Zhang Sanfeng just remembered that, there is indeed this plot in the original work. Zhao Linger became a snake demon because she could not control the power of the descendants of Nuwa in her body.

And Liu Jinyuan also fainted from fright because he saw Zhao Linger's real body.

On the whole, Zhao Linger is not in any danger, but Zhang Sanfeng found Li Xiaoyao immediately, and then took Liu Jinyuan and Lin Yueru to look for Zhao Linger.

The reason for bringing Liu Jinyuan is naturally because there is a monster in Liu Jinyuan's home, and there is also the existence of these five spirit beads in the hands of that monster.

As for Lin Yueru's words, it was Lin Yueru who didn't want to stay in the Lin Family Fort and forced her to follow. .

Chapter 579

Liu Jinyuan likes Lin Yueru, so in the face of Lin Yueru's request, Liu Jinyuan can't refuse at all.

In addition, these days, Zhang Sanfeng also saw Liu Jinyuan's care for everyone, so he asked Lin Yueru to follow.

Looking at Zhang Sanfeng not far away, for some reason, a look of joy suddenly appeared in Lin Yueru's heart.

However, she was a girl after all, so Lin Yueru buried this joy deeply.

In addition, Zhang Sanfeng was still worried about Zhao Linger's safety at this time, so Zhang Sanfeng didn't notice Lin Yueru's abnormality.

As for Liu Jinyuan, Liu Jinyuan may have felt something, but Liu Jinyuan hypnotized himself and didn't want to admit the truth at all.

Zhang Sanfeng left first and went to the wild to find Zhao Linger. As for Lin Yueru, Liu Jinyuan and Li Xiaoyao, they stayed in the town to find them.

Zhang Sanfeng, who has read the original book, naturally knows that Li Xiaoyao, Liu Jinyuan and Lin Yueru are just doing nothing.

But Zhang Sanfeng did not stop it. After all, although Zhang Sanfeng had read the original book, the original book did not accurately explain where Zhao Linger was.

Moreover, carrying three people is undoubtedly equivalent to three more burdens, which further affects the speed of Zhang Sanfeng's search for Zhao Linger.

As for Li Xiaoyao, after Zhang Sanfeng left, he immediately returned to his original appearance. Li Xiaoyao seemed to get rid of Liu Jinyuan and Lin Yueru.

Therefore, after staring at Elder Shi, Tang Yuxiaobao and others, Li Xiaoyao stole silver from Elder Shi three times back and forth.

However, Elder Shi, who was gradually transformed, was regarded as a conspiracy of the Moon Worshiping Cult Master, and he was never hunted down.

What was even more interesting was that when they were sleeping at night, Elder Shi and Li Xiaoyao actually lived next door.

Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru's personalities have never been against each other, so the two quarreled directly in Liu Jinyuan's room.

It just so happened that Tang Yuxiaobao and Elder Shi lived next to Liu Jinyuan's room, so the noise of the two of them directly reached Elder Shi's ears.

At the end of the day, he was visited by thieves three times, and when he was sleeping, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru were noisy and couldn't sleep, so Elder Shi was naturally very angry.

"Are you noisy enough?"

At this time, Elder Shi's tone was full of anger:

"No culture, no tutoring, I don't know what it is!"

Hearing Elder Shi's words, Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao were also very angry, and the two of them were not good-tempered masters, so they directly retorted:

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"What's your business?"


Elder Shi became even more angry after hearing this, slapped the table in front of him fiercely, and said angrily:

"It doesn't make sense, what the hell is this place? In broad daylight, robbers dare to rob money everywhere. Forget it. At night, there are still rogues making trouble in the inn. Male prostitutes and female thieves are not as good as pigs and dogs!"

...................... 0

After hearing Elder Shi's scolding, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru were even more angry.

"If you don't like it, don't run wild on Lao Tzu's territory!"

Li Xiaoyao has been a gangster since he was a child, and he has never lost to anyone.

"How dare you be so arrogant?"

"I love it like this, what can you do to me?"


After listening to Li Xiaoyao's words, Elder Shi couldn't control the power in his body, and immediately cursed:

"Come here, you can see that I will not smash your Tianling cover with one palm."


Li Xiaoyao looked surprised and said, "I can stab you to the Gobi beyond the Great Wall with one finger!" Six.

Chapter 580

Chapter [-] Comfort Linger


Elder Shi has some atmosphere, but he can't find any better words to curse.

"Foster father, don't be impulsive, let the child go out to mediate."

At this time, Tang Yu Xiaobao also reacted, and hurriedly stopped Elder Shi.

Although Elder Shi was still a little resentful, there were more important things to come here this time, so Elder Shi could only wave his sleeves and sit on the chair.

