be outdone.

"I'm not here for your own good?"

Lin Tiannan said with a hint of firmness in his tone:

"In the future, Lin Jiabao will be handed over to you. I will find someone to take care of you. What's wrong?"

"Being in charge and finding a husband are two different things, why should they be confused?"

Lin Yueru asked angrily, "You just look down on me as a daughter, don't you? Do you think I won't help you take care of the Lin Family Fort? Since you think so, then I'll run away from home."

"Can you understand what I say? Understand my heart."

Hearing Lin Yueru's words, Lin Tiannan also said helplessly at this time.

In the end, the conversation between Lin Tiannan and Lin Yueru was still unhappy, but the contest was still held as scheduled.


Zhang Sanfeng glanced at the people who came to participate in the competition to recruit relatives, and immediately knew why Lin Yueru hated the competition to recruit relatives so much.

The people who come here are basically men with five big and three thick, and their beards are not trimmed, so they look very rough, just like the black whirlwind Li Kui.

Not to mention Lin Yueru, even if it is other people, it is impossible to choose a person to marry.

What's more, Lin Yueru is also the only heir of the Lin family fort, the eldest miss of the Lin family who is loved by thousands of people.

As a result, just like the original book, Lin Yueru defeated all the people who came to challenge.

However, at the last moment, Zhang Sanfeng used a gag technique on Lin Yueru, so that Lin Yueru's words were not spoken.

And Li Xiaoyao, of course, does not need to be forced to marry Lin Yueru, nor does Lin Yueru need to marry Li Xiaoyao.

One (Zhao Qianzhao) looked like everyone was very happy.

However, the most helpless is of course Lin Tiannan.

Lin Tiannan originally wanted to find a good husband for Lin Yueru, but if his strength was not as good as Lin Yueru's.

With Lin Yueru's character, that man would definitely be beaten badly by Lin Yueru, so Lin Tiannan had no choice but to give up the idea of ​​recruiting relatives to Lin Yueru.

However, Zhang Sanfeng seemed to have suddenly forgotten something until a few days later. .

Chapter 578

"What did you say, Ling'er is missing?"

Zhang Sanfeng stared at Lin Tiannan tightly, the pressure on his body continued to spread, and the spiritual energy pressed on Lin Tiannan like a tide.

Lin Tiannan's whole body was overwhelmed by the pressure. At this time, Lin Tiannan was also extremely surprised.

"Who the hell is this person? The spiritual power on his body is so huge?"

Lin Tiannan was even more surprised.

You must know that Lin Tiannan is the leader of the martial arts alliance, and his strength is considered to be a leader in the entire human world. Apart from the Sword Immortals of Shushan, there are also the Moon Worship Cult’s Moon Worship Cult leader and the senior leaders of the Moon Worship Cult, basically no one is Lin Tiannan’s opponent.

From the original work, it can be seen that Lin Tiannan defeated Li Xiaoyao easily.

However, even Lin Tiannan's expert, just facing Zhang Sanfeng's coercion, couldn't move at all.

Moreover, this was because Zhang Sanfeng himself had no killing intent, but wanted to ask Lin Tiannan for questioning.

Lin Tiannan was frightened by this coercion, and at the same time, Lin Tiannan's heart also rose, and he couldn't offend Zhang Sanfeng at all.

"This Taoist priest, I don't know what you are looking for? Lin must go all out."

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng in front of him, Lin Tiannan didn't dare to show any contempt, and hurriedly asked.

"I ask you, where's the girl with me?"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at Lin Tiannan and asked.

"This... Lin did not know about it, but Lin must have used all the energy that Lin has to help you."

Lin Tiannan heard Zhang Sanfeng's words and knew why Zhang Sanfeng was so angry.

But Lin Tiannan really didn't know Zhao Linger's whereabouts, so he could only say so.

Zhang Sanfeng stared at Lin Tiannan for a long time, and after realizing that Lin Tiannan's words did not seem to be fake, Zhang Sanfeng put away his momentum.

After Zhang Sanfeng put away his aura, Lin Tiannan felt loose all over his body, and behind Lin Tiannan, bhag cold sweat also appeared, which directly soaked his clothes.

"Linbao Lord, Liu Zhuangyuan was in a coma and didn't wake up until now. He said that he encountered a snake demon in Linjiabao, and the snake demon also took Miss Zhao Linger away."

At this time, a servant suddenly came to Lin Tiannan and said to Lin Tiannan.


Lin Tiannan's heart tightened, because the servant's words did not avoid Zhang Sanfeng, so Lin Tiannan was now very afraid that Zhang Sanfeng would blame him for this.

After all, these remarks also proved that Zhao Linger's incident happened in Linjiabao, and it has been some time since the incident happened.

Hearing the servant's words, Zhang Sanfeng's heart suddenly relaxed.

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