"Wow, Master, you're back."

After seeing Zhang Sanfeng's figure, Li Xiaoyao hurriedly stepped forward and said with joy.

As for Lin Yueru on the side, although he didn't speak, there was a trace of joy in his eyes.

"Master, what about Mistress?"

Li Xiaoyao looked around, but did not find Zhao Linger's figure, so he asked Zhang Sanfeng suspiciously.

"Ling'er has returned to Nanzhao first. As for us, there are more important things."

Zhang Sanfeng explained casually, and soon, a few people came to a village.

"Stop, who are you?"

The moment Zhang Sanfeng and the others approached the village, several people with wooden sticks appeared and surrounded the three of them.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I got hurt a little bit, and I want to go to the village to find a doctor."

Li Xiaoyao still did not escape the fate of being bitten by a monster in the original book. Seeing so many people, and they looked very fierce, he quickly explained.

"Go away, you can't enter the village if you're injured, maybe you've been bitten by a zombie!"

When Li Xiaoyao said that he was injured, the attitude of those villagers became even worse.

However, Zhang Sanfeng also understood this very well. Right here, a person carrying a herbal medicine cage came over.

"A Bao, some of them may have been bitten by zombies, don't get too close to them!"

After seeing A Bao coming, the villagers quickly reminded A Bao, and after that, the villagers continued to drive them away.

Zhang Sanfeng also understood their approach in his heart, so he did not take action.

"Let me see."

After hearing this, A Bao hurriedly came to Li Xiaoyao, squatted down and glanced at Li Xiaoyao's wound, then he was relieved, and said to the villagers:

"Don't worry, this eldest brother's injury was not bitten by a zombie.".

Chapter 582

"follow me."

After that, A Bao took the first step and walked in the front.

"That, little brother, we are looking for a doctor."

Li Xiaoyao watched A Bao walk straight ahead, so he said quickly.

"Don't worry, my master is the best doctor in this village."

A Bao said something proudly, and then directly led Li Xiaoyao and the others towards the hospital.

When he arrived at the hospital, Zhang Sanfeng's heart was also greatly touched when he saw all the people in the hospital who were injured by zombies and turned into zombies.

After seeing the zombies, Li Xiaoyao was not affected. On the one hand, Li Xiaoyao's current mentality has been tempered very well.

Another aspect is naturally because Zhang Sanfeng is beside Li Xiaoyao, so Li Xiaoyao is naturally not afraid.

On the contrary, Lin Yueru was taken aback when she saw the zombies, but after all, Lin Yueru was also a martial artist, so she gradually became less afraid.

After seeing the daughter of Han Yixian in the medical center, although Li Xiaoyao's words were still somewhat ridiculed, but because Zhang Sanfeng was by his side, Li Xiaoyao restrained a lot.

"By the way, do you know where Blackwater Town is' ˇ?"

Li Xiaoyao suddenly thought of something and asked Han Yixian's daughter.

"No one is allowed to go to Blackwater Town!"

Just here, Han Yixian came over and said firmly.

Others don't know, but he knows it clearly.

The people in Blackwater Town have basically all turned into zombies now, and they are extremely contagious.

More importantly, even he has only found a way to relieve them for the time being, and there is no way to cure those people at all.

Therefore, Han Yixian naturally did not want Li Xiaoyao and others to go to die, but Li Xiaoyao did not accept the kindness of Han Yixian either.

"Several, in fact, you don't know something. Everyone in Heishui Town is martial, and everyone has kung fu, but the result is still like this... Besides, there are only three of you."

Han Yixian's daughter kindly advised her.

Hearing the words of Han Yixian's daughter, Li Xiaoyao was also a little cowardly, so he hurriedly came to Han Yixian and said:

"Uncle, I don't believe that the whole village is so big that no one will help us."

Li Xiaoyao's tone was very unconvincing, Zhang Sanfeng already knew that Li Xiaoyao's words were undoubtedly useless.

"Who dares?"

Han Yixian slapped the table fiercely and said.

