Soon, he came to the main temple of the Jade Buddha Temple. In the main temple, there were only Master Zhixiu and a monk who did not listen to the wooden fish. .

Chapter 584

Zhang Sanfeng sensed it for a moment, and found that the master Zhixiu sitting in front of him was indeed not a human being, but Zhang Sanfeng couldn't sense what his body was.

"Amitabha, the three benefactors traveled thousands of miles to the Jade Buddha Temple, do they want to ask Lao Na to come down the mountain?"

After seeing a few people, Master Zhixiu asked indifferently.

"That's right, Master Zhixiu, we have traveled thousands of miles to come here, just to ask you to come down the mountain, relieve the plague of zombies for us, and eliminate the harm for the people!"

Hearing Li Xiaoyao's words, Master Zhixiu said with an expressionless face:

"It's rare that a few benefactors have a heart to benefit all people. Lao Na is naturally willing to go down the mountain and help a few people. However, Lao Na has a small request."

Hearing this, Li Xiaoyao immediately muttered in a low voice, "I knew it wasn't that simple."

"Please listen to the old man first."

Having said that, Master Zhixiu suddenly turned his attention to Li Xiaoyao and ~ Zhang Sanfeng:

"When I saw these two benefactors, I felt that the two benefactors were very wise. If the two benefactors are willing to ordination, they will definitely be a good thing for the two benefactors and the world... "


Before Master Zhixiu finished speaking, Lin Yueru immediately rushed to speak.

After speaking, Lin Yueru peeked at Zhang Sanfeng with a slightly unnatural expression.

"What, is it possible that you still want me to become a big bald head like you before you are willing to go down the mountain to save people?"

Li Xiaoyao immediately ran in front of Master Zhixiu, his tone no longer as respectful as before.


Master Zhixiu closed his eyes, the meaning couldn't be more obvious, if Li Xiaoyao and Zhang Sanfeng didn't go home, then Zhixiu would definitely not take action.

"Pretend to be a ghost!"

Zhang Sanfeng frowned. Zhang Sanfeng himself is a Taoist, and he doesn't like people in Buddhism. What's more, the deity of Master Zhixiu is not a human being, so when Zhang Sanfeng heard this now, he just hit him with one move.

At such a close distance, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly shot, let alone a small monster, even the Moon Worship Cult Master might not be able to react.


Zhang Sanfeng's strong spiritual power directly hit Zhixiu's body, Zhixiu's body flew upside down and fell outside.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng's sudden attack, Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru were taken aback, and they hurried out.

I saw that Zhixiu, who was still full of white beards, had turned into a young man. Seeing Zhang Sanfeng, Zhixiu had a trace of fear in his eyes, and hurriedly fled wildly in one direction.

However, this kind of behavior is undoubtedly useless in front of Zhang Sanfeng, not to mention, Zhixiu was injured after being hit by Zhang Sanfeng, and the speed became a little slow.

...................... 0

So Zhang Sanfeng caught up directly.

"Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

Seeing Zhang Sanfeng chasing after him, Zhixiu, who was still indifferent, immediately burst into tears and begged everyone for mercy.

"Hey, you goblin, why are you pretending to be a monk? It's like persuading me to be a monk!"

After seeing this, Lin Yueru and Li Xiaoyao also understood why Zhang Sanfeng suddenly shot, and Li Xiaoyao questioned Zhixiu angrily.

"I'm not trying to harm you, I'm helping you for pleasure."

Zhixiu quickly explained.

"You're still trying to help us?"

Li Xiaoyao looked angry.six.

Chapter 585

"I was originally a string of beads in the hands of Buddha Dharma, and I have been practicing for nine hundred and ninety-nine years."

Zhixiu explained with a sad face:

"To let you become a monk is exactly what is said in the Buddhist scriptures. It is said in the Buddhist scriptures that everyone has Buddha-nature in Purdue. Besides, if I bring them into Buddhism, the Buddha will praise me."

"Don't talk too much nonsense with him. Do you have a way to treat zombie poison? Tell me quickly, or I will kill you."

Zhang Sanfeng looked at Zhixiu in front of him and said with a cold expression.

If you delay for one more second, maybe more people will suffer. Zhang Sanfeng can't afford to delay so much time.

"Don't kill me, I'll take you down the mountain to find the Red Ghost King!"

Zhixiu said quickly: "All of this is done by the Red Ghost King, who controls the Skeleton General behind his back and absorbs the blood of mortals to supplement his skills.

