Tang Yuxiaobao still knew in his heart, even though Elder Shi's adoptive father was very strict with him, but in his heart, Elder Shi was still very kind to Tang Yuxiaobao.

Moreover, in addition to some extremes in the character of Elder Shi, other aspects are still very good.

If it wasn't for Li Xiaoyao and Zhang Sanfeng's group, and they had already solved the zombie disaster.

Even if Princess Ling'er has not been found, Elder Shi will leave the others behind and go to find Princess Ling'er by himself, and all the others are here to help the villagers.

Zhang Sanfeng and Li Xiaoyao didn't know yet that Elder Shi and Tang Yuxiaobao had already set their sights on the two of them.

"In front of you is Zhang Sanfeng, Daochang Zhang?"

Just as Li Xiaoyao and Zhang Sanfeng continued to move towards the next destination, suddenly, a team of about fifty officers and soldiers called out to Zhang Sanfeng.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"Yes, that's right, it's me, what's the matter?"

Zhang Sanfeng glanced at the officers and soldiers suspiciously.

To be reasonable, they should have nothing to do with the officers and soldiers of the Tang Dynasty.

After all, no matter how powerful the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was, this was still a world of immortal cultivation.

Although the Tang Dynasty must have recruited a lot of people who were not weak like Lin Tiannan, they were still a little weak in front of Zhang Sanfeng.


Moreover, it is impossible to clean up a powerful immortal cultivator. Once he escapes, in terms of the strength of the immortal cultivator, no one can afford such revenge.

Therefore, the Tang Dynasty and the cultivation world have always been non-interfering with each other. Of course, another reason is that because of the existence of Shushan, the practitioners do not dare to be too presumptuous.

What's more, judging from the tone of the officer and soldier, Zhang Sanfeng is still relatively respectful, so it shouldn't be a bad thing.

"It's good that it's Zhang Zhenren. The news of Zhang Zhenren has already reached Chang'an. Emperor Tang must be here, invite Zhang Zhenren to Chang'an, and His Majesty will reward Zhang Zhenren well." Six.

Chapter 590

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, the identity of Zhang Sanfeng was confirmed, and the officer's face was full of joy.

"There's no need for the reward, I still have something to do, so leave."

Zhang Sanfeng waved his hand, he was not short of gold and silver, so the Tang Emperor's award was not particularly attractive to Zhang Sanfeng.

After speaking, Zhang Sanfeng was about to leave, but just a few steps away, he was stopped by those officers and soldiers again.

Seven Nine-Three, "Zhang Zhenren, please stop and listen to the conditions that our majesty has set out."

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng was about to leave, the officer and soldier became anxious in an instant.

You must know that the situation of their country is not good now, there are demons everywhere, and Shushan, after the battle more than ten years ago, has not recovered its vitality.

Therefore, in the current Tang Dynasty, there is an urgent need for someone who can guard the Tang Dynasty. In this case, those demons will not dare to make trouble.

And Zhang Sanfeng is undoubtedly the most suitable candidate at present.

In terms of popularity, it may be a little inferior, but after Zhang Sanfeng became the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty, everything was not a problem.

Looking at other things, Zhang Sanfeng's strength, the news of Zhang Sanfeng's defeat of the Red Ghost King has already spread, although only a very small amount of information is known.

However, Zhang Sanfeng also proved his strength. The Red Ghost King is also a relatively powerful demon, but he is still not Zhang Sanfeng's opponent. From this, we can see Zhang Sanfeng's strength.

Therefore, once Zhang Sanfeng became the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty, those demons in the Tang Dynasty would definitely not dare to be as reckless as they are now.

"His Majesty the Tang Emperor has promised that as long as Zhenren Zhang agrees, he can immediately become the national teacher of our Tang Dynasty, and he can also choose three things as rewards from the Tang Dynasty's treasury."

Such conditions are not low. You must know that the National Teacher of the Tang Dynasty is the official title of the first grade, especially in this world, the National Teacher of the Tang Dynasty is only equivalent to one person under ten thousand people.

What's more, in Datang's treasury, you can choose three things.

Datang's national strength is strong, especially the treasures in the treasury are numerous, and there are not a few things that can enhance Zhang Sanfeng's strength within the thousand-year-old ganoderma lucidum.

What's more, in Zhang Sanfeng's eyes, the most important thing is the position of the national teacher.

Zhang Sanfeng really didn't expect that Tang Huang actually put so much effort into trying to recruit him.

You must know that in the world of immortal cultivation, any official position is linked to luck.

Once Zhang Sanfeng becomes the national teacher of Datang, then with the blessing of Datang's luck, Zhang Sanfeng's strength will definitely improve a lot.

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng has no reason to refuse. What's more, if Zhang Sanfeng wants to leave, he only needs to publicize the retreat.

It is difficult for Zhang Sanfeng alone to have a relatively large role in slaying demons and eliminating demons. Zhang Sanfeng's existence is more used as a deterrent.

Thinking of this, Zhang Sanfeng did not hesitate, and temporarily agreed to the officer's request.

The monster that really wants Zhang Sanfeng to take action is most likely to be the strength of a big demon. With such an existence, even if Zhang Sanfeng does not take action, Shushan will take action.

What's more, if Zhang Sanfeng wants to collect Qi Wu Lingzhu, he has to face those monsters, so how to see the matter of becoming the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty has only advantages and no disadvantages for Zhang Sanfeng. .

Chapter 591

Therefore, Zhang Sanfeng immediately agreed.