Seeing that Elder Shi was no longer arguing, Tang Yuxiaobao hurriedly walked out, and happened to meet Liu Jinyuan, who had just returned and was about to enter the room.

Tang Yuxiaobao saw Liu Jinyuan and thought that Liu Jinyuan was the one who had just quarreled with his adoptive father, Elder Shi, so he nodded quickly and said, "Hello."

Liu Jinyuan is the champion after all, and the etiquette is still in place. Although he is a little confused about why Tang Yuxiaobao stopped him, Liu Jinyuan nodded slightly and responded, "Hello."

"Sir, what happened just now is rude."

Tang Yu Xiaobao bowed to Liu Jinyuan and apologized.

"Uh...that's a serious word."

Liu Jinyuan was a little puzzled by Tang Yuxiaobao's apology, but he still responded.

Soon, this was over.


"Hey, tell me, where did my master go?"

A few days later, not only did Li Xiaoyao not hear anything about Zhao Linger, but even Zhang Sanfeng disappeared.

At this time, Zhang Sanfeng looked at Zhao Linger who was with Anu, wondering if he should bring Zhao Linger to his side.

After all, Zhang Sanfeng's goal now is to save the world and find the Five Spirit Orbs, and Zhao Ling'er, following Anu, can also better understand the situation in Nanzhao Kingdom.

From the current point of view, Zhao Linger following Anu is a better choice, but if Zhang Sanfeng does not appear, Zhao Linger will definitely go to find Zhang Sanfeng.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng still appeared beside Zhao Linger. As for Anu on the side, as early as the moment Zhang Sanfeng appeared, Anu was knocked unconscious by Zhang Sanfeng.

"Big Brother Sanfeng!"

The moment she saw Zhang Sanfeng, Zhao Linger's heart was overjoyed, but suddenly, Zhao Linger seemed to realize something, her face changed greatly, and she immediately thought about leaving here.

Because Zhao Linger's lower body is still a snake body at this time, Zhao Linger is very worried that Zhang Sanfeng will not like her when she sees her like this...  

"Don't worry, I already know about all this, and I won't despise you."

Zhang Sanfeng stopped Zhao Linger, Zhang Sanfeng also knew Zhao Linger's worries, so Zhang Sanfeng held Zhao Linger in his arms and comforted Zhao Linger softly.

"But... the way I look now, I look like a monster, and I'm not worthy of Big Brother Mitutoyo at all."

Zhao Linger looked at her lower body and said with some remorse.

"Haha, you're wrong about this, it's me who has climbed high."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Zhao Linger and said with tenderness: "You know, you are a descendant of Nuwa, and you have been guarding the comfort of the human world for generations. How could I change my opinion of you because of this?"

After Zhang Sanfeng's comfort, Zhao Linger's mood finally improved.

After staying with Zhao Linger for a while, seeing that Anu was about to wake up, Zhang Sanfeng said to Zhao Linger:

"You should follow Anu during this time. Before entering the country of Nanzhao, I will find you to join me.".

Chapter 581

Because Zhao Linger would not be in any danger at all before entering Nanzhao Kingdom, so Zhang Sanfeng was more assured that Zhao Linger was with Anu.

What's more, there are so many monsters on the way to find Wulingzhu, so it is safer for Zhao Linger to be with Anu than to be with Zhang Sanfeng.

After all, Zhao Linger is still the princess on the bright side of Nanzhao Kingdom. Even if she is the leader of the worship of the moon, when his plan has not yet started, he will not do anything to Zhao Linger.

Therefore, Zhao Linger is the safest on the way back to Nanzhao country. After all, no matter which side it is, they hope that Zhao Linger can return to Nanzhao country safely.

"Okay, Big Brother Mitutoyo, then you must be careful." 17

Although Zhao Linger was very reluctant in her heart, she still held back her reluctance.

"Well, take care of yourself too."

Taking a deep look at Zhao Ling'er, at random, Zhang Sanfeng turned and left, disappearing immediately.

Less than five seconds after Zhang Sanfeng left, Anu stood up swayingly and looked around blankly.

"I'm sorry, Princess Ling'er, I don't know what happened, and suddenly fell asleep..."

After waking up, Anu looked at Zhao Linger in front of him with an embarrassed expression and said apologetically.

"It's okay, you've been looking for me for so many days, I'm afraid you're tired, just take this time to take a good rest."

Zhao Linger said to Anu with a smile.

When Zhang Sanfeng came, he knocked Anu unconscious. Obviously, he didn't want Anu to know that Zhang Sanfeng had come.

Therefore, Zhao Linger also did not disclose the news of Zhang Sanfeng's arrival to Anu.

In the blink of an eye, Zhang Sanfeng had already returned to Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru's side.

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