Also, you don't have to call me Master Zhixiu, just call me the little stone of life. The Red Ghost King is now in a general's tomb in the north of Heishui Town. "

After listening to Xiao Shi's words, several people no longer hesitated, and hurriedly followed Xiao Shi to the place where the Red Ghost King was.

As for Zhang Sanfeng, he felt even more joy in his heart. If Zhang Sanfeng remembered correctly, this Red Ghost King had a Five Spirit Orb on his body.

Although Zhang Sanfeng couldn't remember exactly what it was.

Soon, everyone came to a very gloomy place. By the time everyone arrived, the sky had already dimmed, and there were dead bodies everywhere.

Soon, a large amount of miasma surrounded Zhang Sanfeng, Li Xiaoyao, Lin Yueru, and Xiao Shishi.

"Sword Qi Slash!"

Zhang Sanfeng frowned slightly, and directly activated the spiritual power in his body, slashing out a sword energy.

The miasma, which was still very arrogant at first, was completely chopped up and disappeared before it touched the sword.

Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru on the side were very excited when they saw Zhang Sanfeng showing his great power. For Li Xiaoyao, Zhang Sanfeng was his master, and his backer was naturally the stronger the better.

Lin Yueru didn't know why, but after knowing that Zhang Sanfeng was very powerful, she was so excited and happy.

So Lin Yueru was able to comfort herself in her heart. The reason why she was happy was because the stronger Zhang Sanfeng was, the more they would be safe...  

As for the little stone on the side, he was even more afraid in his heart. He had practiced with Patriarch Bodhidharma for so many years.

But he felt that Patriarch Bodhidharma might not be as strong as the person in front of him, and he was even more afraid to think carefully.

Soon, several people stepped into the burial mound, and immediately, countless zombies rushed out and surrounded several people.

"Li Xiaoyao, hand it over to you, these zombies are already dead, their weakness is their heads, just cut off their heads."

Zhang Sanfeng said.

The strength of these zombies is too weak, and they are not even interested in letting Zhang Sanfeng take action.

  It just so happened that Li Xiaoyao's current strength could easily eliminate these zombies, so Zhang Sanfeng said to Li Xiaoyao with great confidence.

"no problem!"

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Li Xiaoyao looked at the densely packed zombies and felt a little nervous in his heart, but he held the sword in his hands and said anyway.

After speaking, Li Xiaoyao rushed in directly. .

Chapter 586

With the weakness, it is very easy to deal with these zombies. After Li Xiaoyao rushed in and killed several zombies one after another, Li Xiaoyao's heart was not so nervous.

Quickly get rid of all the zombies here.

"It seems that this red ghost king is not very good? The people under his hands are dumbfounded."

After killing these zombies, Li Xiaoyao said with some expansiveness.

Soon, several people came to the front of a huge tomb.

As if sensing a few people, the gate of the general's tomb opened by itself.

"Lingzhu is inside."

Zhang Sanfeng felt a little excited, and although he no longer hesitated, he rushed in.

"Who? Dare to break in here without authorization!!" 17

The general skeleton and the red ghost king sensed Zhang Sanfeng's intrusion at the same time.

"Wan Jian Jue!"

Zhang Sanfeng let out a low roar, and the spiritual power in his body erupted like a flood.

Thousands of sharp swords were directly formed, and the General Skeleton and the Red Ghost King had just appeared before they were killed by Zhang Sanfeng.

"Earth Spirit Pearl!"

Zhang Sanfeng held the Earth Spirit Orb in his hand, and a trace of joy flashed in his eyes.

The Scarlet Ghost King's strength is indeed not weaker than the average person, but in front of a person of Zhang Sanfeng's level, he still seems to be weak.

Not only Zhang Sanfeng, Shushan Wine Sword Immortal, Sword Saint, and the Moon Worshiping Sect Leader of Nanzhao Kingdom can easily defeat the Red Ghost King.

As for why the Scarlet Ghost King is so weak, he can still control the Earth Spirit Orb, Zhang Sanfeng thinks that it is most likely because other people don't know the reason why the Earth Spirit Orb is on the Scarlet Ghost King's side.

"Hey, where is my master? Isn't there any danger?"

Li Xiaoyao turned his head and found that Zhang Sanfeng was gone, and was immediately anxious.

"Don't be so cunning! Zhang Sanfeng is so powerful, he will be fine."

Lin Yueru scolded Li Xiaoyao.

"Don't worry, which Daoist Zhang Sanfeng is stronger than Patriarch Bodhidharma. There should be nothing in this world that can hurt him."

Xiao Shishi was quite knowledgeable and explained a sentence, which made Li Xiaoyao and Lin Yueru's hearts calm down a little.

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