"Hey, how old are you?"

Li Xiaoyao stepped forward, grabbed the herbal medicine from Han Yixian's hand, and said to Han Yixian with a look of disdain.

Perhaps because no one had spoken to him in this tone for too long, Han Yixian was stunned for a moment before explaining:

"."This is the village's rule."

"I'm going to ask the village chief of your village if he is too full. What kind of bullshit is this, donkey."

Li Xiaoyao threw the herbal medicine away and turned to leave.

But Li Xiaoyao just walked a few steps, when he heard the Han doctor Xianji (Zhao Nuo's) continue to say: "I am the village chief."


When Li Xiaoyao heard this, he froze in place.

However, when Zhang Sanfeng on the side saw Li Xiaoyao's appearance, he couldn't help but say:

"Those zombies in Heishui Town are trivial matters to me. The key now is to save those people in this village."

"Hey, Master, what can you do?"

When Li Xiaoyao heard Zhang Sanfeng's words, he quickly asked. .

Chapter 583

Although Li Xiaoyao looks like a rogue on the surface, in fact, Li Xiaoyao's heart is still full of justice.

Especially seeing these people, Li Xiaoyao still wanted to help them very much, but Li Xiaoyao didn't have the ability, so he could only give up.

However, after hearing what Zhang Sanfeng said, Li Xiaoyao's heart was naturally full of joy.

"Is there a temple on your side? The host of the temple can help these people."

Zhang Sanfeng asked Han Yixian next to him.

Regarding the plot here, Zhang Sanfeng is a little vague.

Except for some key events, Zhang Sanfeng couldn't remember anything.

However, Zhang Sanfeng still remembers that there was a temple near here, and the abbot of the temple could remove the corpse poison.

But this world is definitely different, and Zhang Sanfeng is not very sure.

"This method is somewhat impossible."

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng suddenly ask, Han Yixian sighed and explained to them:

"Master Zhixiu, the host of the Jade Buddha Temple on the mountain, once helped the little girl's fiance Shaoyun treat zombie poison, but if you want to invite him down the mountain, this is something no one can do."

"What is this, if he won't go down the mountain, then tie (bhag) him down?"

Li Xiaoyao said recklessly.

"I once sent people to the Jade Buddha Temple to invite Master Zhixiu down the mountain, but none of the people I sent who had seen Master Zhixiu came back."

Han Yixian sighed, he had already tried this method.

"Is there such a thing? Could it be that all those people went to the mountain to become monks?"

Li Xiaoyao asked in surprise.

Originally, this was just a joke from Li Xiaoyao, but Han Yixian's daughter nodded cautiously and said:

"Yes, that's it."


Han Yixian sighed and explained to everyone:

"Not long after the young daughter Mengci got engaged to Shaoyun of the Jiang family, the Jiang family was attacked by the corpse poison, and all of their family were infected with the corpse poison.

Fortunately, their family was treated by Master Zhixiu in time. However, in the end, the three young masters of the Jiang family all became monks and never came back. "


"This is illusion."

Zhang Sanfeng frowned, feeling a little puzzled.

If Master Zhixiu at Jade Buddha Temple can really cure zombie poison, why use illusion to make all those people become monks?


When everyone heard Zhang Sanfeng's words, they were a little puzzled.

"Yes, let's go to the Jade Buddha Temple to take a look, so that everything will be revealed."

Zhang Sanfeng nodded, and after saying goodbye to Han Yixian, he directly led Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru towards the Jade Buddha Temple.

Soon, Zhang Sanfeng and others came to the Jade Buddha Temple and looked at the Jade Buddha Temple in front of them.

Unlike the dilapidated villages at the foot of the mountain, the Jade Buddha Temple looks a bit magnificent. However, the Jade Buddha Temple is very quiet, so quiet that it has an unrealistic feeling.

Zhang Sanfeng sensed it with his own divine sense, and quickly locked the position of Master Zhixiu, the host of the Jade Buddha Temple. Zhang Sanfeng directly called Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao to rush over there.

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