After hearing that Zhang Sanfeng agreed, the officer and soldier were undoubtedly very happy. It was not too late.

For some reason, many monsters suddenly attacked Zhang Sanfeng in the middle, but they were all easily solved by Zhang Sanfeng.

Zhang Sanfeng guessed that it might be because he had the aura of the Earth Spirit Orb, so those monsters would attack him.

It's just that these monsters came to bring food to Zhang Sanfeng. These 17 also made the dozens of soldiers who led Zhang Sanfeng back to the Tang Dynasty more confident in Zhang Sanfeng's strength in their hearts.

Zhang Sanfeng was also quite puzzled in his heart. You must know that Shushan's strength is still incomparably huge, and it is the world's largest sect.

Moreover, it is still sitting in the Tang Dynasty. Generally speaking, there should be no monsters in the Tang Dynasty who dare to act indiscriminately.

But the reality is just the opposite. It seems that all the monsters don't take Shushan seriously, which makes Zhang Sanfeng very puzzled.

After several days of long-distance travel, I finally came to Chang'an.

As soon as he arrived in Chang'an, Emperor Tang seemed to be impatient. He summoned Zhang Sanfeng directly, and in the courtroom, announced that Zhang Sanfeng had become the new national teacher of the Tang Dynasty.

Because Tang Huang had already explained Zhang Sanfeng's strength in advance, and especially said that Zhang Sanfeng killed the Red Ghost King by himself, no one present objected.

After the next dynasty, Emperor Tang also specially received Zhang Sanfeng.

"Well, His Majesty Tang Huang, I have one thing that I'm rather puzzled about."

Looking at Emperor Tang who was quite happy in front of him, Zhang Sanfeng thought about it and asked directly:

"If I remember correctly, Shushan should be the largest faction in the world, and its disciples are extremely powerful. Why haven't they seen Shushan disciples subjugate demons and eliminate demons all these years?"

Zhang Sanfeng was really puzzled about this. You must know that during this time, Zhang Sanfeng has also been walking in Datang for a long time.

Zhang Sanfeng has also gone about half of the land area of ​​Datang, but Zhang Sanfeng has never met any disciple of Shushan.

Originally, Zhang Sanfeng felt that he just didn't encounter it, so Zhang Sanfeng didn't particularly care about it.

But it wasn't until before that the officers and soldiers under the Tang Emperor found Zhang Sanfeng and wanted Zhang Sanfeng to become the national teacher of the Tang Dynasty. Zhang Sanfeng felt something was wrong.

Even Jiujianxian, who had met Zhang Sanfeng several times before, disappeared after he taught Li Xiaoyao his swordsmanship.

"This... the national teacher still doesn't know something. In fact, it's not Shushan's fault. No one expected such a result."

Hearing Zhang Sanfeng's words, Emperor Tang sighed softly and asked Zhang Sanfeng:

"I don't know if Zhang Zhenzhen knows that fifty years ago, a major event happened in this world, a major event that almost destroyed the entire world."

Hearing Tang Huang's words, Zhang Sanfeng fell into contemplation.

Fifty years ago, the event that destroyed the world?

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it and found that he didn't have any memory. After all, Zhang Sanfeng was not a native of this world.

Suddenly, Zhang Sanfeng seemed to remember something, stared at the Tang Emperor in front of him, and said in disbelief, "You mean... Xie Jianxian? But as far as I know, Xie Jianxian is already dead. ".

Chapter 592

Being stared at by Zhang Sanfeng's sharp eyes, Tang Huang couldn't help but take two steps back, but he still calmed down.

Emperor Tang also knew that Zhang Sanfeng did not do it on purpose, so Emperor Tang did not take this matter to heart, but continued to explain to Zhang Sanfeng:

"That's right, it's the Evil Sword Immortal, it's true that the Evil Sword Immortal is dead, but the Evil Sword Immortal has left behind a bit.

It was only twelve years ago that some movement was revealed, but by then, it was already too late. "

After Emperor Tang's explanation, Zhang Sanfeng probably understood what happened.

It turned out that the evil sword fairy had unified the demon world, the ghost world, and the demon world.

So we have already started to prepare to break the barrier between the six realms.

Although the six realms are unified and ruled by the emperor of the god realm, each of the six realms has barriers and cannot be easily passed.

Except for some top-level powerhouses, ordinary demons, ghosts, and monsters cannot leave their own world at all.

But who would have thought that the barrier between the demon world and the ghost world connecting the human world was broken by a small crack, and the demons in the demon world and the ghost world thought this was an opportunity.

So after decades of attacking the barrier, just twelve years ago, they finally broke a little barrier and formed a small passage.

You must know that the creatures from the demon world and the ghost world don't have to be less from the human world. What's more, those monsters are much stronger than humans.

Once they are allowed to enter the human world, it will definitely be a waste of life, so all the people in Shushan have already gone to guard the passage, and naturally there is no time to manage the demons in the human world.

"This...' ˇ..."

After Zhang Sanfeng heard it, he didn't know what to say.

Zhang Sanfeng can probably infer that as the demon world, the ghost world, and the people from Shushan continue to fight in the passage, the passage will definitely get bigger and bigger.

At that time, there will be more demons, and more powerful demons will appear, and Shushan will not be able to last for long.

In a few decades at most, this balance will be broken. Thinking of what will happen in the future, Zhang Sanfeng suddenly has an idea of ​​what he needs to do.

"That, Your Majesty, I don't know, can I start a sect in Chang'an City?"

Zhang Sanfeng thought about it, and the best way is to let the realm surpass the demon realm and the ghost realm.

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